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Advertising Copywriting

Code: 103141 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2501935 Advertising and Public Relations OB 3 2
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Mariano Castellblanque Ramiro

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
spanish (spa)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Ángel Sánchez Sanchez Sancho



Objectives and Contextualisation

Know, study, reflect, examine and practice the role of Copywriter as a key professional within the organizational structure of an advertising agency, its functions and operational development in both Above The Line (ATL) and Below The Line (BTL) devising and writing all kinds of advertising pieces.


  • Apply creative techniques in writing advertisements.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the narrative and expressive characteristics of a creative advertising message.
  • Manage persuasive communication creatively.
  • Use one’s imagination with flexibility, originality and ease.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply the strategic principles that determine a campaign to developing a creative briefing.
  2. Develop creative sales ideas.
  3. Distinguish the fundamental principles of relational dialectics between repeatability and originality-innovation.
  4. Identify the fundamental principles of recognition and significant difference.
  5. Provide creative solutions to the advertiser’s communication problems, bearing in mind the budgetary limitations determining a campaign.
  6. Use one’s imagination with flexibility, originality and ease.


Part I
1- The figure of the copywriter. Great copywriters.
2- Strategy, idea, word.
3- Elements of copywriting: the headline.
4- Elements of copywriting: the body copy.
Part II
5- ATL copywriting (press, magazines, radio, TV, cinema, outdoor, internet).
Part III
6- BTL advertising copywriting (direct marketing, direct Internet marketing, e-mailing, mobile marketing, brochures, street marketing, Internet advertising, Social Networks, POS, sponsorship, etc.).


- Theory to explain the key concepts (master class).  
- Compulsory reading (books, articles, chapters, websites, blogs...).
- Optional readings (books, articles, chapters, websites, blogs...).
- Individual and group writing practices based on a briefing.
- Final practice of a 360º campaign of a real client (if possible). 


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Tutorials 52.5 2.1 1, 6, 3, 2, 4
Type: Supervised      
Reading, analysing and synthesising texts, preparing and carrying out work 7.5 0.3 1, 6, 3, 2, 4
Type: Autonomous      
Theoretical classes, seminars and practices 82.5 3.3 1, 3, 2, 4



Activity A: Theory 30% on the final grade.

Activity B: Specific practices 50% on the final qualification.

Activity C: Transmedia practice 20% on the final grade.

The proposed teaching methodology and evaluation may undergo some modification in the restrictions on attendance imposed by the health authorities.



Students who obtain a grade of less than 1.5 (out of 3) for theory and a grade of less than 3.5 (out of 7) for practice will be required to make up the suspended part.

Requirements for passing the course

In order to pass the course, all of the previously specified evaluable activities must be passed without distinction.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Evaluation activities 0 7.5 0.3 1, 6, 3, 5, 2, 4



Castellblanque, Mariano; Ronco,Víctor (2020), Manual del Redactor Publicitario Offline-Online. ESIC, Madrid
Morel, Rosa (2018). Neurocopywriting.

D&AD (2018), The Copy Book. Taschen

Escribano Hernández, Asunción (2018). La redacción publicitaria. Síntesis

Estanyol, E. Serra C. Castellblanque, M. (2015), ¿Dónde cuentan sus historias las marcas. Ed. UOC

Estanyol, E. Roca, A. Castellblanque, M. Serra C (2015) ¿Quién se esconde detrás de una campaña publicitaria?

Curto, V. Rey, J. Sabaté J. (2008), Redacción publicitaria.  Editorial UOC

Rom, Josep i Sabaté, Joan (2007): Llenguatge publicitari: Estratègia i creativitat publicitàries. UOC, Barcelona.

Sawyer, R. (2006) Kiss & Sell. Redacción Publicitaria. Index Book. Barcelona 

Fernández Cavia, José; Huertas, Asunción (2009): Redacción en relaciones públicas, Pearson-Prentice Hall, Madrid.

Guillén, Montse (2006), La motivación del redactor publicitario. Aproximación a un modelo de estudio

Rodero, Emma y otros(2004). La radio que convence. Manual para creativos y locutores publicitarios. Ariel

Navarro, Carlos (2006), Creatividad publicitaria eficaz. ESIC, Madrid


Anuncios: www.anuncios.com

El Periódico de la publicidad: www.periodicopublicidad.com
El Publicista: www.elpublicista.com
IP-Mark: www.ipmark.com
Control Publicidad: www.controlpublicidad.com
Marketing directo.com: www.marketingdirecto.com 
Puromarketing: www.puromarketing.com
Yorokobu: www.yorokobu.es



- www.bcnvisualsound.org/ct/index.html

- www.eiconsortium.org/members/goleman.htm

- www.adage.com/century/people.html

- www.bcnvisualsound.org/ct/index.html

- www.prnoticias.com

- www.ship.edu/~cgboeree/maslowesp.html

- www.fregona.net/


- www.usc.es/~idega/langreona.doc (noviembre 2004)

- www.abcdatos.com/tutoriales/tutorial/o222.html

- www.apple.es

- www.bestadsontv.com

- www.canalpublicidad.com

- www.comanalysis.ch/ComAnalysis/Publication50.htm

- www.heineken.es

- www.publitv.com

- www.rtve.es/tve/b/redes/semanal/prg210/entrevista.htm

- www.rtve.es/tve/b/redes/semanal/prg217/entrevista.htm

- www.ukshowreels.tv/index.php

- www.usshowreels.tv/index.php

- www.rae.es

- www.spotstv.com

- www.zafara.org/museo/entrada/

- www.cgu.edu/qlrc/mike.htm

- www.eic.es/noticies/notas/ articles/enguany/marzo/imatgeEIC.pdf

- www.srarushmore.com