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Creative Processes and Techniques

Code: 103142 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2501935 Advertising and Public Relations OB 3 1
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Ángel Sánchez Sanchez Sancho

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Anna Fajula Payet

External teachers

Patricia Luján


No one

Objectives and Contextualisation

- Know and study creative processes and techniques of ideation, in general, and advertising, in particular.

- Practice most of the different creative advertising techniques.

- Carry out a complete work through two roles: 1. The creation by groups of a briefing (Advertiser) 2. The creation by groups of a campaign (Agency) that solve the communication problems raised in the briefing.


  • Apply creative techniques in writing advertisements.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the narrative and expressive characteristics of a creative advertising message.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the structure and functions of the technological context that plays a role in the advertising communication process.
  • Manage persuasive communication creatively.
  • Use one’s imagination with flexibility, originality and ease.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply the strategic principles that determine a campaign to developing a creative briefing.
  2. Develop creative sales ideas.
  3. Distinguish the fundamental principles of relational dialectics between repeatability and originality-innovation.
  4. Identify the fundamental principles of recognition and significant difference.
  5. Provide creative solutions to the advertiser’s communication problems, bearing in mind the budgetary limitations determining a campaign.
  6. Use one’s imagination with flexibility, originality and ease.
  7. Use technological instruments for the composition and editing of graphic messages.


The marketing of communication. The information of the advertiser: briefing and contrabriefing.
2. The creative agency briefing.
3. The sources of the advertising information and all its agents.
4. Creativity and innovation. Creative advertising methods. All the techniques of advertising ideation.
5. The process of advertising creation.
5. Creative advertising strategies ... and the resolution of campaigns on and off line.


At the same time that the students know in the theoretical classes the creative advertising processes and techniques of advertising this subject proposes:

- Provide articles and examples of new campaigns in the different media that illustrate the topics discussed in class for discussion and analysis under the pedagogical structure of a seminar or round table

- Perform by practical groups that allow applying most of the creative techniques and solve communication problems.

- Play the role of Advertiser, detect a problem and know how to create and present a briefing. Play the role of Agency and through a communication campaign solve the planned problem applying the creative techniques studied.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Theory, Seminars and Practices 52.5 2.1 1, 3, 5, 2, 4
Type: Supervised      
Tutorials 7.5 0.3 1, 6, 3, 5, 2, 4
Type: Autonomous      
Reading, analysis and synthesis of texts, preparation and realization of works 82.5 3.3 1, 3, 5, 2, 4




- Theory 40% (Exam type test, 40%)
- Practice 60% (Class practices, 20%. Course work Advertiser-Agency (40%)).
- The two parts (Theory and Practice) must be approved separately to be able to make the average of the subject.

- It is necessary to approve the two parts of Practices separately to be able to do the average of Practices.

      Re-evaluation activities.

- Theory. Recovery exam.

- Practice. Re-submit corrected and improved all suspended practices and / or course work Advertiser-Agency suspended

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Evaluation 0 7.5 0.3 1, 6, 3, 5, 2, 4, 7



RICARTE, JM. (2000): Procesos y técnicas creativas publicitarias. Barcelona: Servei de Publicacions de la UAB.

BAÑOS, Miguel. (2002), Creatividad y Publicidad. Laberinto. Madrid.

BAÑOS, M. GARCÍA, F. RAMIREZ, FJ. (2009): Las palabras en la publicidad. Laberinto. Madrid.

NAVARRO, Carlos. (2010): Creatividad publicitaria eficaz. ESIC, Madrid

BURTENSHAW, K. MAHON, N. BARFOOT, C (2007): Principios de publicidad. El proceso creativo, GG. Barcelona

ARROLLO, Isidoro (2005). La profesión de crearCreatividad e investigación publicitarias. Laberinto. 2005

MAHON Nik (2012), Ideación. Cómo generar grandes ideas publicitarias. Gustavo Gili. Barcelona.

PRICKEN, M. (2004) Publicidad creativa. Ideas y técnicas de las mejores campañas internacionales. GG, BCN




HERNANDEZ, C. (1999): Manual de creatividad publicitaria. Sintesis, Madrid

MOLINÉ, MARÇAL( 1999) , La Fuerza de la Publicidad . Cuadernos Cinco Días, Madrid.

SOLANA, Daniel (2010) Postpublicidad. www.postpublicidad.com

YOUNG, JAMES WEBB: Una técnica para producir ideas.Eresma, Madrid, 1990.

D&A:    The Copy Book (How 32 of the world’s best advertising writerswrite their advertising). The designers & art directors association, London, 1996.

JOANNIS, HENRY 1986): El proceso de creación publicitaria. Deusto, Bilbao,

STEBBINS, HAL: Píldoras publicitarias, Oikos-Tau, Barcelona, 1989. Unas palabras acerca de las palabras (p.13-43)

SEGARRA, TONI. Desde el otro lado del escaparate. Espasa, 2009. Barcelona.

LORENTE, JOAQUÍN: Casi todo lo que sé de publicidad. Folio, Barcelona, 1986. 

TOSCANI, OLIVIERO: Adéu a la publicitat. Empúries, Barcelona, 1996.

OGILVY, DAVID: Confesiones de un publicitario. Oikos-Tau, Barcelona, 1967. 

CASTELLBLANQUE, Mariano: Manual del redactor publicitario. ESIC, Madrid. 200

BASSAT, LUÍS: El libro rojo de la publicidad. Folio, Barcelona,1993

ROBERTS, Kevin: Lovemarks. El futuro más allá de las marcas. Urano. Barcelona. 2004

OBRADORS, M (2008), Creatividad y generación de ideas. Aldea Global. Barcelona.

FALLON, PAT y SENN, FRED: Exprime la idea. Harvard Business School Press. LID Editorial Empreasrial 2007.

SALMON, CHRISTIAN:  STORYTELLING. La máquina de fabricar historias y formatear las mentes. Península, 2008.

BOGUSKY, ALEX & WINSOR, JOHN:   Baked In. Creating products and bussinesses that market themselves. B2 Books.Agate Publishing. Chicago, 2009.

GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ, GABRIEL: Cómo se cuenta un cuento. EICTV Ollero y Ramos, Madrid, 1996.

BEIGBEDER, FREDERIC: 13,99 euros. Anagrama, Barcelona, 2001.



Revistas profesionales On Line

Anuncios: www.anuncios.com
El Periódico de la publicidad: www.periodicopublicidad.com
El Publicista: www.elpublicista.com
IP-Mark: www.ipmark.com
Control Publicidad: www.controlpublicidad.com
Marketing directo.com: www.marketingdirecto.com 
Puromarketing: www.puromarketing.com
Yorokobu: www.yorokobu.es



- www.bcnvisualsound.org/ct/index.html

- www.eiconsortium.org/members/goleman.htm

- www.adage.com/century/people.html

- www.bcnvisualsound.org/ct/index.html

- www.prnoticias.com

- www.ship.edu/~cgboeree/maslowesp.html

- www.fregona.net/


- www.usc.es/~idega/langreona.doc (noviembre 2004)

- www.abcdatos.com/tutoriales/tutorial/o222.html

- www.apple.es

- www.bestadsontv.com

- www.canalpublicidad.com

- www.comanalysis.ch/ComAnalysis/Publication50.htm

- www.heineken.es

- www.publitv.com

- www.rtve.es/tve/b/redes/semanal/prg210/entrevista.htm

- www.usshowreels.tv/index.php

- www.rae.es

- www.spotstv.com

- www.zafara.org/museo/entrada/

- www.cgu.edu/qlrc/mike.htm

- www.eic.es/noticies/notas/ articles/enguany/marzo/imatgeEIC.pdf

- www.srarushmore.com

- www.milmilks.org

- www.scpf.com


Archivos de imágenes

ACI: www.acionline.biz

Age Fotostock: www.agefotostock.com

Alfaqui Fotografia/Photoline.com: www.photonline.com

Anna Server Agency S.L. (ASA): www.minenpictures.com

Cover: www.cover.es

Fotononstop: www.fotononstop.com

Framepool www.framepool.com

Gastromedia: www.gastrofotos.com

Getty Images: www.gettyimages.com

HighRes Press Stock: www.highres.es

Iberimages: www.iberimage.com

Illustration Stock: www.imagenytraduccion.com

Index: www.indesfototeca.es

Matton Images: www.matton.es

Mister Bild: www.misterbild.com

Quickimage Stock: www.quick-image.com

Stock Photos: www.stockprhotos.es

Vidiments: www.vidiments.com


Certámenes de habla hispana:

El Sol (publicidad): www.elsolfestival.com

Anuario de la Creatividad del cdc (publicidad y marketing): www.clubdecreativos.com

Premios a la Eficacia (publicidad y marketing): www.premioseficacia.com

Premios Laus (diseño y publicidad): www.adg-fad.org

Premios Ratón (publicidad interactiva): www.movierecord.com

Premios Imán (marketing directo): www.fecemd.org

Premios AEMP (marketing promocional): www.aemp.es

Premios APPE (producción): www.appe.org

FIAP (publicidad): www.fiap.com.ar

El Ojo de Iberoamérica (publicidad): www.elojodeiberoamerica.com

Festival Drac Novell: www.associaciopublicitat.com


Certámenrss internacionales:

Clio Awards (publicidad): www.clioawards.com

Festival de Cannes (publicidad y marketing): www.canneslions.com

London Festival (publicidad): www.liaawards.com

One Show (publicidad): www.oneclub.com

Cresta Awards (publicidad): www.cresta-awards.com

New York Festivals (publicidad, marketing y diseño): www.newyorkfestivals.com

Épica (publicidad): www.epica-awards.com

Eurobest (publicidad): www.eurobest.com

Echo Awards (marketing directo): www.dma-echo.org

Caples Awards (marketing directo): www.caples.org

PMC Awards (marketing promocional): www.eaca.be


Asociaciones, federaciones y clubs:

Club de Creativos (cdec): www.clubdecreativos.com

Foment de les Arts Decoratives : www.fadweb.com

Asociación Española de Anunciantes (AEA): www.anunciantes.com

Asociación Española de Agencias de Publicidad (AEAP): www.aeap.es

Federación Nacional de Empresas de Publicidad (FNEP): www.fnep.es

Asociación General de Empresas de Publicidad (AGEP): www.agep.es

Asociación de Autocontrol de la Publicidad (AAP): www.aap.es

Asociación de Agencias de Medios (AM): www.agenciasdemedios.com

Federación Española de Comercio Electrónico y Marketing Directo (FECEMD): www.fecemd.org

Asociación de Productoras Publicitarias Españolas (APPE): www.appe.org

Asociación de Agencias de Marketing Directo e Interactivo (AGEMDI): www.agemdi.org

Club de Dirigentes de Marketing: www.clubdemarketing.com

Asociación Española de Estudios de Mercado, Marketing y Opinión (AEDEMO): www.aedemo.es

Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Investigación de Mercados y Opinión Pública(ANEIMO): www.aneimo.com

Asociación para la Investigación de los Medios de Comunicación: (AIMC) www.aimc.es

Asociación de Editores de Diarios Españoles (AEDE): www.aede.es

Asociación de Revistas de Información (ARI): www.revistas-ari.com

Gremi de Publicitat de Catalunya: www.associaciopublicitat.com