Degree | Type | Year | Semester |
2500241 Archaeology | OT | 3 | 1 |
2500241 Archaeology | OT | 4 | 1 |
No prerequisites
This course of the Archaeology degree is focused on the study of the origins and consolidation of agricultural societies. A historical and archaeological analysis of the phenomenon of domestication of plant products (agriculture) and animals (livestock) is carried out. It also includes the study of the economic and social transformations associated with it: the appearance and consolidation of settlements, demographic changes, technological transformations, funerary practices, in other words, the study of peasant society. In the analysis of the empirical and historical record, special emphasis is placed on the study of societies in different geographical areas: the Near East, Europe and the Mediterranean during the Holocene
Block 1 Introduction, Concepts, Methodology
Introduction: Definition and History of Research
Concepts, variables and changeover times
Block 2 Theory, Transformations and the Archaeological Record
Interpretive theories on the emergence of agriculture and livestock.
Change and continuity in agricultural societies: economic and social aspects
Territory and population. Habitat and domestic devices
Agriculture and Livestock: debate on domestication
Agriculture and Livestock new economic forms
New technologies: tools, containers, fabrics, decorations, ...
Exploitation and circulation of biotic and abiotic goods
Funeral practices and symbolic change
A Global Reading: Peasant Societies: New Economy and Social Approach
Block 3 Analysis of the origin of peasant societies in the Middle East
Early Agricultural Societies in the Eastern Mediterranean: Precedents
First agricultural manipulations in the Eastern Mediterranean
Cattle raising and consolidation of the village.
Technological transformations and socioeconomic stabilization
From the village in the city
Block 4 Analysis of the origin of peasant societies in Europe and the Middle East
Early Agricultural Societies in Europe and the Western Mediterranean: Precedents
Diffusion versus autoctonism Closed debate?
The world of Southeast Europe (Greece, Balkans, ...)
Italy and its role in the neoliticization of the Western Mediterranean
First agricultural societies: the printed ceramics groups
Consolidation of the new economic forms (Chassey, Sepulchres
Megalithic societies in Western Europe
Translated with (free version)
Theoretical classes directed by the teaching staff. 30h
Teaching-learning methodology: Master classes with ICT support and large group discussion.
Seminar sessions and practices led by the teaching staff. 10h
Teaching-learning methodology: Introduction of the session, presentation of the text, evaluation and collective critical discussion. Individual and/or collective presentations and round of assessments.
Teaching-learning methodology: Arranged sessions to solve doubts and maintain discussions on specific contents of the subject, problems and seminars.
-Performance of guided learning exercises.
Teaching-learning methodology: Conducting and correcting standardized learning exercises.
-Personal study.
Teaching-learning methodology: Integration of the acquired knowledge.
Reading of texts. Writing of papers. Preparation of oral comments and seminars. Search of bibliographic information.
Teaching and learning methodology: Comprehensive reading of texts, preparation of reviews, summaries and analytical comments using a guide. Information search strategies. Selection of materials.
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Theoretical classes and faculty-led research seminars | 40 | 1.6 | 1, 8, 9, 6, 7, 11, 4, 5, 12 |
Type: Supervised | |||
Carrying out guided learning exercises and tutorials | 19 | 0.76 | 1, 9, 3, 11, 4, 12 |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Personal study, text reading. Writing papers. Reading of comments | 80 | 3.2 | 1, 8, 9, 7, 2, 11, 5 |
In addition to continuous evaluation (written tests, work and field trips), a re-evaluation is planned. Students wishing to take part in the re-evaluation must meet the following requirements:
- All the evidence of continuous assessment in the teaching guide must have been submitted.
- They must have passed the work and the exercise of the field trip.
Re-evaluation calendar: The dates of the re-evaluation exams are set by the Faculty of Arts. It is the students' responsibility to know the date that corresponds to them to make the re-evaluation of their subject. These dates are published on the faculty's website in July of the previous academic year.
At the time of completion / delivery of each assessable activity, the teaching staff will inform (Moodle, SIA) of the procedure and date for reviewing grades.
In the event that the student carries out any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade of an evaluable act, this evaluation act will be graded with 0, regardless of the disciplinary process that may be instructed. In case of several irregularities in the acts of evaluation of the same subject, the final grade of this subject will be 0.
If the tests cannot be taken in person, their format will be adapted (maintaining the weighting) to the possibilities offered by the UAB's virtual tools. Homework, activities and class participation will be done through forums, wikis and/or exercise discussions through Moodle, Teams, etc. The teaching staff will ensure that the student can access or offer alternative means, which are within their reach.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Delivery of works | 10% | 1 | 0.04 | 1, 8, 9, 6, 7, 3, 2, 11, 5, 10 |
Presentations and active participation in class | 30% | 6 | 0.24 | 9, 6, 7, 3, 2, 11, 12 |
Tests of theoretical content | 60% | 4 | 0.16 | 9, 6, 7, 3, 11, 4, 5, 12 |
BAR YOSEF O. (Edt.) (1998): “The transition to agriculture in the Old World”. The review of Archaeology. Massachusetts, 63 pags
BENDER,B. (1978): Gatherer-Hunter to Farmer: A Social Perspective. World Archaeology, nº 10, 1978, pp.204-222.
BENDER,B.(1981): Gatherer-Hunter intensification. in: Sheridan, Bailey (Eds): Economic Archaeology. B.A.R. International Series nº 96, 1981, pp. 149-157.
BOSERUP E.(1968): Las condiciones del desarrollo en la Agricultura . Madrid, Tecnos, 1968).
BOSERUP E.(1984): Población y cambio tecnologico, Oxford: Blakwell.
BINFORD L.R: Post-Pleistocene Adaptations in S.R. Binford&L. Binford (Eds.) New perspectives in Archaeology. Aldine, Chicago. pp. 313-34.
BINFORD L.(1988): En busca del pasado. Ed. Crítica, 1988, 273 p. (Capt. Sobre los origenes de la agricultura)
BRAIDWWOOD R.J. (1979): El hombre prehistórico. F.C.E. Mexico (diferents edicions)
CAUVIN J. (1994): Naissance des divinités, naissance de l'agriculture. La revolution des symboles au Néolithique. CNRS Edt. Paris. 304 p.
CHILDE,V.G.(1974): El origen de la civilización. Fondo de Cultura Económica. Mèxic, (diferents reedicions).
COHEN, M.N.(1981): La crisis alimentaria en la Prehistoria. Alianza Editorial. Madrid 1981.
HERNANDO A. (1994): El proceso de neolitización, perspectivas teóricas para el estudio del Neolítico. Revista Zephyrus 46 p. 123-142.
HARRIS D.(ed.)(1996) The origins and Spread of Agriculture and Pastoralism in Euroasia. Edt. UCL. London
MEILLASSOUX,C.(1987): Mujeres, granjeros y capitales. Ed. Siglo XXI, Mèxic, 1987.
RINDOS,D.(1990): Los orígenes de la agricultura. Una perspectiva evolucionista. Ed. Bellaterra. Barcelona, 1990, 341 p.
TESTART,A.(1981): Les Chasseurs-Cueilleurs ou l'origine des inégalités. Société d'Ethnographie. Paris 1981.
UCKO,P. i DIMBELY,G.W. (eds.)(1969):The domestication and explotation of plant and animals. Durkworld. Londres, 1969.
VICENT,J.M.(1981): El origen de la economia productora. Breve introducción a la Historia de las ideas. in: Lopez,P.(ed.): El Neolítico en España. Ed.Cátedra, Madrid, 1981, pp. 11-58.
References on agropastoral societies (Europe and Midle East)
ARIAS P., (1997): Marisqueos y Agricultores. Los origenes del Neolítico en la fachada Atlántica Europea. Universidad de Cantabria. 106 pags
AURENCHE, O. S.K. KOZLOWSKI (1999): La naissance du néolithique au Proche Orient. Editions Errance.( Paris). 256 pags.
BERNABEU J., AURA J.E. , BADAL E (1993): Al oeste del Eden. Las primeras sociedades agrícolas en la Europa Mediterránea. Edt. Síntesis (Madrid), 336 pags.
BUXÓ R. (1997) : Arqueología de las Plantas. Edt. Critica. 356 pags.
HERNANDO A. (1999): Los primeros agricultores de la Península Ibérica. Edt. Síntesis. 315 pags.
HODDER, I. (1990): The domestication of Europe. Edt. Blackwell, 331pags.
GUILAINE J., (Edt.) (2000): Premiers paysans du monde. Actes du Séminaire du College de France.Editions Errance,Paris, 2000.320 pags. (Desde el 2000 Edició anual d’un llibre del seminaris amb temes de Neolitic i Edat del Bronze)
GUILAINE J. (2003): De la vague à la tombe. La conquete néolithique de la Méditerranée. Edt. Seuil, Paris, 375 pags.
LICHARDUS, J . et alii ( 1987): La protohistoria de Europa. El neolítico y el calcolítico. Edt. Labor (col. Nueva Clio) 598 pags.
LOPEZ P. (comp.) (1988) : El neolítico en España. Edt. Catedra. 428 pags.
MAZURIÉ DE KEROULAIN, K. (2003): Genèse et diffusion de l’agriculture en Europe. Editions Errance, Paris, 184 pags.
REDMAN Ch. (1991): Los orígenes de la civilización. Desde los primeros agricultores hasta la sociedad urbana en el Próximo Oriente. Editorial Critica. 443 pags.
SAÑA M. (Coor) (1995): Dossier: Arqueozoologia: Economia i societat. Revista COTA ZERO. núm. 11. 128 pag.
DENNELL, R. (1987). Prehistoria Económica de Europa. Edt. Critica. 289 pags.
THORPE E. J. (1999).- The origins of Agriculture in Europe. Edt. Routlege (London).224 pags.
VAQUER J. (1999).- Le néolithique du Nord-ouest méditerranéen. Actes du Colloque Int. Carcassone, 1994. Editions du BSPF, Paris, 296 pags.
WHITTLE A. (1996).- Europe in the Neolithic. The creation of the new worlds. Cambridge Univ. Press. London.443 pags.
DIVERSOS AUTORS (1991 i 1993) : Agricultura: Orígens, adopció i desenvolupament. Revista COTA ZERO, Nº 7(1991) pags. 7-126; i Nº 9 (1993) pags 7-96
DIVERSOS AUTORS (1992) : Estat de la investigació sobre el Neolític a Catalunya. Actes del 9ª Col.loqui Inter.. d’Arqueologia de Puigcerda. Andorra, 1992. 338 pags.
DIVERSOS AUTORS (1996) : Formació i implantació de les comunitats agrícoles.. Actes del 1º Congrés del Neolític a la Peninsula Ibérica. Revista Rubricatum, 1 , Gavà, 1996. (2 vols. 908 pags.
DIVERSOS AUTORS (1999) : Actes del II Congrés del Neolític a la Peninsula Ibérica. Revista Saguntum Extra-2. València, 1999. 338 pags.
P. Arias, R. Ontañon, C. Garcia-Moncó (Edts) (2005) : Actas del III Congreso del Neolítico en la Península Ibérica. Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, 2005. 1076 pags.
For written presentations, a standard word processor (Word, OpenOffice writer or similar) is recommended.
For oral presentations it is recommended to use PowerPoint or similar.