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Swallowing and Related Disorders: Assessment and Intervention

Code: 104147 ECTS Credits: 9
Degree Type Year Semester
2500893 Speech therapy OB 3 2
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Andreu Sauca Balart

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:

Other comments on languages

Bibliografía can be in other languages, as spanish, catalan, french, italian, portuguese...

External teachers

Poden intervenir empreses i/o professionals externs a petición del docent.


Have studied the subject "Neurology of Language"

Objectives and Contextualisation

At the end of the course students must be able to:

Evaluate and diagnose eating disorders and swallowing in all ages and etiologies.

Know how to manage MECV-V and other tests such as EAT10 and the Payne Technique.

Know the anatomical bases involved in rehabilitation processes for swallowing and the remainingpost-surgery with dysphagia.

Know and know how to apply manoeuvres and therapeutic techniques to treat disorders of feeding and swallowing being studied.

Know the specific products for the feeding of patients with dysphagia.

Understand the most common tools and products for both the assessment and the treatment of problems swallowing.

Know how to identify the associated disorders involved in order to make therapeutic decisions. 

Understand the consequences of laryngectomy (partial and total) on swallowing in patients.

Understand the mechanisms of rehabilitation of smell in laryngectomized.

Know the issues of personal care that the speaker needs to know to treat patients with total laryngectomy.

Know the basics to rehabilitate the esophageal, prosthetic and electron speech in total laryngectomy.


  • Critically evaluate the techniques and instruments of evaluation and diagnosis in speech therapy, as well as its procedures of intervention.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of disorders in communication, language, speech, hearing, voice and non-verbal oral functions.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the limits of competence and be able to identify whether interdisciplinary treatment is required.
  • Explore, evaluate, diagnose and produce a prognosis of development for disorders of communication and language, from a multidisciplinary perspective.
  • Identify, analyze and solve ethical problems in complex situations.
  • Make decisions and take responsibility for them.
  • Understand, integrate and relate new knowledge deriving from autonomous learning.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Assess the usefulness of the main techniques of assessment and diagnosis of speech-therapy disorders of neurological origin and be able to interpret related results.
  2. Describe and explain the theoretical basis of the techniques of rehabilitation for disorders of speech, language and deglutition, of neurological origin.
  3. Describe aspects of the rehabilitation of disorders in speech, language and deglutition that require joint action by professionals from various disciplines (neurologists, physiotherapists, psychologists, etc).
  4. Describe the main techniques in the assessment and diagnosis of disorders in language, speech and deglutition of neurological origin.
  5. Explain the origin and characteristics of language speech and deglutition disorders caused by brain damage.
  6. Identify, analyze and solve ethical problems in complex situations.
  7. Make decisions and take responsibility for them.
  8. Understand, integrate and relate new knowledge deriving from autonomous learning.
  9. Use the most appropriate techniques to diagnose and issue a prognosis for the evolution of language, speech and deglutition disorders of neurological origin.


1. Anatomophysiology of swallowing.

- Pathophysiology of swallowing.

- Semiology of swallowing disorders.

2. Clinical and instrumental exploration of swallowing.

- EAT10


- T. de Payne

- Other explorations

3. Identification and management of dysphagia in preterm infants.

- Development of the oral functions of the feeding

- Child feeding: normality, reflexes and evolution

- Orofacial stimulation in the NICU

4. Oropharyngeal dysphagia of neurological origin and associated disorders

- Exploration and rehabilitation of the dysarthria

5. Dysphagia of organic origin and associated disorders.

- Exploration and rehabilitation of the dysglosies

6. Dysphagia vs. atypical swallowing and associated disorders

- Clinical and instrumental evaluation of atypical swallowing

- Interaction between atypical swallowing, speech disorders and associated orofacial dysfunctions

- Differential diagnosis: dysphagia and atypical swallowing

7. Objectives, programming and planning of the rehabilitation of swallowing according to basic pathology

- Manoeuvres and direct and indirect techniques of rehabilitation of dysphagia

8. Laryngectomy:

- Dysphagia inherent in the condition of the laryngectomized

- Basic care.

- The voice without a larynx:

- Protective voice

- Esophageal vein. Procedures and conditions.

- The electrolaryngx

- Other alternatives (communicators)


The subject will consist of a theoretical module of each subject and a module in which the student will be trained in the practice of the use of the main evidence of swallowing and its disorders.

Training activities, with approximate hours of dedication and corresponding learning outcomes, are specified below.

N.B. The proposed teaching and assessment methodologies may experience some modifications as a result of the restrictions on face-to-face learning imposed by the health authorities. The teaching staff will use the Moodle classroom or the usual communication channel to specify whether the different directed and assessment activities are to be carried out on site or online, as instructed by the Faculty.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Classes of theory amb suport TIC 61.5 2.46 3, 2, 5, 1
Practical classes of exploration and critical analysis and discussion of practical cases 6 0.24 6, 7
Type: Supervised      
Tutories programades amb the professor per revisió d'activitats dirigides 3.5 0.14 8, 2, 7
Type: Autonomous      
Bibliographic and documentary consultations 36 1.44 4, 5
Completion of summaries, diagrams and conceptual maps 15 0.6 5
Comprehensive reading of materials 47.25 1.89 8, 3, 2, 4, 5, 9, 1
Participation in peer communication forums 23 0.92 3, 2, 7
Tasks realization 30 1.2 4, 5



Assessment activities:

Title Weight ECTS credits Hours Learning outcomes

1. Examination. Type Test. Not eliminatory 20% 0.5 0.02 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 

2. Oral examination of erectile voice 10% 0.25 0.01 1

3. Examination. Type Test. Content of the whole subject seen in the theoretical classes 40% 1 0.04 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

4. Examination. Type Written development brief, on all the material covered in the Practical sessions.30% 1 0.04 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9


Continous Assessment:

Evidence 1: On-line multiple choice test. Non-eliminating.

Evidence 2: Oral face-to-face examination of eruphophilic voice production.

Evidence 3: On-line multiple choice test. Accumulative of all the subject matter of the theoretical part.

Evidence 4: On-line multiple choice test of the whole subject covered in the practical sessions.

(see assessment guidelines)


Assessment Guidelines:

The score obtained in the examination of the subject taught in the practical sessions, will only be computable if all the assigned practical sessions of the course have been attended.

Non Assessable students: those who have not submitted at least 40% of the minimum learning evidence.

Subject passed: pass with a minimum grade 5 (scale 0-10) taking into account the percentage weight of each evidence mentioned above.


Students who have not achieved the criteria established to pass the subject and who have been previously assessed on a set of activities whose weight equals a minimum of 66% of the total grade of the subject may choose to take any of the reassessment tests. To be able to take the reassessment tests the student must have obtained a minimum grade of 3.5 out of 10.


5. The reassessment will consist of two parts: a multiple choice test and the oral presentation of a practical case.


The maximum achievable grade will be10, although the relative grade and involvement of the student will be taken into account when it comes to awarding possible Distinctions (Matricula d’Honor).

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
1. Examination. Type Test. Not eliminatory 20% 0.5 0.02 8, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 1
2. Oral examination of erigmophonic voice 10% 0.25 0.01 8
3. Examination. Type Test. Accumulative of all the subject matter seen in the theoretical classes. 40% 1 0.04 8, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 1
4. Examination. Type Written development brief, of all the matter seen in the Practices. 30% 1 0.04 8, 4, 6, 7, 9, 1



S. Borras y V. Rosell. Guía para la reeducación de la deglución atípica y trastornos asociados. Nau Llibres,


D. Bleeckx. Disfagia. Evaluación y reeducación trastornos de la deglución. Mc Graw Hill, 2004. (Esgotat, però

hi és a la Biblioteca d'Humanitats de la UAB, inclouent-hi el CD-ROM)

P. Clavé y P. García. Guía de diagnóstico y de tratamiento nutricional y rehabilitador de la Disfagia

Orofaríngea. Nestlé Nutrition. Editorial Glosa, S.L. Barcelona 2011

Glaucia del Burgo. G. de la Aleja. Rehabilitación de problemas de deglución en pacientes con daño cerebral

sobrevenido, Editorial EOS, Madrid, 2004

D. Grandi i G. Donato. Terapia miofuncional. Diagnóstico y tratamiento. Ed. Lebón. Barcelona, 2008. (Inclou

CD-ROM i làmines)

J.A. Logemann. Evaluation and Treatment of Swallowing Disorders. Pro-ed, Austin, Texas, 1998

M. Massana. Tractament i prevenció de la dislàlia. Barcelona: Escola de Patologia del Llenguatge. Hospital de

la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, 2003

N. Melle. Guía de intervención logopédica en la disartria. Colección Trastornos del lenguaje, n. 4, Editorial

Síntesis, Madrid, 2008

Nestlé Nutrition. EAT 10, Herramienta validada para el cribado de la disfagia. Nestlé, 2011

I. Queiroz Marchesan. Fundamentos de la Fonoaudiología. Aspectos Clínicos de la motricidad oral, Editorial

Medica Panamericana, 2002

J.M. Ustrell et al. Terapéutica multidisciplinaria de las maloclusiones dentarias en el paciente infantil.

Laboratorios KN, Barcelona, 2001

M. Velasco. V. Arreola, P. Clavé, C. Puiggrós. Abordaje clínico de la disfagia orofaríngea: diagnóstico y

tratamiento. Nutrición Clínica en Medicina, Novembre 2007.

N. Zambrana. Logopedia y ortopedia maxilar en la rehabilitación orofacial. Tratamiento precoz y preventivo.

Terapia miofuncional. Masson. Actualidades Médico Odontológicas Latinamérica. 2000

F. Le Huche. Trad. Asociación Española de Laringectomizados. La Voz sin Laringe.

F. Le Huche, A. Allali, G. Miroux. La Voz sin Laringe. Marnual de Reeducación Vocal. Ed. Médica y Técnica.


G. Heuillet-Martin, L. Conrad. Hablar sin Laringe. Rehabilitación de la voz en laringectomizados. Ed. Lebón


L. Arrazubi, L. Royo. Servei ORL de l'Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau. UAB. Guia d'ajuda per a la

persona intervinguda de Laringectomia Total. 2001

Manuals ORL:

P. Abelló y M. Quer. Manual d'Oto-rino-laringologia. Manuals de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, n. 8.

Bellaterra, 1992.

R. Ramírez et al. Manual de Otorrinolaringología. McGraw-Hill-Interamericana. Madrid, 1998












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