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Master's Degree Dissertation

Code: 42960 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
4313816 School Library and Reading Promotion OB 0


Cristina Aliagas Marin


Joan Portell Rifŕ
Martina Fittipaldi
Jordi Parés Parral
Cristina Correro Iglesias
Mireia Manresa Potrony
Maria Neus Real Mercadal

Teaching groups languages

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Objectives and Contextualisation

A master thesis aims at getting participants in the master programme to apply in a real/specific context the knowledge and abilities acquired during the course so as to design, implement and present a project related to pedagogical interventions that can be carried out through the use of school libraries or through the organisation of activities to promote reading. Participants are expected to base their master thesis on a real case. They need to depart from the diagnosis of a particular situation (in a school or in any other social environment), set strategies to remediate the situation/achieve the needs and plan how to implement, monitor and assess a successful plan of action.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA24 (Competence) Develop proposals for improvement or new projects based on the information obtained in a diagnostic study in the field of school libraries and reading promotion.
  2. CA25 (Competence) Plan library projects, school reading plans and reading promotion proposals, considering adaptation to the context, theoretical approach, the necessary planning, the methodological design, and the evaluation strategy in the real context of a public or school library or other social space or programmes for the promotion of reading in general or literature in particular.
  3. CA26 (Competence) Undertake projects based on ethics and human rights (social justice, gender equality, etc.) within the framework of contextualised research in a specific library or social space oriented towards the promotion of reading or literature.
  4. CA27 (Competence) Present, both orally and in writing, research in the field of school libraries and the promotion of reading in a comprehensive, clear, and rigorous manner to specialised audiences, using visual aids, and strongly defend it.
  5. KA23 (Knowledge) Identify needs in relation to reading, literary interpretation and information in schools and social contexts through a comprehensive diagnostic study based on empirical data collection.
  6. KA24 (Knowledge) Define the literature review, including theoretical and empirical literature, according to the focus or theme in the field of school libraries and/or reading promotion that is relevant to the research being undertaken.
  7. SA35 (Skill) Design research with specific objectives, made concrete using questions that can be answered through fieldwork that includes the design of multiple and diverse instruments for the collection of information and analysis, in real contexts in the field of libraries and/or the promotion of reading, both in schools and social contexts.
  8. SA36 (Skill) Analyse different types of data (written, oral, visual, or audio-visual data), using the most appropriate analysis strategy for the type of information, whether qualitative or quantitative, which allow the research questions posed in the study to be answered.


  • Structure and characteristics of a school reading plan and of a community reading plan.
  • Diagnosis of reading situations at schools or at other social establishments.
  • Diagnosis instruments used in different contexts for different purposes.
  • Strategies to analyse the results of a diagnose.
  • Strategies to implement a plan of action based on a previous diagnose of a given situation.
  • Assessment of strategies to promote reading.
  • Resources and materials to organise a detailed procedure to implement, monitor and assess an action plan. 

The formative workshops and the tutories are given in Catalan language. In the case that there is a personal linguistic requirement, the student can contact the tutor or the course coordinator.


Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Supervised      
Tutorials 50 2 CA24, CA25, SA36
Type: Autonomous      
Gathering information, diagnosing a case and elaborating the MA thesis 100 4 CA24, CA26, CA27, KA23, KA24, SA35, SA36

Participants will be assigned a tutor who will provide them with a calendar with the group tutorials, the slots for individual tutorials and the deadlines for delivering each of the TFM chapters.

During the group tutorials, the tutor and the participants will design the various individual MA thesis projects. The elaboration of each project will be done in four stages: (1) data collection and diagnosis, at a school or any other social milieu, of a real case; (2) development of strategies to implement an action plat that fits the project objectives; (3) detailed procedure to implement, monitor and assess an action plan; and (4) elaboration and public presentation of the TFM. The formative seminars will offer the basis for undertaking an empirical research (data collection and data analysis) and communicating it taking into account the structure and style of academic writing.  

Participants will receive feedback and scaffolding form their tutors. If necessary, the original sketch of the project can be modified during the whole process. Participants can ask their tutors for private appointments, if necessary. Participants are advised to send the texts their want to discuss with their tutors short before the actual meeting.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Master's Thesis Viva 25% 0 0 CA27
Master's Thesis final written report 65% 0 0 CA24, CA25, KA23, KA24, SA35, SA36
Report of evolution of the Master's Dissertation 10% 0 0 CA26

Master’s theses go through a process of continuous assessment and is based on three documents/exercices. It is based on three documents/exercises: (1) follow-up report on the work preparation process, based on the information collected by the tutor on student participation in tutorials and formative/group activities, (2) final written report and (3) public defense before a court.

MA’s theses can differ from one to another. Participants should choose the type of project they want to design and in which context (schools, other social establishments, etc.). All written works should, however, contain the following sections:

1) Introduction and justified presentation of the work done.

2) Theoretical framework. It includes an analysis of the context and a list of the objectives for the action plan.

3) Methodological framework. Detailed account of the project’s design and implementation: techniques, procedures and instruments use to sketch the action plan based on the diagnostic of a given situation.

4) Descriptive, interpretative and explanatory analysis of the information gathered during the diagnosis phase.  

5) Diagnosis conclusions.

6) Sketch of the plan of action to solve the challenges outlined during the diagnosis phase.

7) Conclusions about the work done. Conclusions should link the context of action with the theoretical framework and the strategies used to intervene. Participants should also reflect upon the adequacy of the action within the context of intervention.

8) References. Listof all full references cited in the text. Participants are advised to use the citing criteria used bythe American Psychological Association (APA citation style).

9) Annexes.


Tasks deliveries and assessment

There are two calls for defending the MA Dissertation: July or September. An internal deadline will be published so the student can make the choice. Once the decision has been made, it is administratively irreversible. The Master's Thesis final written report must be delivered in Campus Virtual one week before the defense (a specific deadline will be published). 

The teacher will give feedback on the activities in a period not exceeding 20 working days of the academic calendar.

Students who do not deliver the assessment activities or whose delivery percentage does not exceed 20% will be listed as NOT assessed. Considering the longitudinal assessment of this exercicise, there is just one attempt to pass the Master's Thesis final written report and the Viva.


One-off assessment

This course does not offer one-off assessemnt.  



Aliagas, C. (2011). El desinterès lector adolescent. Estudi de cas de les pràctiques i identitats lletrades d’una colla d’amics des de la perspectiva dels Nous Estudis de Literacitat. Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra [tesis doctoral en línea] 

Alvermann, D. (ed.) (2002). Adolescents and literacies in a digital world. New York: Peter Lang.

Arias, J. & Ayuso-García, M. (2008). Evaluación de las colecciones de una biblioteca pública. Análisis  comparado con otras bibliotecas colombianas y extranjeras. Investigación Bibliotecológica 22 (45), 125-152.

Baró, M.; Aliagas, C.; Gorchs, G. (2013). Com crear un ambient lector a l’escola? Barcelona: Fundació Bofill. [en línea]

Baró et al. (2012). Promoción de la lectura en las bibliotecas públicas de Cataluña: evaluación y resultados. Profesional de la Información 21 (3), 277-282.

Baró, M.; Mañà, T. (2009). Estudi sobre les accions de foment de la lectura a les biblioteques públiques de Catalunya. [en línea]

Bates, P. (2009). The role of secondary school libraries in the promotion of reading. New review on children's literature and librarianship, 6(1).

Baye, A.; Lafontaine, D.; Vanhulle, S. (2003). Lire ou ne pas lire: etat de la question. Les Cahiers du CLPCF (Centre de Lecture Publique de la Communauté Française) 4, 3-64. [en línea]

Bonilla, E.; Goldin, D. y Salaberria, R. (coords.) (2008). Bibliotecas y escuelas. Retos y posibilidades en la sociedad del conocimiento. México DF: Océano.

Braun, L. et al. (2014). The future of library services for and with teens: A call to action. YALSA. [en línea]

CCLIJ (Consell Català del Llibre Infantil i Juvenil). (2005, 2010). Hàbits de lectura dels infants i joves de Catalunya. Informe no publicado. [Resumen en línea]

CIDE. (2003). Los hábitos lectores de los adolescentes españoles. Madrid: CIDE (Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte).

Centelles, J. (2005). La biblioteca, el cor de l’escola. Barcelona: Rosa Sensat.

Clark, C.; Foster, A. (2005). Children's and young people's reading habits and preferences: the who, what, why, where and when. National Literacy Trust. [informe en línea]

Clark, C.; Rumbold, K. (2006). Reading for pleasure: A research overview. National Literary Trust. [informe en línea]

Clark, C.; Hawkins, M. (2009) Public Libraries and Literacy. National Literacy Trust. [informe en línea]

Clark, C. (2010). Linking School Libraries and Literacy. National Literacy Trust. [informe en línea]

Clark, C. (2012). Children’s Reading Today. National Literacy Trust. [informe en línea]

Clark, C.; Teravainen, A. (2017). Book ownership and reading Outcomes. National Literacy Trust. [informe en línea]

Colomer, T. (2004). ¿Quién promociona la lectura? CLIJ (Cuadernos de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil) 168, 7-18.

Comalat, M.; Baró, M. (2020). Aibstudi 60 (2), 361-383 [En línia]

Correro, C.; Portell, J. (2023). Lectures que fan lectors. L'educació literària d'infants i joves. Eumo. 

Cortés Villalba, C.; Gil Leiva, I. (2011). Evaluación de la biblioteca pública de Valencia mediante la técnica encadenada de “grupos de discusión” y “encuesta”. Revista General de Información y Documentación 21, 335-362.

CERLALC (2007). Por las Bibliotecas Escolares de Iberoamérica. Bogotá: CERLALC. [en línea]

D. A. (2013). La lectura en un centre educatiu: Saber llegir, llegir per aprendre, gust per llegir. Barcelona: Departament d’Ensenyament. Generalitat de Catalunya. [en línea]

Durban, G. (2010). La biblioteca escolar avui: un recurs estratègic per al centre. Graó.

García Gómez, F. (2013). Innovación en la biblioteca pública española: dónde estamos y hacia dónde vamos. Revista General de Información y Documentación 23 (1), 133-150.

Gómez Soto, I. (2002). “Los hábitos lectores”. En Millán, J. A. (coord.) La lectura en España: informe 2002. Madrid: Federación de Gremios de Editores de España.

Gremi d’editors de Catalunya. Hàbits de Lectura i Compra de Llibres a Catalunya. [estudios periódicos quinquenales en línea]

Gremio de Editores de España. Estudis sobre el sector del llibre y lectura. [estudios anuales en línea]

Grupo Lazarillo. (2004). Lecturas y lectores en la E.S.O. Una investigación educativa. Santander: Consejería de Educación (Gobierno de Cantabria).

Hall, C.; Coles, M. (1999). Children's reading choices. London: Routledge.

Jaramillo, O. & Quiroz Posada, R. (2013). La educación social dinamizadora de prácticas ciudadanas en la biblioteca pública. Educ. & Sociedade 34 (122), 139-154

Jover, G. (2007). Un món per llegir: Educació, adolescents i literatura. Barcelona: Rosa Sensat.

Kvale, Steinar (2008). Las entrevistas en investigación cualitativa. Ediciones Morata.

Lessa, B & Ferreira Gómez, H. (2017). A biblioteca pública como um empório de ideias: evidências do seu lugarna sociedade contemporânea. Inf. & Sociedade 27 (1), 35-46.

Lluch, G. y Zayas, F. (2015). Leer en el centro escolar. El plan de lectura. Barcelona: Octaedro.

Lluch, G. & Sánchez García, S. (2017). La promoción de la lectura: Un análisis crítico de los artículos de investigación. Revista Española de Documentación Científica 40 (4).

Lomas, C; Mata, J. (2007). La construcción del hábito de leer. Textos de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura 44, 9–18.

Manresa, M. (2013). L’univers lector adolescent: Dels hàbits de lectura a la intervenció educativa. Barcelona: Rosa Sensat.

Manresa, M.; Margallo, A.M. (2016). Prácticas de lectura en red: exploración de blogs literarios adolescentes. Catalejos. Revista sobre lectura, formación de lectores y literatura para niños 2 (3), 51-69. [en línea]

Manresa, M.; Real, N. (eds.) (2015). Digital Literature for Children: Textos, Readers and Educactional Practices. Bruxelles: Peter Lang.

Marchesi, Á.; Miret, I. (dir) (2005). Las bibliotecas escolares en España. Madrid: Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez/ IDEA. [en línea].

Margallo, A. M. (2008). “Entre llegir com a nois i noies i llegir com a adults: el paper dels best-sellers”. A Colomer, T. (coord). Lectures adolescents (pp. 219-236). Barcelona: Graó.

Margallo, A.M. (2012). Claves para formar lectores adolescentes con talento. Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte. Leer.es. [en línea].  

Marzal,M. &Parra Valero, P. (2009). La cooperación de la biblioteca escolar y la pública: alfabetización en información, “biblioteca integrada” y el mundo virtual. Revista General de Información y Documentación 19, 212-241.

Miret, I.; Baró, M.; Mañá, T.; Vellosillo, I. y Montero, I. (2010). Bibliotecas escolares «entre comillas». Madrid: Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez. [en línea]

Miret, I.; Baró, M.; Mañá, T. y Vellosillo, I. (2011). Bibliotecas escolares ¿entre interrogantes? Madrid: Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez. [en línea]

Munita, F. (2016). Prácticas didácticas, creencias y hábitoslectores del profesor en una escuela exitosa en la promoción lectora. Ocnos 15 (2), 77-97.

Observatorio de lectura (Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte): http://www.mecd.gob.es/cultura/areas/libro/mc/observatoriolect/estudios-e-informes.html   

Observatori de Biblioteques, Llibres i  Lectura (UB): anuari 2016: http://www.raco.cat/index.php/AnuariObservatori

Petit, M. (1999). Nuevos acercamientos a los jóvenes y la lectura. Mèxic: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Petit, M. (2009). El arte de la lectura en tiempos de crisis. México DF, Océano Travesía.

Portell, Joan (2017). Llegim? Com fer lectors entusiastes. Barcelona: Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat.

Portell, Joan; Ruiz, Gisela (2019). Adolescents i lectura: el binomi fantàstic. Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadia deMontserrat. 

Poveda, David; Aliagas, Cristina (2024). Artefacts for collaborative research with youth. UAM Ediciones. https://libros.uam.es/uam/catalog/book/1299

Ramírez Leyva, E. (2016). De la promoción de la lectura por placer a la formaciónintegral de lectores. Investigación Bibliotecológica 30 (69), 93-116.

Reyes, L. (2015). Lectura, educació literària i pla de lectura i escriptura en infantil i primària. Articles de didàctica de la llengua i la literatura, 65 47-56. [Versión en español en Textos de didàctica de la llengua i la literatura 68, 47-56]

Reyes, L. (2011). Fer lectors en un context advers. Articles de didàctica de lallengua i la literatura, 53, 58-67.

Reyes, L. (2013). Lecturas escolares: el préstamo semanal de libros: una oportunidad para la formación literaria y la implicación de la familia. Cuadernos de Literatura Infantily Juvenil (CLIJ) 255,  48-54.

Robledo, B. H. (2010). El arte de la mediación. Espacios y estrategias para la promoción de lalectura. Bogotá, Norma.

Sapiro, G. (2016). La sociología de la literatura. FCE.

Serna, M., Rodríguez, A., y Etxaniz, X. (2017). Biblioteca escolar y hábitos lectores en los escolares de Educación Primaria. Ocnos, 16 (1), 18-49.

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Language list

Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.