This version of the course guide is provisional until the period for editing the new course guides ends.

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Gender and Sexuality Studies

Code: 40245 ECTS Credits: 10
Degree Type Year
4313178 Comparative Literature: Literary and Cultural Studies OT 0


Maria Angeles Torras Frances

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


Be familiar with the analysis of artistic and literary texts based on theoretical methodologies.

Objectives and Contextualisation

Reflecting upon the performative (especially corporal) character of artistic texts (especially literary ones) and examining the ideological foundations of cultural representations of gender and sexuality.


  • Apply the ideological foundations of cultural analysis to the different areas of literary criticism and comparativist studies.
  • Evaluate current applications of comparative literature based on the historical processes it has followed.
  • Examine the ideological foundations of cultural representations of gender and sexuality.
  • Examine the main theoretical currents in history of the theory of literature.
  • Make creative, original contributions to the comparativist study of literary and cultural texts.
  • Organise, plan and manage projects.
  • Present research findings to experts and non-experts.
  • Reason critically based on analysis and synthesis.
  • Work in an interdisciplinary team in different contexts.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse and apply the principles and methods of cultural analysis, by establishing links with theoretical and critical approaches, to a variety of literary and cultural texts, paying special attention to the study of gender and sexuality.
  2. Analyse and apply the principles and methods of the most significant recent theoretical currents in formalism, structuralism, myth criticism, semiotics, Marxism, psychoanalysis, deconstruction, feminism, etc.
  3. Apply the principles and methods of current comparativist approaches to the study of literary, artistic and cultural representation of gender and sexuality.
  4. Identify and critically analyse internal and external ideological standpoints in the development of comparativist analysis of gender and sexuality in cultural texts.
  5. Organise, plan and manage projects.
  6. Present research findings to experts and non-experts.
  7. Reason critically based on analysis and synthesis.
  8. Use the comparative, cross-cultural approach to case studies within the specific area of the module (gender and sexuality).
  9. Work in an interdisciplinary team in different contexts.




Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Master Classes 35 1.4 1, 2, 3, 4, 8
Type: Supervised      
Oral presentation of the results of the specialized readings. Debate in the classroom. 30 1.2 1, 2, 3, 6, 4, 8, 7, 9
Planning and writing of the Final Essay 35 1.4 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 5
Type: Autonomous      
Reading specialized texts 50 2 1, 2, 3, 4, 8

In this subject, a methodology typical of the theory of literature, comparative literature and cultural studies will be used, focusing on feminist studies, gay and lesbian studies and queer/cuir theory. Dialogues are established with de/construction, crip theory, digital studies. Interdisciplinary dialogue with Law and Philosophy is encouraged. The contributions of the textual turn, the body turn, the affective turn and the ethical turn are also present.

The classes of the subject will be distributed in sessions in which the professors will explain the content, on the one hand; and debates-dialogues or presentations by the students themselves, on the other hand

The compulsory texts of the subject will be uploaded to the virtual campus more than 15 days  in advance so that the students can arrive with them read to the classes.


Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Individual paper 50% 60 2.4 1, 3, 6, 4, 8, 5, 7
Oral presentation 35% 30 1.2 1, 2, 3, 6, 4, 8, 5, 7, 9
Participation and involvement in the subject 15% 10 0.4 1, 3, 6, 4, 8, 5, 7, 9

  • Oral presentation of one of the proposed theoretical texts (35%). The duration of the exposure should be between 20-30 minutes.

  • An individual paper will be presented in specialized academic article format (between 10 and 12 pages) (50%). The theme, focus, structure will be established and previously worked on in successive tutorials, and they must dialogue with the aspects seen in class. This  will be delivered at the end of the course.

  • Participation and involvement in the subject (15%), especially during the exhibition-tutoring sessions of the final work of modules (January).


  • To pass, the student must obtain a final grade equal to or greater than 5.

  • The proposed activities are mandatory. Therefore, those who do not perform all of them will be considered as not evaluable and will not be able to present themselves for recovery.

  • The works must be original. The total or partial copy of materials already published on any medium is not allowed. In case of presenting non-original material without indicating its origin, the qualification of the activity or work will automatically be suspended (0).

  • Misspellings and drafting drop points. Plagiarism is a crime and involves the failure / total failure of the subject.

    Students will obtain a Not assessed/Not submitted course grade unless they have submitted more than 1/3 of the assessment items.

    In the event of a student committing any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade awarded to an assessment activity, the student will be given a zero for this activity, regardless of any disciplinary process that may take place. In the event of several irregularities in assessment activities of the same subject, the student will be given a zero as the final grade for this subject.


Single assessment

The single assessment includes the delivery of the written work (50%) and the completion of an oral exam (50%) with two types of tests: the development of theoretical aspects (30%) and their application in a text (20%).

The same assessment method as continuous assessment will be used.


Adan, Carme. Feminismo e coñecemento. Da experiencia das mulleres ao cíborg. A Coruña: Espiral Maior Universitas, 2003.

Adler, Kathleen & Marcia Pointon (eds.). The Body Imaged. The Human Formand Visual Culture sincetheRenaissance. Cambridge UniversityPress, 1993.

Alfano Miglietti, Francesca. Extreme Bodies. The Use and Abuse ofthe Body in Art. Milano: Skira, 2003.

Anzaldúa, Gloria. Borderlands/La Frontera. The New Mestiza. Madrid: Capitán Swing, 2016.

Asuman, Bernice L. Changing Sex. Transsexualism, Technology and the Idea Of Gender. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1995.

Asuman, Bernice L. Changing Sex. Transsexualism, Technology and the Idea Of Gender. Durham and London: Duke University Press,1995 

Atencio, Graciela (2011), “Feminicidio-femicidio: un paradigma para el análisis de la violencia de género” [en línea], Disponible en: <>

Atencio, Graciela; laporta, Elena (2012), “Tipos de feminicidio o las variantes de violencia extrema patriarcal” [en línea], Disponible en: <>

Azpeitia, Marta; M. J. Barral, L. E. Díaz, T. González Cortés, E. Moreno, Bergmann, Emilie L. and Paul Julian Smith (eds.). ¿Entiendes? Queer Readings, Hispanic Writings. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1995.

Azpeitia, Marta; M. J. Barral, L. E. Díaz, T. González Cortés, E.Moreno, T. Yago (eds.). Piel que habla. Viaje a través de los cuerpos femeninos. Barcelona: Icaria, 2001.

Bechis, Marco. Garage Olimpo. Largometraje de ficción. 1999.

Benjamin, Walter. Sobre la fotografía. Valencia: Pre-textos, 2004.

Bergmann, Emilie L. and Paul Julian Smith (eds.). ¿Entiendes? Queer Readings, Hispanic Writings. Durham and London: Duke University Press,1995.

Blackmore, Josiah and Gregory S. Hutcheson (eds.) Queer Iberia. Sexualities, Cultures and Crossings from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Durham & London: Duke University Press, 1999.

Blackmore, Susan. La máquina de los memes. Traducción de Montserrat basté-Kraan. Barcelona: Paidós, 2000.

Blocker, Jane. Whatthe Body Cost. Desire, History, and Performance. Minneapolis &London: Universityof Minnesota Press, 2004.

Body / Masquerade . Special Issue of Discourse 11, no. 1 (1988-89).

Bolin Anne. In Search of Eve: Transsexual Rites of Passage. New York: Bergin& Garvey, 1988. 

Bordo, S. (1990). "Reading the slender body", en Jacobus, M., E. Fox-Keller y S. Shuttleworth (eds.). Body/Politics: Women and the Discourses of Silence. Nueva York: Routledge, 1990: 31-53.

Bordo, Susan. Unbearable Weight: Feminism, WesternCulture and the Body. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003.

Bornstein, Kate. Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women and the Rest of Us. New York: Vintage Books, 1995.

Braidotti, Rosi. Nomadic Subjects: Embodiment and Sexual Difference in Contemporary Feminist Theory. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994.

Bronfen, Elisabeth. Over Her Dead Body: Death, Femininity, and the Aesthetic. New York: Routledge, 1992.

Brown Mildred L. & Chloe Ann Rounsley. True Selves: Understanding Transsexualism for Families, Friends, Coworkers, and Helping Professionals. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2003.

Bullough, Vern L. & Bonnie Bullough. Cross Dressing, Sex and Gender. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1993.

Butler, Judith (2006), Vida precaria. El poder del duelo y la violencia. Buenos Aires, Paidós.

Butler, Judith, Cuerpos que importan. Sobre los límites materiales y discursivos del sexo. Traducción de Alcira Bixio. México: Paidós, 2002.

Butler, Judith, El género en disputa. El feminismo y la subversión de la identidad. Traducción de Mónica Mansour. México: PUEG, 2001.

Bynum, Caroline Walker. Fragmentation and Redemption: Essays on Gender and the Human Body in Medieval Religion. New York: Zone, 1991.

Cacho, Lydia. Esclavas del poder. México: Penguin Random House, 2015.

Caiden, J. (2000) "Language, Discourse and the Chronotope: Applying Literary Theory to the Narratives in Health Care". Journal of Advanced Nursing, 31 (3), 506-512.

Caiden,J. (2000) “Language, Discourse and the Chronotope: Applying Literary Theory to the Narratives in Health Care”. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 31 (3), 506-512.

Caputi, Jane; y Diana E.H Rusell (2006). "Feminicidio: sexismo terrorista contra las mujeres". En feminicidio: la política del asesinato de las mujeres, coordinado por Diana E. Russell y Jill Radford, México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México–CEIICH, pp. 53–69.

Carabí, Àngels y Armenhol, Josep (eds.). La masculinidad al debate. Barcelona, Icaria, 2008.

Carbonell, Neus y Torras, Meri (eds.). Feminismos literarios, Madrid: Arco/Libros, 1999.

Carbonell, Neus. La dona que no existeix. De la Il·lustració a la Globalització. Vic: Eumo, 2003.

Carrera, Carlos (dir.) (2009), Backyard: el traspatio. México, Drama.

Case, Sue-Ellen. The Domain-Matrix.Performing Lesbian at the End of Print Culture. Bloomington & Indianápolis: Indiana University Press, 1996.

Conboy, Katie, Nadia Medina, and Sarah Stanbury (eds.). Writing on the body. Female Embodiment and Feminist Theory. New York: Columbia UP, 1997.

Connell, R. W.; Messerschmidt, James W. (2005), «Hegemonic Masculinity. Rethinking the Concept», en Gender & Society, vol. 19, n.º 6, pp. 829-859. DOI:

Corbin, Alain (dir.). Historia del cuerpo (II). De la Revolución Francesa a la Gran Guerra. Traducción de Paloma Gómez, María José Hernández y Alicia Martorell. Madrid: Taurus, 2005.

Creekmur, Corey K. & Alexander Doty (eds.). Out in Culture. Gay, Lesbian, and Queer Essays on Popular Culture. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1995.

Croci, Paula y Alejandra Vitale (comp.). Los cuerpos dóciles. Hacia un tratado sobre la moda. Buenos Aires: la marca editora, 2000.

Cruz Sánchez, Pedro A. La vigilia del cuerpo. Arte y experiencia corporal en la contemporaneidad. Murcia: Tabularium, 2004.

Danto, Arthur C. [1999] El cuerpo / El problema del cuerpo. Traducción de Fernando Abad. Madrid: Síntesis, 2003.

De Diego, Estrella. El andrógino sexuado. Eternos ideales, nuevas estrategias de género. Madrid: Visor, 1992. 

De Lauretis, Teresa, Technologies of Gender. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1987.

De Lauretis, Teresa, The Practice of Love: Lesbian Sexuality and Perverse Desire. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1994.

Devor Holly. Gender Blending: Confronting the Limits of Duality. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989.

Diderot,Denis (ed.). Mente y cuerpo en la Enciclopedia. Madrid: Asociación española de neuropsiquiatría, 2005.

Didi-Huberman, Georges. La Venus rajada. Desnudez, sueño, crueldad. Traducción Juana Salabert. Madrid: Losada, 2005.

Differences. A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies "The Question of Embodiment", 15:3 (Fall 2004).

Doane, Mary Ann, Patricia Mellencamp & Linda Williams (eds.). Re-Vision: Essays in Feminist Film Criticism. Frederick, Md.: University Publications of America, 1984.

Du Page Bois. Sowing the Body: Psychoanalysis and Ancient Representations of Women. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988.

Duch, Lluís i Joan-CarlesMèlich. Escenarios de la corporeidad. Antropología de la vida cotidiana 2/1. Traducción de Enrique Anrubia, Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 2005.

Eisenstein, Zilla R. The Female Body and the Law. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988.

Epstein, Julia & Kristina Straub (eds.). Body Guards: The Cultural Politics of Gender Ambiguity. New York: Routledge, 1991.

Federici, Silvia ([2004] 2010), El Calibán y la bruja. Mujeres, cuerpo y acumulación originaria. Madrid, Traficantes de sueños. Disponible en

Feminism and the Body. Judith Allen and Elizabeth Grosz (eds.). Special Issue of Australian Feminist Studies 5 (Summer 1987).

Figueroa- Sarriera, H. J. (1996) “El realismo mágico de los espacios cibernéticos: la reinversión del cuerpo” en Gordo-López, A. y Linaza, J. (comp). Psicologías, discursos y poder (PDP). Madrid: Visor, 1996: 405-415.

Fraser, Mariam & Monica Greco (eds.). The Body. A Reader. London & New York: Routledge, 2005. 

Fraser, Mariam & Monica Greco (eds.).The Body. A Reader. London & New York: Routledge, 2005.

Fregoso, Rosa-Linda; Bejarano, Cynthia (2011), “Introducción: una cartografía del feminicidio en las Américas” en fregoso, Rosa-Linda (coord.). Feminicidio en América Latina. México: UNAM.

Gallop, Jane. Thinking Through the Body. NewYork: Columbia University Press, 1988.

Garber, Linda. Identity Poetics. Race, Class, and the Lesbian-Feminist Roots of Queer Theory. New York: Columbia University Press, 2001.

Garber, Marjorie B. Vested Interests: Cross-Dressing and Cultural Anxiety. New York: Routledge, 1992. 

Gatens, Moira. Imaginary Bodies: Ethics, Power, and Corporeality. New York: Routledge, 1996.

Gilman, Sander. Picturing Health and Illness: Images of Identity and Difference. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995.

Gilman, Sander. Picturing Health and Illness: Images of Identity and Difference. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995.

Girona, Núria y Manuel Asensi (eds.). Tropos del cuerpo. (Quaderns de filologia de la Universitat de Valencia, IX). Valencia: Universitat de Valencia, 2004.

Glover, David & Cora Kaplan [2000]. Gèneres i identitats sexuals. Trad. Miquel Casacuberta. Vic: Eumo, 2002.

Goldstein, Laurence Jr. (ed.). The Female Body: Figures, Styles, Speculations. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1991.

Griggs Claudine. Journal of a Sex Change: Pasaje Through Trinidad. Oxford, Berg, 2004.

Griggs, Claudine. S/he Changing Sex and Changing Clothes. Oxford New York, 1998 Col·lecció Dress, Body, Culture.

Grosz, Elizabeth. Space, Time, and Perversion: Essays on the Politics of Bodies.New York: Routledge, 1995. 

Grosz, Elizabeth. Volatile Bodies: Toward a Corporeal Feminism. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994.

Haraway, Donna J., Ciencia, cyborgs y mujeres. La reinvención de la naturaleza. Traducción de Manuel Talens. Madrid: Cátedra, 1995.

Hayles, N. Katherine. How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.

Hernández Sánchez, Domingo (ed.). Arte, cuerpo, tecnología. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003.

Hollander, Anne. Seeing Through Clothes. Berkeley, Los Angeles, California: University of California Press, 1993.

Inhoe D. (1998). Los cuerpos en la tecnología. Nuevas tecnologías: nuevas ideas acerca de nuestro cuerpo. Barcelona: EDIUOC, 2004.

Jaggar, Alison and Susan Bordo (eds.). Gender / Body / Knowledge: Feminist Reconstructions of Being and Knowing. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1989.

Jones, Anny Brooksbankand Catherine Davies (eds.). Latin American Women's Writing. Feminist Readings in Theory and Crisis. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.

Judith Allen and Elizabeth Grosz (eds.). Feminism and the Body. Special Issue of Australian Feminist Studies, 5 (Summer 1987).

Kimmel, Michael S. ([1994] 1997), «Homofobia, temor, vergüenza y silencio en la identidad masculina», en Valdés, Teresa y Olavarría, José (eds.), Masculinidad/es. Poder y crisis. Santiago de Chile, Ediciones de las mujeres n.º 24, pp. 49-62.

Kimmel, Michael S. (2000), «Los estudios de la masculinidad: una introducción», en Carabì, À. y Armengol, J. M. (eds.), La masculinidad a debate. Barcelona, Icaria, pp. 15- 32.

Komesaroff, Paul A. Troubled Bodies: Critical Perspectives on Postmodernism, Medical Ethics, and the Body. Durham: Duke Univesity Press, 1995.

La construcció del cos. Una perspectiva de gènere. Monogràfic de Dossiers feministes, 5 (1998).

Lagarde y de los Ríos, Marcela (2011), "Prefacio: claves feministas en torno al feminicidio. Construcción teórica, política y jurídica", en Fregoso, Rosa-Linda (coord.), Feminicidio en América Latina. México: UNAM, pp. 11-42.

Laqueur, Thomas. Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1990.

Le Breton, David. Antropología del cuerpo y modernidad. Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión, 2002. 

Le Breton, David. La sociología del cuerpo. Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión, 2002.

Lupton, Deborah. Medicine as Culture: Illness, Disease and the Body in Western Societes. London: Sage, 1994.

Márqués, Josep-Vicent ([1992] 1997), «Varón y patriarcado», en Valdés, Teresa y Olavarría, José (eds.), «Introducción”, Masculinidad/es. Poder y crisis. Santiago de Chile, Ediciones de las mujeres n.º 24, pp. 17-30.

Martínez-Collado, Ana. Tendenci@s. Perspectivas feministas en el arte actual. Murcia: Cendeac, colección Ad Hoc, 2005.

Mellor, Philip A. & Chris Shilling. Re-formingthe Body: Religion, Community and Modernity. London: Sage cop. 1997.

Mérida, Rafael M. (ed.). Sexualidades transgresoras. Una antología de estudios queer. Barcelona: Icaria, 2002.

Meruane, Lina (2018). Contra los hijos. Barcelona, Random House.

Michie, Helena. The Flesh Made Word: FemaleFigures and Women's Bodies. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987.

Moir, Anne & David Jessei. Brain Sex: The Real DifferenceBetween Men and Women. New York: Delta, 1992. 

Moraga, Cherríe y Gloria Anzaldúa (eds.). This Bridge Called my Back. Writings by Radical Women of Colours. New York: Kitchen Table: Women of Colour Press, 1981.

Moszczyńska-Dürst, eds. “Embodiment (Embodimén)”, a Barbarismos queer y otras esdrújulas R. Lucas Platero, María Rosón y Esther Ortega (eds.), Barcelona: Edicions Bellaterra, 2017: 161-167

Navarro, Antonio José. La nueva carne. Una estética perversa del cuerpo. Madrid: Valdemar, 2002.

Nead, Lynda. The Female Nude: Art, Obscenity, and Sexuality. New York: Routledge, 1992.

Ortner, Sherry B. and Harriet Whitehead (eds.). Sexual Meanings: The Cultural Construction of Gender and Sexuality. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981.

Oudshorn, Nelly. Beyond the Natural Body: An Archaeology of Sex Hormones. New York: Routledge, 1994. 

Pedraza, Pilar. Máquina de amar. Secretos del Cuerpo Artificial. Madrid: Valdemar, 1998.

Pera, Cristóbal. Pensar desde el cuerpo. Ensayo sobre la corporeidad humana. Madrid: Traicastela, 2006. 

Pérez, David (ed.). La certeza vulnerable. Cuerpo y fotografía en el siglo XXI. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 2004. 

Phillips, A. Una defensa del masoquismo. Barcelona: Alba, 1998.

Preciado, Beatriz. Manifiesto contra-sexual. Madrid: Opera Prima, 2002.

Prieto, René. Body ofwriting. Figuring Desire in Spanish American literature. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2000.

Puppo, Flavia (comp.). Mercado de deseos. Una introducción en los géneros del sexo. Buenos Aires: la marcaeditora, 1998.

Ramírez, José Antonio. Corpus solus. Para un mapa del cuerpo en el arte contemporáneo. Madrid: Siruela, 2003.

Ramírez, Juan Antonio y Jesús Carrillo (eds.).Tendencias del arte, arte de tendencias a principios del siglo XXI. Madrid: Ensayos Arte Cátedra, 2004.

Ravelo Blancas, Patricia y Héctor Domínguez Ruvalcaba. “Los cuerpos de la violencia fronteriza” Nómadas n.º 24, 2006, pp. 142-151.

Rodríguez, Ileana (coord.). Cánones literarios masculinos y relecturas transculturales. Lo trans- femenino / masculino / queer. Madrid: Anthropos, 2001.

Rusell, Diana E.H (2006). "Introducción. las políticas del feminicidio”, “Definición del feminicidio y conceptos relacionados”, en Feminicidio: una perspectiva global, México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México–CEIICH, pp. 57-72, 73-96. 

Russo, Mary. Female Grotesques: Risk, Excess, and Modernity. New York: Routledge, 1994.

Sau, Victoria (2000), Diccionario ideológico feminista. Vol. I. Barcelona, Icaria.

Sawicki, Jana. Disciplining Foucault: Feminism, Power and the Body. New York: Routledge, 1991.

Scarry, Elaine. The Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the World. New York: Oxford, 1985.

Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky (ed.). Novel Gazing. Queer Readings in Fiction. Durham &London: DukeUniversityPress, 1997.

Segarra, Marta y Àngels Carabí (eds.) Nuevas masculinidades. Barcelona: Icaria, 2000.

Segato, Rita (2016), La guerra contra las mujeres. Madrid, Traficantes de sueños. Disponible en:

Segato, Rita. Contra-pedagogías de la crueldad. Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros, 2018.

Sey, J. “Thelabouring body andtheposthuman” en Gordo-López, A. y Parker, I. (eds.).         Cyberpsychology. London: MacMillan, 1999: 25-41.

Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine.The Roots of Power: Animate Form and Gendered Bodies. Chicago: Open Court, 1994.

Shilling, Chris.The Body and Social Theory. London: SAGE Publications, 1993.

Smith, Sidonie. Subjectivity, Identity, and the Body: Women's Autobiographical Practices in the     Twentieth Century. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1993.

Suárez Briones, Beatriz, Mª Belén Martín Lucas, Mª Jesús Fariña Busto (eds.). Escribir en femenino. Poéticas y políticas. Barcelona: Icaria, 2000.

Suleiman, Susan Rubin, ed. The Female Body in Western Culture: Contemporary Perspectives. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1986.

T. Yago (eds.). Piel que habla. Viaje a través de los cuerpos femeninos. Barcelona: Icaria, 2001. Benjamin, Walter. Sobre la fotografía. Valencia: Pre-textos, 2004.

Taylor, Diana and Juan Villegas (eds.). Negotiating Performance. Gender, Sexuality, and Theatricality in Latin/o America. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1994.

Torras, Meri i Noemí Acedo, eds. Encarna(c)ciones. Teoría(s) de los cuerpos, Barcelona: EdiUOC, 2008 [ISBN 978-84-9788-727-4]    

Torras, Meri, ed. Corporizar el pensamiento. Escrituras y lecturas del cuerpo en la cultura occidental. Vilagarcía de Aroúsa: Mirabel, 2006 [ISBN-10: 84-934841-4-8 y ISBN-13: 978-84-934841-4-9]

Torras, Meri, ed. Cuerpo e identidad. Estudios de género y sexualidad I, Bellaterra: Edicions UAB, 2007.

Torras, Meri, ed. El poder del cuerpo. Antología de poesía femenina contemporánea, Madrid: Castalia, 2009 [ISBN 978-84-9740-294-1]

Torras, Meri, ed. Monográfico “Cuerpos, géneros y tecnologías” Lectora. Revista de mujeres y textualidad, 10 (2004) []

Torras, Meri. “Cuando el cuerpo de la autora traza la poética emocional del corpus. Un ojo de cristal, de Miren Agur Meabe”, Extremas. Figuras de la felicidad y la furia en la producción cultural ibérica y ibericoamericana del siglo XXI (Roland Spiller, Aránzazu Calderón Puerta, Katarzyna Moszczyńska-Dürst, eds., Berlin: Peter Lang, 2019: 27-46 [ISBN: 978-3-631-80621-0]

Torras, Meri. “Fragilidades del queer-po. Ese torcido amor, de Txus García”, a eHumanista / IVITRA, 17, 2020: 42-61. []

Ussher J. M. The Psychology of the Female Body. Londres: Routledge, 1989.

Valenzuela, Luisa. Simetrias. Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana, 1993.

Valdés, Teresa y Olavarría, José (eds.), «Introducción”, Masculinidad/es. Poder y crisis. Santiago de Chile, Ediciones de las mujeres n.º 24, pp. 9-15.

Vigarello, Georges (dir.). Historia del cuerpo (I). Del Renacimiento a la Ilustración. Traducción de Núria Petit y Mónica Rubio. Madrid: Taurus, 2005.

Vigarello, Georges. Corregir el cuerpo. Historia de un poder pedagógico. Traducción de Heber Cardoso. Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión, 2005.

Vigarello, Georges. Historia de la Belleza. El cuerpo y el arte de embellecer desde el Renacimiento hasta nuestros días. Traducción de Heber Cardoso. Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión, 2005.

Walkerdine, V. (ed.) (2002). Embodiment. Critical Psychology. The International Journal of Critical Psychology, 5 (2002).

Walkerdine, V. Daddy's Girl. Young girls and popular culture. London: MacMillan, 1997.

Wittig, Monique, The Straight Mind and Other Essays. Londres y Nueva York: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992.


Adobe Garamond; Powerpoint; Word or other open-source writing programs.
It is recommended that you install Microsoft Teams for any online video conferencing or lesson.

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TEm) Theory (master) 1 Spanish first semester afternoon