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Epistemology of Social Intervention

Code: 43658 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
4315658 Social Policy and Community Action OB 0


Ernesto Morales Morales


Jose Oscar Rebollo Izquierdo
Ernesto Morales Morales
Carolina Alejandra Muñoz Mendoza
Joel Marti Olive
(External) Aïda Palacios
(External) Marc Majòs

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The objective of module 3 is to provide the student with elements for the understanding of social intervention within the framework of community action and social policies.

Community action proposes a very concrete way of intervening and approaching reality, that of the generation of shared knowledge oriented towards awareness, the generation of empowerment and collective organization, and that of the active involvement of the actors of the territory in the transformation and improvement of living conditions.

From this framework, we will approach throughout the module key elements and tools to keep in mind, the definition of this supposed community, how and why to organize it, the ethics in our intervention, the techniques and methodologies that can help us generate vision shared and implication, the tension between cooperation and conflict in community action (private interests vs. collective interests), or the acquisition of some evaluation tools.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA05 (Competence) Propose alternative solutions adapted to the environments of community action and the problems it faces, promoting collective empowerment.
  2. CA06 (Competence) Evaluate the relevance of personal attitudes that facilitate the relationship with the different actors involved in community actions.
  3. KA05 (Knowledge) Identify the epistemological and ethical bases of social intervention, with emphasis on community action in contexts of social complexity and epochal change.
  4. KA06 (Knowledge) Conceptually and empirically distinguish transformative action, empowerment and mediation approaches as support for community action.
  5. SA05 (Skill) Analyse the usefulness and feasibility of participatory methodologies and techniques for the promotion and invigoration of community actions, empowering society.
  6. SA06 (Skill) Discriminate the relevance of the different models of evaluation of community action for the application of their tools to specific case studies.


Within the framework of the Epistemology Module of social intervention, the following topics will be worked on:

Community organization and action: Community action raises the transition from individual action to collective action. But how is this done? What role does the organization play? How can this organization work? Who and how does this organization generate? What do we talk about when we talk about community? Why organize it?

Community action oriented IAP: Build shared vision, prioritize criteria, actions and strategies. Starting from the generation of experiential and technical knowledge to make the best decisions collectively, giving voice to those who do not normally have it, linking reflection to action and in the projection of transformation and change. Why can Participatory Action Research in Community Action be useful to us?

Ethics: Community action poses as one of its central pillars the processes of awareness and empowerment for the improvement of living conditions. But what if people don't want to empower themselves? What if people don't want to improve their living conditions? (In this reflection, keep in mind that we do not start from a context of equal opportunities and that vulnerability cancels / weakens the ability to choose consciously is a key element)

Participatory methodologies: Questioning the entire population with which one is working needs other ways of communicating, of reflecting on debate, we do not all have the same starting point, nor do we all start from the same positions in power relations, nor We all have the same capabilities to transmit our knowledge and translate it in a useful way for the collective process. What methodologies can we apply to make this possible?

Community dynamization: Can we work together from the individual approach? How to contribute from the individual relationship in the awareness and collective action? How to overcome the tension between private interests and collective interests? How to address the conflict in a process of collective construction as proposed by the Community Action?

Evaluation of community action: Over the years various experiences have been developed in the field of Barcelona and Catalonia. What can we learn? What has been the role of the different actors? What have been its impacts? Learning, opportunities and challenges, based on the analysis of practical experiences.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Magisterial classes, debates 30 1.2
Type: Supervised      
Tutorials 15 0.6
Type: Autonomous      
Reading, visualization of audiovisual material 80 3.2

The students, prior to the master classes, receive prior readings and / or audio-visual material. Reading these materials prior to the class together with the contents worked in the session will allow you to ask questions, open the debate and the reflection shared in the development of the classes.
Once the class has finished, students will have readings and / or audiovisual complementaries.
At the end of the module the students will have to present written exercises that address the contents worked.
The students have the spaces in the center where the classes are taught to promote the exchange and shared reflection when doing their jobs.
Prior to the presentation of the work of the students, they will conduct a collective tutoring on the works to be delivered, and another written in writing once these have been evaluated.

The presential classes of this module can be followed live via streaming for students who request it. These students will have the opportunity to ask questions directly or ask for guidance or tutoring after the module coordinator (this tutoring can be done via skype). The follow-up of this streaming module will not exempt the student from presenting the corresponding works, having the same evaluation criteria as the students who follow the classes in person.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Exercises during the course 40% 5 0.2 CA06, KA06, SA05
Final Exercise 60% 20 0.8 CA05, CA06, KA05, KA06, SA05, SA06

The evaluation system will consist of a minimum of three evaluation activities, none of which will represent more than 50% of the final grade of the module.

At the end of the module students must submit written exercises that address the contents worked on.

The grade of the work will be determined by the level of coherence in the argumentation of the answers based on: the contents presented in class, the complementary materials (readings / audiovisual) and the debates generated in class.


  • Barbero, J. M. (2010). El naixement del Treball Comunitari. Desenvolupament comunitari 1958-1975 a Vilanou, C. i Planella, J. De la Compassió a la ciutadania. Una història de la Educación Social. Barcelona, UOC. (pag 235-260).
  • Barbero, J. M. (2010). Retos metodológicos en trabajo social comunitario, en III JORNADA DE TRABAJO SOCIAL. Redefiniendo el trabajo comunitario. Vitoria: Escuela Universitaria de Trabajo Social de la UPV/EHU. (Pag 65-94).
  • Barbero, J. M.; Cortès, F. (2005). Trabajo comunitario, organización y desarrollo social. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. 
  • Alinsky, S. (1971/2012). Tratado para radicales. Madrid: Traficantes de sueños.
  • Román, B: ética en los servicios sociales, Barcelona, Herder, 2015.
  • Canimas, J, “La ética aplicada como resistencia política” en Quintanas, A (ed) El trasfondo político de la bioética, Girona, Documenta Universitaria, 2013.
  • Canimas, J, Com resoldre problemàtiques ètiques, Barcelona, Universitat oberta de Catalunya, 2015.
  • Cortina, A y García-Marzá, D. (eds) Razón pública y éticas aplicadas, Madrid, Tecnos, 2003.
  • Calsamiglia, Andrea; Cubells, Jenny. “El Potencial del Teatro Foro como Herramienta de Investigación”. Athenea digital.
  • Martí, J. (2002). La investigación-acción participativa: estructura y fases. En: T. R. Villasante, M. Montañés J. Martí (coords.), La investigación social participativa, 2ª ed. (pp. 73-117), Barcelona: El Viejo Topo.
  • Martí, J. (2016). Investigación-acción: perspectiva, diseño y métodos. Barcelona: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
  • Molina, N. (2005). Resistencia Comunitaria y transformación de Conflictos. Reflexión Política, 7,14,70-82
  • Iannitelli, S., Torrabadella, L. y Tejero, E. (2016) El saber biográfico-conversacional: una propuesta de conocimiento y acción sociopolítica para el s. XXI, a Documentación Social, ISSN 0417-8106, n.182, págs. 209-228.
  • Coob, S.(2016) Hablando de violència. La política y las políticas narratives en la resolución de conflictes. Gedisa. Barcelona.
  • Gergen, K, y Gergen, M. (2011) Reflexiones sobre la construcción social. Barcelona: Paidós Ibérica.
  • Hernández, O.G. (2010) La noción de la subjetividad en el concepto de la acción social y en el pensamiento narrativo. Revista de Psicología de la Universidad de Antioquía, Vol.2, N.4, 7-18.
  • Iannitelli, S., Gómez, F. (2001) El conflicto. Revista de
  • Servicios sociales y política social, ISSN 1130-7633, Nº. 53, págs. 57-66
  • Iannitelli, S.,Llobet, M.,Tejero, E.(2008) La mediación comunitaria como práctica de creatividad social y de construcción de ciudadanía.Documentación social, ISSN 0417-8106, Nº 148, 2008, págs. 117-132
  • Maturana, H. (1996) ‘Entrevista tercera: Convivencia, aceptación y creatividad’, en: El Sentido de lo Humano, pàg. 39-85. Santiago de Chile: Dolmen Ediciones.
  • Zemelman, H. (2012) Sujeto y subjetividad: la problemática de las alternativas como construcción posible, Polis [En línea], 27. Consultado el 8 de mayo de 2016, desde: http://polis.revues.org/943
  • AJUNTAMENT DE BARCELONA (2014): Guia operativa de l’avaluació de l’acció comunitària. Ajuntament de Barcelona.
  • MORALES, E. (2016): “Los Planes de Desarrollo Comunitario como política pública para la transformación social. Las experiencias de Barcelona (1997-2015)”. Pedagogia i Treball Social. Revista de Ciències Socials Aplicades. Vol. 4, nº 2, pp. 34-60. Universitat de Girona.


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Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TE) Theory 1 Spanish first semester afternoon