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Institutions of Justice and Rehabilitation

Code: 101669 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500260 Social Education OT 3 2
2500260 Social Education OT 4 0
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Alejandro Diaz Fuentes

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


This course is part of two mentions of social education, the mention of education of children and youth and adult education mention.

Objectives and Contextualisation

1. knowing closed and open institutions in the field of justice: prisons and juvenile justice centres. 
2. Analysing the basic conceptual and regulatory framework regulating  justice institutions. 
3. Acquiring the concepts of reeducation, rehabilitation and social reintegration. 
4. Knowing how to make reeducational treatment programs. 
5. Analysing the functions of the social educator in institutions of justice and in open institutions.


    Social Education
  • Adopt ethical behaviour and attitudes and act according to the ethical principles of the profession.
  • Contextualize educational action based on the different theoretical paradigms that have developed in science and education in accordance with the socio-historical context of individuals, groups and institutions.
  • In an articulated manner, design plans, programs, projects, activities and tasks in various socio educational contexts.
  • Maintain a respectful attitude to the environment (natural, social and cultural) to promote values, behaviour and sustainable practices that address gender equality, equity and respect for human rights.
  • Promote autonomy among participants and seek a balance between roles as advisor, facilitator and promoter of socio-educational dynamics.
  • Respect the diversity and plurality of ideas, people and situations.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Accept, understand and be sensitive to people in social difficulty.
  2. Acquire educational intervention skills in compliance with court orders.
  3. Acquire procedural knowledge to perform an intervention program in educational fields of justice.
  4. Acquire values and attitudes of respect for the different social and cultural environments that are unique to our contemporary societies.
  5. Analyse the ethical aspects of social education when working with people at risk of exclusion.
  6. Analyse the socio-historical evolution of different forms of marginalization and social exclusion.
  7. Clarify the ethical dilemmas and debates raised when working with immigrant populations in a situation of social inequality as exists today.
  8. Design and implement educational measures to prevent discriminatory attitudes and actions.
  9. Design guidance programs for social inclusion and finding employment.
  10. Design plans and programs for groups at risk of exclusion.
  11. Identifying and assessing the multiplicity of historical, social, political and legal references pertaining to inclusive education.
  12. In the educational sphere pertaining to the institutions of justice, knowing how to attend to its internal population according to their specific needs.
  13. Know the main lines of intervention in health education.
  14. Planning and developing educational interventions with a variety of individuals and groups.
  15. Recognising foreign people or those belonging to minority groups (e.g. gypsies) as citizens with full rights and freedoms on equal terms with the population as a whole.
  16. Recognising the assimilating, segregating, integrating or inclusive nature of the proposed socio-educational initiatives aimed at working with the immigrant population.
  17. Respecting and valuing the potential of all people regardless of the functional limitations that they may have.
  18. Understand and respect diversity as a factor of educational enrichment.
  19. Understand the characteristics and conditions that make up educational proposals in contexts of diversity.
  20. Understand the theoretical and methodological foundations of health education.


Learning outcomes

1. To accept, understand and be sensitive to the population in social difficulty.
2. Acquire the procedural knowledge to perform an intervention program in educational fields of justice.
3. Acquire skills educational intervention with population under compliance with court orders.
4. To acquire values and attitudes of respect for the diverse social and cultural backgrounds that are characteristic of our contemporary societies.
5. Analyze the ethical aspects of social education in working with people at risk of exclusion.
6. Analyze the socio-historical evolution of different forms of marginalization and social exclusion.
7. Clarifying the dilemmas and ethical debates raised by working with marginalized populations in a situation of social inequality as the current one.
8. Understand and respect diversity as a factor of enrichment.
9. Understand the characteristics and conditions that make up the educational proposals in diverse contexts.
10. Knowing the theoretical and methodological foundations of health education.
11. Know the main lines of intervention of health education.
12. Design and implement educational prevention actions attitudes and actions of discrimination.

13. Design plans and programs for groups at risk of exclusion.

14. Develop orientation programs for socio employment.

15. Identify i appreciate the multiplicity of historical, social, political and legal references themselves inclusive education.

16. Plan and develop educational interventions with individuals and various groups.

17. Recognize the nature assimilationist, segregationist, integrative or inclusive of proposed educational action aimed at working with immigrant population.

18. Recognize foreigners or people belonging monitored groups (Gypsies b.p.) as citizens with full rights and freedoms on an equal basis to the entire citizenry.

19. Respect and value the potential ofall people regardless of functional limitations they may have.

20. Knowing attend the institutions belonging to the internal population justice according to their specific needs education.


1.1. Definition and understanding of concepts
1.2. Differences with related notions
1.3. Conceptual and regulatory framework
1.4. Approach to the theories of the penalty function 
2.1. Penitentiary centres: types and characteristics
2.2. Approach to basic regulations
2.3. Organisation of penitentiary and professional centres and generic functions they develop
2.4. Effects of deprivation of freedom on inmates
3.1. Penitentiary treatment and rehabilitation programs
3.2. Functions of social educators in penitentiary centres
3.3. Skills of social educators in the penitentiary field
4.1. Juvenile justice centres: types and characteristics
4.2. Approach to basic regulations.
4.3. Functions of social educators in juvenile justice centres


Student presentations, participatory work of case studies, simulations and discussion of articles or professional aspects of current events related to the subject.

Our teaching approach and assessment procedures may be altered if public health authorities impose new restrictions on public gatherings for COVID-19


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Exhibitions by teachers the content and basic issues syllabus. It is done with the whole group and allows class exposure main contents through a open participation by students. 45 1.8 5, 7, 15, 17
Type: Supervised      
Distance work directed from pautes provided by teachers. 30 1.2 5, 7, 15, 17
Type: Autonomous      
Own work to acquire the skills of self-regulated manner. 75 3 5, 7, 15, 17


Assessment criteria

It will leave a system based on continuous assessment criteria, a fact that makes mandatory class attendance i will allow us to measure the degree program of specific skills that the student has achieved.

General criteria such as the level of student participation, the ability to relate the conceptual content with the  procedural framed all ethical values of the profession are valued.

The evaluation will consist of three assessment data. A first consisting of passing an examination of all content working on the subject by explaining the teacher, graphic display document, readings, conclusions of group work, etc. which constitute 50% of the final qualification.

A second evaluation activity will be a final course work that its content will be agreed with the professor of the course, work will constitute 25% of the final qualification.

Finally 25% of the final qualification will be the result note of the work of analysis and synthesis groupware on monographic themes proposed by the teacher.

The evaluation of the subject related to the teacher's explanations and readings will be held on 27.01.2020. The date of the retake exam will be on 03.02.2020. In addition to the three assessment areas that determine the final grade, the general oral and written communicative competence will be valued, as well as a good command of the language.

A minimum mark of 40% of the grade must be reached in each evaluation area to make an average. To pass the subject a 5 out of 10 must be reached.
Attendance at lectures is compulsory. A minimum attendance of 80% must be accreditted to be able to take the final evaluation. Otherwise the person will be considered as having not attended.
The plagiarism of any text in the course work or the copy to the evaluation activities will lead to suspension.

Our teaching approach and assessment procedures may be altered if public health authorities impose new restrictions on public gatherings for COVID-19




Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Group work to be developed in relation to a specific topic to choose among several presented by the teacher 25% 0 0 2, 5, 6, 7, 19, 20, 8, 11, 16, 15, 17, 12
Individual examination of the relevant contents. 50% 0 0 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 18, 19, 20, 13, 8, 10, 9, 11, 14, 16, 15, 17, 12
Individual practical work to be proposed in class and will be resolved along the course. 25% 0 0 2, 5, 6, 7, 19, 20, 8, 11, 16, 15, 17



AYO FERNÁNDEZ, M. (2004), Las garantías del menor infractor (Ley Orgánica 5/2000, de 12 de enero, sobre Responsabilidad Penal de los Menores y sus modificaciones posteriores), RdPP monografía, núm. 12, Navarra: Thomson-Aranzadi.Institucions de justícia i reeducació 2015 - 2016

CANTARERO BANDRÉS, R. (2002), Delincuencia juvenil. ¿Asistencia terapéutica versus justicia penal?, Logroño: Universidad de la Rioja

CENTRE INICIATIVES PER LA REINSERCIÓ CIRE (2004): Centre Iniciatives per la Reinserció CIRE Presentació; Barcelona

COYLE, ANDREW. (2002): La administración penitenciaria en el contexto de los derechos humanos; Centro Internacional de Estudios Penitenciarios; Londres

FACAL FONDO, T. (2002): La reinserción social en el medio penitenciario 2002; Tesis Doctoral; A Coruña

LARRAURI, E., ROVIRA, M., SALES, A. (2017): Qualitat de vida als centres penitenciaris i programes d'intervenció; Centre d'Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada. Generalitat de Catalunya 

LÓPEZ PAYAN, Samuel y otros (2018): Gènere i presó; Programa de perspeciva i equitat de gènere en l'àmbit penitenciari; Programa compartim; Edició Generalitat de Catalunya.

MANZANOS BILBAO, C., ELIAS, ANGEL, Y OTROS (2000): Cárcel, drogas y sida. Trabajo Social Frente al Sistema Penal; Salhaketa; Vitoria-Gasteiz

REDONDO, S.,(2000) Psicología aplicada: Los programas de rehabilitación en Europa. Barcelona

ROMANS, M., PETRUS, A. y TRILLA, J. (2000): De profesión, educador(a) social. Papeles de Pedagogía; Editorial Paidós; Barcelona

SAINZ, M Y GONZÁLEZ, S. (2004). "El Vis a Vis como un espacio psicoterapéutico para la reestructuración familiar dentro de la prisión". Comunicación del II Congreso la Familia en la sociedad del siglo XXI Fundación de Ayuda contra la Drogadicción.