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Marketing and Document Management

Code: 103133 ECTS Credits: 12
Degree Type Year Semester
2501935 Advertising and Public Relations OB 1 A
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Elaine Aparecida Lopes Da Silva

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


There is no prerequisite.


Objectives and Contextualisation

To know how to identify markets and publics.

To understand the scope of the tools and the basic resources in analytical marketing and know how to apply them.

To know how to use the main types of sources and information resources.

To know how to manage documentary information.


  • Analyse market data (competition and brand image) to develop a communication plan.
  • Demonstrate a critical and self-critical capacity.
  • Demonstrate a self-learning and self-demanding capacity to ensure an efficient job.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of management theories in the management of advertising companies and organisations.
  • Develop autonomous learning strategies.
  • Develop critical thinking and reasoning and be able to relay ideas effectively, in both official languages (Catalan and Spanish) and a third language.
  • Disseminate the area’s knowledge and innovations.
  • Generate innovative and competitive ideas in research and professional practice.
  • Manage time effectively.
  • Respect the diversity and plurality of ideas, people and situations.
  • Show leadership, negotiation and team-working capacity, as well as problem-solving skills.
  • Use one’s imagination with flexibility, originality and ease.
  • Value diversity and multiculturalism as a foundation for teamwork.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate a critical and self-critical capacity.
  2. Demonstrate a self-learning and self-demanding capacity to ensure an efficient job.
  3. Develop autonomous learning strategies.
  4. Develop critical thinking and reasoning and be able to relay ideas effectively, in both official languages (Catalan and Spanish) and a third language.
  5. Disseminate the area’s knowledge and innovations.
  6. Distinguish the techniques for developing the corporate image of advertising companies and organisations.
  7. Generate innovative and competitive ideas in research and professional practice.
  8. Identify the foundations of brand creation and management.
  9. Manage time effectively.
  10. Respect the diversity and plurality of ideas, people and situations.
  11. Show leadership, negotiation and team-working capacity, as well as problem-solving skills.
  12. Use one’s imagination with flexibility, originality and ease.
  13. Value diversity and multiculturalism as a foundation for teamwork.


Marketing Scope:

Marketing - General Approach (history, major authors, SIM and marketing approaches)

Environment analysis and SWOT

Market research: Qualitative

Market research: Quantitative

Consumer behavior

Marketing policies: The "4P" (product, price, distribution and communication)

Documentary Management Scope:

Preparation of academic documents: formal considerations. The bibliographic identification: norms and tools.

Documentary management: what it is and what it is for. Approach to the Information Units. Informative needs for publicists and public relations.

The representation of information: the languages of indexation.

The sources of information: typology, characteristics and uses. Sources of reference for the advertising activity.

The electronic information. The databases: structure, operation and consultation. Internet as a source of information: directories and search engines.

Access to bibliographic information on the net: catalogs, summary databases, commercial databases, editorial portals and academic search engines.

Sources of graphic and audiovisual information for the advertising activity.

Social search engines


Teaching methodology:

Theoretical classes




Reading and analysis of texts

Preparation and realization of individual and group work

Evaluation activities

Resolution of practical cases

Student's portfolio







Mk: General Approach - Basic ideas (history, great authors and approaches)


Knowledge of marketing approaches (orientations).


Mk: Environment analysis and SWOT


Recognition of environmental factors (micro and macro)


Mk: Market research - Qualitative


Knowledge of the application of the basic techniques of qualitative market research


Mk: Market research - Quantitative 


Knowledge of the application of the basic techniques of quantitative market research


Mk: Consumer behavior


Knowledge of the different roles of consumers


Mk: Marketing policies: The "4P" (product, price)


Basic knowledge of operational marketing I


Mk: Marketing policies: The "4P" (distribution and communication)


Basic knowledge of operational marketing II


DM: Formal aspects of academic work


Knowledge of the main formal aspects of academic work: citation and bibliographic identification


DM: Information Units: the website of the UAB library service


Knowledge of the main information access services provided by the libraries of the UAB and the CBUC.


DM: Sources of information: reference sources for advertising activity


Knowledge of the scope and uses of the main types of sources of reference information for advertising activity


DM: Consultation of bibliographic catalogs


Knowledge of the main collective bibliographic catalogues. To know how to formulate search strategies using controlled languages.


DM: Consultation of bibliographic databases


Knowledge of the main types of databases that give access to bibliographic documents. To know how to interrogate databases.


DM: Internet as a source of information


To know how to use generalist search engines.


DM: Sources of access to graphic and audiovisual information


To know the main resources that give access to the graphic and audiovisual information useful for the advertising activity.


DM: Social Search Engines


To know the scope and uses of the main typologies that give access to the Web 2.0 information.


Mk-DM. Direction and realization of the course work


To apply the knowledge and skills acquired on Marketing and Documentary Management in the resolution of a problem.







Follow-up of the realization of the course work


To apply the knowledge and skills acquired in Marketing and Documentary Management in the resolution of a problem.







Study of the contents of the subject.

Preparation of the two tests of the theoretical and practical contents.

Preparation of group work.


To apply knowledge and skills acquired in Marketing and Documentary Management.

The calendar will be available on the first day of class. Students will find all information on the Virtual Campus: the teaching materials, and any necessary information for the proper follow-up of the subject. In case of a change of teaching modality for health reasons, teachers will make readjustments in the schedule and methodologies.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Basic knowledge of operational marketing 6 0.24 6, 8
Basic knowledge of strategic marketing 6 0.24 6, 8
Knowledge of marketing orientations 2 0.08 6, 8
Knowledge of the basic techniques of qualitative market research 4 0.16 6, 8
Knowledge of the basic techniques of quantitative market research 4 0.16 6, 8
Knowledge of the different roles of the consumer 6 0.24 6, 8
Knowledge of the different types of databases and their use 8 0.32 6, 8
Knowledge of the main collective bibliographic catalogs and their use 4 0.16 6, 8
Knowledge of the main services of access to library information 2 0.08 6, 8
Knowledge of the scope and uses of the main types of information sources 2 0.08 6, 8
Recognition of environmental factors (micro and macro) 4 0.16 6, 8
To apply the knowledge and skills acquired about marketing and documentary management in the resolution of a problem 44 1.76 11, 4, 6, 7, 9, 8
To know how to use generalist search engines 4 0.16 6, 8
To know the main resources of access to the deep web 4 0.16 6, 8
Type: Supervised      
To apply the knowledge and skills acquired about marketing and documentary management in the resolution of a problem. 33 1.32 12, 2, 11, 1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 7, 9, 8, 10, 13
Type: Autonomous      
To apply the knowledge and skills acquired about marketing and documentary management in the resolution of a problem 75 3 12, 2, 11, 1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 7, 9, 8


The system to pass the subject is through the monitoring of the continuous evaluation. This means carrying out and delivering the different evaluation activities planned, which are detailed below:

1. Individual classroom practices. The monitoring of the continuous evaluation requires the realization of a minimum of 70% of the exercises. The correct completion of all classroom exercises will provide 10% of the final grade.

2. Individual test of theoretical and practical contents of Marketing. The qualification obtained will represent 30% of the final grade.

3. Individual test of theoretical and practical contents of Documentary Management. The qualification obtained will represent 30% of the final grade.

These two tests seek to assess the understanding of the main theoretical and practical contents of the subject in its two aspects and must demonstrate the degree of learning and autonomous study of students.

The grade of each of the tests cannot be less than 3.5 to make average in the continuous evaluation. Both tests can be re-evaluated. The minimum grade to access the re-evaluation is 3. If the grade is lower, the subject will be suspended without the possibility of re-evaluation.

4. Course work. It is a group work that will be carried out entirely during the second semester. Its objective is to combine the two components of the subject (Mk + DM) through a practical case. The assignments for each group and the specificities on the realization and follow-up of the group work will be given at the beginning of the second semester. The group work grade will provide 30% of the final grade.

The qualification of the group work will be obtained through three evidences:

a) Follow-up of the work (completion of the orders and attendance to the programmed tutoring). The unjustified absence to any of the tutorials is penalized with 2 points of the note of the follow-up of the work. The qualification of the follow-up of the work represents 70% of the final grade of the work.

b) Work preparation. Formal presentation of the work, following the instructions provided by the professors in charge of both Mk and DM parts of the subject. The qualification of the formal presentation represents 20% of the final grade of the work.

c) Public exhibition of the work, which represents 10% of the final grade of the work.

The final grade of the subject will be obtained from the sum of the percentages corresponding to the four items evaluated. To pass the subject, the sum of the four items should reach 5.

The re-evaluation: The individual Marketing and Documentary Management tests can be re-evaluated. Anyone who has made at least 70% of the individual practices within the period established for each one and has obtained a grade of not less than 3 in each of the tests, can opt for re-evaluation.

In the case of a second enrollment, students will be able to take a single synthesis test that will consist of a paper. The grade of the subject will correspond to the grade of the synthesis test.

The orthographic or grammatical incorrectness in any of the activities of the subject will subtract points in their grades.

The student who makes any irregularity (copy, plagiarism, identity theft, ...) will be rated 0 in this act of evaluation. In the event of several irregularities, the final grade for the course will be 0.

The proposed teaching methodology and evaluation activities may undergo some modifications depending on the health authorities' attendance restrictions.




Individual classroom practices


Mastery of the theoretical-practical contents of the subject

Individual test of theoretical and practical contents of Marketing



Individual test of theoretical and practical contents of Documentary Management



Course work




Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Course work 30% 60 2.4 2, 11, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 8
Individual practices in the Classroom 10% 30 1.2 12, 1, 6, 5, 8, 13
Individual test of theoretical and practical contents of Documentary Management. 30% 1 0.04 3, 4, 6, 9, 8, 10, 13
Individual test of theoretical and practical contents of Marketing 30% 1 0.04 3, 4, 6, 9, 8, 10, 13


ABADAL, Ernest. Servicios y sistema de información digital. Gijón: Trea, 2001.

ABADAL, Ernest; CODINA, Lluís. Bases de datos documentales: características, funciones y método. Madrid: Síntesis, 2005. (Ciencias de la información. Biblioteconomía y documentación; 25) ISBN 84-9756-263-1.

CODINA, Lluís. “Motores de búsqueda de información científica y académica”[En línia]. Hipertext.net, núm. 5, 2007. <http://www.hipertext.net> [Consulta: 12.10.2010]. ISSN 1695-5498.

FERRAN, Núria; PÉREX-MONTORO, Mario. Búsqueda y recuperación de la información. [Recurs electrònic]. Barcelona: UOC.

LOPEZ YEPES, José (Coord.) Manual de ciencias de la documentación. Madrid: Pirámide, 2002. (Ozalid). ISBN 84-368-1645-5.

MORENO JIMÉNEZ, Pilar. “Estrategias y mecanismos de búsqueda en la web invisible” [En línia]. En: Biblioteca Daniel Cosío Villegas, México, 2003-2005. http://biblio.colmex.mx/recelec/web_invisible.htm . [Consulta: 12.10.2010]

SALAZAR, Idoia. Las profundidades de Internet. Gijón: Trea, 2005


CABRÉ, Alex y MARTORELL, Guillermo. “Marketing Democrático. Cómo impulsar una marca sin grandes inversiones.”     Barcelona: Editorial on line lulu.com, 2008 ISBN No. Subscripció al bloc “Marketing Democrático” per aconseguir el llibre en pdf (http://marketingdemocratico.com/el-libro/)

CHIAS, Josep. “El màrqueting”. Barcelona: Editorial UOC, 2007. ISBN 84-9788-660-4. Col·lecció Vull saber, núm. 67

KOTLER, P. et altri. “Introducción al Marketing” (2a ed. europea). Madrid: Prentice Hall, 2000. ISBN 84-8322-178-5.  (Reimpresión 2006)

KOTLER, P. et altri. “Marketing” (10a ed.). Madrid: Pearson Educación, 2004. ISBN 84-205-4198-3

KIM, W. Chan y MAUBORGNE, Renée. “La estrategia del océano azul. Cómo crear en el mercado espacios no disputados en los que la competencia sea irrelevante.” Barcelona: Grupo Editorial Norma, 2008. ISBN 84-92421-28-2. Verticales de bolsillo. Management.