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Social Psychology

Code: 100448 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500257 Criminology FB 1 2


Francisco Javier Elejabarrieta Olabarri

Teaching groups languages

You can check it through this link. To consult the language you will need to enter the CODE of the subject. Please note that this information is provisional until 30 November 2023.


Nuria Michelena Fernandez Cereceda



Objectives and Contextualisation

1. Demonstrate  understanding  about  social psychology foundations, their relationship with criminology and  being able and critically reflect on them
2. Being able to use criminological methods to analize data on crime, conflict and social control and being able to reflect on possible responses to these problems,
3. Knowing the management of basic tools for working in multidisciplinary teams.


  • Ability to analyse and summarise.
  • Drawing up an academic text.
  • Properly using the legal, psychological, pedagogical and sociological language.
  • Students must demonstrate they know the psychological and sociological concepts and foundations of criminology.
  • Using research methods in social sciences in order to diagnose criminality problems.
  • Working autonomously.
  • Working in teams and networking.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Ability to analyse and summarise.
  2. Applying the vocabulary of legal psychology.
  3. Drawing up an academic text.
  4. Laying the foundations for the psychological foundations of criminology.
  5. Using research methods in those psychological fields related with criminology.
  6. Working autonomously.
  7. Working in teams and networking.



1. What is Social Psychology? Social Psychology & Criminology


2. Impression formation and Implicit theories of personality

3. Self-presentation and impression management

4. Cognitive biases and heuristics

  i. Information input/heuristics bias

  ii. Attribution processes biases

  iii. Information output biases


5. Attitudes and influence(s) on them

6. Conformity and pressure for uniformity

7. Obedience and authority

8. Persuasion


9. Social categorization and Stereotypes

10. Individual identity and social identity

11. Intergroup relations, Prejudice and Social Discrimination


12. Cohesion

13. Leadership


EV1, EV2. Individual deliveries. Analysis of own experiences and/or readings applying theoretical content developed in the classroom and extended with bibliography.
EV3. Group delivery. Sentence analysis.
EV4. Active and positive participation in group dynamics sessions (including in classroom seminar hours)
EV5. Final examination. Multiple choice response exam.

All subject materials (guide, session materials, submission requests, etc.) are reviewed to ensure non-sexist language use. Furthermore, the requested submissions must be adapted to a language that is neither sexist nor discriminatory on the grounds of belonging to any social group or category

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Lectures 18 0.72
Seminar (includes EV4) 18 0.72
Type: Supervised      
Mentoring 1 0.04
Type: Autonomous      
Exam (EV5) 5 0.2
Individual Work (EV1, EV2, EV3) 66 2.64
Team work (EV3) 42 1.68


1. Evaluation model
Continuous evaluation so that the students, together with the teachers, can monitor their degree of achievement of the teaching objectives and competences. In this way, students take an active role in guiding and promoting their own learning process.
The students will present 3 individual learning evidences and a group work. In the seminar will be carried out collaborative work, susceptible to be evaluated. At the end of the semester students will do a multiple choice exam on the contents worked on in the subject.
Attendance is mandatory at 80%, except reasonable justification.

2. Conditions of the evaluation
Assistance to lectures and seminars (minimum 80%, except reasonable justification).
Only evidences that follows the instructions contained in the evidence guide will be evaluated.

3. Requirements to pass the subject
It is necessary to obtain a minimum of 4 in each one of the items of the evaluation (individual works, group work and final proof).
The EV4 implies a dynamic in the classroom, with the rest of the work group, where each of the members is evaluated their ability as facilitators of an activity. Attendance to this day is mandatory. If in case of force majeure, the day assigned to the group can not be revitalized, this task must be recovered individually at the end of the course (according to the calendar of the subject). In case of not being able to attend this recovery, it will imply a mark of "Non evaluable".

4. Resit
In case of filling some of the evidences, students will have the opportunity of a second chance. Professors will allow to repeat individual works during the teaching period once the teachers' feed-back has been received regarding the activities, according to the stipulated calendar. I case of filing the final exam, there will be an opportunity to repeat the exam in the day fixed by the faculty.

5. Fraudulent conducts
If there is evidence of plagiarism in works or cheating in exams, the mark will be "0", loosing the right of reassessment.

6. Punctuality

Sessions start on time. Late arrival and early departure are not allowed, excep reasonable justification.

B) Single Evaluation System

1. Multiple choice response test.

This test will include the contents of the theoretical classes as well as the materials and required bibliography indicated for each subject.

2. Report of analysis and reflection including:

i. A section on the impressions formation and management impressions

ii A sectrion developing a manipulative experience

iii A section on psychosocial analysis of a judgment

This report will have a maximum of 10 pages and will be presented virtually in Moodle of the subject on the set date for the single assessment

For the development of this report, materials and bibliography provided in the "workshops" section of the Moodle must be used.

3. A synthesis of the material provided for performing group dynamics

This synthesis will be done with the materials provided in the Moodle group dynamics section of the subject and will have to cover all the themes of the proposed 5 group dynamics.

The synthesis report will be presented virtually in the Moodle subject on the set date for the single evaluation.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
EV1 & EV2. Individual Work 36 0 0 2, 4, 3, 1, 6, 5
EV3. Group Work 18 0 0 2, 4, 3, 1, 6, 7, 5
EV4. Active and positive participation in group dynamics sessions 10 0 0 2, 4, 1, 7, 5
EV5. Exam 36 0 0 2, 4, 1, 6


Mandatory readings:

For each topic subject in the Moodle Theory section of the subject, the corresponding mandatory readings are provided.

Basic references:

Ibañez, T (coord.) (1997). Psicologia Social. Edicions de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

Feliu, J (Coord.); Calsamiglia,  A., Cubells, J.,  Martínez, L.,  Pallí, C. i  Pujal, M. (2019) Bases psicosociales en Criminologia. Ed. UOC.

Complementary references:

Albert, L. i  Simon, P. (1989). Las relaciones interpersonales. Herder.

Albert, L- i  Simon, P. (1989). Las relaciones interpersonales. Manual del animador. Herder.

Barker, M. i Scheele, J (2017). Queer. Una historia gráfica. Ed. Melusina.

Burr, Vivian (1995). Introducció al construccionisme social. Edicions de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya i Proa.

Cardona, P. (2011). Cómo desarrollar las competencias de liderazgo. Ed: EUNSA Ediciones Universidad de Navarra

Ibáñez, T. (2001). Psicología Social Construccionista.  Universidad de Guadalajara.

Íñiguez, L. (2001). Identidad: de lo personal a lo social: un recorrido conceptual. En E. Crespo (Ed), La constitución social de la subjetividad. (pp. 209-225).  Catarata.

Gordo, A. J. i  Linaza, J. L. (Eds.) (1996). Psicologías, discursos y poder.  Visor.

Moscovici, S. (1985). PsicologíaSocial I i II.  Ediciones Paidós.

Sánchez, E. (2000). Teoría del liderazgo situacional en la administración local: validez del modelo. Psicothema, 12 (3), 435-439.

Shotter, J. (1993). Realidades conversacionales. La construcción de la vida a través del lenguaje.  Amorrortu.


The delivery of the evidence, the evaluation and feedback thereof will be carried out through the Moddle platform within the framework of the UAB Virtual Campus.