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Modern History of Catalonia

Code: 100027 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2502758 Humanities OB 3 2


David Alegre Lorenz

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Objectives and Contextualisation

"History of Contemporary Catalonia" is a subject of 6 credits that inserts within the subject of History along with "Prehistory and ancient history", "Medieval history", also of the second year, and "History of modern Catalonia" of the third year. Part of the 60 core credits programmed for Humanities students' third year, together with other subjects of Classical Philology, Philosophy, Language, Art, Universal Literature, Catalan and Spanish Literature, Geography, Current World, Cultural Management and Communication The subject deals with the main social processes and cultural facts of contemporary Catalonia.


  • Critically analysing the contemporary culture.
  • Critically analysing today's culture and its historical conditions.
  • Developing critical thinking and reasoning and communicating them effectively both in your own and other languages.
  • Identifying the historical processes of contemporary culture.
  • Respecting the diversity and plurality of ideas, people and situations.
  • Students must be capable of collecting and interpreting relevant data (usually within their area of study) in order to make statements that reflect social, scientific or ethical relevant issues.
  • Students must be capable of communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analysing the historical processes that led to armed conflicts.
  2. Critically analysing the past, the nature of the historical speech and the social function of historical science.
  3. Critically analysing the patterns explaining the historical phases.
  4. Critically assessing the various current approaches to the study of the history of Catalonia.
  5. Drawing up an academic text using the discipline's specific vocabulary.
  6. Effectively working in teams and respecting different opinions.
  7. Engaging in debates about historical facts respecting the other participants' opinions.
  8. Explaining the most relevant historical processes of the Modern Period.
  9. Identifying the key concepts in explaining the Modern Period.
  10. Identifying the key historical concepts of the current Spanish and Catalan societies.
  11. Identifying the main and secondary ideas and expressing them with linguistic correctness.
  12. Identifying the social and economic tensions that triggered the transition from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Period.
  13. Identifying the social, economic and political structures of the contemporary world.
  14. Interpreting the regulatory information that is located in the web pages of regulatory institutions.
  15. Organising and planning the search of historical information.
  16. Organising and summarising the different explanations about the causes of social change in the different historical stages of the Catalan society.
  17. Properly using the specific vocabulary of History.
  18. Reading and interpreting historiographical texts or original documents and transcribing, summarising and cataloguing information from the Middle Ages.
  19. Recognising the most appropriate bibliographic databases in order to obtain sources of a specific issue.
  20. Using the characteristic computing resources of the field of History.
  21. Using the characteristic investigation sources of the history of Catalonia.


Introductory Module. The Origins of Contemporary Catalonia, 1808-1875

Total War and Its Political and Social Dimensions, 1808-1814 and Beyond

The Construction of the Modern Bureaucratic State in Catalonia During the 19th Century

First Industrialization and Capitalism: the Economic and Social Particularities of Catalonia in the 19th Century

The Political Experience of the Sexenni Democratic in Catalonia, 1868-1874



Module I. The Keys of the Restoration Regime in Catalonia (1876-1901)


The System of the Restoration and the Particularities of caciquismo in Catalonia

Fin-de-siècle, Crisis of Capitalism, Colonial War and Crisis of the State

The Origins of Political Catalanism, 1868-1896

The Emergence of the Liga Regionalista Following the Loss of Cuba, 1887-1901

The Foundations of Social Conflict in Catalonia at the Turn of the Century


Module II. The Crisis of the Restoration and the Emergence of a Mass Society in Catalonia (1901-1923)


A Radically Modern Labor Movement, 1909-1919: la Semana Tràgica

The Keys of the Second Industrial Revolution and the First Great Migration Wave

The Consolidation of the CNT as a Trade Union Center and the Role of Violence, 1910-1923

La Liga Regionalista, Catalan Regenerationism and Francesc Cambó


Module III. The turbulent twenties and thirties


The Dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera in Catalonia: Catalanism and Labour Movement in the Face of Repression, 1923-1929

Catalonia Between the Great Depression, the proclamation of theSecond Republic, and the Implementation of the Generalitat, 1929-1935

The Coup and the Violence in the Catalan Rearguard of the Second Republic, 1936-1937

The Civil War in Catalonia and Francoist Occupation, 1937-1939


Module IV. Catalonia under Franco


The Long Post-War Period in Catalonia: Between Resistance, Collaboration and Adaptation (1939-1953)

Economic Growth, Immigration and New Forms of Opposition against Francoism (1954-1976)


Module V. Political Struggle and Change: from Dictatorship to Democracy (1976-1996)


The Struggle for Democracy: Freedom, Amnesty and Self-Government (1976-1980)

The Consolidation of the Catalan Self-Governance Model and Democracy under Pujolsism (1980-1996)


Assistance to lectures led by the teacher.

Assistance to sessions of seminars and practices directed by the professor. Comprehensive reading of texts.
Carrying out analyzes, reviews and reviews. Personal study
Attentive reading of the guidelines contained in the web page http://wuster.uab.es/web_argumenta_obert/#, which has been prepared by the Catalan-speaking universities as a whole, is recommended. Here you will find how to prepare the exams, how to prepare a review or write an article.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Sessions of seminars and practices directed by / by the teacher 37.5 1.5 2, 10, 13, 11, 16, 19
Theoretical classes directed by the teacher 15 0.6 2, 6
Type: Supervised      
Paused learning exercises 3 0.12 2, 11, 6
Tutorials 12 0.48 14, 15, 19
Type: Autonomous      
Personal study 30 1.2 14, 15, 19
Theoretical classes directed by the teacher 45 1.8


Continuous evaluation:


Theoretical tests:

- Two partial examinations: 30% each one=60%

(The first partial examination will be done in the middle of the semester and the second at the end of the semester)


Practical tests:

- Work 1: (25%) on a historical personage related to the world of Humanities that has been relevant in the period covered throughout the subject.

- Work 2 (15%) on the question of subjectivity at an epistemological level, taking advantage of the historical particularities and the present problems of Catalonia, an activity in which the students must consider an autobiographical work in which they question their motivations to choose Humanities, but above all how his personal reality (material-economic factors, gender factor, geographical-cultural origin, family, memory, linguistic questions, activisms, etc.) decisively determines his way of approaching the past o analyzing human facts, event his/her understanding of the present.

The final mark of the subject is obtained by averaging the marks according to the above-mentioned percentages. In order to pass the subject, it is necessary to have completed the two exams and the two works.


Under no circumstances will be made average mark if the student has a grade lower than 3.5 in any of the two exams. This circumstance will entail having to repeate the corresponding part/s of the subject/s.


The student who does not reach 5 points will have the right to take the resit test as long as he meets these requirements:

- she/he has done both works (if works have not been delivered she/he cannot go to resit)

- she/he has a minimum overall grade of no less than 3

- shehe has an average grade of not less than 3.5 for the two partials


The student can review with the professor the contents and marks of all the tests and works.

The practical tests and assignments will not be retaken, and in the event that the student has to go to retake one of the two partial examinations, the passed partial examinations and works will be considered in the average score with the resit.

In any case, the student who has to go to retake cannot aspire to get more than a 5 in the final mark of the subject.

Other considerations: Assignments will have to be submitted on the dates set by the professor, except for justified reasons. For each lesson of delay in the presentation of the work, the mark of the work will be lowered by two points. For each misspelling that appears in the work, the grade of the task in question will be lowered by 0.2 points.

The student will receive the grade of Non-evaluable as long as he has not delivered more than 30% of the evaluation activities.

If the student commits any irregularity that could lead to a significant variation in the grade of an evaluation act he will be graded with a 0 in that task or exam, regardless of the disciplinary process that may be instituted. In the event that several irregularities occur in the evaluation acts the final grade will be 0.

If the tests cannot be taken in person, their format will be adapted (maintaining their weighting) to the possibilities offered by the UAB's virtual tools. Homework, activities and participation in class will be done through forums, wikis and/or discussions of exercises through Teams, etc. The professor will make sure that the student can access it or will offer her/him alternative means that are available.


Single evaluation:


In those cases where students opt for the single form of evaluation due to the need to reconcile their work and family life, the system used to assess the acquisition of the required skills will be as follows:


Theoretical tests:

- A single final exam with a value of 50% of the total grade, to be distributed between an oral interview (25%) and a written test (25%) both the same day.


Practical tests:

- Trabajo 1 (25%) small research on an specific case study, an individual trajectory, a phenomenon, an event or a relevant organization at some point in the period studied throughout the course. The choice will be agreed upon with the teacher in person or electronically and will form part of the evaluation.

- Work 2 (25%) preparation of a combined review of two books from the bibliographic list, establishing the links between the problems, theses and general arguments present in both works, points of debate and discussion between them, etc.


The final mark of the subject is obtained by averaging the marks according to the above-mentioned percentages. In order to pass the subject, it is necessary to have completed both parts of the exam and the two works.


Under no circumstances will be made average mark if the student has a grade lower than 3.5 in final theoretical test. This circumstance will entail having to retake the subject in the resit test.


The student who does not reach 5 points will have the right to take the resit test as long as he meets these requirements:

- she/he has done both works (if works have not been delivered she/he cannot go to resit)

- she/he has a minimum overall grade of no less than 3

- shehe has an average grade of not less than 3.5 for the two partials


The student can review with the professor the contents and marks of all the tests and works.

The practical tests and assignments will not be retaken, and in the event that the student has to go to retake one of the two partial examinations, the passed partial examinations and works will be considered in the average score with the resit.

In any case, the student who has to go to retake cannot aspire to get more than a 5 in the final mark of the subject.

Other considerations: Assignments will have to be submitted onthe dates set by the professor, except for justified reasons. For each lesson of delay in the presentation of the work, the mark of the work will be lowered by two points. For each misspelling that appears in the work, the grade of the task in question will be lowered by 0.2 points.

The student will receive the grade of Non-evaluable as long as he has not delivered more than 30% of the evaluation activities.

If the student commits any irregularity that could lead to a significant variation in the grade of an evaluation act he will be graded with a 0 in that task or exam, regardless of the disciplinary process that may be instituted. In the event that several irregularities occur in the evaluation acts the final grade will be 0.

If the tests cannot be taken in person, their format will be adapted (maintaining their weighting) to the possibilities offered by the UAB's virtual tools. Homework, activities and participation in class will be done through forums, wikis and/or discussions of exercises through Teams, etc. The professor will make sure that the student can access it or will offer her/him alternative means that are available.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Exercises in class 10 1 0.04 2, 1, 4, 3, 5, 10, 13, 11, 14, 15, 16, 7, 19, 6, 17, 20, 21
Written and oral works 50 3 0.12 2, 1, 4, 3, 8, 9, 10, 13, 11, 12, 18, 16, 17
work 1 25 2 0.08 14, 15, 19
work 2 15 1.5 0.06 5, 17, 20, 21


ARMENGOL, Josep; RUBÍ, Gemma, Vots, electors i corrupció. Una reflexió sobre l'apatia política a Catalunya, 1869-1923, Barcelona, Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 2012.

BALCELLS, Albert (dir), Història de Catalunya, Barcelona, L'Esfera dels Llibres, 2004.

EALHAM, Chris, La lluita per Barcelona. Classe, cultura i conflicte (1898-1937), Barcelona, Virus, 2022.

ESCULILES, Joan, Tarradellas. Una cierta idea de Cataluña, Barcelona, RBA, 2022.

ESCULIES, Joan y MARTÍNEZ FIOL, David, 12.000! Els catalans a la Primera Guerra Mundial, Barcelona, ARA Llibres, 2014.

FERRÉ BALDRICH, Meritxell, El maig de les dones. El moviment feminista a Catalunya durant la Transició, Tarragona, Publicacions URV, 2018.

FERRER, Ll.; RODÓ, J.; RUBÍ, G.; TORRAS, M., Història de l'autogovern de Catalunya, Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya, 2006. 

FONTANA, Josep, La fi de l'Antic Règim i la industrialització (1787-1868), Barcelona, Edicions 62, 1998.

GABRIEL, Pere (dir), Història de la Cultura Catalana, 10 vols., Eds. 62, Barcelona, 1998-1999.

GONZÀLEZ I VILALTA, A., LÓPEZ, M., UCELAY-DA CAL, E., 6 d’octubre. El fracàs de la revolució catalanista de 1934, Barcelona, Base, 2014.

GONZÀLEZ I VILALTA, A., FORTI, S., UCELAY-DA CAL, E., El proceso separatista en Cataluña. Análisis de un pasado reciente (2006-2017), Granada, Comares, 2017.

GONZÀLEZ I VILALTA, Arnau, La nació imaginada. Els fonaments dels Països Catalans (1931-1939), València, Afers, 2006.

HURTADO, Víctor, MESTRE, Jesús i MISERACHS, Toni, Atles d'Història de Catalunya, Barcelona, Edicions 62, 1995.

MARÍN, Martí, ¡Ha llegado España! La política del franquisme a Catalunya (1938-1977), Vic, Eumo, 2019.

MARÍN, Dolors, Dones pioneres en la lluita pels drets civils, Barcelona, Angle, 2018.

MARTÍN RAMOS, José Luis, La rereguarda en guerra.Catalunya, 1936-1937, Barcelona, L’Avenç, 2012.

MARTIN RAMOS, José Luis, Territori capital. La guerra civil a Catalunya, 1937-1939, Barcelona, L'Avenç, 2015.

MOLINERO, Carme i YSÀS, Pere (coords.), Contruint la ciutat democràtica. El moviment veïnal durant el tardofranquisme i la transició, Barcelona, Icaria, 2010.

PALA, Giaime, Cultura clandestina. Los intelectuales del PSUC bajo el franquismo, Granada, Comares, 2016.

PUIGSECH, Josep, La Revolució Russa i Catalunya, Vic, Eumo, 2017.

RICO GARCÍA, Antoni, Joan Fuster i el pensament nacional. Entre el probllema i el programa, València, Afers, 2021.

RIQUER, Borja de, Francesc Cambó: l'últim retrat, Barcelona, Edicions 62, 2022.

RIQUER, Borja de (dir.), Història Mundial de Catalunya, Barcelona, Edicions 62, 2018.

RISQUES, Manuel (dir.), DUARTE, Àngel, RIQUER, Borja de, ROIG ROSICH, Josep Maria, Història de la Catalunya contemporània. De la guerra del Francès al nou Estatut, Barcelona, Mina Editorial, 2006.

ROCA VERNET, Jordi i MIQUEL MAGRINYÀ, Núria, La bullanga de Barcelona: 25 de juliol de 1835, Barcelona, Rosa dels Vents, 2021.

RODRIGO Y ALHARILLA, Martín, Un hombre, mil negocios. La controvertida historia de Antonio López, marqués de Comillas, Madrid, Ariel, 2021.

SOBREQUÉS I CALLICÓ, Jaume (director), Història contemporània de Catalunya, vols. I i II, Barcelona, Columna, 1997-1998.

TOLEDANO GONZÁLEZ, Lluís Ferran, La Catalunya dels furs carlins, 1 de novembre de 1874, Barcelona, Rosa dels Vents, 2022.

UCELAY-DA CAL, E., GONZÀLEZ I VILALTA, A., NÚÑEZ SEIXAS, X. M., El catalanisme davant del Feixisme (1919-2018), Maçanet de la Selva, Gregal, 2018.

UCELAY DA CAL: El imperialismo catalán: Prat de la Riba, Cambó, D’Ors y la conquista moral de España, Madrid, Edhasa, 2003.

