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Communication and Educational Interaction I

Code: 103682 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500260 Social Education FB 1 A
2500261 Education Studies FB 1 A
2500797 Early Childhood Education FB 1 A
2500798 Primary Education FB 1 A
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Cecilia Gassull Bustamante

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Salvador Comellas García
Spei Macià Fàbrega
Ramon Panyella Ferreres
Eulàlia Pérez Vallverdú
Lluís Quintana Trias
Montserrat Vilà Santasusana
Enric Serra Casals
Maria Lluisa Roca Amengual
Joan Terrassa Serra
Alba Milà Vilalta
Montserrat Vila Rull


It is essential to a basic command of spoken and written Catalan in order to carry out the proposed activities. 

To pass this course the student should show in your use of the Catalan language , both orally and in writing , which has a level of competence equivalent to that requested in the level C1 of the Common European Framework reference for languages

Objectives and Contextualisation

The course aims to improve the competence of each student at the time to express themselves in front of a group and writing.

This improvement will be useful in academia today and in their future careers. One of the four subjects that make up the basic training that prepares faculty shared the basic skills and functional than any professional education needs. Each of the areas (strategies and discursive body and voice) brings its knowledge to the service of global understanding and communication aspects of educational interaction.

The course has a slope clearly practical application and is designed for this teaching with a very high percentage of seminars with small groups of students.  

Learning general objectives are:

  • To learn and experience the importance of body and voice as a medium for communication and interaction in education.
  • To understand and develop the oral and written discourse genres specific to education.


    Social Education
  • Develop critical thought and reasoning and be able to communicate them effectively, both in your own language and second or third languages.
  • Use ICT to learn, communicate and collaborate in educational contexts.
    Education Studies
  • Develop critical thinking and reasoning and know how to communicate effectively both in your own tongues and in other languages.
  • Incorporate information and communications technology to learn, communicate and share in educational contexts.
    Early Childhood Education
  • Develop critical thinking and reasoning and know how to communicate effectively both in your own tongues and in other languages.
  • Express other languages and use them for educational purposes: corporal, musical, audiovisual.
    Primary Education
  • Develop critical thinking and reasoning and understand how to communicate effectively both in one’s own languages and in a foreign language.
  • Incorporate information and communications technology to learn, communicate and share in educational contexts.
  • Selectively distinguish audiovisual information that contributes to learning, public training and cultural richness.
  • Understand the basics of primary education

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse the structure and content of different institutional documents.
  2. Express oneself and use corporal, musical and visual languages ??to selectively distinguish audiovisual information that contributes to education, public training and cultural richness.
  3. Understand the social and cognitive dimensions of written language, know about the different dynamics of orality to master the use of different expression techniques and adequately express oneself orally and in writing.



  1. Body attitude, gesture and breathing projection of the voice.
    1.1. The voice and the body as communication tools.
											   1.2. The body as a vocal instrument.
											   1.3. Broadcast efficient voice healthy.
											   2. Body language and communication effectiveness
   3. The situation of educational communication: Continuous oral discourse and interaction.    3.1. Interaction through the different roles of communication (monologue, dialogue rhetorical ...).     3.2. The management of the communicative situation: comprehension strategies, social relations and maintaining interaction.      4.Suports multimedia and oral communication.    4.1. The functions of the audiovisual media in different communicative situations.    4.2. The distribution of information: verbal and visual media.      5. discourse genres and production processes in the context of education. Elements cohesion.    5.1. The production process of an oral or written text.    5.2. Linguistic properties: adequacy, structure, coherence, cohesion.    5.3. The oral and written discourse genres specific to education.    5.4. Strategies rhetorical discourse explanatory narrative and argumentative.


This subject is raised essentially as a work space in order that each practitioner participant to improve their communicative competence. A large group sessions are primarily exhibitions by teachers of basic issues complementary. It is done with the whole group class .

Seminars are small group work spaces in small groups ( third part of the pack ) which means various activities ( case studies, materials analysis , group dynamics , etc.) in depth course content .

The activities are supervised tutoriesde monitoring activities, both in person and virtually.

The hours are independent activities of individual self and group .


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
big group 5 0.2 3, 2
seminars 40 1.6 3
Type: Supervised      
supervised 30 1.2 3
Type: Autonomous      
autonomous activities 65 2.6 3



Attendance is mandatory to achieve the objectives of the course. To be assessed the assistance of at least 80% of all classes of each block will be necessary.

The evaluation of the course will take place throughout the academic year of the course. To pass the course must be approved each of the two areas that constitute it. As the evaluation is performed continuously, requires to have delivered a minimum number of tasks to be evaluated.

At the end of the course it provides for the possibility of recovery of the aspects unattained to pass the subject. It should examine in each case depending on the situation of each student, if this recovery is accomplished through an additional or autonomous work remaking some activities delivered or performed.

The scores for each of the evaluative evidence will be publish in the CV. The student who wants review the note you must do so within 15 days after publication in the tutorial hours faculty has established for this subject in the program.

Copying or plagiarism, both in the case of work as in the case of examinations, will be punished with a zero in the activity and is not possible to re-sit it. In case of recidivism the student will fail the whole subject. "Copy" is considered work that reproduces all or most the work of another student. "Plagiarism" is taking someone else's work or ideas without citing the author, whether on paper or in digital format. You can view the documentation UAB on "Plagiarism" in: http://wuster.uab.es/web_argumenta_obert/unit_20/sot_2_01.html

To pass this course, the student needs to show, in the suggested proposed, a good general communicative competence, both orally and in writing and a good command of the working language contained in the teaching guide. To pass the course must pass both sides and have a 5 least, of oral part.

Those students who have voice problems and do not provide the medical diagnosis and / or report the re-education process can not be evaluated.

Recall that, in the case of the Catalan language in first and second year students are asked to achieve the equivalent of level C1 language proficiency and from 3rd. degree course the student must have a level equivalent to C2.



Students will have an oral presentation (50% of the grade). In the following dates:

        • GRUP 1:   SEMINARI B  11/12/2020;   SEMINARI C    19/3/2021;     SEMINARI A    18/6/2021
        • GRUP 2:   SEMINARI B  11/12/2020;   SEMINARI C    19/3/2021;     SEMINARI A    18/6/2021 
        • GRUP 21:  SEMINARI B  2/12/2020;    SEMINARI C    24/3/2021;     SEMINARI A     9/6/2021 
        • GRUP 31:  SEMINARI B  2/12/2020;    SEMINARI C    24/3/2021;     SEMINARI A     9/6/2021 
        • GRUP 41:  SEMINARI B  21/12/2020;  SEMINARI C    22/3/2021;     SEMINARI A    21/6/2021
        • GRUP61:   SEMINARI B  2/12/2020;    SEMINARI C    24/4/2021;     SEMINARI A    16/6/2021
        • GRUP 62:  SEMINARI B 21/12/2020;   SEMINARI C    12/4/2021;     SEMINARI A    28/6/2021
        • GRUP 71:  SEMINARI B  11/12/2020;   SEMINARI C    19/3/2021;     SEMINARI A    18/6/2021 



        • GRUP 1,2 i 71:        30/6/2021
        • GRUP 21, 31 i 61 : 23/6/2020
        • GRUP 41 i 62:         5/7/2021


Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
activities discursive strategies 33,5% 4.5 0.18 1, 3
body and voice activities 16,5% 3 0.12 3, 2
transversal activity (oral presentation) 50% 2.5 0.1 3, 2


Bonal, E.; Casas, M.; Casas, N. (2005) Diversita't. Cançons, danses... Activitats i recursos per a la convivència en la diversitat. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya. Fundació Bofill. (inclou 2 CDs)

Calsamiglia, H., Tusón, A. (1999): Las cosas del decir. Barcelona: Ariel.

Casas,M. ; Castellà, J. M. ; Vilà, M. (2016): Els secrets de parlar en públic. Guia pràctica per a qualsevol professional. Barcelona: EUMO

Cassany, D. (2002): La cuina de l’escriptura. Barcelona: Empúries.

Castellà, J. M.; Comelles, S.; Cros, A.; Vilà, M. (2007 ) : Entendre’s a classe. Les estratègies comunicatives dels docents ben valorats. Barcelona: Graó.

Cros, A. (2003): Convencer en clase. Barcelona: Ariel Lingüística

Cros, A., Vilà, M. (1998): "L'explicació oral d'un concepte", dins Camps, A. I Colomer, T (Coord.): L’ensenyament i l’aprenentatge de la Llengua i de la Literatura en l’Educació Secundària  Barcelona: Horsori: 201-215.

Gassull, C.; Godall, P.; Martorell, M. (2004) La veu. Orientacions pràctiques. Barcelona. Edicions de l’Abadia de Montserrat.

Mortara Garavelli, B. (1988): Manual de retórica. Madrid: Cátedra, 1991. 

Payrató, L. (1988): Català col·loquial. València: Universitat de València.

Pujol, J. M.: i Solà, J. (1995)  Ortotipografia. Manual de l’editor, l’autoeditor i el dissenyador gràfic. Barcelona: Columna.

Weston, A. (1994): Las claves de la argumentación. Barcelona: Ariel