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19th Catalan Narrative

Code: 100705 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500247 Catalan Language and Literature OT 4 0
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Enric Cassany Cels

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


No prerequisites

Objectives and Contextualisation

The aim is to offer an overview of nineteenth-century narrative prose, from Romanticism to Realism. Aspects related to language, circulation, reception and authors will be historically contextualized. Poetics (through Catalan or non-Catalans theoretical texts), the evolution of genres and the most important authors (especially Narcís Oller) will receive preferential attention


  • Apply concepts, resources and methods to Catalan literature literary analysis taking into account the framework of periodization of Western literary history.
  • Assess how rigorously argued and major trends, authors and most representative works of Catalan literature.
  • Critically analyze Catalan literature in relation to the historical circumstances in which you enroll.
  • Develop historical studies on the Catalan literary tradition and interpretive analysis of trends, genres and authors of Catalan literature.
  • Developing critical thinking and reasoning and communicating them effectively both in your own and other languages.
  • Interpret literary texts in depth from philological bases (stylistic, linguistic, etc.) and comparative.
  • Respecting the diversity and plurality of ideas, people and situations.
  • Students must be capable of applying their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and they should have building arguments and problem resolution skills within their area of study.
  • Students must be capable of collecting and interpreting relevant data (usually within their area of study) in order to make statements that reflect social, scientific or ethical relevant issues.
  • Students must be capable of communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • Students must develop the necessary learning skills in order to undertake further training with a high degree of autonomy.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyze literary texts from philological bases and comparatists, and draft analysis and identify patterns in contemporary Catalan literary language texts.
  2. Apply the tools and know consult the specific documentary sources.
  3. Commenting on literary texts, applying the acquired tools and taking into account the historical and sociocultural context.
  4. Critically interpret literary works considering the relationships between different fields of literature and its relation to human, artistic and social areas.
  5. Describe the historical context of contemporary Catalan literature and literary works related to its historical and cultural context.
  6. Develop, at an advanced level, critical texts on major trends, authors and most representative works of contemporary Catalan literature, and write original and complex trials, fluent in the relevant literature on authors and works of contemporary period.
  7. Empower reading, interpretation and critical analysis of literary texts and language
  8. Identify main ideas and express them with secondary and linguistic correctness
  9. Interpret texts in depth and provide arguments for critical analysis
  10. Interpret the Western cultural tradition from the nineteenth century to the present, and recognize in detail in a contemporary text features of Western tradition.
  11. Maintain an attitude of respect for the opinions, values, behaviors and practices of others.
  12. Present knowledge about the history, art or other cultural movements.
  13. Use information in accordance with scientific ethics.
  14. Working independently in the synchronic and diachronic study of Catalan language and literature.
  15. Write, at an advanced level, historical and interpretive essays on contemporary Catalan literary tradition, and so expose and argue overviews of complex phenomena of contemporary Catalan literature.
  16. Written assignments and make effective oral presentations adapted to the appropriate register.


1.   Overview. The problems of the Catalan narrative of the XIX.

2.   The historical novel. Generic features. Models. Evolution in Spanish and Catalan.

3.   The literature of customs. Poetics. Robert Robert. Emili Vilanova. Costumisme and Novel.

4.   Martí Genís i Aguilar: Julita, romantic novel.

5.   Folk narrative. 

6.   Ideology and Novel. Thesis novels, from Gaietà Vidal to Dolors Monserdà.

7.   Literary criticism. J. Sardà. J. Yxart. 

8.   Narcís Oller. 

9.   Josep Pin i Soler.

10. Carles Bosch de la Trinxeria.

11. The group of Olot. Marià Vayreda.





Antoni de BOFARULL, L'orfeneta de Menargues (chapters XIII and XIV). Editorial Orbis.


Robert ROBERT (Lo diumenge... a fora!; Ai, que han mort un noi!; Lo ball d’en Serrallonga). In Barcelona avui en dia, Editorial Empúries.


Martí GENÍS I AGUILAR, Julita (chapter VIII and last chapter). Edicions 62. MOLC


Emili VILANOVA (A casa l’alcalde; Un perdulari, Desvetllament). In E.V., Escenes barcelonines, Edicions Proa. 


Narcís OLLER, La febre d'or. Cossetània edicions. 


Jacint VERDAGUER, Dietari d'un pelegrí a Terra Santa. Edicions Proa.


Marià VAYREDA, Records de la darrera carlinada. L'Avenç.


The subject is distributed in theoretical sessions and reading seminars. The theoretical sessions have a panoramic and contextual character and are accompanied by the commentary of theoretical-critical texts. The sessions devoted to reading focus on the analysis of compulsory reading works and other complementary texts. A list of works and bibliographical references associated with each reading will be available.

The calendar will be available on the first day of class. Students will find all information on the Virtual Campus: the description of the activities, teaching materials, and any necessary information for the proper follow-up of the subject. In case of a change of teaching modality for health reasons, teachers will make readjustments in the schedule and methodologies.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Reading and discussion of poetic texts 15 0.6 1, 3, 16, 6, 4, 9, 7
Type: Supervised      
Follow-up of expository classes 25 1 5, 4, 10
Type: Autonomous      
Bibliographic search. Documentary sources and resources 45 1.8 1, 2, 6, 8, 4, 10, 11, 7, 15, 14, 13


The competences of this subject will be evaluated by means of an examination and of individua works.The evaluation system is organized in 3 types of activities or modules, each of which will have a specific weight assigned in the final grade:

Module of presentations, analyzes and debates on texts, with a global weight of 15% (each student will have to analyze a theoretical or critical text, which will be presented in writing or orally)

Module of written tests, with a global weight of 50% (a final exam on the subject)

Work delivery module, which will evaluate a job with a global weight of 35%

The individualized follow-up to the student will make those demands adapt slightly. The recovery system provides that different tests can be performed according to the student's learning needs, with the aim of recovering at least 50% of the activities carried out.To participate in the recovery the students must have been previously evaluated in a set of activities whose weight equals to a minimum of two thirds of the total grade of the subject, and must have achieved overall a rating between 3.5 and 4.9. The maximum recovery note is 5.

A 5 is needed for the final pass. If the student has not obtained the approved but the tests performed have been evaluated positively, he will be considered "non-evaluable".

In the event that the student conducts any irregularity that can lead to a significant variation of the qualification of an evaluation act, this evaluation act will be qualified with 0, regardless of the disciplinary process that can be instructed. In caseThat there are several irregularities in the evaluation acts of the same subject, the final grade of this subject will be 0

In the event that tests or exams cannot be taken onsite, they will be adapted to an online format made available through the UAB’s virtual tools (original weighting will be maintained). Homework, activities and class participation will be carried out through forums, wikis and/or discussion on Teams, etc. Lecturers will ensure that students are able to access these virtual tools, or will offer them feasible alternatives.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Essay on a book or aspect of the Catalan narrative of the 19th century 35% 15 0.6 1, 3, 5, 16, 6, 12, 8, 4, 10, 9, 11, 7, 15, 14, 13
Final exam (written) on the subject 50 % 40 1.6 1, 2, 3, 5, 16, 6, 12, 8, 4, 10, 9, 11, 7, 15, 14, 13
Presentation (oral or written) on a theoretical or critical text 15% 10 0.4 1, 2, 3, 5, 16, 6, 12, 8, 4, 10, 9, 11, 7, 15, 14, 13


Blasco 1993: Ricard Blasco, La novel·la romàntica al País Valencià, Barcelona, Curial, 1993.

Casacuberta & Sala 2002: Margarida Casacuberta & Joan Sala, Marian Vayreda (1853-1903). La represa d’una veu pròpia, Olot, Carme Simon Editora, 2002.


Cassany 1992: Enric Cassany, El costumisme en la prosa catalana del segle XIX, Barcelona, Curial,  1992.


Cassany 2009: Enric Cassany, «La narrativa». In Panorama crític de la literatura catalana. Segle XIX, Barcelona, Vicens Vives, 2009, 383-428. 


Cassany 2018: Enric Cassany, «La literatura narrativa». In Enric Cassany & Josep M. Domingo (dir.), Literatura contemporània (I). El Vuit-cents (=Història de la literatura catalana, vol. V, Enciclopèdia Catalana-Editorial Barcino-Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2018, 463-516.


Castellanos 2003b: Jordi Castellanos, «La novel·la antimodernista: les propostes de “La Renaixensa"». In Professor Joaquim Molas. Memòria, escriptura, història, Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, 2003, 315-328.


Domingo 1987: Josep M. Domingo Josep Pin i Soler i la novel.la (1869-1892), Barcelona, Curial /Abadia de Montserrat/Institut d’Estudis Tarraconenses Ramon Berenguer IV, 1996.


Domingo 2003: «Josep Pin i Soler novel.lista. Les novel·les del cicle dels Garriga». In Josep Pin i Soler, La família dels Garrigas(Elisabet Velázquez ed.), Tarragona, Arola, 2003, 9-45.


Domingo & Roig ed. 2000: Josep M. Domingo & Francesc Roig (eds), El segle romàntic. Actes del Col·loqui sobre Josep Yxart i el seu temps. Tarragona, 23, 24 i 25 novembre, Tarragona, Diputació de Tarragona , 2000.


Fradera 1992: Josep M. Fradera, Cultura nacional en una societat dividida, Barcelona, Curial, 1992.


Garolera 1992: Narcís Garolera, «La narrativa de viatges al segle XIX», Estudis romànics, XX (1987-1991 [1992]), 555-574. 


Iborra 1977: Josep Iborra, «La novel.la al País Valencià», Arguments, 3 (1977), 63-103.


Llompart 1992: Josep M. Llompart, La narrativa a les illes balears, Palma de Mallorca, Editorial Moll, 1992. 


Mas 2006: Carme Mas, Dolors Monserdà. La voluntat d’escriure, Arola editors, Tarragona, 2006.


Matheu 1972: Roser Matheu, «L'obra literària i social de la senyora Monserdà (1845-1919)». In Quatre dones catalanes, Barcelona, Fundació Salvador Vives Casajuana, 1972, 7-110. 


Miró 1978: Maria Mercè Miró, La prosa narrativa de Martí Genís i Aguilar, Vic-Barcelona, Patronat d’Estudis Ausonencs, 1978 [prologue by Joaquim Molas].


Molas dir. 1986: Joaquim Molas, Història de la literatura catalana, vol. VII, Barcelona, Ariel, 1986. 


Molas 1986: Joaquim Molas (in collaboration with Xavier Fàbregas and Josep Massot), «La nova literatura popular: tradició i modernitat». Dins id. (dir.), Història de la literatura catalana,  vol. VIII, Barcelona, Ariel, 1986, 9-74.


Oller 1962: Narcís Oller, Memòries literàries. Història dels meus llibres, Barcelona, Aedos, 1962.


Oller 2014: Narcís Oller, Memòries. Història de mos llibres i relacions literàries. Valls: Cossetània Edicions, 2014. 


Prats 1988: Llorenç Prats, El mite de la tradició popular, Barcelona, Edicions 62, 1988.


Roig & Domingo eds 1994: Francesc Roig i Josep M. Domingo (eds), Actes del Simposi Pin i Soler. Tarragona, 26-28 de novembre de 1992, Tarragona, Institut d’Estudis Tarrraconenses Ramon Berenguer IV, 1994. 


Rosselló 2006: Pere Rosselló Bover, La narrativa i la prosa a Mallorca a l’inici del segle XX, Universitat de les Illes Balears/Abadia de Montserrat, 2006.


Rossich 1989: Albert Rossich, «La novel·la catalana entre el Tirant i L'orfeneta de Menargues», Revista de Catalunya, 29 (abril de 1989), 150-162. 


Salvador 1997: Vicent Salvador, «Crítica i activitat editorial a València: Cabrerizo, Boix i Bonilla». In Manuel Jorba, Antònia Tayadella i Montserrat Comes (ed.), El segle romàntic. Actes del Col·loqui sobre el Romanticisme, Vilanova i la Geltrú, 2, 3 i 4 de febrer de 1995, Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer/Ajuntament de Vilanova i la Geltrú, 1997, 137-153. 


Sardà 1997: Joan Sardà, Art i veritat. Crítiques de novel·la vuitcentista (Antònia Tayadella ed.) Barcelona, Curial, 1997.


Segura 1988: Isabel Segura, «Unes experiències a recuperar». In Literatura de dones: una visió del món, Barcelona, LaSal-Edicions de les dones, 1988, 11-23.


Serrahima 1972: Maurici Serrahima, «Narcís Oller»In Dotze mestres, Barcelona, Destino, 1972.


Serrahima 1972: Maurici Serrahima, «Marià Vayreda (1853-1903)»In Dotze mestres, Destino, B., 1972, 89-121. 


Serrahima & Boada 1996: Maurici Serrahima & Maria Teresa Boada, La novel.la històrica catalana, edició a cura de Josep Ll. BadalBarcelona, Abadia de Montserrat 1996.


Simó ed. 1982: Prosa costumista balear (Guillem Simó ed.), Palma de Mallorca, Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics, 1982.


Sunyer ed. 1999: Magí Sunyer (ed.), Actes del Col·loqui Narcís Oller. Valls 28, 29 i 30 de novembre de 1996 [Valls 1999].


Tayadella 1986: Antònia Tayadella, Narcís Oller i el Naturalisme. In Molas dir. 1986, Història de la Literatura catalana,  605-668. 


Tayadella 2012: Antònia Tayadella, Sobre literatura del segle XIX, Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona / Càtedra Verdaguer, 2012, 11-17.


Tayadella i Cassany 1986: Antònia Tayadella i Enric Cassany, Els orígens de la novel.la dins Molas dir. 1986, Història de la Literatura catalana, 411-436.


Yates 1998: Alan Yates, Narcís Oller. Tradició i talent individual, Barcelona, Curial, 1998.


Yxart 1980: Josep Yxart, Entorn de la literatura catalana de la Restauració (Jordi Castellanos ed.), Barcelona, Edicions 62, 1980.


Yxart 1991: Josep Yxart, Novel.listes i narradors (Enric Cassany ed.), Barcelona, Curial, 1991. 


Yxart 1995: Josep Yxart, El año pasado 1886-1890 [Obra completa de Josep Yxart, vol. I] (Rosa Cabré ed.), Barcelona, Ajuntament de Tarragona/ Proa, 1995.