Degree | Type | Year |
4313781 Enterprise Law | OB | 0 |
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There are no previous requirements.
To obtain specialized knowledge of the techniques of persuasive oratory and communication, as well as negotiation techniques
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Classroom lectures | 36 | 1.44 | 4, 1, 8, 7 |
Type: Supervised | |||
Resolution of exercises | 20 | 0.8 | 3, 5, 1, 8, 7, 6 |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Personal study | 53 | 2.12 | 3, 4, 2 |
In Negotiation techniques, in addition to the exposition of the topics related above, a series of practices will be carried out, aimed at transferring the exposed theory to action. The dynamics will be both in relation to negotiation cases (from the simplest to the most complex as the course progresses) as well as communication and teamwork exercises.
The negotiation role play’s will take place in the last part of the class. All groups must complete a template with the agreement (negotiation) reached (if it has been so). At the end of the class the students will make a general assessment of the dynamics and in the next class, at the beginning, it will be detailed (through some powerpoint slides) how the agreements were (aspects to improve, difficulties encountered, different approaches, ... ).
As basic competences, the subject intends for the student to know and practice negotiation techniques from a 360-degree vision, so that fundamental aspects of this field are addressed. In particular, the preparation of the negotiation, the initial approach, the way to reach agreements, how to approach complete negotiations and how to close agreements will be emphasized.
As transversal competences, students must be able to analyze practical cases of negotiation, synthesize relevant information, be able to work efficiently as a team, stage negotiation simulations, manage stress and be able to adequately manage their emotions.
In Debating and persuasive communication, the sessions will have a theoretical content and a practical development. Different exercises must be prepared and carried out in class to assimilate the oratory resources and progressively improve oral presentation techniques.
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Attendace and active participation in class | 20% | 36 | 1.44 | 1 |
Exercises | 30% | 1 | 0.04 | 5, 1, 7, 6 |
Theory and practical tests | 50% | 4 | 0.16 | 3, 4, 1, 2, 8, 6 |
When it comes to Negotiation techniques, the evaluation of the subject will take into account the active participation of the student during classes, individual and group practical exercises. Therefore, the proactivity of the student and their participation in all the exercises will be valued.
There will be a written test on the last day of class, with theoretical and practical aspects, which will represent 80% of the final grade. This test will consist of two parts:
- Watching a video about negotiation with 5 questions about the theory seen in class and how it is applied in the scenes that are projected.
- 3 theoretical questions in which the student, in addition to demonstrating theoretical knowledge of the issues raised, must give examples and interrelate various variables in the field of negotiation.
The remaining 20% of the course grade will be obtained if the final negotiation practice is successfully completed, which will involve all students in the same practical exercise. This practical exercise will occupy the entire session of the penultimate class of the course. It will consist of a negotiation with 6 groups. There will be common information on the subject to be addressed and "confidential" information that each group must administer to bring the negotiation to a successful conclusion. This case will be resolved when all groups reach an unanimous agreement. Once this agreement is reached, all students will obtain 2 points for the final grade. If there is no agreement, they will not get any points. In Oratory and persuasive communication, the different exercises carried out, voluntary participation and a public intervention in class that will take place at the end of the course will be evaluated.
In Debating and persuasive communication, the different exercises carried out, the voluntary participation and a public intervention in class that will take place at theend of the course will be evaluated.
Common points for the evaluation and reevalution of both subjects:
Once the evaluation has been communicated, a review may be requested so that the Professor explains to the student the applied criteria (art. 114.3 UAB academic regulations), without prejudice to the student's rights to challenge the grade.
The date of the final exam of the subject is scheduled in the exam calendar of the Faculty.
The scheduling of the evaluation tests cannot be modified, unless there is an exceptional and duly justified reason why an evaluation act cannot be carried out. In this case, the people responsible for the degrees, after consulting the teachers and the affected students, will propose a new schedule within the corresponding school period (art. 115.1 Calendar of evaluation activities, UAB Academic Regulations)
To pass the course, the student must have participated in the three evaluation activities and have obtained at least a 3.5 in the final exam. To take the final exam, it is necessary to prove attendance to 90% of the classes.
Only the reevaluation of the test is possible (50%). The continuous assessment activities cannot be reevaluated, since their meaning is to check the knowledge progressively acquired throughout the course, notwithstanding that in case of illness or other eventualities an alternative solution may be found for the specifically affected student.
To retake the exam, student must have obtained at least a 3 in each of the three evaluation activities. Students who take the reevaluation exam may obtain a maximum grade of 7 in the subject.
It will be considered that a student who participates in any of the continuous evaluation activities will no longer be eligible for a “non-evaluable” status.
This subject/module does not provide for a single evaluation system.
Debating and persuasive communication
AA.VV. Manual de Retórica práctica y de Oratoria moderna, Ed. Ariel, Madrid, 2004
ANTUÑA EGOCHEAGA, M., ¿Conversas o predicas? : guía para ser un conversador evolucionado y que además sabe prevenir los conflictos, Piramide, Madrid, 2022.
BERMÚDEZ, M. I. y LUCENA, J., Manual de debate guía práctica para desarrollar tus habilidades en el debate académico y la oratoria, Editorial Berenice, Córdoba, 2019
BORG, J., La persuasión: el arte de influir, Ed. Pirámide, Madrid, 2009.
BOU BAUZA, G., Comunicación persuasiva para directivos, directores y dirigentes, Ed. Pirámide, Madrid, 2005
ESTALELLA DEL PINO, J., El abogado eficaz. Cómo convencer, persuadir e influir en los juicios, 3ª ed., La Ley, Madrid, 2012
GARCÍA RAMÍREZ, J., Estrategia de oratoria práctica para abogados, 6ª ed., Ed. Colex, Madrid, 2009
GOLDVARG, A. E., Oratoria consciente. Cómo lograr presentaciones orales que ilustren, inspiren y sorprendan, Ediciones Granica. Buenos Aires, 2018.
LABORDA, X., De Retórica: la comunicación persuasiva, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2012.
MARTÍNEZ SELVA, J.M., Manual de comunicación persuasiva para juristas, 2ª ed., Ed. La Ley, Madrid, 2008.
MORALES, C.J., Guía para hablar en público, 2ª ed., Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 2007.
SÁNCHEZ PÉREZ, J., El Placer de comunicar: cómo hablar bien en público y disfrutar haciéndolo, Atelier, Barcelona, 2021.
Negotiation techniques
Obtenga el SÍ. El arte de negociar sin ceder, de Ury, William; Fisher, Roger; Patton, Bruce (creadores del modelo Harvard de negociación). Editorial Conecta, 1981.
Técnicas de negociación. Un método práctico, de Manuel Dasí, Fernando; Martínez-Vilanova Martínez, Rafael. ESIC Editorial, 1997, revisado en 2009
Negociar es fácil, si sabe cómo: ¿Cuánto dinero pierde por desconocer las técnicas de negociación?, de Hernández, Alejandro (conferenciante y formador experto en negociación). Alienta editorial. 2011
Las 12 leyes de la negociación. O eres estratega o eres ingenuo, de Font Barrot, Alfred (abogado, profesor de negociación en la UPF). Editorial Conecta, 2013.
Pactar con el diablo. Cuándo negociar y cuándo luchar, de Mnokkin, Robert (catedrático de negociación en Harvard). Zenith/Planeta Editorial, 2011
Las emociones en la negociación, de Fisher, Roger; Shapiro, Daniel. Profesores de negociación en Harvard, Ediciones Granica, 2008.
Habilidades de negociación. Todos podemos ganar, de Aramburu-Zabala Higuera, Luis, Ediciones Pirámide, 2005.
No specific software is needed.
Name | Group | Language | Semester | Turn |
(TEm) Theory (master) | 1 | Spanish | first semester | afternoon |