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Theory and Practice of Specialist Journalism

Code: 103082 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2501933 Journalism OB 3 1
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Carme Ferré Pavia

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:

Other comments on languages

The linguitic skills in Catalan or Castilian will be compulsory, otherwise it can exits penalties in scores.


-Distinguish facts from opinion

-Good development in interpretative journalistic genres

- Linguistic competence

Objectives and Contextualisation

The objectives for the students are:

- To know about the characteristics of the argumentative journalistic genres

- Be capable to analyze them

- Control the style and the expressive resources of argumentative pieces


  • Be familiar with and apply the theoretical and practical foundations of journalistic writing and narrative and its applications in the different genres, media and formats.
  • Demonstrate a critical and self-critical capacity.
  • Demonstrate ethical awareness as well as empathy with the entourage.
  • Differentiate the discipline’s main theories, its fields, conceptual developments, theoretical frameworks and approaches that underpin knowledge of the subject and its different areas and sub-areas, and acquire systematic knowledge of the media’s structure.
  • Generate innovative and competitive ideas in research and professional practice.
  • Identify modern journalistic traditions in Catalonia, Spain and worldwide and their specific forms of expression, as well as their historic development and the theories and concepts that study them.
  • Relay journalistic information in the language characteristic of each communication medium, in its combined modern forms or on digital media, and apply the genres and different journalistic procedures.
  • Research, select and arrange in hierarchical order any kind of source and useful document to develop communication products.
  • Respect the diversity and plurality of ideas, people and situations.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Compare the different traditions in handling specialised information.
  2. Conceptualise the theories and techniques of specialised journalism.
  3. Demonstrate a critical and self-critical capacity.
  4. Demonstrate ethical awareness and empathy with the entourage.
  5. Demonstrate practical knowledge of specialised journalism.
  6. Distinguish theories of journalistic writing and narrative to apply them to the different theme-based information specialisms.
  7. Generate innovative and competitive ideas in research and professional practice.
  8. Research, select and arrange in hierarchical order any kind of source and useful document to develop communication products.
  9. Respect the diversity and plurality of ideas, people and situations.
  10. Use interactive communication resources to process, produce and relay information in the production of specialised information.


1. Discoursive genres

2. Genology in journalism

3. Rethoric and argumentation

4. Cultural critique




The course has on line theory and practice sessions. In the magistral classes it will be developed and debated the basic argumentative skills, with a focus in the argumentative genres.


All the lab practices are presential and evaluable.


The proposed teaching methodology and evaluation activities may undergo some modifications depending on the health authorities' attendance restrictions.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Lab 22.5 0.9 6, 10
Salon sessions 20 0.8 1, 2, 5, 3, 6
Type: Supervised      
Tuorial activities 9.5 0.38 3, 6, 9
Tutorial meetings 9.5 0.38 8, 1, 4, 3, 6, 7, 9
Type: Autonomous      
Journalistic pieces design 22 0.88 2, 5, 10
Reading and studying 26.5 1.06 1, 2


The calendar will be available on the first day of class. Students will find all information on the Virtual Campus: the description of the activities, teaching materials, and any necessary information for the proper follow-up of the subject. In case of a change of teaching modality for health reasons, teachers will make readjustments in the schedule and methodologiesThe evaluation system is continued and progressive. Are evaluated the practices (journalistic pieces based on argumenation) with a 70% of the weight in the scores, and the theoretical sessions, with a 30% of the weight in the final scores.

The journalistic pieces are argumentation articles and analysis.

The theoretical exams are a test and a journalistic comment, this one excluded of reavaluation.

All the journalistic pieces and the test can be recovered (reavaluated) only if the student coursed a 2/3 of the activities.

The test has to be reavaluated if the score is major of 3 and minor of 5.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Final test and comment 30% 2 0.08 1, 2, 5, 6
Journalistic pieces 70% 38 1.52 8, 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 7, 9, 10


Aristòtil (1998) Retòrica. Poètica. Barcelona: Edicions 62.

Cassany, Daniel (1992) Descriure escriure. Barcelona: Empúries.

Cassany, Daniel (1995) La cuina de l'escriptura. Barcelona: Empúries.

Chillón, Albert (1994) La literatura de fets. Barcelona: Llibres de l'Índex

García Damborenea, Ricardo (2000) Uso de razón. Diccionario de falacias. Madrid: Bibliotea Nueva.

Lodge, David (1998) L'art de la ficció. Barcelona: Edicions 62.

Marina, Juan Antonio (1992) Elogio y refutación del ingenio. Barcelona: Anagrama.

Miranda Alonso, T. (2002) Argumentos. Alcoi: Publicacions de la UV.

Pastor, Lluís (2008) Escriptura sexi. Barcelona: Editorial UOC.

Sàez, Ferran (2003) Comunicació i argumentació. Barcelona: Trípodos.

Teruel, Elvira (1997) Retòrica, informació i metàfora. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Servei de Publicacions de la UAB – Aldea Global.

Vega Reñón, Luis (2003) Si de argumentar se trata.  Barcelona. Montesinos.

Vega, L. y Olmos, P. (2016). Compendio de lógica, argumentación y retórica. Trotta.

Weston, Anthony (1994) Las claves de la argumentación. Barcelona. Ariel.