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Adult Nursing Care II

Code: 106111 ECTS Credits: 3
Degree Type Year Semester
2500891 Nursing OB 3 1


David Tellez Velasco

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
spanish (spa)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


This subject does not have prerequisites, although it is recommended to have completed and passed previously the subject of Nursing Care in the Adult Patient I.

Objectives and Contextualisation

It is a 3 ECTS compulsory subject taught during first semester of third year.

Main objective

This subject aims to provide the student with the necessary training for the correct provision of nursing care to people with prevalent health problems in our environment and in life-threatening situations. Likewise, it aims to raise the student's awareness of the benefits derived from helping people to focus on their own resources so, in the event of a health problem, they can achieve the necessary autonomy to make informed decisions about their health.

Specific objectives

At the end of the study of the different thematic units, the student will:

  • Understand the interrelation of the health-disease continuum and identifies the most important processes that trigger the different health alterations.
  • Understand the etiological factors, pathophysiological mechanisms and clinical manifestations of the most prevalent disease processes in adults, as well as the complications that arise and the situations of vital risk.
  • Know the information necessary to make a correct assessment by systems and basic needs of the person being treated.
  • Analyze the information obtained in the assessment in order to identify and formulate the possible problems of the person that will served as a basis for future nursing interventions: nursing diagnoses, interdependent problems and autonomy problems.
  • Plan health-related objectives and interventions / activities necessary to achieve them.
  • Identify the person's potential so autonomy can be achieved during their health-disease process. Contribute to the optimization of the health system in which it is integrated, providing maximum quality care.


  • Design systems for curing aimed at people, families or groups and evaluate their impact, making any necessary changes.
  • Offer technical and professional health care and that this adequate for the health needs of the person being attended, in accordance with the current state of scientific knowledge at any time and levels of quality and safety established under the applicable legal and deontological rules.
  • Plan and carry out nursing care aimed at people, families and groups orientated to health results and evaluate the impact of them using clinical and care practice guides describing the processes for the diagnosis, treatment or cure of a health problem.
  • Promote healthy life styles, self-treatment, giving support to the maintenance of preventative and therapeutic conducts.
  • Protect the health and welfare of people or groups attended guaranteeing their safety.
  • Students must be capable of collecting and interpreting relevant data (usually within their area of study) in order to make statements that reflect social, scientific or ethical relevant issues.
  • Students must have and understand knowledge of an area of study built on the basis of general secondary education, and while it relies on some advanced textbooks it also includes some aspects coming from the forefront of its field of study.
  • Use scientific methodology in interventions.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse the factors involved in the health and welfare of people, families and groups attended to and ensure their safety.
  2. Apply knowledge of physiopathology and factors affecting health in nursing care.
  3. Demonstrate skill in performing nursing procedures and techniques.
  4. Describe the most common health changes in adults, their manifestations (changing needs) and the nursing care to be employed for these health problems.
  5. Develop skills for the application of the scientific method in nursing interventions.
  6. Identify risk factors in the health-illness process on a physical, emotional, social and environmental level.
  7. Justify nursing actions with physiopathological processes.
  8. Students must be capable of collecting and interpreting relevant data (usually within their area of study) in order to make statements that reflect social, scientific or ethical relevant issues.
  9. Students must have and understand knowledge of an area of study built on the basis of general secondary education, and while it relies on some advanced textbooks it also includes some aspects coming from the forefront of its field of study.


1.- Nursing care for people with respiratory disorders.

2.- Nursing care for people with nephrourological disorders.

3.- Nursing care for critically ill patients.


1.- Theory (TE)

Theoretical teaching with audiovisual support on the subject of the subject detailed in "Contents". The active participation of the student during the theoretical sessions is considered essential, either in stimulating them or using the specific program.

2.- Seminars (SE)

Reduced group work sessions, where aspects of the subject matter will be developed from a group dynamics point of view. As a result of the work carried out in the seminars, developed in part during the time dedicated to autonomous work and personal study, two theoretical works will be presented that will have to be defended through group presentation.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
SEMINARS 8 0.32 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 8
THEORY 17 0.68 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 8
Type: Autonomous      


1.Written assessment using objective tests: multiple-choice questions

Its objective is to evaluate the acquisition of knowledge of the subject worked through the different training activities (theory and seminars). It will be carried out once the entire teaching of the subject has been completed. It consists of: multiple choice questions with 4 answer options and only 1 possible correct answer. Errors are subtracted according to the following formula: x = hits- (errors / n-1), where n is the number of answer options.

It represents 50% of the final grade. A minimum grade of 5 out of 10 is required to pass the course.

2. Evaluation of practical type: oral defense of works

Preparation, presentation and defense of 2 works carried out in groups, with a complementary theme to that worked during the theory sessions. The presentation and defense will take place during a seminar session. The content worked on will be evaluated, as well as the oral presentation made by each of the group members. Non-attendance on the day of the presentation implies a Non-Evaluable.

It represents 40% of the final grade. A minimum grade of 5 out of 10 is required to pass the course.

3.- Attendance and active participation in class and seminars

The evaluation will be carried out through the use of an evaluation rubric, with a self-evaluation component, both of the face-to-face attendance to the teaching activities and the attitude in them.

It represents 10% of the final grade and does not need a minimum grade to pass the course.



The final grade for the course is the sum of the grades from the proposed evaluation activities. The requirement to be able to make this sum is to have obtained the minimum score required in each part that requires it. Failure to pass any or all of theseparts that requires a minimum grade implies failure to pass the subject.

Non-evaluable will be understood to be that student who has not attended any or any of the evaluation activities.

Students who have not passed the course through continuous assessment may take a make-up test. To participate in the recovery, students must have previously been evaluated in a set of activities, the weight of which is equivalent to a minimum of two-thirds of the total grade for the subject (article 112 ter. Of the evaluation regulations of the UAB). The maximum qualification that will be obtained if a student needs to take the re-test option will be a Approved/Pass

The student has the right to review the evaluation tests. For this purpose, the date will be specified in the Virtual Campus.

According to agreement 4.4 of the Governing Council 11/17/2010 of the evaluation regulations, the qualifications will be:

From 0 to 4.9 = Fail
From 5.0 to 6.9 = Approved/Pass
From 7.0 to 8.9 = Notable
From 9.0 to 10 = Excellent
When the student does not attend any or any of the planned evaluation activities, they will receive the grade of not assessable.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
ORAL PRESENTATION OF COURSE WORK 40% 1 0.04 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 8


Preparation of theoretical lectures:

  • Hinkle JL, Cheever KH. Brunner Y Suddarth Enfermería Medicoquirúrgica. 14a Edición. Barcelona: Wolters Kluwer; 2019
  • Chocarro González L, Venturini Medica C. Procedimientos y cuidados en Enfermería Medicoquirúrgica. 1a edición. Barcelona: Elsevier; 2006.
  • Luis Rodrigo MT. Enfermería Clínica. Cuidados enfermeros a las personas con trastornos de salud. 1a edición. Barcelona: Wolters Kluwer; 2015.
  • Fuentes Pumarola C, Bonet Saris A, Sirvent JM, Brugada Montjé N. Manual d'Infermeria Intensiva. Girona: Documentia Universitaria; 2012. ( https://edu-library-com.are.uab.cat/producte/manual-de-enfermera-intensiva/)
  • Fuentes Pumarola C, Ballester Ferrando D. Manual de Tècniques i procediments d'Infermeria. Girona: Documenta Universitaria; 2011.
  • Parra Moreno ML, Arias Rivera S, Esteban de la Torre A. Procedimientos y Técnicas en el Paciente Crítico. 1a edición. Barcelona: Masson; 2003.
  • Nicolas JM, Ruiz J, Jiménez X, Net A. Enfermo Crítico y Emergencias. 2a edición. Barcelona: Elsevier; 2021.
  • Gonce Morton P, Fontaine DK. Critical Care Nursing: A Holistic Approach. 11a edición. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer; 2018.
  • https://www.seguridaddelpaciente.es/es/practicas-seguras/seguridad-pacientes-criticos/


Kahoot! or similar software could be used to energize some activities in the classroom.