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Processes 1. Workplace, Remuneration and Planning

Code: 43162 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
4313788 Management of Human Resources in Organizations OB 0 1


Susana Pallarés Parejo

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
spanish (spa)


Susana Pallarés Parejo

External teachers

Carles Poyato
Fernando Palomar
Joan Cabré
Vicens Feltrer


There are no prerequisites.

Objectives and Contextualisation

Objectives and contextualisation


This is the first of three modules that aim to explain the main processes involved in human resource management. Specifically, this module aims to present the initial planning processes and some of the useful support tools which can even condition the processes described in the following modules. 

Upon completion of the module the student will be able to:


  • Explain the importance of staff planning and the necessary management elements needed to put it into practice.
  • Analyse, describe and evaluate the jobs within an organisation.
  • Recognise the characteristics and elements of an organisation’s remuneration system as well as its remuneration policy.


  • Design operational plans (for training, induction, etc.) in simulated contexts.
  • Detect individual and/or group features that affect the members of an organisation.
  • Make appropriate use of basic legal and economic concepts associated with the human resources function.
  • Plan, organise and monitor one's own professional activity.
  • Solve problems in new or little-known situations within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the field of study.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Anticipate the effects of the salary and benefits system on workers' motivation and satisfaction.
  2. Design procedures for human resources planning in organisations of different types and sizes.
  3. Identify factors determining human resources planning in organisations in different sectors and of different sizes.
  4. Plan the steps in a process of job evaluation in a large organisation.
  5. Take into account legal precepts and restrictions with regard to salary and benefit systems.




1. The basics of people management

1. Staff planning and HR planning

  • Definition, objectives and purposes of the planning
  • Planning human resources: advantages and disadvantages
  • Manpower planning
  • Management of the staff budget


1. Job analysis


  • Job position and organisational structure analysis
  • Applications, procedures and information sources
  • Description questionnaires focused on the job post
  • The psychosocial and situational components of the job description Company culture and integration of people in organisations

1. Evaluation of the job posts

  • Concept and purpose
  • Evaluation methods
  • Planning, implementation and execution of the evaluation of the posts
  • Presentation and approval

1. Remuneration policies: Remuneration and benefits

  • Strategic value of remuneration
  • Approaches for establishing the remuneration policy
  • Remuneration structure     
  • Intangible remuneration elements
  • Benefits and flexible remuneration





Lectures. The presentation of the various topics will be done through lectures given by the teaching staff for this module.

Case presentations. Cases related to the various content topics will be analysed in the classroom to review practical actions of professionals and generate reflection and debate. Individual or group presentations on these cases will also be worked on.

Activities. Exercises and problem-solving activities will also be carried out which will allow students to solidify their knowledge and work on the competencies assigned to the module.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Master class sessions 20 0.8 1, 3
Performing classroom activities 5 0.2 3, 5
Reflection and case comments 5 0.2 4, 5
Type: Supervised      
Carrying out concrete and cross-cutting activities 60 2.4 2, 3, 4, 5
Tutoring 0 0
Type: Autonomous      
Reflection and assimilation of the learning performed. Search, select and review bibliography. 60 2.4 1, 3


Assignment 1. Job profile chart.

 This assignment will form 10% of the final mark of the module.

 It is a group exercise which will be initiated in the classroom and continue outside the class, with the work handed in through the virtual classroom.

 In this task the “job profile chart” shall be developed corresponding to a certain job post.


Assignment 2. The qualitative procedures of the Job Analysis (J.A.)

 This assignment will form 25% of the final mark of the module. Individual exercise that will be handed in through the virtual classroom.

Job descriptions through the traditional methodology and the critical incident technique will be worked on in this part.


Assignment 3. Transversal case.

 This assignment will form 65% of the final mark of the module.

Individual exercise that will be handed in through the virtual classroom.

A case will be worked on transversely in this part with the aim of putting into practice and reflecting on the various topics of the module, with the exception of those referring to the contents in the “Job Analysis” section previously covered in assignments 1 and 2.


* Each assignment will include a descriptive sheet with instructions for its implementation and elements that are evaluated in it.

 Students who fail to reach the established criteria to pass the module and those who have been evaluated in a set of activities with a weighting of two-thirds of the total score for the module may retake it.

 The minimum mark to retake the module is 3.5.


Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Assigment 3. Transversal case 65% 0 0 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Assignment 1: Job profile chart 10% 0 0 4
Assignment 2: The qualitative procedures of the Job Analysis (J.A.) 25% 0 0 2, 4


Alcover de la Hera, C. (2002). El contrato psicológico. El componente implícito de las relaciones laborales. Málaga: Aljibe.


Carretta, A. (1996). Aplicaciones en la planificación de recursos humanos. En Las Competencias: Clave para una Gestión Integrada de los Recursos Humanos. Bilbao: Ediciones Deusto, 47-74


Chiesa, V; Giglioli, E y Manzini, R (1999). R&D corporate planning: Selecting the core technological competencies. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Vol. 11, Nº 2


Equipo Vértice (2008). Retribución de personal. Málaga: Publicaciones Vértice


Espacio Formación, (aut.) (2007) Manual de valoración y descripción de puestos de trabajo en la administración local. Madrid: CEP, S.L.


Fernández-Ríos, M. (1995). Análisis y descripción de puestos de trabajo. Madrid: Díaz de Santos S.A., Ediciones.


Fernández-Ríos, M.; Sánchez, J. C. (1997). Valoración de Puestos de Trabajo: fundamentos, métodos y ejercicios. Madrid: Díaz de Santos S.A., Ediciones.


Gan, F. y Triginé, J. (2006). Manual de instrumentos de gestión y desarrollo de las personas en las organizaciones. Madrid: Díaz de Santos, S.A. Ediciones.


Labrado,M. (2000). Misiones y responsabilidades de los puestos de trabajo. Barcelona: Gestión 2000.


Nelson, B. (2005). 1001 formas de recompensar el trabajo bien hecho. Madrid: Ed. Gestión 2000


Poels, F. (2001). Estrategias de Valoración y Remuneración de Puestos de Trabajo. Madrid: Fundación Confemetal.


Ridao, JM. (2009) Economía de la empresa. Sevilla: Algaida.


Saavedra, I. (1997). Planificación y selección de recursos humanos. Madrid: Pirámide.


Capital Humano (Review for the integration and development of human resources)




Job Analysis Homepage from HR-Guide




Periódico on-line de recursos humanos




Portal for human resources professionals

