This version of the course guide is provisional until the period for editing the new course guides ends.

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Dramaturgy Laboratory II

Code: 44822 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
4318300 Theatre Studies OT 0


Carles Batlle Jordą

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


It is necessary to accredit (according to the procedures provided by the coordination) the sufficient level.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The aim of this module is to address the theoretical frameworks and put into practice techniques and methodologies that are suitable for an advanced level of playwriting.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA13 (Competence) Clearly distinguish the specificity of ?professions?, activities, categories, techniques and methodologies related to dramaturgy.
  2. CA14 (Competence) Evaluate diverse aesthetic and ideological options during research into a composition process.
  3. KA24 (Knowledge) Indicate the techniques, procedures and suitable categories to create personal writing processes.
  4. KA25 (Knowledge) Compare and incoporate tools typical of dramaturgy into the structures originating from other stage languages.
  5. SA21 (Skill) Critically apply dramaturgy analysis techniques and methods, that arise both from acquired creative experience and the comparison or fusion of written composition model documents.


This module presupposes a certain level of previous knowledge on the part of the students (professional experience or training acquired in the subject) which will be taken into account before the registration of the subject.
Like Laboratory I, it is a theoretical-practical module. There will be reflection on categories, problems, methodologies and techniques specific to the discipline.

The theoretical part will focus on concepts related to the contemporary debate (history, fiction, commitment, score text, material text, rhapsody, implicit receiver design, etc.) The practical part, according to these ideas, will focus exclusively on exercises and processes contemporary dramatic writing staff.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Expository classes and debates 15 0.6 CA13, CA14, KA24, KA25, SA21
Tutorials 30 1.2 CA13, CA14, KA24, KA25, SA21
Writing seminars 15 0.6 CA13, CA14, KA24, KA25, SA21
Type: Autonomous      
Writing 90 3.6 CA13, CA14, KA24, KA25, SA21

The theoretical classes will be combined with the reading and analysis of theoretical texts and creative texts. On the other hand, students will have to develop a practical writing assignment.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Follow-up of writing work I 50% 0 0 CA13, CA14, KA24, KA25, SA21
Writing works II 50% 0 0 CA13, CA14, KA24, KA25, SA21

Continuous evaluation that assesses the relevant participation of the student in the sessions and also the fact of bringing the work up to date.
Final work that brings together the processes developed throughout the course.

This subject/module does not incorporate single assessment.


Review of grades and recovery: at the time of proposing/developing the exercises or activities, the teacher will establish the procedure for review of grades and, if the activity is not approved, the recovery procedure.


The qualification "not assessable" will be awarded as long as at least one third of the proposed activities is not delivered.


Bibliografia general bàsica:

-BATLLE, Carles: El drama intempestiu (Per una escriptura dramática contemporània), Barcelona, Institut del Teatre / Angle editorial. En castellà a Mèxic, Paso de Gato, 2021. En francès a París, Circé, 2023.

-CARNEVALI, Davide: Forma dramática y representación del mundo, México, Paso de Gato / Institut del Teatre, 2017.

-DANAN, Joseph: "Nuevas dramaturgias" (inclou "Escritura dramática y performance", "El teatro en la era de la interconexión generalizada" i "Lo que cambió"), dins ¿Qué es la dramaturgia? y otros ensayos, México, Consejo Nacional para la cultura y las artes, Paso de Gato, 2012.  També veure Entre théâtre et performance: la question du texte, Actes Sud-Papiers, 2013.

-PAVIS, Patrice  [2014]: Diccionario de la performance y del teatro contemporáneo, México, Paso de Gato, 2016.

-SARRAZAC, Jean- Pierre (ed.) [2005]: Lexic del drama modern i contemporani, Barcelona, Institut del Teatre, 2008.


Bibliografia bàsica sobre processos d'escriptura:


-COMES, Melcior: Escriure: instruccions d'ús, Barcelona, El Núvol, 2022.

-JEFFEYS, Stephen: Playwriting, Londres, Nick Hern Books, 2019.

-LAVANDIER, Yves: La dramaturgia, Madris/Pamplona, Edicions Internacionales Universitarias, EIUNSA, 2003. Pdf no complet en aquest enllaç:

-LODGE, David: El arte de la ficción, Barcelona, Península, 1998.

-McKEE, Robert: El guión, Madrid, Alba editorial, 2002.

-SANCHIS SINISTERRA, José: Prohibido escribir obras maestras, Ciudad Real, Institut del Teatre /Ñaque, 2017. També "Por una dramatúrgia de la recepción", dins La escena sin límites, Guadalajara, Ñaque,  2002.


(Other supplementary bibliography will be provided as the course develops. This bibliography will incorporate a gender perspective, which is not as evident in the general bibliography)).



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Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TEm) Theory (master) 1 Catalan/Spanish second semester afternoon