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Foreign language B for translators and interpreters 1 (French)

Code: 101481 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500249 Translation and Interpreting FB 1 1
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Catherine Favret

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


 To take this subject students must be able to

- Understand written and oral texts of some complexity about personal and general topics of well-known areas

- Produce written and oral texts about personal and general topics of well-known areas.

- understand the instructions and tasks given in class  or by moodle by the teacher

- write down information given in a conference 


This subject requires level B1.2 CEFR (Common European Framce of Reference) in French

Objectives and Contextualisation

The aim of the subject is to develop the student's communicative skills in Language B and strengthen the textual comprehension skills required for direct translation.

On successfully completing this subject, students will be able to:

-          Understand written texts of different types about general topics of well-known areas (CE5 MCRE-FTI B2.1)

-          Produce written texts of a certain complexity about personal and general topics of well-known areas (CE6 MCRE-FTI B1.2)

-          Understand clear oral texts about personal and general topics of well-known areas (CE7 MCRE-FTI B1.1)

-          Produce oral texts about personal and general topics of well-known areas (CE8 MCRE-FTI B1.1)

Cf: Linguistic competence and mediating competence in:

Generalitat de Catalunya et. al. [Ed.] (2003): Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. Barcelona: Eds. Diario Oficial Generalitat de Catalunya; and Real decreto 1041/2017. http://www.boe.es/diario_boe/txt.php?id=boe-a-2017-15367 , Annex I


  • Producing oral texts in a foreign language in order to interpret.
  • Producing written texts in a foreign language in order to translate.
  • Understanding oral texts in a foreign language in order to interpret.
  • Understanding written texts in a foreign language in order to translate.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Applying lexical, morphosyntactic, textual, rhetorical and linguistic variation related knowledge: Applying graphic, lexical, morphosyntactic and textual related knowledge.
  2. Applying lexical, morphosyntactic, textual, rhetorical and linguistic variation related knowledge: Applying phonological, lexical, morphosyntactic and textual related knowledge.
  3. Comprehending the communicative purpose and sense of verbal texts of several fields: Comprehending verbal texts about personal and general topics of well-known areas.
  4. Comprehending the communicative purpose and sense of written texts of several fields: Comprehending the communicative purpose and sense of a diverse typology of written texts about general topics of well-known areas.
  5. Implementing strategies in order to produce verbal texts from different fields and with specific communicative purposes: Implementing strategies in order to produce verbal texts about personal and general topics of well-known areas.
  6. Implementing strategies in order to produce written texts of different fields and with specific communicative purposes: Implementing strategies in order to produce written texts of a certain complexity about personal and general topics of well-known areas.
  7. Implementing strategies in order to understand verbal texts from different fields: Implementing strategies in order to comprehend verbal texts about personal and general topics of well-known areas.
  8. Implementing strategies in order to understand written texts from different fields: Implementing strategies in order to comprehend a diverse typology of written texts about general topics of well-known areas.
  9. Producing verbal texts from different fields and with specific communicative purposes: Producing basic verbal texts with specific communicative purposes, following standard models of discourse.
  10. Producing verbal texts that are appropriate to their context and possess linguistic correctness: Producing verbal texts about personal and general topics of well-known areas.
  11. Producing written texts from different fields and with specific communicative purposes: Producing simple academic texts, following standard models of discourse.
  12. Producing written texts that are appropriate to their context and possess linguistic correctness: Producing written texts of a certain complexity about personal and general topics from well-known areas and with specific communicative purposes, following standard modes of discourse.
  13. Solving interferences between the working languages: Solving interferences from the language combination with a certain degree of control.


Grammar contents

Revision of the use of the present subjunctive

The expression of cause and consequence

The comparison of equality

Link words (to oppose, compare, list, add,...)

Reported speech in the past

Passive voice  

Review of past times, introduction to the past simple

Time clauses

Prepositional regime of verbs / adjectives

Prepositions pour and par

Revision of the relative: qui/ que / don’t / où  

The combination of personal pronouns complements

Demonstrative pronouns

Lexical / thematic contents

 National stereotypes

Gender equality

Political institutions

The press, current affairs

Travel and migration

geographical description

Expressions related to opinion: agreement, disagreement, doubt, certainty, etc. 

Communicative contents


Understand the news of a TV programme

Understand a press article

Understand a testimony

Understand a film trailer

Understand discussions between friends on well-known topics

Understand a novel


Organize and participate in a debate

Write a news item

Write a short essay on a social issue

Comment on figures

Write a film review

Write the biography of a historical figure 

Cultural contents

National stereotypes

The Institutions of the Fifth Republic

The French-speaking press and media

Some French and French-speaking artists

Some French-speaking historical figures

Major periods in the history of France

Immigration and the identity issue in France



-          Tasks aimed at developing strategies and methods for reading and understanding a text.

-          Tasks aimed at promoting strategies and methods of speech analysis.

-          Analysis of frequent linguistic and intercultural (B-A) problems in current texts, followed by grammar drills, performative tasks or exercises aimed at detecting such problems.

-          Introduction to textual synthesis and the basics of linguistic mediation by means of periphrases, reformulation or explanation of textual contents.

-          Improvement of textual production in French .

-          Oral and written communicative tasks of different types.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Reading comprehension activities 10 0.4 2, 1, 8, 4, 13
Speficic master classes with activities of oral comprehension, written notes and oral interaction 8 0.32 2, 1, 7, 5, 4, 3, 10, 9, 13
Written activities 10 0.4 1, 8, 6, 12
Type: Supervised      
Preparation, supervision and revision of oral and written activities 17 0.68 2, 1, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 12, 11, 10, 9, 13
Type: Autonomous      
Reading comprehension and oral preproduction and production activities 48.75 1.95 1, 7, 5, 4, 3, 10, 9, 13
Reading comprehension and written preproduction and production activities 48.75 1.95 2, 1, 8, 6, 4, 12, 11, 13



Assessment is continuous. Students must provide evidence of their progress by completing tasks and tests. Task deadlines will be indicated in the course schedule on the first days of class

Weigh of each skill in assessment 

Listening      15 %

reading 30 %

speaking        15 %

writing      20 %

grammar-vocabulary 20 % 


Related matters

The above information on assessment, assessment activities and their weighting is merely a guide. The subject's lecturer will provide full information when teaching begins.

Students will pass the subject if they obtain a mark equal to or higher than 5/10.


When publishing final marks prior to recording them on students' transcripts, the lecturer will provide written notification of a date and time for reviewing assessment activities. Students must arrange reviews in agreement with the lecturer.

Missed/failed assessment activities

Students may retake assessment activities they have failed or compensate for any they have missed, provided that those they have actually performed account for a minimum of 66.6% (two thirds) of the subject's final markand that they have a weighted average mark of at least 3.5. Under no circumstances may an assessment activity worth 100% of the final mark be retaken or compensated for.

The lecturer will inform students of the procedure involved, in writing,when publishing final marks prior to recording them on transcripts. The lecturer may set one assignment per failed or missed assessment activity or a single assignment to cover a number of such activities.

Classification as "not assessable"

In the event of the assessment activities a student has performed accounting for just 25% or less of the subject's final mark, their work will be classified as "not assessable" on their transcript.

Misconduct in assessment activities

Students who engage in misconduct (plagiarism, copying, personation, etc.) in an assessment activity will receive a mark of “0” for the activity in question. In the case of misconduct in more than one assessment activity, the students involved will be given a final mark of “0” for the subject.

Students may not retake assessment activities in which they are found to have engaged in misconduct. Plagiarism is considered to mean presenting all or part of an author's work, whether published in print or in digital format, as one's own, i.e. without citing it. Copying is considered to mean reproducing all or a substantial part of another student's work. In cases of copying in which it is impossible to determine which of two students has copied the work of the other, both will be penalised.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Course work ( CE 5%, CO 5% EE and others 5%) 15% 2 0.08 2, 1, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 12, 11, 10, 9, 13
Grammar, vocabulary 20% 1.5 0.06 2, 1, 13
Listening: global and detailed comprehension 10% 1 0.04 2, 7, 3
Reading 20% 1 0.04 1, 8, 6, 4
Speaking about a written text (EE15%, CE 5%) 20% 1 0.04 2, 6, 5, 4, 10, 9
Writing 15% 1 0.04 6, 12, 11, 13


Coursebook: ÉDITO B2 (éd. 2015), LIVRE DE L'ÉLÈVE (Éditions Didier)

ISBN : 9782278080984

Workbook:Edito niv.B2 - 2015 - Cahier + CD (Éditions Didier)

ISBN : 9782278081127

Grammar book: Grammaire essentielle du français – B1 (Éditions Didier) (2017)

ISBN : 9782278087327