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Teaching Innovation and Introduction to Educational Research in Mathematics Education

Code: 45454 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
3500318 Teacher Training for Secondary Schools, Vocational Training and Language Centres OB 1


Update of the regular teaching staff at the beginning of the academic year.

Vicenç Font Moll


Alberto Mallart Solaz


(External) Alexandre Cortés
(External) Alicia Sānchez
(External) Jordi Font
(External) Marianna Bosch
(External) Marta Górriz
(External) Sergi Múria
(External) Vicenį Font Moll

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


Nor considered.

Objectives and Contextualisation

Reflection on the teaching and learning processes is a key element to be able to introduce innovations that improve them in future implementations. It is therefore necessary to have tools for planning, management and improvement of the instructional processes, in particular it is important to know the role of different resources (manipulative, audiovisual, technological, etc.) and evaluation techniques in the improvement of the processes of teaching and learning.

The subject has the following objectives:

1) Know and critically analyze teaching manipulative resources and materials, in order to develop the contents of the curriculum through suitable teaching resources that allow to attend to the diversity of the students and to overcome the difficulties of mathematical learning.

2) Know and critically analyze TAC resources to improve teaching methodologies and, consequently, learning processes.

3) Know assessment techniques (formative, diagnostic,...) in order to plan, apply and analyze assessment strategies and instruments adapted to the characteristics of the mathematical skills to be developed.

4) Know criteria for analyzing and assessing the quality of teaching and learning processes in order to formulate didactic questions and problems and make justified improvement proposals in the knowledge developed by research in Mathematical Education.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA12 (Competence) To create mathematics learning situations that are suitable for all students, through the justified use of a range of strategies and methodologies that promote the competency-based and inclusive learning of mathematics.
  2. CA13 (Competence) To implement activities in the mathematics classroom in the manner in which they were designed and planned, assimilating any unexpected situations to achieve the expected learning outcomes.
  3. CA14 (Competence) To provide inclusive education, taking into account the various measures and aids for promoting the personalised learning of mathematics.
  4. KA07 (Knowledge) To identify situations with potential for improvement through the on-site or video-recorded self-observation or co-observation of classroom situations, in both real and simulated classrooms.
  5. SA08 (Skill) To analyse strategies that promote the students' capacity to learn by themselves and with others and develop critical thinking and decision making skills that facilitate autonomy, self-confidence and initiative.
  6. SA09 (Skill) To develop pedagogical strategies for dealing with unexpected classroom situations and critical incidents that occur while teaching.
  7. SA10 (Skill) To integrate the various types of assessment into lesson plans for the mathematics classroom, particularly diagnostic assessment, formative assessment and self-assessment, as a tool for checking, regulating and enhancing the learning process.
  8. SA11 (Skill) To analyse real evidence and data taken from the mathematics classroom as part of the process of conducting educational research in the field of mathematics education, with a view to improving professional teaching skills.


The subject is made up of the following blocks of content:

Block 1. Manipulative resources and learning.

- The role of materials for teaching mathematics. Selection and preparation criteria. Methodological aspects associated with the use of materials.

- The mathematics laboratory.- Specific resources for the areas of the curriculum.

Block 2. TACs and mathematical learning.

- Tools associated with information and communication technologies (ICT) that are particularly useful for teaching Mathematics. GeoGebra, Wiris, etc.

- Programming: Scratch. The resources provided by the network itself.

- Platforms for cooperative work.

Block 3. Competence assessment and regulation of learning.

- Competency formative assessment in mathematics. Curriculum, KOM Program, etc. Evaluation of communication, reasoning and testing, problem solving and modeling.

- Planning and analysis of internal and institutional proposals: PISA, Basic Competences, etc.

- Organization of diagnostic and synthesis tests. Baccalaureate and PPAU tests.

- Evaluation of transversal skills. Citizenship and mathematics, learning to learn, etc.

- Regulation of the different types of mathematical activity. Exercises, problems, projects, etc.

- Elements for management analysis. Evaluation of interactions. conversation communication

Block 4. Tools to analyze the quality of didactic proposals.

- Typology of tasks. Planning and organization of sequences.

- Indicators of mathematical and didactic quality of learning sequences

- Analysis of connections. Intramathematics and extramathematics,

- Analysis and assessment of the quality of classroom episodes and task sequences.

- The formulation and investigation of problems in the teaching and learning of mathematics. The dissemination of research results

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Presentations 33 1.32 CA12, SA08, SA09, SA10
Solving professional problems 33 1.32 CA13, CA14, SA09, SA10, SA11
Type: Supervised      
Development of professional practices 20 0.8 CA12, CA13, CA14, KA07, SA08, SA09, SA10, SA11
Type: Autonomous      
Personal Study 64 2.56 CA12, CA13, KA07, SA08, SA09

In accordance with the training activities, the classes will be based on the presentation of professional problems and exemplification based on case studies. Likewise, practicals will be carried out in the classes, both individually and in small groups, focused on learning activities.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Exposition 30% 0 0 CA12, SA08, SA09, SA10
Individual work 40% 0 0 CA13, CA14, SA09, SA10, SA11
Practice assessment 30% 0 0 CA12, CA13, CA14, KA07, SA08, SA09, SA10, SA11

Requirements to be entitled to the final assessment: Attendance at a minimum of 80% of the class sessions. The delivery of all practices and evaluation exercises within the indicated deadlines, and their positive evaluation (minimum grade: 5)


Students who take the single assessment must follow the development of the subject, attending class regularly and with the same conditions of attendance as continuous assessment students.
They will present all assessment activities individually on a single date at the end of the session period and will need to pass a validation test for each of the activities.


Alsina, C., Nelsen, R. B. (2006). Math Made Visual. Creating images for understanding Mathematics. MAA, Washington.

Alsina, C., Burgués, C., Fortuny, J.M. (1991). Materiales para construir la geometria. Col·lecció Matemáticas: cultura y aprendizaje, número 11. Síntesis.

Badillo, E.; García, L.; Marbà, A. y Briceño, M. (2012). El desarrollo de competencias en las clases de ciencias y matemáticas. Universidad de los Andes.

CREAMAT Centre de Recursos per Ensenyar i Aprendre Matemàtiques (Departament d'Educació): http://phobos.xtec.cat/creamat/joomla/.

Font, V. (2005). Reflexión en la clase de Didáctica de las Matemáticas sobre una "situación rica", en Badillo, E. Couso, D., Perafrán, G., Adúriz-Bravo, A. (eds) Unidades didácticas en Ciencias y Matemáticas (pp. 59-91). Magisterio: Bogotá.

Font, V.; Giménez, J.; Larios, V. y Zorrilla, J. F. (2012). Competencias profesionales del profesor de matemáticas de secundaria y bachillerato. Barcelona: Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona.

Font, V., Calle, E., & Breda, A. (2023). Uso de los criterios de idoneidad didáctica y la metodología Lesson Study en la formación del profesorado de matemáticas en España y Ecuador. Paradigma44(2), 376-397.

Goñi, J. M. (Ed.), Didáctica de las matemáticas. Formación del profesorado de secundaria en matemáticas. Barcelona: Editorial Graó/Ministerio de Educación

Hernán, F., Carrillo, E. Recursos en el aula de Matemáticas. Col·lecció Matemáticas: cultura y aprendizaje, número 34. Ed. Síntesis, Madrid, 1991.

Vanegas, Y. y Giménez, J. (2011) Aprender a evaluar como regulación y análisis de la actividad matemática. UNO. Revista de Didáctica de las Matemáticas, 57, 84 - 92.


No speciffic software is required.

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TEmRD) Teoria (māster RD) 1 Catalan annual morning-mixed
(TEmRD) Teoria (māster RD) 2 Catalan annual afternoon
(TEmRD) Teoria (māster RD) 3 Catalan annual afternoon
(TEmRD) Teoria (māster RD) 4 Catalan annual afternoon