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External Practicum

Code: 101593 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2501002 Geography and Spatial Planning OT 3 0
2501002 Geography and Spatial Planning OT 4 0
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Joan Carles Llurdés Coit

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


In order to be able to take the course, students must complete these requirements:
  1. Students must have 120 credits passed at the time of pre-enrollment. The internships can be done from 3rd year of the Degree, although it is not very common.
  2. Students must have pre-enrollment within the period established by the Academic Management office of the Faculty and previously announced. An exceptional period of pre-enrollment and assignment of new places can be contemplated, if necessary (but it depends on the Faculty. The student who accesses by this means will have to extend or modify their enrollment in the period provided by the Faculty to do so. Without previous pre-enrollment there is no possibility of practicing, except that the student has signed an internship agreement with an entity (and even so, the final decision will depend on the Academic Management office of the Faculty).
  3. In the case that there is more demand for places of practice that offer available, a selection will be made based on the average grade of the students' academic record. Therefore, the pre-registration does not guarantee that finally the student can enroll in the subject.
  4. Other selection criteria can also be taken into account as: possibility of relating the practices with the bachelor’s degree final project, prioritization of the student who is enrolled in 4th year.
  5. Students must have been selected once criteria have been evaluated, such as the number of places assigned to the subject, the suitability of the student based on the attitudes, knowledge and competencies accredited and the availability on the part of the chosen institution or company.
  6. A specific agreement must be signed for each student, orsignature of a resolution by the Dean of the faculty, in case the practices are carried out within the scope of the UAB (e.g. in groups of research).
  7. Students must enroll the subject, after checking the academic management of their inclusion in the list of students definitely admitted. Student must have an accident and civil liability insurance policy.
  8. For other considerations, it will be necessary to refer to what isindicated in the protocol of External Practices of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (http://www.uab.cat/doc/Protocol-Practiques), approved by the Academic Planning Committee (COA) of the Faculty on April 30, 2019.
Although it should not be considered as a prerequisite, students are encouraged to be aware of the possibility that the realization of the practices may be incompatible with the follow-up of the classroom teaching scheduled for the course. In other words, teaching schedules make it difficult or even impossible to carry out the practices.



Objectives and Contextualisation

The educational objectives of the external internship are:
  1. To allow the student to apply and complement the knowledge, theoretical and practical, acquired throughout their academic training.
  2. To facilitate the knowledge of the work methodology appropriate to the professional reality in which the student will have to operate, contrasting and applying the acquired knowledge.
  3. To favor the acquisition of technical, methodological, personal and participatory competences that prepare the student for the exercise in some of the professional activities of Geography.
  4. To obtain practical experience that facilitates insertion into the labor market and improves future employability.
  5. To favor the values of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship.


    Geography and Spatial Planning
  • Producing innovative and competitive proposals in research and professional activity.
  • Students must be capable of applying their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and they should have building arguments and problem resolution skills within their area of study.
  • Students must be capable of collecting and interpreting relevant data (usually within their area of study) in order to make statements that reflect social, scientific or ethical relevant issues.
  • Students must develop the necessary learning skills in order to undertake further training with a high degree of autonomy.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analysing the main dynamics of today's world from a geographical point of view.
  2. Contrasting and comparing relevant geographical data.
  3. Drawing up innovative proposals.
  4. Producing an individual work that specifies the work plan and timing of activities.
  5. Solving problems autonomously.
  6. Summarising acquired knowledge about the origin and transformations experienced in its several fields of study.


The external intership, when being oriented to the professional qualification of the student, does not properly impart some content to the classroom. Its main objective is the realization of training activities related to the professional exit of the Geography. However, through the external practices, the student should achieve, expand and apply knowledge of the contents of the subjects studied previously and that are related to many areas of Geography, mainly, with:
  1. Territorial information technologies: Cartography and Geographic Information Systems.
  2. Regional planning at different scales.
  3. Environment and sustainability.
  4. Analysis, planning and management of the city, the territory and the landscape.
  5. The knowledge society: continuous education, editorial work, media dissemination and solidarity.
  6. Mobility.
  7. Meteorology.
  8. There is also the possibility of doing the external internship in a research group from the Department of Geography of the UAB (http://www.uab.cat/web/recerca-1251960099737.html).
The opening of a Moodle classroom will be followed, as well as publishing certain reference documents for the follow-up of the subject, it will also be the main communication space between the student and the coordinator of the external intership (p. eg. through the "Notices" section).

Some of the companies and entities with which we have collaborated in recent years are:
  1. Severals City Councils.
  2. Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya (Meteocat).
  3. El Temps (TV3).
  4. Taiko Meteorologia.
  5. Ingeniería Social.
  6. Landlab.
  7. Anthesis-Lavola.
  8. Solucions Geogràfiques.
  9. Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA-UAB).
  10. Generalitat de Catalunya (Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat).
  11. Parc Natural de Sant Llorenç del Munt.
  12. Parc Natural del Garraf.
  13. Parc Natural Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa.
  14. Simbiosy.
  15. Espai TRes.
  16. Intra SL.
  17. Observatori del Paisatge.
  18. GPM Consultors
  19. Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona.
  20. BCN Regional.
  21. Institut d'Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona (IERMB).
  22. Grup de Recerca de Geografia i Gènere (Departament Geografia UAB).


The contents of the subject will be developed by means of the formalization, for each student, of a specific agreement of educational cooperation for the realization of the external intership where they are established:
  1. The data of the training project, with indication also of the period (date of beginning and end of the external intership) and schedule (daily and weekly).
  2. The motivation of the student.
  3. The purpose of the external internship stay.
  4. The competences that the student must have at the end of the external internship.
  5. Tasks to be performed by the student.
  6. The follow-up procedure by the tutor designated by the collaborating entity.
The external internship is defined in a specific way for each student, as determined by the specific training project that has been approved and are based on the educational interests and the needs of the students as well as the collaborating entities.
ATTENTION (1): there will be an information meeting at the beginning of each semester to explain the content of the external internship. Attendance is not mandatory but highly recommended. Depending on how the course is developed, it will be necessary to foresee the possibility that this meeting will have to be online.
ATTENTION (2): depending on the future evolution of the current health crisis (summer 2020), it is necessary to foresee for the academic year 2020-21 the possibility that the practices will have to be done electronically, in part or in full.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Supervised      
Follow-up (face-to-face or virtual tutorials), informative meetings, specialization courses and training for labor insertion 15 0.6 6
Reports of the student 5 0.2 4
Type: Autonomous      
Autonomous work based on the instructions of the tutor of the collaborating entity 130 5.2 5, 6


In addition to the previous one, the following should be taken into account:
  1. "Not assessable": grade that it will be assigned to the student who has not done a 10% of the hours prescribed in the agreement.
  2. "F (fail)": grade that the student will be assigned that after having passed this 10% attendance, he has not completed the hours prescribed in the agreement, or it is negatively evaluated by the tutor.
  3. "Distinction": given the heterogeneity of the assessment of external practices, and the optional nature of this qualification, "Distinction" will not be granted.
  4. The external intership can not be recovered.
ATTENTION: depending on the future evolution of the current health crisis for the COVID-19 (summer 2020), it is necessary to foresee for the 2020-21 academic year the possibility that the internships can be evaluated without having completed the total number of hours planned (minimum 50%).

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Final report (by the student) 20% 0 0 1, 2, 4, 3, 6
Follow-up reports (by the student) 10% 0 0 5
Report of the tasks (internship tutor) 70% 0 0 5


- Al-Hindi, K.F. (2000), “Women in geography in the 21st century. Introductory remarks: Structure, agency, and women geographers in academia at the end of the long twentieth century”, Professional Geographer, 52(4), pp. 697-702.

- Associació de Geògrafs Professionals de Catalunya (1992-1993). “La profesión de geógrafo: elementos para la reflexión y el debate”. Boletín de la A.G.E., 15-16, pp. 211-219.

- Associació de Geògrafs Professionals de Catalunya (1999), “Dossier: Sortides Professionals de la Geografia”, Butlletí, 37.

- Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica (2001), Monogràfic: “Geografia professional i formació geogràfica: una perspectiva internacional”, núm. 39, Bellaterra, Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

- Garcia-Ramon, Maria Dolors; Pujol, Hermínia (2004), “Gender Representation in Academic Geography in Catalonia (Spain): Towards a Masculinization of the Discipline?, Journal of Geography in Higger Education, 28(1), pp. 111-119.

- Mateu, Xavier; Sanclimens, Xavier (1991).”La Geografia: una ciència antiga, una professió nova”, Actes del Primer Congrés Català de Geografia. IIIb Comunicacions. Barcelona: Societat Catalana de Geografia, pp. 489-500.

- Miralles, Carme (1993), “Les sortides professionals dels geògrafs. El cas de la UAB”, Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 22, Bellaterra, Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, pp. 131-137.

- Mongil, David; Tarroja, Àlex (2004). "Los perfiles profesionales de la geografía española", La geografía española ante los retos de la sociedad actual. Aportación Española al XXX Congreso de la UGI. Glasgow: Comité Español de la Unión Geográfica Internacional, pp. 351-373.

- Montaner, Carme; Llussà, Rafel; Tulla, Antoni Francesc; Vilà-Valentí, Joan; Garcia-Ramon, Maria Dolors; Rueda, Isabel; Fernández Muñoz, Santiago; Domingo, Laia; Sau, Elisabet (2004). “La geografia professional a Catalunya”. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia, 57, pp. 181-210.

- Prats, Maria (2004), “Geografía y cooperación al desarrollo”, La Geografía Española ante los retos de la sociedad actual, Glasgow, Aportación Española al XXX Congreso (U.G.I. Glasgow, 2004).

- Pujol, Hermínia (2003), “El perfil dels membres de la Societat Catalana de Geografia i de l’Associació de Geògrafs Professionals de Catalunya”, Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia, 56, pp. 169-199.

- Pujol, Hermínia (2004), “De la geògrafa absent a la geògrafa desapareguda?, Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 45, pp. 135-152.

- Pujol, Hermínia (2004), “La presència de les dones a la geografia acadèmica. Un estat de la qüestió al tombant de segle”, Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia, 57, pp. 221-236.

- Pujol, Hermínia; Ortiz, Anna; García-Ramon, Maria Dolors (2007/2008), “La presencia y la carrera profesional de las mujeres en la Geografía académica. Estudio de las peculiaridades del caso español, Estudios Socioterritoriales. Revista de Geografía, 7, pp. 136-159.

Ribera, Lluís; Soriano, Joan Manuel (2001), “Geografía i experiència professional: entrevista a deu joves geògrafs i geògrafes”, Documents d’anàlisi geogràfica, 39, Bellaterra, Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, pp. 149-170.

- Rodríguez, Elena; Cuadrado, Sergi; Gili, Josep; González, Enric; Miralles, Carme; Larrull, Antoni; Pallarès, Marta (2015). “L’exercici professional de la geografia a Catalunya: estat actual i perspectives de futur”. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia, 80, pp. 117-139.

- Solem, Michael; Cheung, Ivan; Schlemper, M. Beth (2008), “Skills in professional geography: An assessment of workforce needs and expectations”, Professional Geographer, 60(3), pp. 356-373.

- Zoido, Florencio (2001), “Relaciones entre formación y dedicación profesional en la geografía española”, Documents d’anàlisi geogràfìca, Bellaterra, Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 39, pp. 37-56.

Web links:

Col·legi de Geògrafs: http://www.geografos.org/

Delegació Catalana del Col·legi de Geògrafs / AGPC: http://www.geografs.org/

Societat Catalana de Geografia: http://scg.iec.cat/

Societat Catalana d'Ordenació del Territori: http://territori.scot.cat/cat/scot.php

Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles: http://www.age-geografia.es/

EGEA: https://egea.eu/

American Association of Geographers: http://www.aag.org/

International Geographical Union: http://www.igu-online.org