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Geography and History

Code: 44332 ECTS Credits: 10
Degree Type Year
4310486 Teaching in Secondary Schools, Vocational Training and Language Centres OT 0


Maria Asuncion Blanco Romero


Aram Monfort Coll
Marķa Soledad Enjuanes Puyol

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


This subject does not include requirements

Objectives and Contextualisation

  1. Complement the training of graduates in geography, history, art history and other social sciences so that they have the basic knowledge necessary to stimulate critical and make them understand the world around them.
  2. Integrate the knowledge of social science education and additional training in Geography, History and Art History, learned in the course, the experiences gained in the completion of internship at secondary schools and proposals of innovation and research in the final of the Masters to cope with the complexity of the profession as a teacher in secondary education.
  3. Communicate your decisions and conclusions as a specialist in social sciences clear and unambiguous to students, their families and other professionals, providing arguments to their own statements from a correct decision based reflection on the social and ethical responsibility involves the exercise of teaching.
  4. Assess the importance of continuing education when teaching social sciences and acquiring the necessary skills to be able to perform this training both independently and in teams with other professionals.
  5. Understand the set of knowledge acquired in the module-specific teaching of the social sciences to begin the exercise of teaching in secondary education.
  6. Apply the knowledge acquired in the course teaching and his ability to solve problems in teaching, as a teacher / ra social sciences in schools and secondary schools.


  • Acquire strategies to encourage student effort and enhance their capacity to learn by himself and others, and develop thinking skills and decision-making to facilitate autonomy, confidence and personal initiative.
  • Communicate effectively both verbally and non-verbally.
  • Design and develop learning spaces with special attention to equity, education and emotional values, equal rights and opportunities for men and women, civic education and respect for human rights that facilitate life in society, decision making and building a sustainable future.
  • Generate innovative and competitive professional activities and research.
  • Know the curricular content of the matters relating to the appropriate teaching specialization and the body of didactic knowledge around the respective teaching and learning.
  • Make effective use of integrated information and communications technology.
  • Own the learning skills necessary to carry out continuous training, both in content and teaching specialty, as in the general aspects of teaching.
  • Search, obtain, process and communicate information (oral, printed, audiovisual, digital or multimedia), transform it into knowledge and apply it in the teaching and learning in their own areas of specialization.
  • know the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom, mastering social skills and abilities necessary to encourage learning and coexistence in the classroom, and address problems of discipline and conflict resolution.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Communicate effectively, both verbally and non-verbally.
  2. Create a climate that facilitates interaction and values the contributions of students to promote the learning of social sciences in the classroom.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of contexts and situations in which they occur and the social sciences are applied to secondary education: geography, history and art history, highlighting the functional nature of these.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of cultural and educational value of Social Sciences (Geography, History and Art History) and the contents of these disciplines taught in Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, and integrate this content in the framework of the science and culture.
  5. Demonstrate knowledge of the history and recent developments of the different historiographical kills or break thinking in Geography, History and History of the prospects for Arti convey a dynamic view of the same as yours.
  6. Design and develop learning spaces with special attention to equity, education and emotional values, equal rights and opportunities between men and women, civic education and human rights that facilitate life in society, decisions and building a sustainable future.
  7. Generate innovative and competitive proposals for research and professional activities.
  8. Know the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom, mastering social skills and abilities necessary to encourage learning and coexistence in the classroom, addressing issues of discipline and conflict resolution.
  9. Possess learning skills necessary to carry out continuous training in both content and didactics of social sciencies, as well as general aspects of teaching.
  10. Search, obtain, process and communicate information (oral, printed, audiovisual, digital or multimedia) to transform it into knowledge and apply it in the teaching-learning materials specific to the specialization studied.
  11. Use information and communications technology and integrate them into the teaching and learning of Social Sciences.


The module Complements of Training in Social Sciences (10cr) is set to 3 blocks:
- Complementary Training in Geography, 3,33cr.
- Complementary Training in History, 3,33cr.
- Complementary Training in Art History, 3,33cr.
The syllabus of each of the complements will be detailed in the syllabus at the beginning of the course and will focus on the following general sections:


  • Geography to understand the world
  • Climatic zones, landscapes and biogeographical environments
  • The physical framework of the planet
  • Graphic and cartographic expression
  • The world population in motion
  • Introduction to Geographic Information System (GIS)
  • Cities and territories
  • Geography of globalization


  • Tools to get closer to works of art
  • Art in today's world: who is an artist? what is art
  • The pedagogical potential of art history beyond the chronological account
  • Art History and gender Perspective through a Learning Situation
  • Postcolonialism and art heritage: a critical perspective


  • The ABCs of dealing with historical content for teachers.
    1. History and historian.
    2. Sources.
    3. Chance and causality.
    4. Determinisms.
    5. Individual and collective in the historical process.
  • Knowledge and reflections on the curricular contents of History in ESO and Baccalaureate.
    1. 2nd Baccalaureate: Contemporary History of Spain, 1875-1986.
    2. 1st Baccalaureate: World Contemporary History, 1789-2020.
    3. 4th ESO: Contemporary Period.
    4. 3rd ESO: Modern Age.
    5. 2nd ESO: Medieval period.
    6. 1st ESO: From Prehistory to Ancient Times.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Attendance and participation in master classes, exits, etc. and the carrying out of related activities 62.5 2.5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Type: Supervised      
Completion, review and evaluation of the work carried out (reports, case studies, problem solving, exhibitions, fieldwork ...) 50 2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Type: Autonomous      
Analysis of readings and proposals reporting, activity design, analysis and resolution of cases 137.5 5.5 3, 4, 5, 10, 11

The hours indicated for each of the training activities are indicative and can be modified slightly depending on the schedule or the teaching needs.
In classroom activities, students will be proposed to work in small groups to promote the maximum participation of all students.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Assessment of art history training complements: visual narrative 33,3% 0 0 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11
Assessment of geography training complements: field trip and written and oral presentation of the results 33,3% 0 0 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11
Assessment of history training complements: individual simulation of a face-to-face session 33,3% 0 0 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10

To pass the Geography, History and History of Art module, it is necessary to obtain a grade equal to or greater than 5. All the evaluative activities are scored according to their percentages and are mandatory to pass the subject.

This course provides for the single assessment system that is detailed at the end of this section.

The evaluation of each block includes group activities and individual activities (except in the case of the single evaluation). Throughout the part of the module that each teacher teaches, complementary tasks can be requested without necessarily having to be considered assessment tasks, but they are mandatory.

The course includes two compulsory field trips, to be carried out during the months of October and November (dates to be confirmed at the beginning of the course).

The delivery of works will be carried out primarily through Moodle. Other delivery routes may be enabled, prior agreement with the teaching staff, informed via face-to-face in class and via virtual campus. Papers delivered by means not agreed upon with the teacher will not be accepted, nor will papers with incorrect formats, which do not include the name of the authors and the subject matter to which they refer, or which are sent after the deadline.

At the time of carrying out each evaluation activity, the teacher will inform the students (Moodle) of the procedure and the date of revision of the qualifications.

In the event that the student performs any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade of an evaluation act, this evaluation act will be graded with 0, regardless of the disciplinary process that may be instituted. In the event that various irregularities occur in the evaluation acts of the same subject, the final grade for this subject will be 0. More information on plagiarism at http://wuster.uab.es/web_argumenta_obert/unit_20/sot_2_01. html.

Since the vehicular language of the master's degree and secondary educationis Catalan, the oral and written tasks related to this module must be submitted in this language. In the activities delivered in writing (individual or in groups) linguistic correction, writing and formal aspects of presentation will be taken into account. Likewise, it is necessary to express yourself fluently and correctly orally and show a high degree of comprehension of academic texts. An activity may not be evaluated, returned or suspended if the teaching staff considers that it does not meet the aforementioned requirements.

It is necessary to show an attitude compatible with the educational profession to pass this module. Active listening, respect, participation, cooperation and punctuality will be valued. The ethical commitment to the deontological principles of the profession will also be taken into account.

The final grade for the Geography and History module will take into account:
a) Participation and attendance
b) The delivery of the proposed tasks within the indicated period
c) The absence of plagiarism in accordance with the indications cited in the previous points.

To participate in the recovery, students must have been previously evaluated in a set of activities whose weight is equivalent to a minimum of 2/3 of the total grade (CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT) or submit all the tests provided (SINGLE ASSESSMENT).

The student will receive the qualification of "Not evaluable" as long as she has not delivered more than 1/3 of the evaluation activities.

Those activities that the teacher considers not recoverable can be excluded from the recovery process, for example: oral presentations, group work, tasks related to daily teaching activity. The same recovery system will be applied for the single evaluation.

The questions and/or doubts regarding the evaluation that are not included in the previous indications will be governed by the following documents:
- General evaluation criteria and guidelines of the Faculty of Education Sciences (http://www.uab.cat/web/informacio-academica/avaluacio/normativa-1292571269103.html)

- Evaluation Regulations of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Title IV: Evaluation. Version according to the modifications approved by agreement of the Governing Council of July 12, 2017. (http://www.uab.cat/web/informacio-academica/avaluacio/normativa-1292571269103.html)


It will consist of the delivery of the 3 evaluation activities of each training complement (Geography, Art History and History), on a specific day to be determined by the teaching staff. It is recommended that students who are contemplating requesting a single assessment, and want to know the details before, the first week of October (before classes start), contact all the teaching staff so that they can inform them (asuncion.blanco@uab.cat; aram.monfort@uab .cat; sol.enjuanes@uab.cat)


Complementary Training in Geography

  • Albet, Abel. (2000). Una geografía humana renovada: lugares y regiones en un mundo global. Barcelona: Vicens Vives.
  • Carreras, Carles. (1998). Geografia Humana. Barcelona: Edicions de la UB.
  • Hiernaux, Daniel. i Lindon, A. (2006, eds.). Tratado de Geografía Humana. Barcelona: Anthropos.
  • Lacoste, Yves (1990). La Geografía: un arma para la guerra. Barcelona: Anagrama.
  • Lacoste, Yves i Girardhi, R. (1983). Geografía general física y humana. Barcelona Oikos-Tau.
  • Nogué, Joan. i Romero, Juan. (2006). Las otras geografías. Barcelona: Tirant lo Blanch.
  • Ortiz, Anna (2011, coord.). Visions geogràfiques del món. Bellaterra: Servei de Publicacions. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
  • Pallarès, Montserrat. i Tulla, Antoni. (coords.). (2001). Geografía regional. Barcelona: UOC.
  • Romero, Juan. (coord.). (2007). Geografía Humana. Barcelona: Ariel.
  • Strahler, Arthur. (1974). Geografía Física. Barcelona: Omega.

Complementary Training in History

  • Alcoberro, Agustí. (2015). 100 episodis claus de la Història de Catalunya. Valls: Cossetània.
  • Carr, Edward. (1991). ¿Qué es la historia? Barcelona: Ariel.
  • DD.AA. (2005). Historia de España, Cátedra, Madrid.
  • Fontana, Josep. (1992). La història després del final de la història. Vic: Eumo.
  • Kamen, Henry. (2014). Brevísima historia de España, Espasa, Barcelona.
  • Kinder, Hermann., Hilgemann, W., Hergt, M. (2007). Atlas Histórico Mundial. De los orígenes a nuestros días, Akal, Madrid.
  • Moradiellos, Enrique. (1992). Las Caras de Clio: introducción a la historia y a la historiografía. Oviedo: Universidad de Oviedo. Servicio de publicaciones.
  • Riquer, Borja de (2018). Història mundial de Catalunya, Edicions 62, Barcelona.
  • Atlas Histórico Mundial (II). De la Revolución Francesa a nuestros días, Akal, Madrid, 2006.
  • Documents for history: www. sct.uab.cat/sibhilla/es/content/documents-history-0

Complementary Training in Art History

  • Elkins, James (2002). Stories of art. Nova York i Londres: Routledge.
  • Ramírez, Juan Antonio (dir.) (1996-1997) Historia del arte. Madrid: Alianza (4 volums)
  • Shiner, Larry (2004) La invención del arte: Una historia cultural
  • Woodford, Susan (2007) Cómo mirar un cuadro. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.
  • Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya: www.museunacional.cat
  • MACBA: https://www.macba.cat/ca/art-artistes/colleccio-macba
  • Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía:https://www.museoreinasofia.es/coleccion
  • Tate: www.tate.org.uk
  • The Metropolitan Museum of Art: www.metmuseum.org


None in particular, except the usual office tools and Teams in case of online connections.

Language list

Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.