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Management of Social and Educational Institutions

Code: 101675 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500260 Social Education OB 3 1
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Diego Castro Ceacero

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


The subject Management Institutions is eminently socio- professional, so from a practical oriented and applied that involve students in the process of socio- management program or a real activity.  Part of the theoretical courses and skills acquired in: Educational Contexts (first year ) and the organization and groups ( second year ) Degree in social education.  Therefore we recommend the domain of content worked in those subjects related to the area of Knowledge Organizational Education.

Finally, consider that approach the subject closely linked to the development of the Practicum, so some activities , methodology and content will be related to one Practicum Guide

Objectives and Contextualisation

Non-formal organizations representing a range of forms, functions and very different purposes that require a specific study within the scope of the Organization of Educational Institutions. This area has became a veritable industry in recent years has represented emerging new forms of professionalism. However this has meant an increase in research, expansion into new sectors and job profiles, and a change in certain forms of educational intervention.

This course acquired a series of knowledge and skills related to the field of institutional management, more specifically, students in this course should be able to:

  • Improve organizational processes.
  • Relate the concepts and processes specific management institutions Organization Institutions.
  • Identifying the variables involved in the management of schools and their systematic and global.
  • Understanding the organizational dynamics and organizational processes that take place in schools.
  • Apply different intervention strategies in the processes of institutional management


  • Generate innovative and competitive proposals in research and professional activity.
  • In an articulated manner, design plans, programs, projects, activities and tasks in various socio educational contexts.
  • Manage social education institutions.
  • Participate and get involved in the events, meetings and events of the institution to which one belongs.
  • Understand and become involved in institutional realities in order to integrate and develop professionally.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply techniques and resources to the different levels of planning.
  2. Contribute one’s thoughts and ideas about sociocultural processes in the immediate environment to academic activities.
  3. Contribute viable and plausible ideas and alternatives to conflictive or critical institutional situations.
  4. Demonstrate competence in institutional planning processes.
  5. Disseminate and promote institutional services and initiatives through different channels and media.
  6. Establish systematic models between different organizational functions: planning, delegation, resource management, coordination, control and improvement.
  7. Identifying synergies between organisational processes and institutional management.
  8. Know elements of culture in relation to the participation model.
  9. Master the specific theories, tools and resources for managing schools.
  10. Perform specific actions for institutional management through the processes of: Analysis, performance and improvement.
  11. Properly formulate aspects of planning in schools.
  12. Provide viable ideas for institutional improvement.
  13. Reflecting on and analysing the phenomena of the institutional environment in order to understand the key factors that participate in them and to intervene in order to improve them.


											3. PLANNING
											5. COORDINATION



Methodologically, the subject must be adapted to the conditions of the mixed teaching modality oriented by the UAB. Noting that the methodology and evaluation proposed in this Guide may undergo modifications depending on the restrictions on face-to-face imposed by health authorities. The teaching and learning activities will be:

1) Development in class of the contents of the syllabus: presentations, explanations, cases, etc.

To introduce the theoretical aspects and provide tools and instruments for the management of centers, services and programs.

2) Narrative type research work on managerial experiences

It is a study or research of a narrative type on the functions, experiences and experiences of the managers of social education organizations.

 3) Reading, reflection and debate of a manual on management of educational institutions.

It involves reading and later work on a reference text.


This approach to the subject involves regular class attendance, active participation, reading the proposed texts and an attitude of respect for the diversity of options and opinions.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
PLENARY SESSION 15 0.6 8, 9, 13
RESOURCES, TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES 30 1.2 1, 3, 12, 8, 4, 5
Type: Supervised      
SUPERVISON GROUPAL TASK 30 1.2 1, 2, 12, 4, 5, 13
Type: Autonomous      
RESEARCH REPORT 75 3 1, 12, 4, 9, 6, 13


The evaluation of the subject will be continued and for the final qualification three types of evidence will be considered:


a) Written test (30%). Individual test of degree competences. It will be scheduled during the month of November.

b) File of classroom activities, practices and exercises (30%). Individual and group activities (according to typology). It will be delivered in December.

c) Final research report (40%). Group report. It must be delivered in January.


Other indications:

  •     To weight the final grade, in each of the 3 evidences it is necessary to have obtained a minimum grade of four (4) points.
  •     If plagiarism is detected in the evaluation evidence the rating will be ‘suspended’.
  •     Evaluation evidence will be reviewed and returned within a period of approximately 15 days, provided that no force majeure factors interfere.
  •     All evaluation evidence may be retrieved on a single occasion throughout the course.
  •     The grade of Not Presented will be awarded to students who do not present any of the 3 evidences.
  •     Students enrolled in the second (or more) call may request a synthesis assessment.
  •     For any other reference to the evaluation we will refer to the prescriptions of the "Criteria and general guidelines of evaluation of the Faculty of Education Sciences".

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
ACTIVITIES 30 0 0 1, 2, 3, 12, 8, 4, 5, 9, 6, 10, 11, 7, 13
INDIVIDUAL TEST 30 0 0 2, 3, 8, 9, 7
RESEARCH REPORT 40 0 0 1, 2, 12, 8, 4, 9, 6, 10, 7, 13



FANTOVA, Fernando (2006): Manual para la gestión de la intervención social. Editorial CCS, Madrid



AJUNTAMENT DE BARCELONA (1999) : Manual de gestió de les organitzacions no lucratives, Barcelona : Staff Empresarial.

ARAMENDI, J. (2004): Organizaciones socioeducativas y competencias profesionales. Universidad del País Vasco

ALBERICH, T. (1998) : Guía fácil de asociaciones. Manual de gestión parabla creación, desarrollo y dinamización de entidades sin ánimo de lucro. Dykinson, Madrid

BOIX, T. (1990): Animación y gestión cultural. Grup dissabte, Valencia.

CONNORS, T.D. (Ed.) (1998) : Manual de les organitzacions no lucratives (Volum I-II), Edicions Pleniluni, Barcelona

DRUCKER, P. (2000) : Organitzacions sense ànim de lucre. Gestió: teoria i pràctica, Edicions UOC-ECSA,  Barcelona

FERRANDEZ, A. (1984): “Cultura y Educación”, en AA.VV.: Educación y Sociedad Plural. Sociedad Española de Pedagogía, Madrid.

FERRANDEZ, A. (1987): “Cultura, Educación y Municipios”, en Gairín, J,; Antúnez, S. y Pérez Guede, A.: Temas actuales en educación. PPU, Barcelona.

FERRANDEZ, A. y Puente, J.M. (1990): Materiales AFFA. Fondo de Promoción de Empleo, Madrid.

FRANCH, J. Y MARTINELL, A. (1986): La animación de grupos de tiempo libre y vacaciones. Laia, Barcelona.

FROUFE, S. (1994): Construir la animación sociocultural. Amarú, Salamanca.

HESSELBEIN, F; GOLDSMITH, M; & BECKHARD, R. (2006): La Organización del Futuro. Ediciones Deusto, Barcelona

IBAR, M. (1992): Cómo organizar y gestionar una entidad de animación sociocultural. Narcea, Madrid.

MARTINELL, A. (1999): “Los agentes culturales ante los nuevos retos de la gestión cultural”Revista Iberoamericana de Educación. 20, 201-215.

MUNILLA, G. (Coord) (2000) : Introducció a la gestió d’organitzacions culturals, UOC, Barcelona

NUTT, P. i BACKOFF, R.W. (1992) : Strategic management of public ans third sector organizations, Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco (EE.UU.)PONT, Beatriz (coord.) (2009): Mejorar el liderazgo escolar. OCDE, París 

ÚCAR, X. (1992): El teatro en la animación sociocultural. Diagrama, Madrid.

VECIANA, J.Mª (1995): Función directiva. Servei de Publicacions de la UAB, Barcelona

VERNIS, A. et al. (1997) : La gestió de les organitzacions no lucrativesTreballant per las millora de les associacions. Proa-Columna, Barcelona