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Public Policy Analysis and Management

Code: 42454 ECTS Credits: 10
Degree Type Year Semester
4313500 Public Management OB 0 1
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Raquel Gallego Calderón

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)

Other comments on languages

Students may always express themselves in the language they prefer. Lecturers will speak in Spanish over the first five weeks of the course. A large part of the teaching material will be in English.


Ricard Gomà Carmona
Joan Subirats Humet
Raquel Gallego Calderón
Margarita Leon
Ismael Iván Blanco Fillola
Nicolas Barbieri

External teachers

Federico Todeschini
Marc Balaguer
Marçal Farré
Quim Brugué
Ramon Sabes-Figuera


To follow this course it is necessary to have graduate level knowledge of public and administrative institutions and comparative politics.

Objectives and Contextualisation

Objectives of the course

  1. Understand the main theoretical and methodological models of the analysis and management of public policies.
  2. Learn how these theoretical and methodological models are applied to carry out research in this field.
  3. Understand the forms of applicability of this knowledge in the analysis and approach of complex social and political problems.
  4. Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to apply this knowledge in organizational environments in the field of politics and management.


  • Address complex public intervention situations, possibly involving ethical dilemmas, on the basis of proposals founded both on explicit values and on conceptual and methodological rigour.
  • Analyse public policies in different sectorial areas.
  • Apply concepts, theories and models from various disciplines in the exercise of public administration duties.
  • Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously
  • Design and evaluate processes of public intervention in specific social, political and sectorial situations and problem areas.
  • Identify, understand and analyse complex social and political phenomena that are important to the exercise of public administration duties.
  • Lead projects within inter-organisational environments, with different levels and different political and administrative contexts.
  • Propose innovative solutions to solve social and political problems.
  • Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Address complex public intervention situations, possibly involving ethical dilemmas, on the basis of proposals founded both on explicit values and on conceptual and methodological rigour.
  2. Analyse public policies independently of their sectorial specialisation.
  3. Analyse the processes of preparation, implementation and evaluation of public policies
  4. Apply models cycle analysis of public policies to real cases.
  5. Construct suitable for design analysis empirical cases theoretical models.
  6. Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously.
  7. Design instruments to evaluate a particular public policy.
  8. Distinguish the actors involved in processes of policy generation and preparation, focusing especially, not only on their own complexity but also on that of the networks in which they interact.
  9. Foresee the possible consequences of the design of a particular public policy.
  10. Identify the factors and variables that can affect the definition and results of a public policy.
  11. Identify the importance of specific political contexts when designing a policy.
  12. Identify the various important actors involved in policymaking, their repertoires of action, interests and resources.
  13. Know the design and workings of political and administrative institutions and their link to the processes of multilevel and networked governance.
  14. Lead projects within inter-organisational environments, with different levels and different political and administrative contexts.
  15. Propose innovative solutions to solve social and political problems.
  16. Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.


The sessions are structured as follows:

First semester:

06/10/21  (Wednesday)   9:00 -14:00 Public Policy and Public Management (Raquel Gallego)

12/10/21  (Tuesday)   15:00-20:00 Defining public policies: from technocratic to deliberative rationality I (Quim Brugué)

19/10/21  (Tuesday)   15:00-20:00 Defining public policies: from technocratic to deliberative rationality II (Quim Brugué)

27/10/21  (Wednesday)   15:00-20:00 New social investment paradigms in social policies (Margarita León)

03/11/21  (Wednesday)   15:00-20:00 Local policies:education, culture and science (Joan Subirats)

09/11/21  (Tuesday)  15:00-20:00  Culture policies (Nicolás Barbieri)

17/11/21  (Wednesday)   15:00-20:00 Evaluation I (Ivàlua)

24/11/21  (Wednesday)   15:00-20:00 Evaluation II (Ivàlua)

01/12/21  (Wednesday)   15:00-20:00 Evaluation III (Ivàlua)

08/12/21  (Wednesday)   15:00-20:00 Evaluation IV (Ivàlua)

15/12/21  (Wedneday)   15:00-20:00 Urban policies and rehabilitation of neighourhoods (Ismael Blanco)

22/12/21  (Wednesday)   15:00-20:00 Municipalism and local government (Ricard Gomà)


Topics and sessions

The syllabus is structured in sessions around several questions. The learning process aims to finish each topic having given answers to these questions from the use of theory and the contrast of their interpretations. The answers will come from having read the readings that will be recommended (see sections on teaching methodology and bibliography), having listened to the teachers' presentations, having discussed all these contents,andhaving applied them to case studies and experiences on-site.



Raquel Gallego: Public policy and public management.

Questions (I): Actors, Problems and Agendas. 

1. What is a problem? What kind of ideas turn into problems?

2. Define a problem and analyze how and why it enters (or not) into the institutional agenda. Use the theoretical model that you think is most appropriate.


Required readings:

Peters, B.Guy (2018) Policy problems and policy design, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, ch. 2 (pg.35-59).

True, J. Jones, B. Baumgartner, F. (1999) "Punctuated-equilibrium theory: Explaining stability and change in American policymaking", in Sabatier, P. op.cit. pp. 97-116.

Zahariadis, N. (1999) "Ambiguity, time and multiple streams", in Sabatier, P. (ed) Theories of the policy process, Oxford: Westview Press, pp. 73-96.


Optional readings (problems, agendas):

Barzelay, M. 2003. "Introduction: The Process Dynamics of Public Management Policy-Making", International Public Management Journal 6: 251-281;

Barzelay, M. and Gallego, R. 2006 "From 'new institutionalism' to institutional processualism ': Advancing knowledge about public management policy change", Governance, 19 (4): 531-557;

Dery, D. (1984) Problem Definition in Policy Analysis, University Press of Kansas, Caps.2 and 3, pp.14-36.

Gallego, R. 2003 "Public management policy making in Spain, 1982-1996: policy entrepreneurs and (in) oportunity windows", International Public Management Journal. 6 (3): 283-307.

Gallego, R; Barzelay, M. 2010 "Public Management Policy-Making in Spain: The Politics of Legislative Reform of Administrative Structures, 1991-1997", Governance23 (2): 277-296. ISSN: 0952-1895)

Lindblom, C. 1991 The process of developing public policies. Madrid:INAP, pp.9-53


Optionalreadings (actors, networks and role of the public sector):

Blanco, I., Lowndes, V., Pratchett, L. 2011 "Policy Networks and Governance Networks: towards greater conceptual clarity", Political Studies Review, vol.9: 297-308

De Vries, M .; Nemec, J. 2013 "Public Sector Reform: An Overview of Recent Literature and Research on NPM and Alternative Paths", International Journal of Public Sector Management, 26 (1): 4-16.

Ferlie, E. et al. 1996 The New Public Management in Action. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ch.7, pp. 165-194.

Ferlie, E., Lynn, L.E. Jr and Pollitt, Ch. 2005 The Oxford Handbook of Public Management, New York: Oxford University Press.

Kickert, W. and Koppenjan, J. 1997 "Public management and network management", in Kickert W. and Klijn, E., op.cit., Pp. 35-61.

Klijn, E. 1997 "Policy networks: An overview", in Kickert W. and Klijn, E. (eds) Managing complex networks. London: Sage, pp.14-34.

Lane, J.E. 2000.New Public Management, London: Routledge, pp.1-15, 212-225

Pollitt, C. and Bouckaert, G. 2004 Public Management Reform. A Comparative Analysis, Oxford: Oxford University Press.



1.    Moore, M.  (1992) “Anatomía del problema de la heroína: un ejercicio de definición de problemas”, en Aguilar, L. (ed.) Políticas Públicas. México:Miguel Porrúa, pp.189-215.

2.    Pirelli-Mar


Questions (II): Implementation and management instruments

  1. What are the success and failure factors of the implementation? Analyze an example.


Required readings:

Elmore, R.1993. "Organizationalmodels of social program implementation" in Hill, M. The policy process. A reader. Harvester-Wheatsheaf: Prentice-Hall. 2nd ed.

Sabatier, P. 1993. "Top-down and bottom-up approaches to implementation research" in Hill, M. The policy process. A reader. Harvester -Wheatsheaf: Prentice-Hall. 2nd ed.


Optional readings:

Ansell, C. 2017 "Improving policy implementation throughcollaborative policymaking", Policy and Politics, 45 (3): 467-486.

Hogwood, B .; Gunn, L. 1984. Policy analysis for the real world. New York: Oxford University Press. Chapter 11: "Implementation", pp.196-218.

Lipsky, M. 1993. "Street level bureaucracy: An introduction" in Hill, M. The policy process. A reader. Harvester -Wheatsheaf: Prentice-Hall. 2nd ed.



For this session, one of the proposed questions is answered in the form of an essay (approximately 800 words). 




Quim Brugué: Defining public policies: from technocratic rationality to deliberative rationality.


Elements of the context: from managerialism to governance

Elements substabtius: from technocratic rationality to deliberative rationality

Theoretical aspects: between the "Speaking Truthto Power" by Wilsdavsky and the "The Intelligence of Democracy" by Lindblom

Practical examples of various public policies


Required bibliography:

Brugué, Q.; Blanco, I.; Boada, J.  2014 “Entornos y motores para la innovación en las políticas públicas”, Revista del CLAD Reforma y Democracia, 59, p. 5-34.

Simpson, P. et al. 2015 “Assessing the Public’s Views on Prison and Prison Alternatives: Findings from Public Deliberation Research in Three Australian Cities”, Journal of Public Deliberation, 11(2):1-24.



Froma case study donein class, present a brief group work. The instructions will be given during the course of the case.

DO NOT bring the text read.




Margarita León: New social investment paradigms in social policies.

Social Investment has become one of the emerging paradigms in the reform of welfare states. In this session we will analyze the main ideas that underlie this new paradigm of public policy and what kind of solutions it offers in the context of Unequal Growth. As a case we will focus on early childhood care policies


Case 1: Poverty and inequality

Case: Investment in early childhood

The Heckman Equation



Why is it considered that investment policies in early childhood have great potential in ensuring equal opportunitiesamong children from different socio-economic environments? What kind of dilemmas arise? What are the evidences of the success of these policies? What are the limits of this approach?


Required reading / videos:

- At least three videos/tables of which appear in: www.heckmanequation.org

- Morabito, Vandenbroeck and Roose (2013) 'The Greatest of Equalisers': A Critical Review of International Organizations' Views on Early Childhood Care and Education, Journal of Social Policy Vol. 42 (3) 451-467 (available at JSTOR)

- Anderson, L. et al. (2003) "The Effectiveness ofEarly Childhood Development Programs. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 24 (35): 32-42.



Each student must write ashort essay of Maximum 1,000 words incorporating the questions indicated and the readingsthat appear more arrives. This exercise must be delivered the same day of the session, before starting it.




Joan Subirats

 "Document analysis of local policies of culture, educaton and science of the Local Council of Barcelona. Case study".

 Readings and evaluation exercises will be announced before the session.




Nicolás Barbieri: Culture Policies


a) Pulbic policies and culture: models and paradigms of intervention. 

b) The right to participate in the cultural life of the city: inequalities and key dimensions.

c) Culture and equity: public policy answers.


-Compulsory readings:

Martín Barbero, J. (2008). Políticas de la comunicación y la cultura: Claves de la investigación, Serie: Dinámicas interculturales CIDOB (11). https://www.cidob.org/content/download/59517/1555242/version/1/file/doc_dinamicas_11.pdf

Barbieri, N. (2018). “Es la desigualdad, también en cultura.” Cultura y ciudadanía. Disponible en:



-Evaluation: in the last part of the session, an exercise of synthesis and analysis of the session's content will be done. The details will be announced in class.




Ivàlua Evaluation (I) Docents pendents de concreció


Innovar en política pública: la importància de l’avaluació

La primera part de la sessió està orientada a mostrar el valor afegit que pot tenir incloure la perspectiva de l’avaluació durant els diversos moments del cicle de la política pública, i més concretament, el potencial que té.

Entendre la problemàtica que afrontem: l’avaluació de les necessitats

La segona part de la sessió està dedicada a parlar sobre la importància de tenir un bon diagnòstic de la problemàtica o situació insatisfactòria que volem canviar per tal de poder dissenyar i implementar polítiques públiques que hi puguin donar resposta de forma efectiva. L’objectiu de la sessió és conèixer la informació que pot proporcionar una avaluació de necessitats i com aquesta pot ajudar a millorar la presa de decisions sobre el disseny i la implementació d’una política.

Lectures obligatòries: 

Guia Pràctica Ivàlua.1 Com iniciar una avaluació: oportunitat, viabilitat i preguntes d’avaluació . Ivàlua 2009. (disponible a https://ivalua.cat/sites/default/files/2019-10/16_02_2010_10_18_20_Guia1_Introduccio_Abril2009versiorevisada_final.pdf

Ana de Inés, Grecia Guzmán, Maria Verdaguer i MaFe Contreras (2019).  El sensellarisme a Barcelona. Evolució i joves en situació de sensellarisme. Xarxa d’Atencio a Persones sense llar (disponible a http://www.bcn.cat/barcelonainclusiva/ca/2019/11/Diagnosi_sensellarisme_2019_WEB.pdf)




Ivàlua: Evaluation II.  Docents pendents de concreció


Millorar el disseny de la política pública: l’avaluació del disseny

La primera part d’aquesta sessió està dedicada a aprofundir sobre la concepció de la política pública com a una seqüència d’hipòtesis, les quals cal revisar críticament per valorar el seu grau de versemblança. A més, es presenten els avantatges i inconvenients de treballar la teoria del canvi de les polítiques com a exercici per a millorar-les

La política pública del paper al terreny: l’avaluació de la implementació

La segona part de la sessió s’enfoca a exposar com l’avaluació de la implementació pot ajudar a saber com està funcionant la política pública dissenyada un cop la portem a terreny i identificar possibles millores en la seva execució. Així, es proporcionen les bases per a poder definir una bona avaluació de la implementació

Lectures obligatòries:

Eina practica Ivàlua 1. Com puc elaborar una teoría del Canvi? (disponible a https://mailchi.mp/ivalua.cat/ivalua-actualitat-abril-maig-2021 )

Fleury, MJ., Grenier, G. & Vallée, C. Evaluation of the implementation of the Montreal at home/chez soi project. BMC Health Serv Res 14, 557 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-014-0557-6 (disponible a



Ivàlua: Evaluation III Docents pendents de concreció


Conèixerl’efectivitat d’una política pública: l’avaluació de l’impacte

La primera part d’aquesta sessió està dedicada a entendre quines metodologies i enfocaments ens permeten conèixer l’efectivitat d’una política pública, entesa com les millores atribuïbles a l’existència de la mateixa, i quines en canvi només ens permeten fer seguiment de les variables d’interès. Addicionalment, es reflexiona sobre com encaixa l’avaluació d’impacte amb els altres tipus d’avaluació i amb el cicle de la política pública.

Prioritzar les polítiques públiques més eficients: l’avaluació econòmica

A la segona part de la sessió s’exposa la importància de posar en relació els impactes obtinguts per una política amb els costos derivats de la implementació de la mateixa per poder prendre decisions informades de priorització en l’ús de recursos. Concretament, la sessió està dedicada a:

Lectures obligatòries:

Sanz J , Kirchner L, I Vilchez D (2017) Avaluació del programa ‘Primer la Llar’ de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona.  Avaluació de l’efectivitat: primer seguiment als 19 mesos. Ivàlua  (document de treball, s’enviarà pdf)

Wright L, Peasgood T (2019) cost-effectiveness analysis of housing first. What Works wellbeing (disponible https://whatworkswellbeing.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/housing-first-Cost-effectiveness-model-may2018_0158328900.pdf)  




Ivàlua Evaluation IV Docents pendents de concreció


Ús i utilitat de l’avaluació

En la primera part d’aquesta sessió es repassen els coneixements adquirits al llarg del curs i es reprèn una revisió general de la Teoria del Canvi per repensar com l’avaluació pot contribuir a la millora de la política pública. Per això es combina la perspectiva de la viabilitat de l’avaluació amb la de la seva rellevància i utilitat.

Institucionalització i us dels resultats de l’avaluació: com incorporar l’avaluació a la presa de decisions públiques?

A la segona part d’aquesta sessió analitza en primer lloc de quina manera els responsables de les polítiques incorporen els resultats de les avaluacions com a elements de millora de les polítiques de les que en son responsables; en segon lloc identifica què fan i què poden fer les administracions públiques de forma general perquè les avaluacions de polítiques públiques s’incorporin de forma sistemàtica i arrelin com element de la presa de decisions pública.

Lectures obligatòries:

Eina practica Ivàlua  2.1. Com puc formular bones preguntes d’avaluació? (disponible a https://mailchi.mp/ivalua.cat/ivalua-actualitat-abril-maig-2021 )

Eina practica Ivàlua 2.3. Com puc elaborar un pla d'avaluacions? (disponible a https://mailchi.mp/ivalua.cat/ivalua-actualitat-abril-maig-2021

Revista European Public Mosaic de l’EAPC:


Atlas de la institucionalització de l’avaluació




Ismael Blanco: Urban policies and neighbourhoods rehabilitation

Ricard Gomà: Municipalism and local government



Analitzarem el paper de les polítiques públiques urbanes en les dinàmiques de transformació social, econòmica i mediambiental en el context de la globalització. Definirem les polítiques urbanes com a polítiques multinivell, multidimensionals i basades en relacions cooperatives entre actors públics, privats i comunitaris. Identificarem els components principals de la “nova agenda urbana” a les que les polítiques urbanes han de fer front. Discutirem sobre el pes específic dels governs locals en el marc de les polítiques urbanes i sobre el paper del nou municipalisme. Posarem l’accent en dos àmbits de política pública urbana com a àmbits en els que fer aterrar totes les reflexions assenyalades: les polítiques de transformació de barris i les polítiques socials de proximitat. 


-       Quina importància hem de donar a les ciutats i a les polítiques urbanes en un món globalitzat?

-       Quin paper té l’espai urbà en la reproducció de les desigualtats socials i quina incidència hi poden tenir les polítiques de transformació de barris?

-       Quina importància tenen avui les polítiques socials de proximitat?



Blanco, I., Subirats, J. (2012) "Políticas urbanas en España. Dinámicas de transformación y retos ante la crisis" a Geopolíticas 3(1): 15- 33 http://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/GEOP/article/download/39304/38729

Blanco, I., Gomà, R., Subirats, J. (2018) "El nuevo municipalismo: derecho a la ciudad y comunes urbanos". GAPP. Nueva Época. Num. 20. https://revistasonline.inap.es/index.php/GAPP/article/view/10491

Nel·lo, O., Blanco, I. (2015) La segregació urbana a la regió metropolitana de Barcelona. Pla Estratègic Metropolità de Barcelona. https://pemb.cat/public/docs/41_lc_12.pdf

Antón, F., Porcel, S. (coords.) (2021) Metrópolis, vulnerabilidad urbana y políticas de mejora de barrios. Número monográfico. Revista PAPERS, 63. https://iermb.uab.cat/es/revistapapers/n-63-metropolis-vulnerabilidad-urbana-y-politicas-de-mejora-de-barrios/ 

Gomà, R. (2020) Derechos sociales y derecho a la ciudad. Municipalismo, bienestar de proximidad y agenda urbana. VIII INFORME FOESSA. Documento de trabajo 6.6 https://www.foessa.es/main-files/uploads/sites/16/2019/05/6.6.pdf 


Learning method

Learning is based on the revision, questioning and constant construction of theoretical and practical knowledge. The objective of learning is to acquire the ability to generate questions and give answers - always provisional. To achieve this, it is essential that the student take an active role in the autonomous approach to information, reading and reflecting in order to establish an informed and enriching dialogue with the teacher.

We base learning on the integration of theory and practice:

  • We work on the added value of theory both when interpreting reality and acting on it.
  • We seek the usefulness of theory to rethink and modify practice: theory allows us to learn from practice.
  • We investigate how the analysis of the practice allows us to rethink the theory.
  • We concentrate theoretical teaching in the first quarter, and connect them with real experiences (in situ).

In this module, prior autonomous work will be required, through reading and preparation of short papers, for each topic. This work will be complemented with discussions in seminars and with the preparation and presentation of oral presentations, which will help to better sedimentation of knowledge and the ability to rethink them.

The time dedicated to learning is structured from the combination of in-class taught sessions and autonomous homework by the student: 25 hours of student work by ECTS credit (total of 250 hours), of which 20% (50 hours) will be in-class taught classes, 30% (75 hours) will be semi-autonomous and oriented by the lecturer, and 50% (125 hours) will be autonomous student work.

The in-class learning led by the lecturer will be based on the combination of lectures and discussion seminars on both the theoretical aspects and the application of these case studies. The semi-autonomous learning led by the lecturer will be based on the timely tutoring of short assignments and the preparation of oral presentations.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Taught classes 50 2
Type: Supervised      
Seminars and tutorials 75 3
Type: Autonomous      
Reading and elaboration of exercises and essays 125 5


Evaluation method

The evaluation will be continuous and will be based on the demonstration of the competences reached by the student in the course of the following activities and corresponding products:

1. Preparation of exercises or short work for each session, indicated by each lecturer (40% of the grade)

2. Participation in seminar sessions and case discussions (10% of the grade)

3. Individual exam done at home within 48 hours (50% of the grade).

It is necessary to elaborate the exercises that each lecturer indicates for each session.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Oral presentations 10% 0 0 1, 3, 2, 9, 13, 7, 8, 12, 10, 11, 14, 15, 6, 16
Participation in class 10% 0 0 1, 3, 2, 9, 13, 7, 8, 12, 10, 11, 14, 15, 6, 16
Submission of exercises 40% 0 0 1, 3, 2, 9, 4, 5, 13, 7, 8, 12, 10, 11, 14, 15, 6, 16
Synthesis tests/exams 40% 0 0 1, 3, 2, 9, 13, 7, 8, 12, 10, 11, 14, 15, 6, 16


The bibliography below includes general references for the course. Each lecturer will provide specific bibliography for their sessions and topics. 


a) Generic bibliography:

Albi, E.; González-Páramo, J.; López Casasnovas, G. 1997. Gestión pública. Barcelona. Ariel.

Aguilar, L. 1992. La hechura de las políticas públicas. México. M.A. Porrua. 4 vols.

Ballart, X. 1992 ¿Cómo evaluar programas y servicios públicos? Madrid. Ministerio para las Administraciones Públicas.

Barzelay, M.; Gallego, R. 2006. ‘From “new institutionalism” to “institutional processualism”: Advancing knowledge about public management policy change’. Governance, 19, 4:531-557.

Brugué, Q.; Subirats, J. 1996. Lecturas de gestión pública. Selección de textos. Madrid. Ministerio para las Administraciones Públicas.

Colebatch, H. 2002. Policy. London: Open University Press. 2nd edition.

Hill, M. ed. 1997. The policy process. A reader. Hertfordshire. Prentice Hall/Harvester Wheatsheaf. 2nd edition.

Kingdon, J. 1995. Agendas, alternatives, and public policies. New York. HarperCollins. 2nd edition.

Knoepfel, P.; Larrue, C.; Varone, F. 2001. Analyse et pilotage des politiques publiques.Basel. Helbing and Lichtenhahn.

Lane, J. 1993. The public sector. Concepts,models and approaches. London. Sage.

Loseke, D. 2003. Thinking about social problems. New Jersey. Aldine Transaction. 2nd edition.

Mény, Y.; Thoenig, J. 1989. Las políticas públicas. Barcelona. Ariel. (traducció 1992)

Moore, M. 1995. Gestión estratégica y creación de valor en el sector público. Paidós. Barcelona. (traducció 1998).

Pressman, J.; Vildavsky. A. 1984. Implementation. Berkeley. University of California Press. 3rd edition.

Sabatier, P. ed. 1999. Theories of the policy process. Oxford. Westview Press.

Stone, D. 2002. Policy paradox. The art of political decision making. London. Norton. 2nd edition.

Subirats, J. 1989. Análisis de políticas públicas y eficiacia de la administración. Madrid. Ministerio para las Administraciones Públicas.


b) Bibliografphy on policy sectors

Aguilar, S.; Font, N.; Subirats, J. 1999. Política ambiental en España. Valencia. Tirant lo Blanch.

Barzelay, M. 2001. The new public management. Improving research and policy dialogue. Berkeley. University of California Press.

Brugué, Q.; Gomà, R. 1998 Gobiernos locales y políticas públicas. Barcelona. Ariel.

Gallego, R., Gomà, R.; Subirats, J. eds. 2003. Estado de bienestar y Comunidades Autónomas. Madrid. Tecnos-UPF.

Gallego, Raquel (ed.)  2016.  Descentralización y desigualdad en el estado autonómico: Opinión pública, financiación territorial, ideología y políticas públicas. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.

Gallego, Raquel; Nicolás Barbieri; Cristina de Gispert; Sheila González; Maite Vilalta, 2014. Descentralització i autonomia política: L’impacte de la ideologia i elfinançament territorial en els models sanitaris de Catalunya i Andalusia. Barcelona: Institut d’Estudis Autonòmics. ISBN: 978-84-393-9228-6.

Gallego, Raquel and Joan Subirats (dir.) 2011. Autonomies i desigualtats a Espanya: Percepcions, evolució social i polítiques de benestar. Barcelona: Institut d'Estudis Autonòmics.

Gallego, Raquel; Ricard Gomà, and Joan Subirats. eds. 2002. Els règims autonòmics de benestar: Anàlisi de les polítiques socials en les comunitats autònomes amb més capacitat d'autogovern, 1980-2000. Barcelona: Institut d'Estudis Autonòmics. ISBN: 84-393-5825-3

Gomà, R.; Subirats, J. eds. 1998. Políticas públicas en España. Contenidos, redes de actores y niveles de gobierno. Barcelona. Ariel.

Grau, M.; Mateos, A. 2002. Análisis de políticas públicas en España: Enfoques y casos. Valencia. Tirant lo Blanch.

Gomà, R. y Subirats, J. 2001 Govern i polítiques públiques a Catalunya (1980-2000). Barcelona. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona-Universitat de Barcelona, 2 volums.

Morata, F. 2000 Políticas públicas en la Unión Europea. Barcelona: Ariel.

Pollitt, C.; Bouckaert, G. 2004. Public Management Reform. A comparative Analysis. New York. Oxford University Press. 2nd edition.

Subirats, J.; Gallego, R. 2002 Veinte años de autonomías en España: Leyes, políticas públicas, instituciones y opinión pública. Madrid. Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas.


c) Journals

International Journal of Public Administration

International Public Management Journal


Journal of European Public Policy

Journal of Policy Analysis and Management

Journal of Public Admistration Research and Theory

Public Administration –an international quarterly.



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