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Master's Dissertation

Code: 43182 ECTS Credits: 15
Degree Type Year
4312208 Archival and Records Management OB 2


Irene Brugués Massot


Anahi Cristina Casadesus De Mingo

Teaching groups languages

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Objectives and Contextualisation

The main goal of the module is to develop skills and abilities to work with the sources, methods and techniques of scientific research of archival science, which allow student to reflect in an integrated and transversal way on some aspect of Archives and Records Management.

The training objectives are:

- Deepen the study of a subject of Archives and Records Management.

- Know and apply the principles and methodologies of research: information search, data collection, data analysis, presentation of conclusions and writing skills.

- Apply the knowledge and skills acquired during the Master's course autonomously.


  • Adapt to new situations, showing leadership and initiative abilities.
  • Analyse, synthesise, organise and plan management environments and actions.
  • Argue critically and demonstrate ethical and social commitment to and respect for diversity and multiculturalism.
  • Communicate and justify conclusions clearly and unambiguously to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  • Communicate knowledge orally and in writing.
  • Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously.
  • Generate innovative and competitive proposals.
  • Integrate knowledge and skills in praxis and in carrying out an academic or professional task in the area of archiving and document management.
  • Integrate knowledge and use it to make judgements in complex situations, with incomplete information, while keeping in mind social and ethical responsibilities.
  • Update and recycle knowledge through continuous training.
  • Work independently, solving problems and making decisions.
  • Work with the sources, methods, computer tools and scientific research techniques pertaining to archiving.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Adapt to new situations, showing leadership and initiative abilities.
  2. Analyse, synthesise, organise and plan management environments and actions.
  3. Argue critically and demonstrate ethical and social commitment to and respect for diversity and multiculturalism.
  4. Communicate and justify conclusions clearly and unambiguously to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  5. Communicate knowledge orally and in writing.
  6. Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously.
  7. Develop communication skills needed for a project in archival and document management.
  8. Effectively resolve problems in the development of projects in implementing projects in archival and document management.
  9. Generate innovative and competitive proposals.
  10. Identify sources for archival research.
  11. Integrate knowledge and use it to make judgements in complex situations, with incomplete information, while keeping in mind social and ethical responsibilities.
  12. Recognise and apply methods, techniques and research tools in archiving.
  13. Recognise the current state of archive research.
  14. Update and recycle knowledge through continuous training.
  15. Use the appropriate methodology for carrying out work and implementing projects in archival and document management.
  16. Work independently, solving problems and making decisions.


Elaboration of a master's dissertation on specific aspects of Archives and Records Management. Students have to demonstrate that he or she has acquired the master's combination of competences, the ability to relate them in a transversal and integrated way and the ability to exercise the profession.

It is supervised by a lecturer of the Master and it's evaluated by an examining board.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Tutorials 12 0.48 7, 10, 11, 4, 6, 12, 13, 8, 15
Type: Autonomous      
Write master's dissertation 362 14.48 7, 10, 11, 4, 6, 12, 13, 8, 15

The work is carried out under the supervision of a professor from the School. In the event that, due to the specificity of the subject, it is considered convenient to be carried out by a professional who is not part of the Master, a co-director will be appointed from among the professors of the Master to monitor the work.

The suvervisor and the student must meet at least four times, and as many times as the director deems appropriate.

At the beginning of the classes, specific guidelines for the preparation of the dissertation will be provided.

The thesis could be done in Catalan or in Spanish.


Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Oral defence in presence of an examining board 70% 1 0.04 5, 7, 10, 11, 4, 6, 12, 13, 8, 15
Written assignment 30% 0 0 14, 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 4, 6, 3, 12, 13, 8, 16, 15

   - 70% is evaluated by an eximining board. The act of defense takes 60 minutes, during which the student has about 20-30 minutes to expose his work. The board's members can ask questions they consider appropriate. The eximining board evaluates the student's ability to present and communicate the research: the structure of the presentation and speech, the resources used, orality and capacity for empathy, the appropriate response to questions, the demonstration of knowledge of the topic analyze, the management of time available, the adequacy and timeliness of the topic. The board also assesses the written work and takes into account the report of the tutor (if necessary).
   - 30% of the qualification is in charge of the supervisor, who must evaluate the following criteria: A) Objectives and hypothesis, questions or contributions of new knowledge of the work: opportunity of the topic, originality, statement of objectives and hypotheses, questions or contributions of new knowledge. B) Methodology and sources: adequate and extensive bibliography, correct data collection. C) Content: Rigorous data analysis, adequate theoretical framework, contribution of the work, importance of the results. D) Formal aspects: careful drafting, correct presentation, footnotes, bibliographical references in accordance with the standards. E) Process that the student has followed in its elaboration: the capacity of work and the resolution of difficulties, the planning and punctuality in the deliveries of the tasks.



Bell, J. 2002. Cómo hacer tu primer trabajo de investigación : guía para investigadores en educación y ciencias sociales. Barcelona : Gedisa Editorial.

COROMINA I POU, E., CASACUBERTA, X. y QUINTANA, D. 2000. El Treball de recerca : procés d’elaboració, memòria escrita, exposició oral i recursos. Vic : Eumo. ISBN 8476025963.

Dunleavy, P. 2003. Authoring a PhD : how to plan, draft, write, and finish a doctoral thesis or dissertation. Houndmills [etc.] : Palgrave Macmillan.

ECO, U. 2001. Cómo se hace una tesis : técnicas y procedimientos de estudio, investigación y escritura. Barcelona : Gedisa Editorial. ISBN 8474328969.

GÓMEZ, M. 2009. Introducción a la metodología de la investigación científica [Recurs electrònic]. 2a ed. Córdoba, Argentina : Brujas. ISBN 9781413571592. Accesible desde el catalogo de las bibliotecas de la UAB,

RIGO, A., GENESCÀ, G. y ALSIUS, S. 2000. Tesis i treballs : aspectes formals. Vic : Eumo. ISBN 8476023359.

Literature review

Jesson, J. (2011). Doing your literature review : traditional and systematic techniques / Jill K. Jesson ; with Lydia Matheson and Fiona M. Lacey. Los Angeles : SAGE.

Ridley, D. D. (2008). The Literature review : a step-by-step guide for students / Diana Ridley. Los Angeles : Sage.

El plagi i l’honestedat acadèmica. 2012. [tutorial en línia]. REBIUN: CRUE. (CI2, competencias informáticas e informacionales). Traducció d’un tutorial produït per la biblioteca de la Universitat de Sidney. <http://www.crue.org/tutorial_plagio_cat/>. (Versió en castellà disponible a: <http://www.crue.org/tutorial_plagio/>). [Consulta: 19 octubre 2018].   

Social research methods

BRYMAN, A. 2012. Social research methods. Oxford : Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199588053.

CRESWELL, J.W. 2013. Qualitative inquiry & research design : choosing among five approaches. 3rd ed. Los Angeles [etc.] : SAGE. ISBN 9781412995313 (cart.).

CRESWELL, J.W. 2014. Research design : qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Thousand Oaks [etc.]: SAGE. ISBN 9781452226095 (cart.).

GERRING, J. 2014. Metodología de las ciencias sociales : un marco unificado. Madrid : Alianza. ISBN 9788420689807.

GHAURI, P. 2004. Designing and Conducting Case Studies in International Business Research. En: R. MORSCHAN-PICKKER y C. WELCH (eds.), Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for International Business. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton , MA, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 109-124.

Gómez, M. 2009. Introducción a la metodología de la investigación científica. 2a ed. Córdoba, Argentina : Brujas. Llibre electrònic disponible al catàleg UAB

HENNINK, M.M. 2013. Understanding focus group discussions. Oxford : Oxford University Press, USA. ISBN 9780199383962.

RITCHIE, J., LEWIS, J., MCNAUGHTON NICHOLLS, C. y ORMSTON, R. 2014. Qualitative research practice : a guide for social science students and researchers. 2nd ed. Los Angeles; Sage. ISBN 9781446209110 (cart.).

Thomas, G. (2011). How to do your case study : a guide for students and researchers. London : SAGE.

Archival research

COUTURE, C. 2000. La formation et la recherche en archivistique dans le monde: une étude comparative. S.l.: s.n.

MENDO CARMONA, C. 2004. Consideraciones sobre el método en Archivística. Documenta & Instrumenta, vol. 1, pp. 35-46. ISSN 1697-3798.

CONDE VILLAVERDE, M.L. 2006. La investigación en los archivos: evolución de su contexto y contenido. Arbor: Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cutura,

MAURI, A. y PERPINYÀ, R. 2007. Formació i professionalització en el marc de la convergència europea. Lligall, no. 26, pp. 189-220.

BONAL-ZAZO, J.L. 2012. Paradigmas de investigación en Archivística. Estudos avançados en Arquivologia. Marilia: Oficina Universitaria ; Sâo Paulo: Cultura acadêmica, pp. 69-90.

GILLILAND, A. , MCKEMMISH, S. y LAU, A.J. (eds) . 2016. Research in the archival multiverse. Clayton: Victoria Monash University Publishing.

THOMASSEN, T. 2001. A First Introduction to Archival Science. Archival Science, no. 1, pp. 373-385.

PENTEADO, P. 2004. A Investigação em sistemas de arquivo organizacionais: algumas reflexões sobre o caso das Misericórdias de Portugal. Actas do Colóquio «Do documento à informação» e das Jornadas sobre Sistemas de Informação Municipal, pp. 141-163.

GILLILAND, A. y MCKEMMISH, S. 2004. Building an Infrastructure for Archival Research. Archival Science, vol. 4, no. 3-4, pp. 149-197. ISSN 1389-0166. DOI 10.1007/s10502-006-6742-6.

GILLILAND, A. y MCKEMMISH, S. 2006. Nuevos métodos de investigación en archivística. Cartagena: Ayuntamiento.

JAÉN GARCÍA, L.F. 2008. La formación archivística y la investigación. Revista Códice, vol. 4 (2), pp. 51-61.

PICKARD, A.J. 2013. Research methods in information. S.l.: Facet. ISBN 9781856048132.

GILLILAND, A.J. 2014. Conceptualizing 21st-Century Archives.pdf. S.l.: Society of American Archivists. ISBN 978-1-931666-68-8.


No specific software used.

Language list

Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.