Degree | Type | Year |
4310486 Teaching in Secondary Schools, Vocational Training and Language Centres | OT | 0 |
You can view this information at the end of this document.
The goal is to train future secondary school teachers to be able to teach the contents of the language as well as teach literature by integrating disciplinary and didactic knowledge. It includes the Teaching and Learning Blocks of the Language and Literature (9 cr) and Initiation of Research Skills (6 cr).
The specific module of Catalan and Spanish Language and Literature and its didactics is articulated in 2 blocks: Teaching and learning of language and literature (9 cr) and Teaching innovation and educational research (6 cr). Each block is composed of the subjects detailed below:
Block 1. Teaching and learning language and literature (9 cr)
Teaching and learning literature and reading (4,5cr)
The evolution of literary education. The function attributed to literary education, the composition of the corpus of works and school activities over time.
The evolution of students' literary competence.
The axes of literary education. Access to the text. The learning of literary functioning. Cultural interpretation. The relationships between texts and fictional systems.
Literary and fictional production specific to teenagers.
The formation of reading habits.
The school library and reading plans.
The evolution of the concept of reading and its teaching methods.
The development of reading competence. Reading as an interpretive system. The reading processes and the knowledge involved.
Teaching reading comprehension. School reading practices. Reading multimodal texts and hypertexts.
Language teaching and learning (4,5cr)
Conceptions about writing. Characterization of the written language.
Writing as a social and situated activity. Discursive genres and knowledge involved in the domain of writing.
General criteria for programming the teaching of written composition. Activities to learn to write.
The role of spelling in written composition.
The evaluation of and in the learning of written composition.
The teaching and learning of grammatical reflection and the use of languages
Grammar and multilingualism
Students' grammatical concepts.
Didactic transposition: the contents of grammar teaching
Grammar teaching programming and methodology.
The teaching and learning of the formal oral language.
Talk to learn.
The formal oral discursive genres (monological and dialogic).
Oral language assessment
Block 2. Teaching innovation and educational research (6 cr)
Observation and interaction in the classroom (1,5cr)
Interaction in the classroom as a way of learning.
The classroom as a social learning space: work dynamics and teaching strategies
Classroom observation techniques.
Classroom observation as an instrument for teacher reflection and self-training: action research and the community of discourse.
Teaching innovation and school programming (4cr)
The disciplinary field of Didactics of language and literature.
Introduction to the forms of language and literature programming.
Didactic sequences for teaching and learning language and literature: theoretical foundations and criteria for their implementation in classrooms
Preparation phases in the design of didactic Sequences of language and literature.
Assessment in the area of language and literature: objectives, foundations, functions and instruments.
Multilingualism (0,5 cr)
The organization of language and literature teaching in multilingual contexts.
From curriculum to classroom programming.
The center's linguistic project.
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Face-to-face classes and directed | 97.5 | 3.9 | |
Type: Supervised | |||
Supervised activities | 97.5 | 3.9 | |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Autonomous activities | 180 | 7.2 |
Type: Directed activities
Master class / Expositive class. Case analysis and presentation of examples. Comment of texts. Analysis and discussion of didactic proposals.
Type: Supervised
Collective and individual tutorials.
Type: Autonomous
Personal study Readings and work on readings. Practical activities and didactic proposals (individual and in group).
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Teaching and learning of language and literature | 60% | 0 | 0 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 |
Teaching Innovation and Educational Research | 40% | 0 | 0 | 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 15 |
General considerations
The secondary school master's degree at the UAB is done face-to-face given that the activities that take place in class, and the attitude of listening and active participation, are indispensable for learning.
To pass the Didactics of the Catalan and Spanish Language and Literature module, you must have passed each of the subjects. To be able to make an average, you must have passed each of the retrievable subjects (E-a in literature, Innovation and programming). In the event that, after the recovery, any subject is suspended, the module will be suspended. In exceptional cases, the teaching team and the coordination will assess whether the average can be taken even if a subject has been suspended.
In the written activities (individual or in groups), linguistic correction, drafting and formal aspects of presentation will be taken into account. Likewise, you must express yourself orally with fluency and correctness and you must show a high degree of understanding of academic texts. An activity may be ungraded, returned or suspended if the faculty deems that it does not meet the above-mentioned requirements.
The details of the evaluation of each subject will be provided with the program at the beginning of the course.
Throughout the part of the module taught by each teacher, additional tasks can be requested without necessarily being considered assessment tasks, but mandatory delivery.
Assignments must be handed in in the module's moodle classroom. Assignments submitted incorrectly, which do not include the name of the authors or which are submitted after the deadline will not be accepted. Students are responsible for ensuring that the format of the files is compatible with the delivery in the moodle classroom.
According to UAB regulations, plagiarism or copying of any work will be penalized with a0 as a qualification, losing the possibility of recovering it, whether it is an individual or group work (in this case, all members of the group will have a 0). If, during the performance of individual work in class, the teacher considers that a student is trying to copy or discovers some type of document or device not authorized by the teaching staff, the same will be graded with a 0, with no recovery option
Continued avaluation
The continuous assessment consists of the following tests and activities:
Reflection paper on language teaching at secondary school (individual). Elaboration of a video presentation reflecting on what has been done and what has been learned in this subject based on a guideline given by the teacher. Delivery one month after the last session of the E-a block of the language. Non-recoverable activity. 30% of the overall mark.
Design of two literary reading activities (pairs). Written works of analysis and elaboration of the script of the literary conversation about a literary work and analysis and creation of activities for the interpretation of literary texts established by the teacher. Recoverable activity. 20% of the overall mark.
Participation in the 3 LIJ reading forums (individual). Reading narratives for teenagers and active participation in the forum throughout the year. (individual). Non-recoverable activity. 10% of the overall grade.
Evaluation with evidence of a class session taught (individual). Non-recoverable activity. 10% of the overall mark.
Textbook unit adaptation (individual test. May 7. Recoverable activity. 30% of the overall grade.
The results of the delivered exercises and tests will be published on the virtual campus with a maximum of 20 working days following their delivery. The student will have 5 days to request the revisionof the tests from the date of their publication.
For the recovery of the suspended activities marked as recoverable on May 14, the following will be done:
Written test on the adaptation of the textbook.
Written test on the analysis and creation of activities on a literary text.
The maximum mark for the recovery will be 5.
Students who opt for single assessment must hand in or take the following tests on May 7:
Written test on the contents of the Innovation and educational research subjects. 30%
Learning portfolio about language teaching at secondary school. 30%
Delivery of the design of two literary reading activities and three reviews of works from the forum, one from each forum. 30%
Oral interview. 10%
The same recovery system will be applied as for students assessed as part of continuous assessment. In order to take the retake, you must have submitted a set of activities whose weight is equivalent to a minimum of two-thirds of the subject's total grade. The recovery for single assessment students will be on May 14 and will consist of a summary test.
Students who opt for the single assessment will not deliver or receive assessment or qualifying feedback from the continuous assessment activities carried out during the development process of the subject. The delivery will be unique and concentrated on the same day.
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There is no specific sofware in this subject
Name | Group | Language | Semester | Turn |
(TEmRD) Teoria (māster RD) | 1 | Catalan | annual | morning-mixed |
(TEmRD) Teoria (māster RD) | 2 | Catalan | annual | morning-mixed |