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Public Policies II

Code: 42733 ECTS Credits: 10
Degree Type Year
4310025 Economics and Business Administration OT 0


Guadalupe Souto Nieves


Álex Sanz Fernández
Emilio Padilla Rosa

Teaching groups languages

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Fundamentals of Economics and Business I

Fundamentals of Economics and Business II

Objectives and Contextualisation

Environmental Protection Policies

This course aims to review the economic analysis of the main environmental problems as well as the different environmental policy tools; To understand the relationship between economic, social and ecological systems; And  to study the analytical tools of ecological economics. To analyse the main current debates in the field.

Health Policies

This course consists of the analysis of the issues related to the delivery and financing of health services. The course explores the basic topics of demand and supply for health and health care along with the basics of market structure in the health care sector. Finally, a basic analysis of how to analyse the performance of the sector. 

Social Protection Policies

The aim of this course is to assess the existence and design of the welfare state, by learning the economic theory of the state intervention in order to improve citizens’ wellbeing and the different programs aimed at that end. Analysing the current organization of the welfare state in different countries, and challenges and responses in a changing world.




  • Argue the case for and write a precise, clear and concise report of the problems presented in the English language.
  • Carry out empirical studies for impact assessments of different policies: Identify existing data sources or design a data collection, application of statistical and econometric techniques that are appropriate for programme and policy evaluation, formulation of empirical strategies and the appropriate interpretation of the results.
  • Carry out empirical studies.
  • Carry out oral presentations in the English language.
  • Contextualise economic problems through the use of formal models that enable quantitative analysis.
  • Demonstrate an understanding and carry out a critical analysis of economic studies of the economic policies of international organisations such as the OECD or the European Commission in the areas indicated.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of apply the main economic principles of efficiency and equity in the different areas mentioned above.
  • Identify specific cases among situations in which the markets are not efficient and those in which they are, as well as public intervention that leads to efficiency and that which does not.
  • Respect ethical, social and environmental values.
  • Understand academic research in the areas indicated.
  • Use different statistical programs to process data.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Argue the case for and write a precise, clear and concise report of the problems presented in the English language.
  2. Carry out empirical studies for impact assessments of different policies: Identify existing data sources or design a data collection, application of statistical and econometric techniques that are appropriate for programme and policy evaluation, formulation of empirical strategies and the appropriate interpretation of the results.
  3. Carry out empirical studies.
  4. Carry out oral presentations in the English language.
  5. Contextualise economic problems through the use of formal models that enable quantitative analysis.
  6. Demonstrate an understanding and carry out a critical analysis of economic studies of the economic policies of international organisations such as the OECD or the European Commission in the areas indicated.
  7. Demonstrate an understanding of apply the main economic principles of efficiency and equity in the different areas mentioned above.
  8. Identify specific cases among situations in which the markets are not efficient and those in which they are, as well as public intervention that leads to efficiency and that which does not.
  9. Respect ethical, social and environmental values.
  10. Understand academic research in the areas indicated.
  11. Use different statistical programs to process data.


Environmental Policies


    The economic analysis of the environment and ecological economics. The relationship between the economy and the environment. The economy and environmental problems.
  2.  Markets operation and environmental degradation. Justifications for public intervention with environmental policies. Microeconomic analysis of pollution.
  3.  Different conceptions of sustainable development and their applications.
  4.  Economic appraisal of environmental policies. Valuation problems.
  5. Economic analysis of the environment and future generations. Ethics and ecological economics.
  6. Environmental policy tools: environmental taxes, tradable permits and others.
  7.  The relationship between economic growth, environmental quality, and environmental policies.
  8.  Global environmental problems: Economics and policy of climate change.

 Health Policies

  1. Demand for health, health care and insurance: Health and health behaviours; Demand for health care services;  Demand for private health insurance.
  2. Supply of health care services and insurance: Market for physicians’ services; Hospitals. Supply of private health insurance.                                                           
  3. Market structure in the healthcare sector: Private financing of health care services; Government financing and private supply; Public supply and financing.
  4. Performance of the healthcare sector: Cost and cost-effectiveness analysis; Measuring benefits and cost-benefit analysis; The contribution of personal health services to longevity, population health, and economic growth.
  5. Economic evaluation and equity: Relationship between income with productivity changes and willingness to pay; Health gains, severity and age; Consequences beyond patient’s health gains.

 Social Protection Policies

  1. Political Theory: social justice and the public sector.
  2. Economic Theory: efficiency, equity and insurance.
  3. Measuring welfare, poverty and inequality.
  4. The economic lifecycle and the need for intertemporal redistribution: the National Transfer Accounts and National Time Transfer Accounts.
  5. Welfare state programs: Cash benefits and in-kind benefits.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Lectures with ITC support 37.5 1.5 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Resolution of exercises 37.5 1.5 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Type: Supervised      
Tutoring and monitoring work in progress. In-class presentations 62.5 2.5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Type: Autonomous      
Study, Reading, Exercise solving, Essays writing, 79.5 3.18 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

The activities that will allow the students to learn the basic concepts included in this course are:

1. Theory lectures where the instructor will explain the main concepts.

The goal of this activity is to introduce the basic notions and guide the student learning

2. Problem Sets

In some subjects, a problem set which students will have to solve individually or in teams will be included in every unit. The goal of this activity is twofold. On one hand students will work with the theoretical concepts explained in the classroom, and on the other hand through this practice they will develop the necessary skills for problem solving.

3. Practice lectures

The aim of this activity is to comment on and solve any possible doubt that students mayhave had solving the problem assignment. This way they will be able to understand and correct any errors they may have had during this process.

4. Essay writing

In some subjects students will produce written essays on the topics proposed

5. Tutoring hours

Students will have some tutor hours in which the subject instructors will help them solve any doubts they may have.


Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Exercises and essays 35% 27 1.08 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Topic Exam: Environmental Policies 21.66% 2 0.08 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10
Topic Exam: Health Policies 21.66% 2 0.08 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10
Topic exam: Social Protection Policies 21.66% 2 0.08 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

  1. The module consists of a number of different subjects or parts taught by different professors. The final mark for the module will consist of the average of the marks of each subject within the module. 

    • The module is considered successfully passed if:

      • the mark for each subject within the module is higher than or equal to 3.0 (in a 0 to 10 scale), and

      • the final mark for that module is higher than or equal to 5.0 (in a 0 to 10 scale). 

        IMPORTANT: In order to pass each subject, students must attend at least 80% of the lectures (special cases, with appropriate justification, will be considered individually by the professors together with MEBA coordinators).

    • If the module is not successfully passed, the MEBA coordinators will ask the student to re-take the exams for those subjects that, according to the coordinators and the professors opinions, may help the student to successfully pass the module.

      If after the re-take exams the student successfully passes the module, her or his mark for that module will be upgraded accordingly, otherwise the previous grade will remain valid. Two restrictions apply for the results after retaking:

      • the highest mark for any subject retaken is 5.5; and
      • the final grade of the  module after the re-take exams cannot be higher than 6.8.

       The calendar for the re-retake exams will be announced along with the grades report

  1. The mark -between 0 and 10- for each subject will be computed by each professor based on his or her ow criteria and on the student's performance. As a general rule, 35% of the mark will correspond to the assessment of the continuous work of the student during the course, and 65% will consist of acomprehensive final examination. The duration and nature of the final examination isdecided by each professor. 

  2. Final exams are compulsory. Re-take exams are only thought for those students having previously written a first exam and failed.


Environmental Policies

  • Continuing evaluation (assignments, essays, in-class presentations and participation): 35% of the final grade
  • Final evaluation (written exam and/or essay and/or oral presentation): 65% of the final grade

Health Policies

  • Continuing evaluation (assignments, essays, in-class presentations and participation):40% of the final grade
  • Final evaluation (written exam and/or essay and/or oral presentation): 60% of the final grade

Social Protection Policies

  • Continuing evaluation (assignments, essays, in-class presentations and participation): 35% of the final grade
  • Final evaluation (written exam and/or essay and/or oral presentation): 65% of the final grade


General References

Common, M., Stagl, S. (2005). Ecological Economics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Padilla Rosa, E., RamCos-Martín, J. (Eds.) (2023) Elgar Encyclopedia of Ecological Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, and Northampton, Massachusetts.

Pearce, D.W., Turner R.K. (1990) Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment. Harvester Wheatsheaf, London.

Sloan, F.A., Hsieh, C. R (2012).  Health Economics. MIT Press. (1st. edition). 2012.

Olsen, J.A (2009). Principles in health economics and policy. Oxford University Press (1st edition). 2009.

Barr, N. (2020). The Economics of the Welfare State. Oxford University Press (6th Edition).

Emgster, D. (2015). Justice, Care and the Welfare State. Oxford University Press 

Gruber, J. (2007). Public Finance and Public Policy. Worth Publishers, Second Edition.

Silvestre, J. (2012). Public Economics. Efficiency and Equity in Public Policy. Edward Elgar.


Specific references

Specific references for each subject and topic will be distributed by professors along the course.



Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TEm) Theory (master) 30 English second semester morning-mixed