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Planning, Research and Innovation

Code: 102067 ECTS Credits: 3
Degree Type Year Semester
2500798 Primary Education FB 3 2
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Miquel Àngel Essomba Gelabert

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Empar Garcia Lopez
Anna Diaz Vicario


This module is part of the topic Processes and Educational Contexts. For this reason, it is advisable to have completed and passed the three previous modules on this topic: Education and Educational contexts, Theories and Contemporary Practices in Education and Didactics and Curriculum Development.

Objectives and Contextualisation

1. Know the different levels of planning that affect the education system (school, municipality, system) and the strategic planning approach.
2. Identify the basic elements of educational research methodology and differentiate the essential aspects of quantitative and qualitative methodology.
3. Understand the role of educational innovation in the education system today, as well as the main institutional experiences of innovation in Catalonia.
4. Link strategic planning, innovation and research with teacher training and professional development


  • Adopt an ethical attitude and behaviour and act in accordance with the deontological principles of the profession.
  • Assume the educating dimension of the teacher’s role and foster democratic education for an active population.
  • Critically analyse personal work and use resources for professional development.
  • Design and regulate learning spaces in contexts of diversity that take into account gender equality, equity and respect for human rights and observe the values of public education.
  • Develop the functions of tutoring and guidance of pupils and their families, attending to the pupils’ own needs. Understand that a teacher’s functions must be perfected and adapted in a lifelong manner to scientific, pedagogical and social changes.
  • Generate innovative and competitive proposals in research and in professional activity.
  • Know about the historic evolution of the education system in our country and the political and legislative conditioners of educational activity.
  • Know and apply basic methodologies and techniques of educational research and be able to design innovative projects while identifying evaluation indicators.
  • Know and apply innovative experiences in primary education.
  • Know how primary schools are organised and about the diversity of actions involved in running them.
  • Know the curricular areas of Primary Education, the interdisciplinary relation between them, the evaluation criteria and the body of didactic knowledge regarding the respective procedures of education and learning.
  • Maintain a critical and autonomous relationship with respect to knowledge, values and public, social and private institutions.
  • Manage information in relation to the professional field for decision making and the preparation of reports.
  • Recognise and evaluate the social reality and the interrelation of factors involved as a necessary anticipation of action.
  • Reflect on classroom experiences in order to innovate and improve teaching work. Acquire skills and habits for autonomous and cooperative learning and promote it among pupils.
  • Respect the diversity and the plurality of ideas, people and situations.
  • Take part in the definition of the educational project and in the general activity of the school taking into account quality management criteria.
  • Understand the basics of primary education
  • Understand the historical evolution of the family, different types of families, lifestyles and education in the family context.
  • Understanding and addressing school situations in multicultural contexts.
  • Understanding the function, possibilities and limits of education in today's society and the fundamental skills affecting primary schools and their professionals

Learning Outcomes

  1. Accept that the diversity and plurality of ideas, practices and educational institutions is a value to defend.
  2. Access basic and contextual information on the main theoretical teaching and practical contributions that affect the teaching profession.
  3. Analyse individual and social needs of groups.
  4. Analyse the characteristics of a quality tutorial.
  5. Analyse the contextual constraints that lead to the justification of innovations in school contexts.
  6. Analyse the learning processes in the classroom and outside the classroom.
  7. Analyse, contextually and pedagogically, educational projects and national and international assessment reports related to nursery and primary education and that help make decisions in the field of education policy.
  8. Assessing the value of, and respecting the different pedagogical contributions of, different movements and authors of contemporary relevance.
  9. Considering areas of innovation in the school context, taking the classroom as a point of reference.
  10. Critically analyse school reality, specifically in the classroom to propose specific areas for improvement.
  11. Critically analyse, discerning the accessorial fundamentals, innovations in the field of primary education.
  12. Critically and independently analyse the main current formulations and pedagogical practices, and be able to defend the assumption of criteria.
  13. Design and apply initial assessment devices.
  14. Design teaching strategies according to the varying needs and characteristics of groups.
  15. Design tutorial processes in accordance with an analysis of pupils’ needs.
  16. Develop innovation projects by applying the appropriate programming sequence in accordance with the paradigm or focus of reference.
  17. Devising innovation projects, taking into account their technical characteristics.
  18. Evaluate teaching activity in the classroom, integrating self-evaluation processes.
  19. Examining the knowledge of the main international, and especially European, pedagogical movements that have influenced contemporary pedagogical theory and practices that affect nursery and primary schooling.
  20. Gaining a deeper knowledge of certain authors and educational movements that have had a special importance in educational thinking and practice in our country.
  21. Identifying areas and spheres of innovation in the school context.
  22. Identifying the curricular areas in the primary stage.
  23. Identifying the main changes affecting educational practice and the way teachers exercise their profession today.
  24. Know about international experiences and examples of innovative practices in education to analyse the practice of teaching and the institutional conditions that frame it.
  25. Linking innovation as an element of professional development.
  26. Observing and describing the main limitations but also the possibilities of current educational projects and practices of different centres and teaching professionals.
  27. Planning teaching/learning initiatives which address diversity in the classroom.
  28. Proposing areas of improvement in primary education classrooms depending on the possibilities of the context and based on scientific principles.
  29. Proposing specific innovation projects for primary education classes taking into account the possibilities of the context.
  30. Recognising the social value of education and the value of diversity in order to acquire resources that encourage inclusive education and performance in multicultural contexts.
  31. Relating innovation, research, and professional development.
  32. Understand the evaluative approach, specifically evaluation criteria in primary education.
  33. Understand the historical evolution of the Spanish education system placing it in the European context and the legislation governing it.
  34. Understand the historical evolution of the family, different types of families, lifestyles and education in the family context.
  35. Understand the historical evolution of the main currents of educational thinking in terms of the various changing contexts that affect teaching.
  36. Understand the main currents of contemporary thought of educational influence and their impact on nursery and primary education.
  37. Understand the processes that occur in educational activities and their impact on training while accepting that the exercise of the educational function must be refined and adapted lifelong to scientific, educational and social changes.
  38. Understand the role, possibilities and limits of education in today's society and analyse and assess the impact of historical, cultural, political and environmental situations and proposals for education and training.
  39. Understand the theoretical and legal references of educational institutions and demonstrate an understanding of the diversity of actions involved in their operations.
  40. Using methodologies and techniques suitable for planning innovative projects.


1. Educational planning.
1.1. Planning at school. Strategic planning: concept and models.
1.2. Planning in the educational area: networks of centers, educational plans of the environment, educating cities.
1.3. Community education as a strategy against school segregation.
1.4. Education system planning: key issues.

2. Research in education.
2.1. Differential aspects of research in education: purposes and processes.
2.2. Methodology and methods of quantitative research.
2.3. Methodology and methods of qualitative research.
2.4. Action research in the service of educational transformation.

3. Innovate in education.
3.1 Change, innovation and educational transformation.
3.2 Trends in educational innovation in Catalonia. Past and present.
3.3. Training and professional development of innovative teachers.



Each presentation session, the student must have previously read a reading related to a point of the syllabus. The teacher will carry out a continuous assessment in each session of the student's reading rhythm, using the techniques they consider most convenient and which they will explain in the first session of the subject. The presentation will consist of a discussion about the questions that the student will have asked about the reading related to the point of the syllabus.


The seminars will consist of small group discussions and case studies around a point on the agenda. The teacher will provide a short text, or a case, and the student will have to solve it using critical thinking, analytical ability and / or creativity. The result of the work of the small groups will be shared with the whole group-class in the form of presentation of results and professional dialogues.


The student will have to solve, individually or in small group, a set of practices related to the various points of the syllabus. It will be necessary to solve at least one practice for each subject that the subject addresses.


The assessment of the subject is continuous. The student must attend all the scheduled assessment activities, which the teacher will explain in the first session of the course. The evaluation will be made of the contents, the achievement of the objectives and the progress of the students. Initial, continuous and final.


The student must make readings and practical reflections on the various contents of the syllabus, demonstrating autonomy and ability to search for appropriate sources of information to build their knowledge and skills on educational planning, research and innovation in education.


First session - group 21: 4/3, group 31: 3/3, group 41: 5/3, group 71: 5/3


- group 21: 11/3, 18/3, 25/3, 8/4, 15/4, 22/4

- group 31: 10/3, 17/3, 24/3, 7/4, 14/4, 21/4

- group 41: 12/3, 19/3, 26/3, 9/4, 16/4, 30/4

- group 71: 12/3, 19/3, 26/3, 9/4, 16/4, 30/4

Theoretical test - group 21: 29/4, group 31: 28/4, group 41: 14/5, group 71: 14/5

It should be borne in mind that the proposed teaching methodology and assessment may undergo some modifications depending on the restrictions on attendance imposed by the health authorities


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Evaluation 0 0 31, 25
Lectures 15 0.6 12, 10, 20, 1, 37, 39, 35, 38, 33, 40, 23, 30, 17, 31, 8, 25
Seminars 15 0.6 11, 3, 16, 40, 29, 17, 31
Type: Supervised      
Workshops on school management, educational research and innovation 15 0.6 10, 11, 1, 37, 39, 35, 24, 33, 40, 23, 21, 26, 30, 31, 8
Type: Autonomous      
Study 30 1.2 20, 39, 35, 38, 24, 33, 19, 31, 8, 25



Attendance at guided activities (exhibitions and seminars) is mandatory. In the event of an absence, this must be justified. In no case may absences represent more than 20% of the total time spent on directed activities. Evidence of learning related to the exhibitions, seminars or practices must be delivered on time in the format, date and time established by the teaching staff. Failure to submit evidence of learning within the established period will be considered a non-submission, and in the retrieval only the sufficiency with a maximum grade of 5 can be obtained.

In accordance with UAB regulations, plagiarism or a copy of a work will be penalized with a 0 as a grade for this work, losing the possibility of recovering it, whether it is an individual or group work (in this case , all members of the group will have a 0). If during the performance of an individual or group work in class, or an evaluation test, and the teacher considers that a student is trying to copy or discovers some type of document or device not authorized by the teacher, it will be graded the same with a 0, no recovery option.


At the end of the course you will have to take a theoretical test based on the contents of the course and the learning outcomes already specified. It will be a written and / or oral test, and will be carried out individually. This test must be passed (grade equal to or higher than 5) in order to pass the subject. In the event that the student does not pass the test, he / she will be able to recover it in the terms and conditions established by the teaching staff. In the recovery it will only be possible to obtain the sufficiency with a maximum note of 5.


During the development of the subject the student will be conducting seminars individually and / or in groups, in the format described in the methodology. As in the case of the theoretical test, the seminars must be passed with a grade equal to or higher than 5. In the event that the grade is less than 5 in a seminar, it will be necessary to recover it, which will enable moments and resources. of recovery that will detail by part of the profesorado in the first session of the asignatura. In order to gain access to the recovery, no more than three seminars could have been suspended. In the recovery it will only be possible to obtain the sufficiency with a maximum note of 5.


During the development of the subject the student will be doing practices individually and / or in groups, in the format described in the methodology. As in the case of the theoretical test, the internships must be passed with a grade equal to or higher than 5. In the event that the grade is less than 5 in some practice, it will be necessary to recover it, which will enable moments and resources. of recovery that will detail by part of the profesorado in the first session of the asignatura. In order to have access to the recovery, no more than three practices could have been suspended. In the recovery it will only be possible to obtain the sufficiency with a maximum note of 5.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Seminars 25% 0 0 10, 11, 5, 6, 4, 18, 39, 34, 14, 15, 16, 40, 22, 21, 27, 9, 29, 28, 17, 31
Test on knowledge 50% 0 0 2, 12, 10, 11, 5, 3, 7, 20, 18, 36, 37, 39, 35, 38, 32, 24, 33, 13, 21, 19, 26, 29, 30, 17, 31, 8, 25
Workshops 25% 0 0 12, 10, 11, 1, 35, 38, 16, 40, 23, 21, 19, 26, 9, 29, 28, 30, 31, 8


ALBERT, M.J. (2007): La investigación educativa: claves teóricas. McGraw-Hill: Madrid.

BISQUERRA, R. (Coord.) (2004): Metodología de la investigación educativa. La Muralla: Madrid.

BONAL, X. & SCANDURRA, R. (2020). Equidad y educación en España. Diagnóstico y prioridades. Barcelona: OXFAM Intermón.

DE MIGUEL, M. (Coord.) (1996): El desarrollo profesional docente y las resistencias a la innovación educativa. Servicio de publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo: Oviedo.

ESSOMBA, M.A. (2019). Educación comunitaria: crear condiciones para la transformación educativa. Rizoma freireano, 27, (online)

IMBERNÓN, F. (2002): La investigación educativa como herramienta de formación del profesorado: reflexión y experiencias de investigación educativa. Graó: Barcelona.

LATORRE, A. (2008). La investigación-acción. Conocer y cambiar la práctica educativa. Barcelona : Graó.

MENESES, J. (coord.), RODRÍGUEZ-GÓMEZ, D. & VALERO, S. (2019). Investigación educativa. Una competenciaprofesional para la intervención. Barcelona : Editorial UOC.

SÁNCHEZ HUETE, J: C. (Coord) (2008): Compendio de Didáctica General. Editorial CCS: Madrid.

VILAR, J. (1996). De la planificación a la programación. EDUCACIÓN SOCIAL: Revista de intervención socioeducativa, 3, 11-49.