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Community, Socio-educational intervention and Inequalities

Code: 45007 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
4313815 Research in Education OT 0


Xavier Úcar Martínez


Josefina Sala Roca
Paloma del Carmen Valdivia Vizarreta

Teaching groups languages

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Objectives and Contextualisation

This module aims to offer the necessary tools to be able to analyze community situations and scenarios from research, as well as offer appropriate educational responses. In the proposal, special emphasis is placed on the knowledge of community education environments and the dimensions -social capital, social networks, parental training and peer relationships- that lead to the empowerment of groups in complex environments. Based on the use of theoretical, methodological and epistemological resources that favor the study and analysis of socio-educational intervention in community contexts, the module allows innovation in the design, planning and development of socio-educational projects and programs. The following topics are addressed:

• Community education, social capital, social networks and empowerment;

• Childhood and adolescence at risk, protection systems, parental training, peer relationships.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA32 (Competence) Formulate a community socio-educational research problem and formulate its questions and goals.
  2. CA33 (Competence) Assess the social, economic and environmental impact of community socio-educational interventions to contribute to the development of a more accessible, sustainable, diverse and just society that respects human rights.
  3. CA34 (Competence) Act in the field of knowledge while assessing sex/gender based inequalities.
  4. KA30 (Knowledge) Describe the methodological paradigms, approaches and designs in research on community education.
  5. KA31 (Knowledge) Identify different lines of research and intervention in the various fields of research on community education.
  6. KA32 (Knowledge) Identify problems and offer solutions for community socio-educational needs using innovative approaches.
  7. SA21 (Skill) Produce a comprehensive review of the scientific literature in relation to community education, socio-educational intervention and inequalities.
  8. SA22 (Skill) Produce a review of the scientific literature on a topic related to the theme of the module in the format of a scientific article.


1. Social pedagogy and community education
2. Research in community education
3. Social capital and socio-educational networks
4. Socio-educational intervention and empowerment processes
5. Protection models for children and adolescents at risk
6. Specific problems of young people under guardianship
7. Transition to independent life for young people in care
8. Empowerment projects with young people in care
9. Child and youth participation in the community
10. Families, leisure time and social capital
11. Peer relationship, community innovation processes

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Analysis and collective discussion of articles and documentary sourcesAnálisis y discusión colectiva de artículos y fuentes documentales 10 0.4
Type: Supervised      
Classroom practices: resolution of problems/cases/exercises. 9 0.36
Oral presentation/exposition of works. 6 0.24
Type: Autonomous      
Design and preparation of a systematic analysis of the academic literature on a specific topic or problem 25 1
Reading articles and documentaries 30 1.2
Writing a scientific article 70 2.8

The training activity will be developed from the following dynamics:

Lectures/expositive classes by teachers
Reading of articles and documentary collections
Analysis and collective discussion of articles and documentary sources
Classroom practices: resolution of problems/cases/exercises.
Oral presentation/exposition of works.
Design and preparation of a systematic analysis of the academic literature on a specific topic or problem
Preparation of a scientific article

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Activities during the development of the module 30% 0 0 CA33, KA30, KA31
Attendance and participation in the sessions 20% 0 0 CA33, KA30, KA31, KA32
Journal article based on a systematic analysis: individual module work 50% 0 0 CA32, CA33, CA34, KA30, KA32, SA21, SA22

Attendance and participation in sessions


Activities during the development of the module


Journal article based on a systematic analysis: individual module work



The evaluation of the module will be carried out through the activities indicated.

The final mark will be the weighted average of the planned activities. To be able to apply this criterion, it will be necessary to obtain at least a 4 in all activities, those carried out during the development of the module and in the memory/final work of the module.

Class attendance is mandatory. In order to obtain a positive final evaluation, the student must have attended a minimum of 80% of the classes.

The test review procedure will be carried out individually

 The magazine article, as the final work of the module, will be delivered two weeks after the end of classes.

If you wish to opt for the single assessment, the student will deliver all the work requested by the teaching staff in the development of the module and will have to pass an oral content test.

Recovery, if necessary, involves repeating the work or suspended tests.

Plagiarism or copying of submitted works means automatically suspending the module.


ARNAU-SABATÉS, L., DWORSKY, A., SALA-ROCA, J., & COURTNEY, M. E. (2021). Supporting youth transitioning from state care into adulthood in Illinois and Catalonia: Lessons from a cross-national comparison. Children and Youth Services Review120, 105755.

ARNAU-SABATÉS, L., MARZO, M. T., JARIOT, M., & SALA-ROCA, J. (2014). Learning basic employability competence: a challenge for the active labour insertion of adolescents in residential care in their transition to adulthood. European Journal of Social Work, 17(2), 252-265.

BARBERO, J.M., CORTES, F. (2005). Trabajo comunitario, organización y desarrollo social. Alianza. Madrid.

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CAMERON, C., MOSS, P. (Eds.) (2011). Social Pedagogy and working with children and young people. Where care and education meet. Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London and Philadelphia

CARRASCO, S.; PAMIES, J.; BERTRAN, M (2009) Familias inmigrantes y escuela: desencuentros, estrategias y capital social, Rev. Complutense de Educación, Vol 20 (1), pp 55-78.

DEL VALLE, J., i BRAVO, A. (2013). Current trends, figures and challenges in out of home childcare: An international comparative analysis. Psychosocial Intervention, 22, 251-257.

DEL VALLE, J., SAIRENO, A.M., BRAVO, A. (2011). Salut mental de menores en acogimiento residencial. Badajoz: Junta de Extremadura.

DEVINE, D. (2009). Mobilising capitals? Migrant children's negotiation of their everyday lives in school. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 30:5, 521-535.

ESTEFANÍA, M. M., & DE JUANAS OLIVA, Á. (2022). Transición a la vida adulta de los y las jóvenes en acogimiento residencial: Una trayectoria hacia el compromiso, la autonomía y la responsabilidad social. Pedagogía social: revista interuniversitaria, (40), 9-14.

FENG, H., HARTY, J.S., OKPYCH, N.J., COURTNEY, M.E. (2020). Predictors of Homelessness at Age 21. Chicago: Chapin Hall. https://rhyclearinghouse.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/14_Feng_2021.pdf

FERNANDEZ, E., BARTH, R.P. (ed). (2010). How Does Foster Care Work? International Evidence on Outcomes. London: Jessica Kingsley.

FIGUERAS, P., FRANCH, X. & ÚCAR, X. (2022). La animación sociocultural en la actualidad: una mirada desde la academia, la formación profesional y la profesión. (261-289). En A. Novella & A. Alcántara (Coords.) Voces con esencia. Para una animación sociocultural posicionada. Ediciones Octaedro

GREENFIELD, P., & SUZUKI, L. (1998). Cultura y Desarrollo Humano: Implicaciones Parentales Educativas, Pediátricas y de Salud Mental. En Siegel y K. A. Renninger (eds.) Handbook of Child Psychology. New York: Wiley. 1059-1109. http://psicologiacultural.org/Pdfs/Traducciones/Greenfield y Suzuki.pdf

GULLO F, GARCÍA-ALBA L, BRAVO A, DEL VALLE JF. (2021). Crossing Countries and Crossing Ages: The Difficult Transition to Adulthood of Unaccompanied Migrant Care Leavers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(13):6935. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18136935

GYPEN, L. et al. (2017). Outcomes of children who grew up in foster care: Systematic-review. Children and Youth Services Review, 76, p. 74-83.

HÄGGMAN-LAITILA, A., SALOKEKKILÄ, P., KARKI, S. (2018). Transition to adult life of young people leaving foster care: A qualitative systematic review. Children and Youth Services Review, , vol. 95, p. 134-143.

HELVE, H., BYNNER, J. (2007). Youth and Social Capital. England: The Tufnell Press.

KATZ, C. C., COURTNEY, M. E., & SAPIRO, B. (2020). Emancipated foster youth and intimate partner violence: An exploration of risk and protective factors. Journal of interpersonal violence35(23-24), 5469-5499.

KORNBECK , J.,  ROSENDAL JENSEN, N. (Eds) (2012) Social Pedagogy for the entire human lifespan, Vol. II. Europäischer Hochschulverlag Gmbh & Co. KG.: Bremen  

KORNBECK , J., ROSENDAL JENSEN, N. (Eds.) (2011). Social Pedagogy for the entire human lifespan, Vol. I.  Europäischer Hochschulverlag GmbH & Co. KG.: Bremen.

KORNBECK, J.; ÚCAR, X. (Eds) (2015) Latin American Social Pedagogy: relaying concepts, values and methods between Europe and the Americas. Studies in Comparative Social pedagogies and International Social Work and Social policy, Vol. XXVIII. Bremen: EVH/Academicpress GmbH.

LAREAU, A. (2003). Unequal Childhoods. Class, race, and family life. California: University of California Press.

LLENA, A., PARCERISA, A., ÚCAR, X. (2009). 10 Ideas clave. La acción comunitaria. Graò. Barcelona.

LLOSADA-GISTAU, J., CASAS, F., & MONTSERRAT, C. (2020). Factors influencing the subjective well-being of adolescents in out-of-home care. A mixed method study. Applied Research in Quality of Life15(3), 835-863.

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MONTSERRAT, C., LLOSADA-GISTAU, J., & FUENTES-PELÁEZ, N. (2020). Child, family and system variables associated to breakdowns in family foster care. Children and Youth Services Review109, 104701.

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Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TEm) Theory (master) 1 Spanish second semester afternoon