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Catalan Politics

Code: 101082 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500259 Political Science and Public Management OT 3 2
2500259 Political Science and Public Management OT 4 2


Jordi Argelaguet Argemí

Teaching groups languages

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It is recommended to all students to have understood and comprehended all concepts related to the subjects Political Behaviour and Spanish Politics.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The main goal of this subject is to provide students with the analytical tools to examine the different elements of the Catalan political system, paying special attention to the transformation that it has suffered in past few years, not only regarding the different profiles of Catalan society, but also its political culture and electoral behaviour.


    Political Science and Public Management
  • Act with ethical responsibility and respect for fundamental rights and duties, diversity and democratic values.
  • Applying the knowledge of the structure and operations of political institutions to problems and practical, real or simulated cases.
  • Arguing from different theoretical perspectives.
  • Assess the social, economic and environmental impact when acting in this field of knowledge.
  • Connecting the different components that shape the structure and operations of political systems and the environment where they interact.
  • Demonstrating good writing skills in different contexts.
  • Demonstrating knowledge about the structure and working of the European Union and its main institutions, as well as identifying the main political actors and recognising the main means of integration.
  • Demonstrating the comprehension of the structure and functioning of political systems in the internal and international arena, both in the analytic area and in the elaboration of intervention proposals or public policies.
  • Demonstrating the understanding of the structure and operations of political institutions.
  • Develop critical thought and reasoning and be able to communicate them effectively, both in your own language and second or third languages.
  • Develop strategies for autonomous learning.
  • Identifying sources of data and conducting bibliographic and documentary searches.
  • Interpreting and applying English texts in an academic way.
  • Make changes to the methods and processes of the area of knowledge to provide innovative responses to the needs and wishes of society.
  • Managing the available time in order to accomplish the established objectives and fulfil the intended task.
  • Managing the main theoretical formulations about political institutions and connecting them with the global structure of political systems, both in the internal and international arenas.
  • Realising effective oral presentations that are suited to the audience.
  • Showing a good capacity for transmitting information, distinguishing key messages for their different recipients.
  • Synthesizing and critically analysing information.
  • Take sex- or gender-based inequalities into consideration when operating within one's own area of knowledge.
  • Using the main information and documentation techniques (ICT) as an essential tool for the analysis.
  • Working autonomously.
  • Working by using quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques in order to apply them to research processes.
  • Working in teams and networking, particularly in interdisciplinary conditions.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Act with ethical responsibility and respect for fundamental rights and duties, diversity and democratic values.
  2. Analysing the electoral processes, including campaigns, parties' electoral strategies, political scenarios and analysis and interpretation of electoral results.
  3. Arguing from different theoretical perspectives.
  4. Assess the social, economic and environmental impact when acting in this field of knowledge.
  5. Connecting the different components that shape the structure and operations of political systems and the environment where they interact.
  6. Demonstrating good writing skills in different contexts.
  7. Demonstrating knowledge about the structure and working of the European Union and its main institutions, as well as identifying the main political actors and recognising the main means of integration.
  8. Demonstrating the comprehension of the structure and functioning of political systems in the internal and international arena, both in the analytic area and in the elaboration of intervention proposals or public policies.
  9. Develop critical thought and reasoning and be able to communicate them effectively, both in your own language and second or third languages.
  10. Develop strategies for autonomous learning.
  11. Explaining political, individual and collective attitudes and behaviours, as well as the education process and expression of political preferences.
  12. Identifying and distinguishing the functioning of the electoral processes.
  13. Identifying sources of data and conducting bibliographic and documentary searches.
  14. Interpreting and applying English texts in an academic way.
  15. Make changes to the methods and processes of the area of knowledge to provide innovative responses to the needs and wishes of society.
  16. Managing the available time in order to accomplish the established objectives and fulfil the intended task.
  17. Realising effective oral presentations that are suited to the audience.
  18. Showing a good capacity for transmitting information, distinguishing key messages for their different recipients.
  19. Synthesizing and critically analysing information.
  20. Take sex- or gender-based inequalities into consideration when operating within one's own area of knowledge.
  21. Using the main information and documentation techniques (ICT) as an essential tool for the analysis.
  22. Working autonomously.
  23. Working by using quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques in order to apply them to research processes.
  24. Working in teams and networking, particularly in interdisciplinary conditions.


1. Historical background

2. "Classic" Catalan Politics: 1980-2003

3. Elements of the Catalan system 1: social profiles

4. Elements of the Catalan system 2: political culture

5. Elements of the Catalan system 3: electoral behaviour & political competition

6. Public Policies: welfare state, gender, and environment

7. Local Politics & Municipalism

8. System transformations:2012 elections

9. A new Catalan System?



The subject evaluation will be based on the students mandatory participation in the three types of activities:

1. Participation in the seminars about the three compulsory readings and writing a commentary about each of them (30%)

2. Work group about the electoral system in Catalonia (40%)

3. Final examination (30%)



The writing of a text commentary about a readings (10%)

2. The writing of the position papers and the participation in class and in the simulations (three in total) (30%)

3. group work for the analysis of the electoral campaign of 14F2021. One party per group (15%)

4. The writing of a final paper about a relevant issue of the class contents (60%: 50% is the end product and 10% is the research question)



Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Classroom debate about a reading regarding a specific issue 10 0.4 1, 20, 4, 2, 3, 8, 9, 11, 17, 12, 18, 5, 24
Theoretical lessons 45 1.8
Type: Supervised      
Tutoring hours 5 0.2
Type: Autonomous      
Preparation of a written commentary about the readings 9 0.36 2, 8, 10, 11, 12, 5, 19, 22
Writing of the answers to the questions for the final examination 35 1.4 1, 20, 4, 7, 6, 9, 11, 16, 13, 12, 18, 23, 22, 24
Writing the final paper 35 1.4 20, 4, 3, 7, 6, 10, 9, 16, 13, 14, 19, 23, 22, 21


The evaluation of the subject will be the combination of the following activities shown in the syllabus: reading controls, work group and final examination.

The final grade is the weighted average of these different activities of evaluation.

There will be three written reading controls. The participation in the associated seminar will be evaluated. The grade of each reading control will weight 10% in the final grade.

There will be a group work, an essany, following the instructions of the professor, about the electoral system of Catalonia. The participation in the debate that will be done will be evaluated. The grade of this essay -and the participation in the debate- will weight 40% of the final grade.

This essay will be given in the fixed deadline, and it will be before the end of the teaching period.

There will be a final examination about the whole syllabus of the subject, according to the instruccions of the professor. The final examination's grade will weight 30% of the final grade. To pass this subject, one must get a grade of 4/10 in the final examination.

Having done one activity of evaluation will prevent the student to receive in the final grade the qualification of "NO ATTENDED".


According to the UAB rules, the students, if so they wish it, have the right to a "unique evaluation".

They must ask for it during the first sessions of the course, by contacting with the professor.

The "unique evalution" will be the delivering in the day of the final examination of an essay (according to the instructions given by the professor) and making a final examination on the whole syllabus of this subject. In this examination, there will be some questions about the three compulsory readings.

This final examination will weight 60% of the final grade, while the essany will weight 40%.


For all the students, there will be the possibility to do a re-evaluation of the final examination and of the readingcontrols; or the final examination in the modality of the "unique evaluation" (depending on each case). The essay will not be able to be re-evalutated.

This re-evaluation will be a new examination and will be held in the day officially set by the Faculty.

This evidence of re-evaluation will follow these criteria:

1. The students who has followed the "continuous evalution", in the case they have failed the final examination, they will be able to do it again. The weight of this exam is 30% of the final grade. They will be able to be evaluated again from the readings' controls which they have failed.  But the readings' controls not done in the proper time will not be able to be re-evaluated. On the day of the exam, the students will have to submit the written answers to some questions on the readings, according to the instructions provided by the lecturer. To pass this subject, it is mandatory to have passed the exam, with a grade equal or greater than 4/10.

2. The students who has followed the "unique evalution", in the case they have failed the final examination, they will be able to do it again. The weight of this exam is 60% of the final grade. To pass this subject, it is mandatory to have passed the exam, with a grade equal or greater than 4/10. Moreover, on the day of the exam, the students will have to submit the answers to some questions about the essay done during the course. These answers will weight 40% of the final grade.




Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Final examination 30% 3 0.12 20, 4, 2, 3, 8, 6, 9, 11, 16, 12, 14, 18, 5, 19, 23, 22, 21
Final paper and public debate 40% 2 0.08 1, 20, 4, 2, 3, 7, 6, 10, 11, 17, 16, 13, 12, 14, 15, 18, 5, 19, 23, 22, 24, 21
Three reading controls and participation in the seminars 30% 6 0.24 2, 3, 8, 7, 6, 9, 17, 16, 12, 18, 5, 19, 22


Compulsory readings:


Seminar 1. Colomines, Agustí (2023): Amnistia i Llibertat! Dies que han fet Catalunya. 28 d'octubre de 1973.

Seminar 2: Lo Cascio, Paola (2008): Nacionalisme i autogovern. Catalunya, 1980-2003, Catarroja - Barcelona: editorial Afers

Seminar 3: Culla, Joan B. (2017): El tsunami. Com i per què el sistema de partits català ha esdevingut irreconeixible. Barcelona: Pòrtic


Recommended readings.


Alquézar, Ramon; i altres: La pàtria dels humans. Història del socialisme català. Barcelona: Edhasa, 2003


Anduiza, Eva: ¿Individuos o sistemas? Las razones de la abstención en Europa Occidental. Madrid CIS 1999


Botella, Joan: “El comportament electoral” a Giner, Salvador (director): La societat catalana Barcelona Generalitat de Catalunya 1998


Cabré, M. Àngels: El llarg viatge de les dones. Feminisme a Catalunya. Barcelona Grup 62 2020.


Caminal, Miquel i Matas, Jordi (eds.): El Sistema Polític de Catalunya; Barcelona; Tecnos; 1998


Canals, Ramon M. i Virós, Rosa: “La geografia electoral de Catalunya” a Equip de Sociologia Electoral: Atlas electoral de Catalunya 1976-1980 Barcelona Fundació Jaume Bofill 1981


Canals, Ramon M. i Virós, Rosa: “L’estructura político-electoral de Catalunya 1977-1984” a Equip de Sociologia Electoral: Decisió electoral i cultura política Barcelona Fundació Jaume Bofill 1986


Colomé, Gabriel: El Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya. Estructura, funcionalment i electorat (1978-1984), Barcelona: edicions 62. 1989


Culla, Joan B.: El paldepaller. Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya (1974-2000). Barcelona: Pòrtic. 2001


Culla, Joan B.: Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (1931-2012). Una història política. Barcelona, La Campana, 2013.


De Riquer, Borja: Identitats contemporànies: Catalunya i Espanya, Vic: Eumo editorial, 2000


Font, Joan; Conteras, Jesús; Rico, Guillem: L’abstenció en les eleccions al Parlament de Catalunya Barcelona Fundació Jaume Bofill-Editorial Mediterrània 1998.


Gomà, Ricard; Subirats, Joan (coords.): Govern i poítiques públiques a Catalunya (1980-2000), Barcelona: edicions de la UB - Servei de Publicacions de la UAB, 2001


Magre, Jaume: "Quaranta anys d'eleccions municipals a Catalunya: Nacionalització electoral i estabilitat política" a Revista Catalana de Dret Públic, (57), 51-71, 2018


Marcet, Joan i Casals, Xavier (eds.): Partidos y elecciones en la Cataluña del siglo XXI Barcelona ICPS 2011


Molas, Isidre i Bartomeus, Oriol: Estructura de la competència política a Catalunya Working Papers, num. 138 Barcelona ICPS 1998


Molas, Isidre i Bartomeus, Oriol: Els espais de frontera entre els electorats Working Papers, num. 165 Barcelona ICPS 1999


Pallarès, Francesc: “Electorats i geografia electoralde Catalunya” a Equip de Sociologia Electoral: Atlas electoral de Catalunya 1982-1988 Barcelona Fundació Jaume Bofill 1990


Pallarès, Francesc; Font, Joan: “Las elecciones autonómicas en Cataluña (1980-1992)” a Del Castillo, Pilar (ed.): Comportamiento político y electoral Madrid, CIS, 1994


Pallarès,Francesc (ed.): Eleccions i comportament electoral a Catalunya 1989-1999. Estudis electorals, 11 Barcelona Editorial Mediterrània/Fundació Jaume Bofill 1999


Riba, Clara: “Voto dual y abstención diferencial. Un estudio sobre el comportamiento electoral en Cataluña” Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociológicas, num. 91 CIS 2000


Risques, Manel (dir.): Història de la Catalunya Contemporània, Barcelona: Pòrtic, (1999)


Rodon, Toni i Orriols, Lluís (eds.): Cataluña en la encrucijada. Las elecciones catalanas de 2012, Madrid: Marcial Pons, 2014,


Termes, Josep: Història del Catalanisme fins al 1923. Barcelona: Pòrtic. 2000


Ubasart-González, Gemma i Martí, Salvador (coords.): Política i Govern a Catalunya; Madrid; Catarata; 2018


Verge, Tània. «On són les dones a les entitats de cultura popular?». Canemàs: revista de pensament associatiu, [en línia], 2018, Núm. 16, p. 30-45, https://raco.cat/index.php/canemas/article/view/381303


Verge, Tània: Dones a les institucions polítiques catalanes: el llarg camí cap a la igualtat (1977-2008); Barcelona; ICPS; 2009


Virós, M. Rosa, Canals Ramon M. i Pallarès, Francesc: “Influència d’alguns factors sòcio-demogràfics i polítics. Perfil dels electorats” a Equip de Sociologia Electoral: L’electorat català a les eleccions autonòmiques de 1988: opinions, actituds i comportaments Barcelona, Fundació Jaume Bofill, 1991






Anduiza, Eva: ¿Individuos o sistemas? Las razones de la abstención en Europa Occidental. Madrid CIS 1999


Botella, Joan: “El comportament electoral” a Giner, Salvador (director): La societat catalana Barcelona Generalitat de Catalunya 1998


Caminal, Miquel i Matas, Jordi (eds.): El Sistema Polític de Catalunya; Barcelona; Tecnos; 1998


Cabré, M. Àngels: El llarg viatge de les dones. Feminisme a Catalunya. Barcelona Grup 62 2020.


Canals, Ramon M. i Virós, Rosa: “La geografia electoral de Catalunya” a Equip de Sociologia Electoral: Atlas electoral de Catalunya 1976-1980 Barcelona Fundació Jaume Bofill 1981


Canals, Ramon M. i Virós, Rosa: “L’estructura político-electoral de Catalunya 1977-1984” a Equip de Sociologia Electoral: Decisió electoral i cultura política Barcelona Fundació Jaume Bofill 1986


Font, Joan; Conteras, Jesús; Rico, Guillem: L’abstenció en les eleccions al Parlament de Catalunya Barcelona Fundació Jaume Bofill-Editorial Mediterrània 1998.


Magre, Jaume: "Quaranta anys d'eleccions municipals a Catalunya: Nacionalització electoral i estabilitat política" a Revista Catalana de Dret Públic, (57), 51-71, 2018


Marcet, Joan i Casals, Xavier (eds.): Partidos y elecciones en la Cataluña del siglo XXI Barcelona ICPS 2011


Molas, Isidre i Bartomeus, Oriol: Estructura de la competència política a Catalunya Working Papers, num. 138 Barcelona ICPS 1998


Molas, Isidre i Bartomeus, Oriol: Els espais de frontera entre els electorats Working Papers, num. 165 Barcelona ICPS 1999


Pallarès, Francesc: “Electorats i geografia electoralde Catalunya” a Equip de Sociologia Electoral: Atlas electoral de Catalunya 1982-1988 Barcelona Fundació Jaume Bofill 1990


Pallarès, Francesc; Font, Joan: “Las elecciones autonómicas en Cataluña (1980-1992)” a Del Castillo, Pilar (ed.): Comportamiento político y electoral Madrid, CIS, 1994


Pallarès, Francesc (ed.): Eleccions i comportament electoral a Catalunya 1989-1999. Estudis electorals, 11 Barcelona Editorial Mediterrània/Fundació Jaume Bofill 1999


Riba, Clara: “Voto dual y abstención diferencial. Un estudio sobre el comportamiento electoral en Cataluña” Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociológicas, num. 91 CIS 2000


Ubasart-González, Gemma i Martí, Salvador (coords.): Política i Govern a Catalunya; Madrid; Catarata; 2018


Verge, Tània. «On són les dones a les entitats de cultura popular?». Canemàs: revista de pensament associatiu, [en línia], 2018, Núm. 16, p. 30-45, https://raco.cat/index.php/canemas/article/view/381303


Verge, Tània: Dones a les institucions polítiques catalanes: el llarg camí cap a la igualtat (1977-2008); Barcelona; ICPS; 2009


Virós, M. Rosa, Canals Ramon M. i Pallarès, Francesc: “Influència d’alguns factors sòcio-demogràfics i polítics. Perfil dels electorats” a Equip de Sociologia Electoral: L’electorat català a les eleccions autonòmiques de 1988: opinions, actituds i comportaments Barcelona, Fundació Jaume Bofill, 1991


No specific programs required for this course.