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Generic Management Skills

Code: 44764 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
4318306 Logistics and Supply Chain Management OB 1


Juan Jose Ramos Gonzalez


(External) Lect. Angelina Rosha
(External) Prof. Janis Mazais (Janis.Mazais@rtu.lv)
(External) Prof.Natalja Lace

Teaching groups languages

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Objectives and Contextualisation

This module has two course units. Quality and Environmental Management (Prof. Janis Mazais) and Human Resources (Prof.Natalja Lace and Lect. Angelina Rosha).

Quality and Environmental Management (3 ECTS)

The study course embraces acquisition of theoretical principles and practical skills in quality and environmental management. After familiarization themselves with the quality and environmental management technologies the students are continuing to explore cases reflecting issues on practical implementation of supply chain, logistics and environmental quality management systems.

After the course students are expected to be able:

  • to comprehend quality terminology, understand TQM, process management and supply chain quality improvement principles and methodologies.
  • to explain the use of ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 series standards and their relationship with quality management systems.
  • to perform analysis of non-conforming quality of supply chains problems, to identify causes of the problems and to identify possible improvement activities.
  • to understand and apply supply chain risk assessment methods, to assess risks, their impact and consequences.

Human Resources(3 ECTS)

The study course provides students with knowledge and skills needed for human resource management in both the commercial and public sector. The study subject is oriented to decision making process in human resource management as well as to evaluation and analysis of employees. Methods connected with social information gathering, processing and analysis are included into the study course.

After the course students are expected to be able:

  • to recognize the importance of human resource management and real possibilitiesof it in commercial units;
  • to solve practical problems in the field of human resource management; to plan, organize and manage personnel recruitment and selection;
  • to develop concepts of human resource management and HR development in a company;
  • to apply in practice sociological research and do data mining for the HR analysis in a company to process the results of this research and do analysis of the research results;
  • to analyze pre-requirements of a work, apply them into organization and management of human resources in a company.


Learning Outcomes

  1. CA15 (Competence) Develop solid arguments based on management models in order to make decisions regarding human resources, by taking into consideration all relevant aspects related to corporate social responsibility in project launches.
  2. CA16 (Competence) Propose solutions to practical problems in the field of human resource management: planning, organising and managing recruitment and selection of new staff; implementing human resource management and HR development principles in a company; applying sociological research and data mining to analyse a company's human resources, processing the research results and analysing them.
  3. KA21 (Knowledge) Recognise key concepts and terminology in management fields related to human resources, quality and environment.
  4. KA22 (Knowledge) Explain quality-related terminology, understand total quality management, process management and quality improvement methodologies and principles in the supply chain.Explain the main principles and methods involved in human resource management and recognise their impact on the company's performance.
  5. KA23 (Knowledge) Explain ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 series standards and how they relate to quality management systems.
  6. SA23 (Skill) Relate the field of LSCM to human resources, quality and environmental management and project management.
  7. SA24 (Skill) Analyse quality non-conformances in supply chains to identify the causes and identify possible improvements.
  8. SA25 (Skill) Apply risk analysis methodology to the supply chain in order to assess their impact and the outcomes.


CU1:Quality and Environmental Management(3 ECTS)

The main topics of the course are:

  • Overview of the existing supply chain quality
  • Principles of quality management
  • Process and system's approach to management
  • Quality improvement
  • Quality management systems Environmental management systems
  • Risk assessment principles

CU2: Human Resources (3 ECTS)

The course is based on the following thematic units:

  • The nature of contemporary HRM
  • People Resourcing
  • Human Resource Development
  • Managing Performance
  • Managing Reward
  • Employment Relations

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
CU1. Theory lectures 30 1.2
CU2. Mastering in the lectured course material 24 0.96
CU2. Theory lectures 30 1.2
Type: Supervised      
CU1. Case analysis 12 0.48
CU2. Case analysis 15 0.6
Type: Autonomous      
CU1. Essay preparation 12 0.48
CU1. Mastering in the lectured course material 12 0.48

CU1: Quality and Environmental Management (3 ECTS)

The main topics of the course are covered from the following viewpoints: 

  • Process;
  • Activities;
  • Standards; 
  • Methods applied;
  • Best practice examples.

To ensure that the aim of the course is successfully attained, theoretical studies are complemented with practical deployment and analysis of the technologies discussed.

To facilitate literature studies, six self-evaluation tests on understanding the topics of the course will be available on university e-study environment (ORTUS).

The case analysis (essay) is a work in group that will be presented to the class. The student should able to perform individually and in teams a real-life case analysis related to non-conforming quality of supply chains problems. The activities consist of Independent learning, e.g. search and study of scientific papers and other available information related to the essay topics. The student has to show the understanding of TQM, process management, quality system, risk assessment and quality improvement principles and methodologies and additional topics not covered in lectures.

CU2: Human Resources (3 ECTS)

The course is based on thematic units and there are not less than two individual assignments in each unit, which are based on particular theoretical subject and practical case studies. For better understanding of the topic it is recommended to read additional information available in mass media. In practical studies students analyze and evaluate situations, do well grounded decisions, elaborate situation analysis on moral and ethical conflicts on basis of that they are able to give recommendations for improvement of situation. Learning activities include lectures, group discussions, situation and case studies, presentations, project and supplementary reading.


Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
CU1. Essay content 18% 0 0 CA15, KA21, SA23, SA25
CU1. Final exam 20% 2 0.08 CA15, KA21, KA22, KA23, SA23, SA24, SA25
CU1. In-class assignments and case analysis 18% 3 0.12 CA15, KA21, KA22, KA23, SA23, SA24, SA25
CU1. Mid-term exam 20% 2 0.08 CA15, KA21, KA22, KA23
CU1. Tests 24% 2 0.08 KA21, KA22, KA23
CU2. Active course participation 10% 0 0 CA16, KA21, KA23
CU2. Final exam 60% 2 0.08 KA21, KA22, SA23
CU2. Tests and presentation 30% 4 0.16 CA16, KA21, KA22, KA23

Evaluation activities in CU1: Quality and Environmental Management (3 ECTS)

The final mark of this course will be calculated from the assessment of following evaluation activities:

  • Mid-term exam: Written exam. 20 multiple choice questions and 4 theoretical questions on the topics discussed during lectures.
  • Final exam: Written exam. 20 multiple choice questions and 4 theoretical questions on the topics discussed during lectures.
  • Tests: Four tests (answers to 15 multiple choice questions at each test) to facilitate home reading of text-book, the tests are posted on ORTUS (Intranet of RTU).
  • In-class assignments and case analysis: Case studies and work on assignments in groups with presentation and discussion of results.
  • Essay content: 3-4 pages report on the individual research about quality management, environmental management and risk assessment problems. Through the case analysis (essay), the student has to show the understanding of TQM, process management, quality system, risk assessment and quality improvement principles and methodologies and additional topics not covered in lectures.

Evaluation activities in CU2: Human Resources (3 ECTS)

The final mark of this course will be calculated from the assessment of following evaluation activities:

  • Active course participation: Individual and group assignments during the course
  • Mid-course test, 2 presentations and a project. The Mid-course test is based on theoretical issues discussed during the lectures, oral presentations and project cover the implementation of the HRM contemporary issues in organization.
  • Final Exam: Written exam. The students have two tasks: the analysis of a case to apply what theyhave learnt and 10 multiple choice questions on theoretical issues discussed during the lectures with mandatory explanation.

CU1 and CU2

The module final mark will be averaged 50% from both courses unit qualifications. In order to average all the evaluation activities, the mark of each of them must be above 4 points (out of 10). All report-based activities (CU2) must be submitted within the due dates specified by the professor. If a report-based activity is failed, the student will be asked to re-submit its report according to the corrections/indications provided by the professor. If the exam is failed, the student will have the opportunity to retake it. The dates for retaking an exam are coordinated with the responsible professor and the RTU FSD Academic Advisor.

All assessments given during the course period must be passed until the start of the Examination Period. Re-taking ofassessments during the course period has to be coordinated with the responsible professor. The weights of each evaluation activity are given in the table below.


-  Armstrong, M. (2014). Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice, 13thedition, Kogan Page Ltd.

-  Joshi, M. (2013). Human Resource Management. http://bookboon.com/en/human-resource-management-ebook

-  Lussier, R., Hendon, J. (2016) Human Resource Management, 2ndedition, SAGE

-  Senyucel, Z. (2009). Managing the Human Resource in the 21th Century. http://bookboon.com/en/hrm-managing-the-human-ressource-ebook

-  Timms, P. (2013) HR2025 - Human Resource Management in the Future. http://bookboon.com/en/hr2025-human-resource-management-in-the-future-ebook

-  Wilton, N. (2013). Introduction to Human Resource Management, 2ndedition,SAGE

-  Foster S.T., Managing Quality: Integrating the Supply Chain. Third edition, Pearson Education: New Jersey, 2007

-  Plenert, G.J. (2010). Reinventing Lean: Introducing Lean Management into the Supply Chain. Elsevier Science & Technology

-  K. Shridhara B.K. (2009). Total Quality Management. Himalaya Publishing House.

-  Madu, C., N. (2007). Environmental Planning and Management. Imperial College Press 2007.

-  Sarkar, D., Datta, R., Mukherjee, A., Hannigan, R. (2015). An Integrated Approach to Environmental Management, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. https://ebookcentral-proquest-com.resursi.rtu.lv/lib/rtulv-ebooks/search.action?contributors=%22Datta%2c+Rupa



No specific S/W is foreseen

Language list

Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.