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Systematic Observation and Analysis of Contexts

Code: 101997 ECTS Credits: 4
Degree Type Year Semester
2500797 Early Childhood Education FB 2 1
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Montserrat Rodríguez Parrón

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Montserrat Rodríguez Parrón
Tona Castell Escuer



Objectives and Contextualisation

This course aims to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge regarding observational processes in different contexts where the Infant Education professionals develop their activity. Systematic observation is key to generate new knowledge and as a tool to respond to problems or educational issues.

Systematic observation and research methodology helps to better understand the educational reality and the teaching and learning of children, while giving resources and tools to document educational contexts. Research methodologies in action must enable  future graduates in Infant Education to optimize their educational action through reflection of the reality  and investigate the behavior, dynamics, strategies and other variables of their everyday professional life. Familiarization with the main research methods involves knowing scientific literature on Infant Education,  as well as understanding and using research papers published in journals.



  • Accept that the exercise of the teaching function must be refined and adapted lifelong to scientific, educational and social changes.
  • Acquire habits and skills for cooperative and autonomous learning and promote the same in pupils.
  • Be able to analyse data, critically understand the reality and report conclusions.
  • Critically analyse personal work and use resources for professional development.
  • Develop strategies for autonomous learning.
  • Generate innovative and competitive proposals in research and professional activity.
  • Master the techniques of observation and recording. Address field analysis through observational methodology using information technology, documentation and audiovisual material.
  • Properly express oneself orally and in writing and master the use of different expression techniques.
  • Recognize and evaluate the social reality and the interrelation between factors involved as necessary anticipation of action.
  • Systematically observe learning and coexistence contexts and learn to reflect on them.
  • Understand that systematic observation is a basic tool to reflect on practice and reality and contribute to innovation and improvement in Infant Education.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Design processes for the observation of realities that can be optimized or improved.
  2. Drawing up a brief research report based on a process of systematic observation of the situation according to the quality parameters of scientific communication, at a university student level.
  3. Explain, in a structured manner, the learning involved in the subject, incorporating identified references or sources.
  4. Identifying improvements to the learning process itself and relating it to professional development.
  5. Identifying significant variables and phenomena in educational contexts that help to give the educational initiative structure.
  6. Making correct use of the techniques and resources of observation and analysis of the situation, and presenting conclusions about the processes observed.
  7. Organising and carrying out work done as a team.
  8. Presenting small research and observation studies carefully, clearly and concisely.
  9. Relating the results of the processes of research, inquiry or observation with proposals for improving the situation.
  10. Submitting a self-assessment of the skills achieved and proposing ways of improving and perfecting them.
  11. Using ICTs and their most frequent applications to make presentations of data, reports or experiences.


1. The importance of observation in Infant Education
2. Contextualization of systematic observation and analysis of contexts in Infant Education

1.Principals research methodologies and their links with systematic observation
2. The process of education research its relationship with the observation
3.The observation systematic: technical and / or research methodology

3. Methodology observational

  1. Aplicacions methodology of observational methodology in Infant Education
  2. Observational designs

4. And technical resources for the observational registry

1. Instruments and recording systems
2. Collecting and organizing data
3. Analysis of observational data

5. Resources for the transfer and dissemination of results

  1. The documentation
  2. Publication of results


The course consists of 100 hours of student work, half of which are directed activities  supervised by the teacher and the remaining half consisting of autonomous work done by the student. The methodology and evaluation take this distribution of hours into account when creating the class dynamics as well as for the final assessment of the course.

That is why we must bear in mind that the course is considered complete when considering all hours and not simply the presential class.

In all the activities the ethical commitment and the deontological principles related to the orientation function will be worked.

Our teaching approach and assessment procedures may be altered if public health authorities impose new restrictions on public gatherings for COVID-19



Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Classes in large group 10 0.4 10, 9
Type: Supervised      
Research work tutoring 20 0.8 8, 9
Seminars 20 0.8 11, 8, 9
Type: Autonomous      
Self study 50 2 11, 8


The course evaluation will be carried out throughout the academic year through the activities specified. Class attendance is mandatory as per Faculty regulations. It is for this reason that attendance is considered an essential requirement in order to pass the course.

  • Oral presentation project, in a group, virtually. Not recoverable.
  • Test control of theoretical contents of the subject, individual: week after the oral presentation. There is possibility of recovery.
  • Practices systematic observation: Practical activities will be distributed throughout the course in different seminars and timed on the first day of practice and delivery date. The refund and monitoringactivities as part of the qualification will be less than one month. The student who wants to review the note must do so within 15 days after its publication in the tutoring schedule that the faculty has established for this subject.
  • Observational research work, in a maximum group of 4 people: first week of January. Recovery: last week of January.


The students who during the course have done an adequate follow-up of the subject and still have some aspect not reached can overcome the subject by redoing the activity or activities not overcome, except for the exposition of the group work in a virtual way, which is not recoverable. It will not be possible to recover an activity or work that has not been previously evaluated. Students will be able to hand in the activities again throughout the semester, the maximum date being one week after the end of the course.


The final grade for the course will be the weighted average evaluation activities. Must be approved by afifth each of the parties. Approved the course with a score of 5.

Class attendance is mandatory: the student must attend at least 80% of classes, otherwise it will be considered absent.

The copying or plagiarizing of material, both in the case of works, practices or exams, constitutes a crime and will be penalized with a 0 as a grade for the course.

In order to get a pass mark in this course, students should prove, through their oral presentations and their written assignments, they have superior communicative skills and an excellent command of the vehicular language or languages listed in the course syllabus. Assessment of all course individual and group work tasks include criteria based on the quality, in terms of accuracy and fluency, of the assignments submitted by the learners.


Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Group exposition of the research project 10% 0 0 7, 8, 2, 6
Observational research work (in group) 35% 0 0 1, 11, 3, 5, 4, 7, 8, 10, 9, 6
Practices systematic observation (individual) 20% 0 0 1, 11, 3, 5, 4, 6
Test control of theoretical content of the course (individual) 35% 0 0 3, 4, 9, 6


  • Avarez-Gayou, J. L. (2003). Cómo hacer investigación cualitativa. Fundamentos y metodología. Barcelona: Paidós.
  • Anaya, D. (2003). Diagnóstico en Educación: Diseño y uso de instrumentos. Madrid: Sanz y Torres.
  • Anguera, M. T. (1988). Observación en la escuela. Barcelona: Graó.
  • Anguera, M. T. (Ed.) (1991). Metodología Observacional en la investigación psicológica. Vol. 1. Barcelona: PPU.
  • Anguera, M.T. (Ed.) (1993). Metodología Observacional en la investigación psicológica. Vol. 2. Barcelona: PPU.
  • Bell, J. (2002). Cómo hacer tu primer trabajo de investigación. Guía para investigadores en educación y ciencias sociales. Barcelona: Gedisa.
  • Buendía, L., González, D.. Pegalajar, M. (1999). Modelos de Análisis de la Investigación Educativa. Sevilla: Alfar.
  • Bakeman, R., Gottman, J. M. (1989). Observación de la interacción: Introducción al análisis secuencial: Madrid: Morata.
  • Buendía, L., Colás, P., Hernandez, F. (1997). Métodos de investigación en Psicopedagogía. Madrid: McGraw-Hill.
  • Corbetta, P. (2007). Metodología y técnicas en investigación social. Madrid: MacGraw-Hill.
  • Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament d'Ensenyament (2015). Orientacions per a l'avaluació. Educació infantil. Primer cicle. Col. Curriculum i avaluació. Barcelona: Servei de Comunicació i plublicacions. http://ensenyament.gencat.cat/ca/departament/publicacions/coleccions/curriculum/
  • Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament d'Ensenyament (2016). Currículum iorientacions. Educació infantil, segon cicle Col. Curríclum i avaluació. http://ensenyament.gencat.cat/ca/departament/publicacions/colleccions/curriculum/curriculum-ed-inf-2cicle/
  • Hernández , R., Fernández, C., Baptista, P. (2007). Fundamentos de metodología de la investigación. Madrid: MacGraw-Hill.
  • Latorre, A., Del Rincón, D., Arnal, J. (2005). Bases metodológicas de la investigación educativa: Barcelona: Ediciones Experiencia.
  • Rodríguez Parrón, M. (2015). L'observació de la interacció. En Feixas, M.;Jariot, M.;Tomàs-Folch, M. (coords.). El pràcticum depedagogia i educació social. (pp. 153-164). Col.Materials. Bellaterra: Servei publicacions UAB
  • Rodríguez Parrón, M. (2010). L'anàlisi qualitativa. En Jariot, M.; Merino, R.; Sala, J. (coords). Les pràctiques d'educació social. Eines per al seu desenvolupament. (pp 153-159). Col. Materials. Bellaterra: Servei de publicacions UAB
  • Sugrañes, E. et al. (2012). Observar para interpretar. Actividades de vida cotidiana para la educación infantil (2-6). Barcelona: Graó.
  • Tójar, J. C. (2006). Investigación cualitativa. Comoprender y actuar. Madrid: La Muralla.