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Local and Regional Development

Code: 44465 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
4317520 Territorial Studies and Planning OT 0


Montserrat Pallares Barbera


Antoni Francesc Tulla Pujol
Esteve Dot Jutglā

Teaching groups languages

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None of specific.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The aim of this module is to deepen the knowledge of the dynamics of urban and regional development . The course has two main objectives: understanding the dynamics of territorial growth and decline. The broader context in which the course is framed is the current restructuring of local and regional economies and the accelerated technological change, economic internationalization, as well as conflicts between economic, social and ecological interests. Classes will be held in the form of a seminar with a discussion format, for this reason students must bring readings for discussion in class.

At the end of the course, the student must be familiar with each of the following four areas:

  1. Economic theories that explain the location of economic activities and the growth or decline of local / regional economies.
  2. The consequences of local / regional economic growth and development in terms of the distribution of benefits and costs in space and between different interest groups.
  3. Proposed public policies to encourage economic development and its influence on spatial planning and the distribution of benefits and costs resulting from development.
  4. The inherent shortcomings and advantages of alternative models of economic viability.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA04 (Competence) Demonstrate the multidimensional nature of territorial and urban analysis through local and territorial development models that incorporate proposals for the environmental, economic, social and political systems.
  2. CA05 (Competence) Collaborate as part of multidisciplinary teams and analyse and interpret territorial conflict, providing responses and management mechanisms.
  3. CA06 (Competence) Organise development proposals that rebalance territories both socially and economically and on several scales.
  4. KA04 (Knowledge) Identify inequalities and territorial imbalances in spaces where new technologies are also present.
  5. KA05 (Knowledge) List the local, territorial and urban development policies that are most relevant to the instruments available.
  6. KA06 (Knowledge) Define the principles of environmental ecology in relation to integrated territorial management at different levels (neighbourhood, municipality, metropolis and region).
  7. KA07 (Knowledge) Link levels of local development with social and territorial imbalances in different urban, peri-urban and peripheral areas.
  8. SA03 (Skill) Analyse local, territorial and urban development proposals on the basis of development and sustainability.
  9. SA04 (Skill) Present viable proposals for conflict resolution and choose between the alternatives put forward in local and urban development models.


  • Concepts and debates around the concept of local and territorial development. Experiences, methodologies and models.
  • Economic development, globalization and crisis. Territorial implications. 2 - Economic development, globalization and crisis. Territorial implications.
  • The debate on environmental, social and economic sustainability.
  • Development policies and social agents. Governance, power regimes and social agents.
  • Social capital as a tool for territorial development.
  • The development and use of space linked to new technologies and the knowledge economy.
  • Comparative Advantage Theory. Method of the second best option.
  • Services and industry, local development and territorial dynamics: the territorial embedding of companies in the territory and the level of trust.
  • Social agriculture as a local development strategy.
  • Tourism as a dynamizer of local development.
  • Gender notions and perspectives in local development.
  • The value of the landscape, changes in land uses and land cover and their relationship with local and territorial development.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Attend scheduled conferences 1.5 0.06 KA07, SA03, SA04
Exhibition of bibliographic comments in class 3.7 0.15 CA06
Field trip 1.5 0.06 CA06, SA03, SA04
Lectures with ICT support, exemplification and case study 26 1.04 CA06
Type: Supervised      
Follow-up review of bibliographic comments and other activities 20 0.8 CA05, CA06, SA04
Individual specialized tutorials 5 0.2 CA04, CA05, CA06, KA04, KA05, KA06, KA07, SA03, SA04
Type: Autonomous      
Find information about cases 12.5 0.5 SA03
Preparation of bibliographic comments 22.5 0.9 CA04, CA05, CA06, SA03, SA04
Study and personal work 55 2.2 CA04, CA05, CA06, KA04, KA05

  • Teaching is organized through theoretical sessions and with contributions from external speakers.
  • Students must do at least two bibliographic reviews in accordance with the requirements expressed by the faculty. There will be a final exam where readings and explanations in class will be taken into account.
  • A field trip of about 5 hours of work with the teachers present is planned.
  • In groups of two students or individually it will be necessary to elaborate bibliographical comments that will have to be exposed in public in class.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Bibliographic reviews, and questionnaires of some conferences 25% 0 0 KA06, KA07, SA03, SA04
Field trip report 15% 0 0 KA06, KA07, SA03, SA04
Presentation in class 10% 0 0 CA04, CA05, CA06, KA04, KA05, KA06, KA07, SA03, SA04
Written test 50% 2.3 0.09 CA04, CA05, CA06, KA04, KA05, KA06, KA07, SA03, SA04

The evaluation of the knowledge and skills acquired will be based on four components:
											1) A final exam in which a minimum score of 5 out of 10 is required to pass: 50%.
											2) The bibliographic reviews and questionnaires of some readings will be included as part of the presentations that will be made in class, in groups or individually: 20%.
											3) Attendance and participation in class and other elements that value the student integration and monitoring of the course. You must attend 80% of the classes and participate in the activities to pass the assessment: 15%. 
											4) Field trip report: 15%.
Information to take into account:
- That the exam can be retaken if a minimum grade of 5 (Pass) has not been obtained. - If the average grade for the subject is lower than 5, the student will have to retake the exam. - To participate in retaking the exam, students must have previously been assessed in a set of activities whose weight is equivalent to a minimum of 2/3 parts of the total qualification. - The student will receive the grade of "Not assessable" if he has submitted zero evidence of learning or has submitted assignments that represent up to 1/3 of the total grade. If you exceed this threshold, the final grade of the subject will no longer be "Not assessable" and will be graded based on the evidence of learning provided. - This subject does not provide for the single assessment system.


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None specific.

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TEm) Theory (master) 1 Catalan second semester afternoon