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Evaluation and Diagnosis of Educational Needs

Code: 42971 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
4313754 Psychopedagogy OB 0


Angelina Sanchez Marti

Teaching groups languages

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Objectives and Contextualisation

The main objectives for this course are: 

  1. To know the key aspects of a psycho-pedagogical assessment process.
  2. To identify and efficiently employ the main instruments, techniques and resources used for psycho-pedagogical assessment and diagnosis.
  3. To write up assessment reports on psycho-pedagogical aspects using specific variables.
  4. To communicate the results and conclusions of the assessment reports to the various relevant interlocutors. 

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA02 (Competence) Identify the personal, social and educational needs of individuals, groups and/or organisations through psychoeducational assessment in different contexts of formal and non-formal education.
  2. CA03 (Competence) Indicate, when returning the results obtained, the limits and possibilities of the psychopedagogical assessment data, both to the addressees and to the educational agents involved.
  3. CA04 (Competence) Identify inequalities and discrimination on the grounds of sex/gender present in the field of psychopedagogy and psychopedagogical work.
  4. KA05 (Knowledge) Define techniques for psychopedagogical assessment and diagnosis designing the process of information collection, analysis and return with precision and efficiency.
  5. KA06 (Knowledge) Evaluate the problems, prejudices and discrimination that could arise in actions, decision and project in the short and long term, in relation to different people or groups.
  6. SA04 (Skill) Apply instruments and resources that are adequate for psychopedagogical assessment according to the nature of the educational needs being assessed.
  7. SA05 (Skill) Design educational guidance proposals based on the personal, academic and professional knowledge of the students, taking into account their life project, as well as the set of psychopedagogical evaluations carried out throughout their educational career.
  8. SA06 (Skill) Produce diagnostic reports and schooling opinions for all students with specific educational support needs.


1. Psycho-pedagogical assessment as a process. Dimensions of the assessment. Ethical criteria and methodology used in the assessment of psycho-pedagogical variables. Objective assessment criteria, intersubjectivity, and value judgements. Reflection on bias in the assessment from an intersectional perspective.

2. Psycho-pedagogical assessment and diagnosis of individuals and groups. Variables and psycho-pedagogical constructs.

3. Instruments, techniques, and resources for psycho-pedagogical assessment. Characteristics, possibilities, and limitations. Use of standardized tools; construction and validation of those tools.

4. Diagnosis and psycho-pedagogical assessment in the educational context. Analysis and assessment of psycho-pedagogical constructs and variables.

5. Communication of the results of the psycho-pedagogical assessment. Reaction to the diagnosis. Analysis and interpretation. Communication with respect to the subject of the diagnosis. Psycho-pedagogical diagnostic guidelines.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Collaborative learning 29 1.16 CA02, CA03, KA06, SA05, SA06, CA02
PBL 92.5 3.7 CA02, CA03, CA04, KA05, KA06, SA04, SA05, SA06, CA02
Study of case 22.5 0.9 CA02, KA05, SA04, SA05, SA06, CA02

The methodology is based on Problem-Based Learning (PBL), cooperative learning and the case study method. Based on this, working sessions may be theoretical, practical or mixed.

The theoretical lectures will be based on oral presentations complemented by multiple teaching resources (videos, readings, case analysis, etc.), as well as reinforced by the reading of the basic recommended bibliography. Depending on the space where the classes are given, differentiated group work activities will be carried out.

Workshops will consist of the follow-up of real cases of psychopedagogical diagnosis and/or evaluation and its preventive approach, where the students will have to conclude with their intervention proposals in this regard. A practical guide to these exercises will be provided. These sessions will be carried out either individually and in groups.

The face-to-face modality will allow us to elucidate the theoretical approaches of the subject through expositions and discussion of the topics, as well as to explore the topic through dynamics in small groups, cooperative groups, etc. The practical sessions will combine both individual and group work for the resolution of cases. The use of the Virtual Campus will also be required.

Our teaching approach and assessment procedures may be altered if public health authorities impose new restrictions on public gatherings for COVID-19.


Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Assistance 5 0 0 CA02, CA03, CA04, KA05, KA06, SA04, SA05, SA06
Final activities 40 1 0.04 CA02, KA05, SA04, SA06
Portfoli 50 4 0.16 CA02, CA03, CA04, KA05, KA06, SA04, SA05, SA06
Student self-assessment 5 1 0.04 CA04, SA06

The grading system is based on continuous assessment. Criteria such as participation, the ability to integrate and relate conceptual contents to procedural ones will be evaluated, as well as the skill to critically analyze them in each study case, always considering the deontological values of the profession.

The evaluation will consist of three moments. The first one consists of the elaboration of a virtual individual portfolio which includes a collection of the contents of the subject, the visualization of graphic documents, the analysis of readings, group work conclusions, etc., which must be complemented with the obligatory bibliographic references. The portfolio will constitute the 50% of the final grade, and will be submitted at the end of the module, during the week that the lecturing of the module finishes. A second assessment activity will consist of solving a case study in small groups, which will represent the 40% of the final grade. This will be submitted one week before finishing the module. Finally, the last 10% of the final grade will be the result of individual participation and self-evaluation.

To pass the subject it will be necessary to have successfully accomplished and past all the assessment activities.

1. Weighting of activities:

Attendance/individual participation: 5%
Case study (in small group): 40%
Test theoretical-practice (virtual individual portfolio): 50%
Self-assessment study: 5%

2. Assessment conditions: Active participation in class and group work, as well as preparing individual works.

3. Requirements to pass the course: You must have a minimum grade of 5 in each of the types of activities that make up the assessment.

4. Recovery tests: If a student does not pass any of the evaluation activities, he/she can recover them re-submitting them the 9th of January.

5. Evaluation dates: The delivery dates of the assessment evidence will be agreed with the lecturer.

6. Other aspects to consider:

In the event that the student fails the module, he/she must re-enroll in the module in the next edition of the master’s degree. In this case, no evidences or marks will be saved.

Throughout the evaluation process the student will be informed of his/her progress with respect to assignments that need to be submitted.

In accordance with UAB regulations, individual or group plagiarism or copying of any work or written test will be penalized with a zero score (“0”) which means the student(s) will forfeit the possibility of repeating the assignment or test in the future (in the case of group plagiarism each student of the group will receive a zero score (“0”) for the assignment or test).

Attendance is compulsory. The student must attend at least 80% of all sessions; otherwise the assessment will correspond to “unsatisfactory”.

The results of the correction of the evaluative evidence will be delivered within a maximum period of 20 days.

Single assessment

The single assessment consists of the elaboration of a learning portfolio (50%), a practical test of the resolution of a case (40%) and a theoretical review of a book from the recommended bibliography (10%). These three activities will take place on November 27th. The same recovery system will be applied as for the continuous evaluation: the activities will be redelivered and/or re-evaluated on the 9th of January. 


Associació Catalana de Psicopedagogia i Orientació (ACPO) (2020). Eines psicopedagògiques. Barcelona. http://www.acpo.cat/eines/

Barrachina, L. A. (Coord.) (2011). Diagnòstic en educació. UOC.

Bassedas, E. (2010). Intervención educativa y diagnóstico psicopedagógico. Paidós.

Bonals, J., & Sánchez-Cano, M. (2007). Manual de asesoramiento psicopedagógico. Graó.

Buisán, C. E., & Marín, M. A. (1987). Cómo realizar un diagnóstico pedagógico. Oikos Tau.

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Donoso-Vázquez, T., & Sánchez-Martí, A. (2013). Orientación educativa y profesional. Estudio de casos. ISEP. https://www.isep.es/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Libro-Orientacion.pdf

Dueñas, M. L. (2011). Diagnóstico pedagógico. UNED.

Duran, D., Giné, C., & Marchesi, A. (2010). Guia per a l’anàlisi, la reflexió i la valoració de pràctiques inclusives. Generalitat de Catalunya.  

Echeita, G. & Calderón, I. (2014). Obstáculos a la inclusión: cuestionando concepciones y prácticas de evaluación psicopedagógica. Àmbits de psicopedagogia i orientació, 41, 3-12. http://ambitsaaf.cat/article/view/805

Huguet, T., Liesa, E., & Serra-Capallera, J. (2022). El asesoramiento psicopedagógico a debate. Graó.

Marí, R. (2006). Diagnóstico Pedagógico. Un modelo para la intervención psicopedagógica. Ariel Educación.

Martínez Monteagudo, M. C. (2013). Evaluación y diagnóstico en educación. UNIR.

Moreno, F. X. (1995). Pruebas de observación y diagnóstico escolar inicial para alumnos en dificultad social. PPU.

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Moreno, F. X. (2004). Batería para el diagnóstico auditivo en las escuelas. Servei de publicacions de la UAB.

Moreno, F. X. (2005). Los problemas de comportamiento en el contexto escolar. Servei de publicacions de la UAB.

Padilla, M. T. (2002). Técnicas e instrumentos para el diagnóstico y la evaluación educativa. CCS.

Pascual, I. (2015). Diagnóstico pedagógico: conceptos básicos y aplicaciones en el aula infantil. UOC.

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Sánchez-Cano, M., & Bonals, J. (Coords.) (2007). La evaluación psicopedagógica. Graó.

Sánchez, M. C. (2012). Observación sistemática y análisis de contextos: diagnóstico y observación en el aula de Educación Infantil. DM.

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Language list

Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.