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Interactive Communication and Social Networks

Code: 42431 ECTS Credits: 12
Degree Type Year
4313256 Audiovisual Communication and Advertising Contents OT 0


Xavier Ribes Guardia


Xavier Ribes Guardia
Celina Navarro Bosch
Fernanda Pires De Sa
Guillem Marca Frances
Celia Andreu Sanchez

Teaching groups languages

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None in particular.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The aim of this module is to deepen in the study, analysis and production of interactive contents in the different media and formats, as well as its cross-media decline and the implementation of the social media communication strategies. Therefore, this module is intended to address the interactivity as a distinctive characteristic of the multimedia products in order to know how to adapt them to each communicational reality, alongside to achieve a critical view of the social media networks and their applications.


  • Apply validated models of content analysis, policy evaluation, audience response surveys and analysis of audiovisual and advertising sector industries.
  • Choose, design and apply methodological strategies for scientific research in audiovisual communication and product development.
  • Communicate and justify conclusions clearly and unambiguously to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  • Critically analyse the theories and analysis models of audiovisual and advertising communication.
  • Develop the ability to assess sex and gender inequalities in order to design solutions.
  • Identify and understand the main phenomena that affect industries, policies, audiovisual and advertising content and their reception.
  • Integrate knowledge and use it to make judgements in complex situations, with incomplete information, while keeping in mind social and ethical responsibilities.
  • Plan tasks in accordance with the human resources, tools and time available so as to optimise performance.
  • Seek out information in the scientific and technological context and learn practical ICT skills.
  • Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse the impact of communication social networks the audiovisual and advertising sector
  2. Analyse the impact of the dynamics that intervene in interactive communication and social networks.
  3. Apply validated models to evaluate interactive communication and social networks in the audiovisual and advertising sector.
  4. Choose, design and apply methodological strategies for scientific research in the field of interactive communication and social networks.
  5. Communicate and justify conclusions clearly and unambiguously to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  6. Critically analyse the theories and models of audiovisual communication that are applied to the analysis of interactive communication and social networks in the audiovisual sector.
  7. Integrate knowledge and use it to make judgements in complex situations, with incomplete information, while keeping in mind social and ethical responsibilities.
  8. Know how to identify the role of information and communication technologies in the transmission of gender stereotypes and apply measures to avoid their reproduction.
  9. Plan tasks in accordance with the human resources, tools and time available so as to optimise performance.
  10. Recognise the role of the media, audiovisual productions and advertising in the construction of gender relations and sexual and gender identity.
  11. Seek out information in the scientific and technological context and learn practical ICT skills.
  12. Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.


Design of audio-visual interactive productions and human-machine communication

Social media communication strategies

Digital infographic

Cross-media production

Interactive advertising


Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Autonomous 82 3.28 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 11
Directed 40 1.6 5, 7, 9, 12
Supervised 40 1.6 1, 2, 6

The classes, including the master classes, shall be in the format of seminars, encouraging the students’ participation, inside and outside the classroom.

The health situation could force us to transform face-to-face sessions into online sessions.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Assistance and participation in class 20% 72 2.88 2, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12
Critical reading 40% 30 1.2 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
Reflective essays 40% 36 1.44 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

20% assistance and participation in class

40% critical reading of the scientific texts linked to the subject’s content  

40% elaboration of reflective essays linked to the subject’s content


This subject doesn't provide for the single assessment system.


Almeida, Leonelo (2017). Writing towards promoting the empowerment of persons with disabilities in digital inclusion texts. Proceeding IHC 2017. Proceedings of the XVI Brazilian symposium on human factors in computing systems. 

Aparicio, Manuel & Martínez Navarro,Emilio. (2017). Accesibilidad universal: sentido normativo e implicaciones en la educación y la práctica profesional. Revista española de discapacidad, 5(I),  25-41.

Aymerich, Laura (2008): Los nuevos formatos de publicidad interactiva en televisión. Una propuesta para su análisis, Actas y Memoria Final. Congreso Internacional Fundacional AEIC, Santiago de Compostela: Asociación Española de Investigación de la Comunicación http://www.griss.org/curriculums/aymerich/publicaciones/aeic_aymerich.pdf

Biung –Chul Han (2013).La sociedad de la transparencia. Barcelona: Herder Editorial.Cobo, Silvia (2012). Internet para periodistas. Kit de supervivència para la era digital. Barcrelona: Editorial UOC.

Cooper, Michael (2016). Web accessibility guidelines for the 2020s. 

Cover, Rob (2015). Digital Identities: Creating Communicating the Online Self. Cambridge: Academic Press

Ferland, François., Letourneau, Dominic., Aumont, Arnaud., Fremy, Julien., Legault, Marc-Antoine., Lauria, Michel., & Michaud, François (2012). Natural interaction design of a humanoid robot.  Journal of Human-Robot Interaction, 1(2), 118-134.

Fundación Telefónica (I+D) (2013).  Identidad Digital: El nuevo usuario en el mundo digital. Madrid: Fundación Telefònica.  https://www.fundaciontelefonica.com/arte_cultura/publicaciones-listado/pagina-item-publicaciones/itempubli/229/

Galán, J. Ignacio (2014). La transmedialidad, una nueva gramática para el sujeto complejo. Portal de la Comunicación: Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona http://www.portalcomunicacion.com/uploads/pdf/71_esp.pdf

Gardner, Howard;  Davis, Katie (2014).  La generación APP: como los jóvenes gestionan su identidad, su privacidad e imaginación en el mundo digital.  Barcelona: Paidós.

Gironés Roig, Jordi; Casas Roma, Jordi; Minguillón Alfonso,Julià; Caihuelas Quiles, Ramón (2017). Minería de datos. Modelos y algoritmos. Barcelona. Editorial UOC.

González de la Garza, Luis Miguel (2015). Redes sociales, instrumentos de participación democrática. Madrid: Dykinson.

Greco, Gian María. (2016). On accessibility as a human right, with an application to media accessibility. In A. Matamala and P. Orero (eds.), Researching audio description. New approaches (pp. 11-33). London: Palgrave.

Jenkins, Henry (2008). Convergence culture: La cultura de la convergencia de los medios de comunicación (P. Hermida, Trad.). Barcelona: Paidós.

Kaye, D. Bondy Valdovinos; Zeng, Jing & Wilstrom, Patrik. (2022).TikTok: Creativity and Culture in Short Video. Polity

Lallemand, Carine., Gronier, Guillaume., & Koening, Vincent. (2016). User experience: A concept without consensus? Exploring practicioners perspectives through an international survey. Computers in Human Behaviour, 43, 35-48. 

Leite Iolanda., McCoy, Marissa., Lohani, Monika., Ullman, Daniel., Salomons,

Lluna Beltrán, Susana; Pedreira García, Javier (2017). Los nativosdigitales no existen. Barcelona: Deusto.

Nicole, Stokes, Charlene., Rivers, Susan., & Scassellati, Brian. (2017). Narratives with robots: the impact of interaction context and individual differences on story recall and emotional understanding. Frontiers in Roboticsand AI, 4

López Cintas, Jorge. (2007). Por una preparación de calidad en accesibilidad audiovisual. Trans. Revista de traductología, 11, 45-59.

Mandinabeita, Eduardo (2010). La publicidad interactiva. En busca de nuevas estrategias”, Telos, 82. Madrid: Fundación Telefónica: http://sociedadinformacion.fundacion.telefonica.com/seccion=1268&idioma=es_ES&id=2010020211580001&activo=6.do

Mariani, Joseph., Rosset, Sophie., Garnier-Rizet, Martine, Devillers, Laurence. (eds.). (2014). Natural interaction with robots. Knowboots and smartphones. Putting spoken dialog systems into practice. New York: Springer.

McTear, Michael, Callejas, Zoraida, Griol, David. (2016). The conversational interface. Talking to smart devices. Switzerland: Springer.

Morera, Francisco José (2017). Aproximación a la infografía como comunicación efectiva. Tesis doctoral del Departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.  http://hdl.handle.net/10803/457366

Morozov, Evgény (2012). El desengaño de Internet, Barcelona: Destino.

Neira. Elena (2015). La otra pantalla. Barcelona: Editorial UOC.

Nicolás Ojeda; Miguel Ángel.; Grandío Pérez, María del Mar (coords.) (2012). Estrategias de comunicación en redes sociales: usuarios, aplicaciones y contenidos. Barcelona: Gedisa.

Noguera, José Manuel (2012). Redes y periodismo. Cuando las noticias se socializan. Barcelona: Editorial UOC.

O’Neil, Caty (2018). Armas de destrucción matemática. Cómo elbig data aumenta la desigualdad y amenaza la democracia, Madrid: Capitán Swing.

Phillips, Andrea (2012). A Creator’s Guide to Transmedia Storytelling: how to captivate and engage audiences across multiple platforms, New York: McGraw-Hill

Pérez Solà, Cristina; Casas Roma, Jordi (2016). Análisis de datos de redes sociales. Barcelona: Editorial UOC.

Pérez Soler, Susana (2018). Periodismo y redes sociales Barcelona: Editorial UOC.

Poell, Thomas; Nieborg, David B. & Duffy, Brooke Erin (2022) Platforms and Cultural Production. Polity

Quiñones, Daniel & Rusu, Cristian (2017). How to develop usability heuristics: A systematic literature review. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 52, 89-122.

Rendueles, Cesar (2013). Sociofobia. El cambio político en la era de la utopía digital. Madrid: Capitán Swing.

Requena Santos, Félix (2003). Análisis de redes sociales: orígenes, teorías y aplicaciones. Madrid: CIS, Siglo XXI.

Rubio-Tamayo, José Luis.,  Gertrudix Barrio, Manuel & García García, Francisco (2017).  Immersive environments and virtual reality: Systematic review and advances in communication, interaction and simulation  Multimodal Technologies and Interact, 1-21.

Schneiderman, Ben., Plaisant, Catherine., Cohen, Maxine., Jacobs, Steven., Elmqvist, Niklas., Diakopoulos, Nicholas. (2018). Designing the user interface: Strategies for effective human-computer-interaction. Essex: Pearson.

Soto Ivars, Juan (2017). Arden las redes sociales. Madrid: Debate.

Treré, Emiliano. (2020). Activismo mediático híbrido. Ecologías, imaginarios, algoritmos. FES Comunicación. Disponible en  https://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/la-comunicacion/17279.pdf

Valero, José Luis (2010a): Algunas consideraciones sobre la infografía digital, Portal de la  Comunicación: Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona http://www.portalcomunicacion.com/lecciones.asp?aut=64.

Valero, José Luis (2010b): La infografía al servicio de la comunicación de la ciencia, Revista Universitas Científica (Ponencia internacional): Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana deMedellín http://www.upb.edu.co/mantenimiento.html

Valero, José Luis (2010c): La infografía periodística y documental impresa, Portal  de la Comunicación: Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona http://www.portalcomunicacion.com/lecciones.asp?cat=1

Van Dijck, José. (2016). La cultura de la conectividad: Una historia crítica de las redes sociales. Siglo Veintiuno Editores. Disponible en  http://catedradatos.com.ar/media/La-cultura-de-la-conectividad_-Jose-Van-Dijck.pdf

Van Dijck, José; Poell, Thomas & de Waal, Martijn. (2018).The Platform Society. Oxford University Press


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Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TEm) Theory (master) 10 Spanish annual morning-mixed