Objectives and Contextualisation
The Degree in Prevention and Integral Security is an official degree from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, which offers the student multidisciplinary training in coordinated risk management, in the areas of public and private security, the environment, quality and corporate social responsibility. Graduates will be professionals capable of providing an efficient response to different decision-making processes in the prevention and safety sector, such as those related to economic aspects, administrative and human resources management or those related to technological areas specific to the sector.
The subject "Integrated management models: security" is immersed in a main area of the academic curriculum, called "Techniques and risk management" and is part of a set of five subjects that aim to make students know the techniques and models of the security system. The other four subjects are: criminology and criminology. Social research techniques. Integral management models: environment. Comprehensive management models: quality and corporate security.
The object of study of this subject is to know the area of competence, functional and management, of the different actors acting in the security and emergency system. To do this, we will begin by analyzing the general framework that affects all of them, then we will study them in a singular way and we will end with those elements of support to the management of this type of services. In this way, a global vision of the functioning of the security and emergency system will be reached, and specifically: its mission, objectives, functions, actors, resources available and problems they face.
The training objectives of this subject are the following:
1. To know the theoretical and organizational framework within which they will carry out their professional activity.
2. To identify the organizational and competence of the different police services involved.
3. To identify the organizational scope and competence of the different services involved in the area of urgent health care.
4. To identify the organizational scope and competence of the different services involved in the field of fire and civil protection.
5. Be properly oriented in the environment of operational coordination of the actors.
6. To know the main elements of internal support and annexes to the management of the security and emergency system.
The subject is designed for follow-up through continuous evaluation. It is based on a dynamic and participatory model in which subjects should be studied by reading the subject manual and other materials offered, both video viewing, documentation localization, etc. Reflections and comments should be provided to the texts, as well as research on jurisprudence, news, readings or legislation.
For this purpose, the subject is organized into six themes depending on the object of study. A videoconference session will be held at each session to discuss key ideas. Also for each topic, a self-assessment exercise should be answered.
In addition, four continuous assessment tests (PEC) will be carried out on the dates indicated in the curriculum.
The dates of the videoconferencing sessions, as well as the publication of the JEPs and their maximum delivery time, will be published in the virtual classroom, under the name of "Subject programming". It is necessary to take into account these deadlines as the application will not allow to perform the exercises outside each deadline.
The methodology of this subject will be based on a dynamic and participatory model. Students must study the topics by reading the materials that will be offered, they must participate in the written debate forums, and they must connect or watch the different conferences that the teacher will teach.
Students must contribute reflections and comments to the texts, as well as research on jurisprudence, news, readings or legislation that the teacher requests in the discussion forums.
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
1.- Theoretical exercises (5 points out of 10)
These exercises consist of tests to assess the theoretical knowledge acquired. Specifically:
1.1 Six self-assessment exercises (2 points).
For each of the six topics of the subject, a self-assessment exercise will be held consisting of answering a questionnaire of several questions. The exercise will be done remotely, for which in each topic, there will be a maximum time for delivery. For its resolution it will be possible to make available and consult the documentation that it deems appropriate but it must be taken into account that each questionnaire has a time limit for its resolution and a single attempt.
The self-assessment exercises have a score of 2 points out of the total of 10, so that each of them is worth 0.33 points, all equally.
1.2 In-person final examination (3 points)
A final face-to-face exercise will be carried out in the classroom determined at the Bellaterra Campus, consisting of answering a questionnaire of 60 multiple-choice questions.
The use of any documentation for the resolution of this exercise is not allowed and to perform the same must have a laptop in the classroom, as it will be done, through the virtual classroom of the University.
This exercise scores a maximum of 3 points out of 10, and to be able to pass the continuous evaluation and therefore add all the exercises of this, it is necessary to obtain at least 40% in this exercise, that is, at least 1.2 points out of 3.
2.- Practical exercises (5 points out of 10)
These exercises consist of the delivery of a set of four continuous assessment tests (PEC) that allow the evaluation of practical knowledge.
These are practical operational cases in which a case-by-case situation is presented, on the basis of which certain information searches must be carried out, Video consultation, resolution of cases and The resolution of each PEC will be carried out within the time limit indicated by each one so a maximum delivery period will be available. Its structure and content should be adapted to the format indicated.
Structure, presentation, content, synthesis, reasoning and content will be evaluated. This exercise scores a maximum of 5 points out of 10, according to the following distribution: PEC1: 0.5 points; PEC2: 1.0 points; PEC3: 1.5 points; PEC4: 2 points.
3.- Final score of the continuous evaluation
The final score of the continuous assessment shall be obtained from the arithmetic sum of each of the exercises carried out and at least five in total shall be obtained in order to be considered exceeded.
Access to the examination
If you have not passed the continuous assessment, you can access the recovery examination provided you have participated (submitted), at least two thirds of the continuous assessment.
This exercise aims to evaluate all the contents of the subject, so it must be carried out in its entirety, without retaining part of the exercises of continuous evaluation.
It will take place in the classroom determined by the Bellaterra Campus.
The exercise will consist of a questionnaire of 30 theoretical multiple-choice questions and the resolution of two practical cases.
Supplementary documentation
The use of any documentation for the resolution of this exercise is not allowed and to perform the same must have a laptop in the classroom, as it will be done, through the virtual classroom of the University.
The questionnaire has a value of 50% and the resolution of practical cases of another 50% of the total.
To pass the recovery examination, at least five must be reached in total, which will be obtained from the arithmetic sum of each of the two parts that make up the exercise.
In the case of passing the recovery examination the grade obtained will be a maximum of 5, regardless of the grade obtained in the year.
Change of date
The person who needs to change an evaluation date must submit the request by filling in the document in the Moodle EPSI tutoring space.
Oral resolution
If appropriate, one of the tests may be performed orally.
Multiple response questionnaire
Elbow Features exercises in multiple-response questionnaire format, both continuous evaluation, and other tests, for each question will be proposed four answers, of which there is always one correct and only one. Erroneously answered answers will deduct 33%.
Without prejudice to other disciplinary measures deemed appropriate, and in accordance with current academic regulations, "in the event that any irregularity is detected that may lead to a significant variation in the rating of an evaluation act, this evaluation act shall be rated 0 (zero), regardless of the disciplinary process that may be conducted. In case of several irregularities in the acts of evaluation of the same subject, the final grade of this subject will be 0 (zero)".
If there are circumstances that prevent the normal development of the subject, teachers may modify both the methodology and the assessment of the subject.
Anitua, P. (2006). Manual de protección civil, Gobierno Vasco-Eusko Jaurlaritza.
Ballbé, M. (2006). Seguridad humana: del estado anómico al estado regulador. Hood, C., El gobierno del riesgo. Ariel.
Fernandez, P. (2005). Seguridad humana. [Tesis doctoral]. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.http://www.tdx.cat/bitstream/handle/10803/5229/jcfp1de1.pdf?sequence=1
Isturitz, J. J. (2014). Regulación y organización de servicios de atención de emergencias y protección civil: diseño de un sistema asimétrico, multifuncional y multifactorial. [Tesis doctoral]. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. http://www.tdx.cat/handle/10803/129317
Kahneman, D. (2012). Políticas frente al riesgo. Pensar rápido, pensar despacio, Debate.
Ochoa, J. (2007). La inoperancia (e inexistencia) del sistema estatal y autonómico de Protección Civil ante la catástrofe del Prestige. Alvarez, S. La responsabilidad por los daños causados por el hundimiento del Prestige, Iustel.
Se publicará bibliografía complementaria en el aula moodle de la asignatura.