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Current Areas and Perspectives in the Psychosocial Field

Code: 45422 ECTS Credits: 12
Degree Type Year
4313402 Psychosocial Research and Intervention OB 0


Joel Feliu Samuel Lajeunesse


José Luis Lalueza Sazatornil
Joan Pujol Tarres
Luz Maria Martinez Martinez
Jenny Cubells Serra
Esther Arozarena Cañamares
Marisela Montenegro Martinez
Joan Moya Kohler
Albert Espelt Hernàndez
Francisco Javier Tirado Serrano
Lidia Arroyo Prieto
Remedios Rubio García

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


As this is a subject at the beginning of the Master's degree and common to all its branches, there are no prerequisites other than those required for access to the Master's degree.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The aim of this subject is to provide a common basis that frames professional work in the psychosocial field. To offer an overview of the theoretical approaches and the areas of research and intervention in the psychosocial field, emphasising contemporary debates and offering tools to elaborate states of knowledge.


- Recognise and distinguish the principles that separate the different theoretical, epistemological and methodological approaches in the approach to psychosocial phenomena and problems.

- Analyse the ontological and epistemological frameworks that contribute to the understanding of a specific object of study and intervention.

- Develop a critical view of the psychosocial fields of research and intervention.

- Elaborate a state of the art of a field of research or social intervention in order to show its different comprehensions


Learning Outcomes

  1. CA01 (Competence) Combine different search criteria and different databases that offer a full overview of the state of the art on the phenomenon of interest.
  2. CA02 (Competence) Create a solid corpus of scientific articles using suitable inclusion and exclusion criteria.
  3. CA03 (Competence) Present the different positions or interventions found in a literature review in an explanatory way.
  4. KA01 (Knowledge) Identify the discussions present in the field of research or psychosocial intervention based on the available scientific literature.
  5. KA02 (Knowledge) Critically appraise the assumptions, limitations and biases of the different types of knowledge or positions encountered.
  6. SA01 (Skill) Clearly present the phenomenon of interest, locating its limitations and dimensions to be either studied or intervened in.
  7. SA02 (Skill) Recognise the quality of the databases and scientific articles to be used that form part of a state of the art.
  8. SA03 (Skill) Discuss the ethico-political implications of psychosocial theories from a gender and intersectional perspective.


  • Contemporary theoretical perspectives in the field of psychosocial research and intervention.
  • Understanding, defining and transforming social reality from feminist perspectives.
  • Epistemological and methodological approaches to the psychosocial analysis of social problems and psychosocial well-being.
  • Characterisation of the problems associated with contemporary society.
  • Tools for the construction of states of knowledge and psychosocial diagnoses.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Collective nentoring 4 0.16 CA01, CA02, CA03, SA02
Lecture 48 1.92 KA01, KA02, SA01, SA03
Workshop 8 0.32 CA01, CA02, CA03, SA02
Type: Supervised      
Mentoring 2 0.08 CA03, KA01, KA02, SA01, SA03
Type: Autonomous      
Preparation of tasks. Reading articles/reports of interest. Personal study 237 9.48 CA01, CA02, CA03, KA01, KA02, SA01, SA02, SA03

As this is a subject with propaedeutic goals, the lessons will be mainly in lecture format, although students will be required to participate. In the classroom, on the one hand by raising doubts or comments, on the other hand, by participating in the debates that the teaching staff will initiate. These debates will continue virtually through the virtual classroom forum, based on the initiative of the teaching staff and the students themselves.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Ev1. Development of a thematic review (state of the art) 50% 0 0 CA01, CA02, CA03, KA01, KA02, SA01, SA02
Ev2. Group project 30% 1 0.04 SA01, SA03
Ev3. Supervision of tutorials 20% 0 0 CA01, CA02, CA03, KA01, KA02, SA01, SA02, SA03

EV1. Preparation of a thematic review: Preparation of a thematic review (state of knowledge or state of the art) of topics related to psychosocial research and intervention. In other words, a paper that shows the debates that have taken place and the current state of discussion around the chosen research or intervention topic. Preferably, and with the help of the tutor, the topic should be as close as possible to the topic of the TFM. This assignment is worth 50% of the final mark for the subject.

Ev2 Group project: Presentation of a visual information capsule in the form of an infographic, video or other audiovisual format on a theory or area chosen from those included in the syllabus of the subject. In the case of a field, the phenomenon of interest must be clearly presented, identifying its limits and dimensions to be studied or intervened upon. In the case of a theory, the ethical and political implications of the chosen psychosocial theory must be discussed. This assignment is worth 30% of the final mark for the subject.

Ev3 Student follow-up: Supervision of the final project of the subject with the tutor and the achievement of the learning outcomes of the subject. This includes the planning of the final project, the review of the draft and the review of the final version (in all cases provided that they are submitted at least ten days before the deadline set in Moodle). This assessment will be carried out by the tutor and is worth 20% of the course.


Passed: The module will be considered passed if the student gets an average grade greater than 5 in all the assessment tests. 

Assessable: Students who have presented assessments with a weighting equal to 40% of the total module will be considered Assessable.

Non-assessable: Students who have presented several assessments, where the total weight in relation to the module as a whole is less than 40%, will be considered non-assessable (NA).

Single assessment: All content ofthe module will be assessed on the day Evidence 1 is submitted. On that day, you will submit the visual capsule (Ev2: 30%) whith your team, the rest of the participants in the single assessment, on one of the topics of the module, which will be assessed according to the criteria established for Evidence 2 and the written work of Evidence 1 will be submitted in the Moodle classroom (Ev1: 50%).

Reassessment: There are noresit assessments.

Link to the assessment guidelines of the Faculty of Psychology: https://www.uab.cat/web/estudiar/graus/graus/avaluacions-1345722525858.html



Ibáñez, Tomás (2013). Municiones para disidentes. Realidad-Verdad-Política. Gedisa.


Bonilla Campos, Amparo (2010). Psicología, diferencias y desigualdades: límites y posibilidades de la perspectiva de género feminista. Quaderns de Psicologia, 12(2), 65-80. doi:10.5565/rev/qpsicologia.806

Cabruja , Teresa; Íñiguez, Lupicinio y Vázquez, Félix (2000). Cómo construimos el mundo: relativismo, espacios de relación y narratividad . Anàlisi, 25, 61-94.

Corredor-Aristizábal, Javier (2010). Crítica y empírica: el rol de la psicología en el cambio social. Revista colombiana de psicología, 19 (2): 241-257.

de la Cuesta Benjumea, Carmen (2003). El Investigador Como Instrumento Flexible de la Indagación. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 2(4) , 25-38. Disponible en: http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/IJQM/article/view/4506/3786

García-Santesmases, Andrea (2023). El cuerpo deseado: La conversación pendiente entre feminismo y anticapacitismo. Kaótica Libros.

Gil, Adriana. (2006). Psicología social de hechos, de procesos y de proyectos. Objeto y tiempo. Athenea Digital, 9, 78-99. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/athenead/v1n9.262

Grasswick, Heidi. E., & Webb, Mark Owen. (2002). Feminist epistemology as social epistemology. Social Epistemology, 16(3), 185-196. doi:10.1080/0269172022000025570

Haraway, Donna. (1991). Ciencia, cyborgs y mujeres. La reinvención de la naturaleza (1995a ed.). Cátedra.

Haraway, Donna. (2004). Testigo_modesto@ segundo_milenio, HombreHembra©_conoce oncoratón®: feminismo y tecnociencia. Barcelona: UOC. Harding, S. (1996). Ciencia y feminismo. Ediciones Morata.

Hönig, Kathrin. (2005). Relativism or Anti-Anti-Relativism? Epistemological and Rhetorical Moves in Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science. European Journal of Women's Studies, 12(4), 407-419. doi:10.1177/1350506805057098

Ibáñez, Tomás (1982). Poder y libertad. Estudio sobre la naturaleza, modalidades y los mecanismos de las relaciones de poder. Amentia Editorial. https://zenodo.org/records/7789460

Ibáñez, Tomás (2013). Municiones para disidentes. Realidad-Verdad-Política. Gedisa.

Ibáñez, Tomás (2019). Contra la dominación: En compañía de Castoriadis, Foucault, Rorty y Serres. Gedisa.

Íñiguez, Lupicinio (2003). La psicología social como crítica: continuismo, estabilidad y efervescencias tres décadas después de la "crisis". Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 37 (2): 221-238.

Jansen, Sue. C. (1990). Is Science a Man? New Feminist Epistemologies and Reconstructions of Knowledge. Theory and Society, 19(2), 235-246.

León Cedeño, Alejandra. (2012). Psicología comunitaria de lo cotidiano.Editorial Académica Española.

Montenegro, Marisela; Montenegro, Karla e Íñiguez, Lupicinio (2006). Acción comunitaria desde la psicología social. En Xavier Úcar y Asun Llena (coords.). Miradas y diálogos en torno a la acción comunitaria. Pp. 57-88. Graó.

Montero, Maritza (2004). Relaciones entre psicología social comunitaria, psicología crítica y psicología de la liberación: una respuesta latinoamericana. Revista Psykhe, 13 (2): 17-28.

Parker, Ian (2007). Critical Psychology: What It Is and What It Is Not. Social and Personality Psychology Compass 1 (1): 1-15.

Pérez Sedeño, Eulalia (2008). Mitos, creencias, valores: cómo hacer más «científica» la ciencia; cómo hacer la «realidad» más real. Isegoría, 0(38), 77-100. doi:10.3989/isegoria.2008.i38.404

Pérez Sedeño, Eulalia, Alcalá, Paloma, González, M. Isabel, De Villota, Paloma, & Roldán, Concha (2006). Ciencia, tecnología y género en Iberoamérica. CSIC.

Rorty, Richard (2002). El descenso de la verdad redentora y el surgimiento de la cultura literaria . Ciencias de Gobierno, 6(11), 103-123.

Shotter, John (1993). Realidades conversacionales. La construcción de la vida a través del lenguaje. Amorrortu, 2001.


We encourage the use of free and open source software for ethical and political reasons. We encourage students to use free operating systems (e.g. Linux distributions), to produce their work in free software (e.g. LibreOffice and similar) and to submit their work in open formats (e.g. .odt, .odp.ods).

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TEm) Theory (master) 1 Spanish first semester afternoon