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Audiovisuals Multimedia Genres and Formats

Code: 103103 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2501933 Journalism OT 3 0
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Pedro Molina Rodriguez-Navas

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
spanish (spa)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Oscar Coromina Rodríguez


There will be readings in Catalan, Spanish and English. In some cases, the practices of the subject can also be taught in Catalan.

Knowledge of writing and multimedia journalistic production. The subject is not intended to teach students to use computer applications, but focuses on on New Narratives and, therefore, works in new formats and platforms. This means that students must have a user level knowledge of the following softwares:

a) Office IT (editing, spreadsheet, management, presentations) and cloud computing

b) Photo retouching software

c) Audio and video editing software

d) HTML5 based web management

e) Social Networks

f) Data visualization

Objectives and Contextualisation

The subject is integrated within the framework of the subject of "Creation and audiovisual realization". This subject, in the degree of Journalism, is composed of the following areas:

  •     Theory and practice of the documentary: OT, 6C, 2nd year 2nd semester.
  •     Infographics, animation and virtual spaces: OT, 6C,
  •     Multimedia genres and audiovisual formats: OT, 6C, 3rd year 2nd semester.

Within the subject "Audiovisual Creation and Realization", this subject of "Multimedia Audiovisual Genres and Formats" provides the general concepts and the theoretical basis for transmitting journalistic information in the language of audiovisual media and interactive multimedia. These projects will be done applying new narrative structures and putting into practice different journalistic procedures and multiplatform production routines.

Relevance of the subject

The evolution of the press caused by the process of convergence in the media has allowed the creation of innovative formulas and new narratives, as well as production routines, in the exercise of journalism. This also connects with a way of doing journalism that is more adapted to the current profile of users, not centered on traditional media. Therefore, this subject will be about innovative multimedia formats, participation in social networks as an instrument of journalistic work and the routines of journalistic production in digital media, responding to the new profile of multitasking and multiplatform journalist.

Contribution of the subject to the professional training 

As a consequence of the use of the new information technologies, and given the change in the cultural and informative consumption habits of the public, the subject prepares students for the use of different digital platforms and multimedia journaiistic tools. This means adapting narratives and work routines to new media. They must also be able to manage journalistic projects, promoting the values of entrepreneurship and coworking.


  • Abide by ethics and the canons of journalism, as well as the regulatory framework governing information.
  • Design the formal and aesthetic aspects in print, graphic, audiovisual and digital media, and use computer-based techniques to represent information using infographic and documentary systems.
  • Generate innovative and competitive ideas in research and professional practice.
  • Relay journalistic information in the language characteristic of each communication medium, in its combined modern forms or on digital media, and apply the genres and different journalistic procedures.
  • Use advanced technologies for optimum professional development.
  • Use one’s imagination with flexibility, originality and ease.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply legislation and ethical principles to the production of multimedia journalistic documentaries.
  2. Apply professional ethics to the production of journalistic documentaries.
  3. Apply the technologies and systems used to process, produce and relay information for new genres and multimedia audiovisual formats.
  4. Apply theoretical principles to creative processes.
  5. Design the formal and aesthetic aspects in audiovisual and digital media to create journalistic documentaries and other multimedia genres.
  6. Generate innovative and competitive ideas in research and professional practice.
  7. Generate quality audiovisual products with innovative aesthetics.
  8. Master technological tools for audiovisual production.
  9. Use advanced technologies for optimum professional development.
  10. Use one’s imagination with flexibility, originality and ease.
  11. Use the language specific to each audiovisual communication medium in its combined modern forms or digital formats for producing journalistic documentaries.


1) The journey to cutting-edge journalism.

2) Different ways of telling journalistic stories.

3) New interactive multimedia narratives.

4) How to approach the creation of an interactive multimedia journalistic product

5) New professional profiles.



The development of the subject implies the realization of different types of formative activities:

- Followed activities:
a) Theory sessions: Explanation of the theoretical and practical concepts with IT support and visualization of works.
b) Seminars: Deepen some important concepts related to the theory and the preparation of laboratory practices.
c) Laboratory Practices: APP Methodology (Learning by Project). The students work on the creation of an innovative journalistic project based on interactive multimedia narrative forms. In this way, what is discussed in theory sessions and seminars is put into practice.

- Supervised activities:
a) Face-to-face tutoring in a small group. The purpose is to solve production and learning problems, as well as to review the projects in progress before their final publication. These are fundamental for the correct performance of laboratory practices.
b) Evaluation activities

- Autonomous activities:
a) Study: reading and synthesis of texts of scientific and journalistic documents
b) Visualization of audiovisual and multimedia works
c) Realization of tasks commissioned for the development of seminars
d) Preparation of laboratory practices and materials for multimedia projects

The evaluation activities are:
a) Exam theory
b) Practical laboratory results
c) Evaluable activities related to the questionnaires made during the class, tutorials and seminars


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Lab practices 21 0.84 10, 3, 6, 9
Seminars: Lectures and debates about cases (audiovisual and multimedia works) 6 0.24 10, 3, 6, 9
Theory sessions 15 0.6 10, 6, 9
Type: Supervised      
Evaluation tasks 2 0.08 10, 3, 6, 9
Tutorial of projects (face-to-face activity in small groups in order to solve production and learning problems) 6 0.24 10, 3, 6, 9
Type: Autonomous      
Preparation of lab tasks (research, documentation and production) 57 2.28 10, 3, 6, 9
Study: Reading and synthesis of scientific documents and viewing of audiovisual and multimedia works 20 0.8 10, 6, 9
Tasks for the development of seminars 5 0.2 10, 3, 6, 9


In order to opt to the continuous evaluation, assistance to class (theory, seminars, and practices) is mandatory. In case of absence, it must be documentary justified.


The competences of this subject will be evaluated through different procedures:

a) Theory exam: 40%

b) Lab practices: 50%

c) Seminars: 10%

The final result of the subject will be the sum of the score obtained in sections a), b) and c). However, it is mandatory to pass the theory exam and laboratory practices to pass the course.

The last two weeks of the course will be used for final tutoring and reappraisal activities.



  1. Conditions to opt to the reappraisal of the Theory in case of fail: Minimum score of 3,5 (out of 10 points)
  2. Conditions to to opt to the reappraisal of the Theory for students who do not attend to the first exam: To have passed (5 out of 10 points) the Seminars and the Laboratory Practices.
  3. Conditions to to opt to the reappraisal of the theory in case of a student wants a make up test: Minimum score of 8 (out of 10 points). Attention! The reappraisal test can lead, if necessary, to a reduction in the mark.
  4. Conditions to opt to the reappraisal of the Practice in case of fail: Minimum score of 3,5 (out of 10 points).

The proposed teaching methodology and evaluation activities may undergo some modifications depending on the health authorities' attendance restrictions.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Exam 40% 2 0.08 10, 6, 9
Seminars 10% 6 0.24 10, 3, 6, 9
Work presentation 50% 10 0.4 4, 2, 10, 1, 3, 5, 8, 7, 6, 11, 9


BIBLIOGRAPHY (Depending on the subject, new readings can be added during the course) 


Lesson 1: The journey to cutting-edge journalism.

- Domínguez, Eva (2010). Microperiodismos. Aventuras digitales en tiempos de crisis. Ed. UOC. Barcelona.

- Domínguez, Eva; Pérez Conde, Jordi (2012). Microperiodismos II. Aventuras digitales en tiempos de crisis. Ed. UOC. Barcelona.

- Rico, Marta (2012). Periodista multimedia interactivo: eje de los grupos de comunicación españoles. Cuadernos de Información nº 31, December 2012. Available at http://eprints.ucm.es/24315/1/457-922-1-PB%5B1%5D.pdf

- Cobo, Silvia (2012). Internet para periodistas. Kit de supervivencia para la era digital. Ed. UOC. Barcelona.

- Franco, Marta (2012). El camino hacia las nuevas redacciones digitales. [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://martafranco.es/el-camino-hacia-las-nuevas-redacciones-digitales/

- Díaz Nosty, Bernardo (2011). La crisis en la industria de la prensa. Telos núm. 86. Fundación Telefónica. Madrid. [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://telos.fundaciontelefonica.com/seccion=1268&idioma=es_ES&id=2011012509430001&activo=6.do

- Anderson, C.W.; Bell, Emily; i Shirky, Clay (2012). Post Industrial Journalism: Adapting to the Present. TOW Center for Digital Journalism. Columbia Journalism School. New York. [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://towcenter.org/research/post-industrial-journalism-adapting-to-the-present-2/ (Secció 3, fins l’apartat Post-industrial Ecosystem. En PDF, pàgines 77 a 86).

- Dans, Enrique (2010). La evolución de la comunicación. Editorial Deusto. Bilbao. [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://www.todovaacambiar.com/capitulo-4-la-evolucion-de-la-comunicacion (Capítulo 4).

- Varela, Juan (2012). ¿Cuántos diarios sobrevivirán en 2012?. Blog Periodistas 21. [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://periodistas21.blogspot.com/2012/02/cuantos-diarios-sobreviviran-en-2012.html

- Dvorkin, Lewis(2013). Inside Forbes: Late Summer Reading on Journalism, The WashPost and Strartup Gurus. Web Forbes magazine. [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/lewisdvorkin/2013/08/19/inside-forbes-late-summer-reading-on-journalism-the-washpost-and-startup-gurus/


Lesson 2: Different ways of telling journalistic stories

- Domínguez, Eva (2010). El Cuarto Bit. Una década de reflexiones sobre periodismo e Internet. Editorial UOC. Barcelona.

- Cuadernos de Comunicación Evoca (2012). El futuro del periodismo. Evoca, Comunicación e Imagen. Madrid.[Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://www.evocaimagen.com/cuadernos/cuadernos7.pdf

- Scolari, Carlos A. (2013). Narrativas transmedia. EditorialDeusto. Bilbao. [Chapter 1]

- Vilches, Lorenzo (Coord.) (2013). Convergencia y transmedialidad. Gedisa Editorial, Colección Comunicación. Barcelona

- Morse Christopher (2013). The evolution of digital narratives. artNoetic, blog.[Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://www.darthcrimson.org/klynt-zeega-prezi-and-the-evolution-of-digital-narratives/

- The Future of Storytelling. Latitude Research. [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://www.futureofstorytellingproject.com/

- Gaskins, Kim. 8 Predictions for the Future of Storytelling. Latitude. [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://latd.com/2013/10/25/8-predictions-for-the-future-of-storytelling/

- Domínguez, Eva (2013). La narración en HTML5 encuentra su camino. El Cuarto Bit, blog. [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://blogs.lavanguardia.com/elcuartobit/la-narracion-en-html5-encuentra-su-camino-24559

- Domínguez, Eva (2013). El "efecto scroll" en la información. El Cuarto Bit, blog. [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://blogs.lavanguardia.com/elcuartobit/el-efecto-scroll-en-la-informacion-27126


Lesson 3: New interactive multimedia narratives

- Campalans, Carolina; Renó, Denis; Gosciola, Vicente (Editores académicos) (2014). Narrativastransmedia: entre teorías y prácticas. Colección Atlántica de Comunicación. Editorial UOC. Barcelona || Universidad de Rosario. Barranquilla. Colombia.

- Renó, Denis; Campalans, Carolina; Ruiz, Sandra; Gosciola, Vicente (Editores académicos) (2014). Periodismo transmedia: miradas múltiples. Colección Atlántica de Comunicación. Editorial UOC. Barcelona || Universidad de Rosario. Barranquilla. Colombia.

- Jenkins, Henry (2003). Transmedia Storytelling. MIT Technology Review. [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://www.technologyreview.com/news/401760/transmedia-storytelling/

- Jenkins, Henry (2007). Transmedia Storytelling 101. [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://henryjenkins.org/2007/03/transmedia_storytelling_101.html

- Costa, Carmen; Piñeiro, Teresa (2012). Nuevas narrativas audiovisuales multiplataforma. Icono 14, Revista de Comunicación y Tecnologías emergentes. [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: dialnet.unirioja.es/descarga/articulo/3995630.pdf

- Grabowicz, Paul (2014). The Transition to Digital Journalism. kdmcBerkeley, UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at:http://multimedia.journalism.berkeley.edu/tutorials/digital-transform/multimedia-storytelling/

- Scolari, Carlos A. (2013). Narrativas transmedia. EditorialDeusto. Bilbao.

- Marta Lazo, Carmen (2011). Los géneros audiovisuales en el ciberespacio. Actas del IV Congreso Internacional sobre análisis fílmico. Universitat JaumeI,Castellón. [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://repositori.uji.es/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10234/30906/Marta_ActasIVCongreso.pdf?sequence=1

- Larrondo, Ainara (2009). Los géneros en la redacción ciberperiodística. Universidad del PaísVasco.

- Díaz Noci, Javier (2004). Los géneros ciberperiodísticos: una aproximación teórica a los cibertextos, sus elementos y su tipologia. Ponencia presentada al II Congreso Iberoamericano de Periodismo Digital.  [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://novosmedios.org/xornalismo/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/ciberperiodismo-generos.pdf


Lesson 4: How to approach the creation of an interactive multimedia journalistic product

- Stevens, Jane (2013). Multimedia Storytelling. kdmcBerkeley, UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism.  [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://multimedia.journalism.berkeley.edu/tutorials/starttofinish/9

- Comas, Ivan; Franco, Marta (2013). Un nuevo camino para la narración multimedia.  [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://martafranco.es/un-nuevo-camino-para-la-narracion-multimedia/

- Grabowicz, Paul (2013). Picking the Right Media for a Story. kdmcBerkeley, UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism.  [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://multimedia.journalism.berkeley.edu/tutorials/picking-right-media-reporting-story/

- Lin, Mu (2012). 'Digital storytelling' and 'digital reporting' are not interchangeble.  [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://www.mulinblog.com/digital-storytelling-vs-news-reporting/

- Lin, Mu (2012). Sequence & variety shooting in video storytelling.  [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: https://storify.com/mututemple/sequence-shooting

- Lin, Mu (2012). How to shoot photos for an audio slideshow.  [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://www.mulinblog.com/how-to-shoot-photos-for-an-audio-slideshow/

- Giménez, Valentina (2011). Ocho consejos para lograr una buena cobertura multimedia, IJNET.  [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://ijnet.org/es/stories/ocho-consejos-para-lograr-una-buena-cobertura-multimedia

- Lin, Mu (2012). What does it take to produce a good multimedia story package?  [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://www.mulinblog.com/what-does-it-take-to-produce-a-good-multimedia-story-package/

- Westbrook, Adam (2011). Ten Common video storytelling mistakes (and how to avoid them).  [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://adamwestbrook.wordpress.com/2011/10/24/10-common-video-storytelling-mistakes-and-how-to-avoid-them-adam-westbrook-online-video/

- Tech Docs, CUNY Graduate School of Journalism. Web Toolsfor Multimedia Storytelling.  [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://tech.journalism.cuny.edu/2013/10/24/web-tools-for-multimedia-storytelling/

- Domínguez, Eva (2014). Editores para crear narraciones interactivas y webdoc. El Cuarto Bit, blog.  [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://blogs.lavanguardia.com/elcuartobit/editores-para-crear-narraciones-interactivas-y-webdoc-10830

- Byrne, Simon (2014). Top 5 Storytelling Tools. Submarine Chanel.  [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://www.submarinechannel.com/top-5s/top-5-storytelling-tools/

- Mañas Carbonell, Moisés (2013).El guión interactivo. Estilo, manual para nuevos medios. FUNDEU. [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://www.fundeu.es/escribireninternet/el-guion-interactivo/


Lesson 5: New professional profiles

- Peñarroya, Montserrat; Casas,Helena (2014). Cómo ser primeros en Google sin pagar. Posicionamiento natural en buscadores. Ed. UOC. Barcelona.

- Franco, Marta; Pellicer, Miquel (2014). Optimismo para periodistas. Claves para entender los nuevos medios de comunicación en la era digital. Ed. UOC. Barcelona.

- Aladro Vico, Eva (2013). Las teorías profesionales y las 5 crisis del periodismo. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Una versión inicial de este texto se ha presentado como ponencia en el Congreso Internacional sobre Periodismo y Nuevas Tecnologías CONNEIC celebrado en Monterrey, México, en marzo de 2013. Disponible a: http://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CIYC/article/viewFile/41716/39754

- Grabowicz, Paul (2014). The Transition to Digital Journalism. kdmcBerkeley, UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism.  [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at:http://multimedia.journalism.berkeley.edu/tutorials/digital-transform/

- Rico, Marta (2012). Periodista multimèdia interactivo: eje de los grupos decomunicación espanyoles. Cuadernos de Información nº 31.  [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://eprints.ucm.es/24315/1/457-922-1-PB%5B1%5D.pdf

- Salaverria, Ramón; García Avilés, José Alberto (2008). La convergencia tecnológica en los medios de comunicación: retos para el periodismo. Trípodos, número 23, Barcelona.

- Brandshaw, Paul (2007). A model for the 21st century newsroom: the news diamond. [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://onlinejournalismblog.com/2007/09/17/a-model-for-the-21st-century-newsroom-pt1-the-news-diamond/

- Brandshaw, Paul (2007). Five W’s and a H that should come after every story.  [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://onlinejournalismblog.com/2007/11/12/five-ws-and-a-h-that-should-come-after-every-story-a-model-for-the-21st-century-newsroom-pt3/

- Brandshaw, Paul (2008). Model for the 21st century newsroom: new journalists for new information flows.  [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://onlinejournalismblog.com/2008/12/04/model-for-the-21st-century-newsroom-pt6-new-journalists-for-new-information-flows/

- Franco, Marta (2013). Los nuevos profesionales en el periodismo digital.  [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at:http://martafranco.es/los-nuevos-profesionales-en-el-periodismo-digital/

- Kumar, Priya. Backpack Journalism Overseas. American Journalism Review, Washington, January 11.  [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://ajrarchive.org/Article.asp?id=4986

- Carazo, Ander (2014). El periodismo que viene.  [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://info.elcorreo.com/innova-bilbao/el-periodismo-que-viene/

- Tejedor, Santiago (2007). Periodismo"mashup". Combinación de recursos de la web social con una finalidad ciberperiodística. Anàlisi, quaderns de comunicació i cultura, núm37. Bellaterra.  [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://ddd.uab.cat/pub/analisi/02112175n35/02112175n35p17.pdf

- Lin, Mu (2012). Mobile news reporting requires mora than smartphone andtools.  [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at: http://www.mulinblog.com/digital-mobile-news/

- Moreno, Manuel. Cinco reglas para que los periodistas triunfen en las redes sociales.  [Checked 19 June 2015]. Available at:http://www.trecebits.com/2013/04/09/cinco-reglas-para-que-los-periodistas-triunfen-en-las-redes-sociales/