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Structural Biology

Code: 107534 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2500253 Biotechnology OT 4


Ester Boix Borras


Alejandro Peralvarez Marin
Marc Torrent Burgas
Nuria Benseny Cases
(External) Fernando Gil

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


The student must have passed the courses: Basic instrumental techniques, Advanced instrumental techniques and Chemistry and protein engineering.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The general objective of the subject is the structural and functional study of biological macromolecules.

The subject includes a description of the current techniques of resolution and prediction of the three-dimensional structure of biological macromolecules, as well as experimental and computational methodologies for the study of their dynamic behavior and functions.

Top priority will be given to the practical application of the subject, so that students can experience the techniques described by themselves and simulate the behavior of macromolecules and their complexes in a biological context.

Finally, the structural-functional analysis of macromolecules and the prediction of supramolecular complexes will be applied to practical examples of identification of the molecular basis of diseases and drug design.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CM25 (Competence) Work collaboratively in teams to solve problems in the field of systems biology.
  2. KM25 (Knowledge) Describe the physical and chemical bases of the methodology and instrumentation used in genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, interactomic and metabolomic analysis.
  3. KM25 (Knowledge) Describe the physical and chemical basis of the methodology and instrumentation used in genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, interactomic and metabolomic analysis.
  4. SM24 (Skill) Quantitatively model a biological process or system.
  5. SM24 (Skill) Quantitatively model a biological process or system.
  6. SM25 (Skill) Analyse information from databases and software necessary for the study of correlations between structure, function and evolution of macromolecules.



Lesson 1. Advanced Microscopy techniques.

Electron cryomicroscopy, cryotomography; determination of the structure of single particles; transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy. Atomic force and tunneling microscopies; force spectroscopy; nanotribiology. Applications in Biotechnology and Biomedicine.

Lesson 2. Biological applications of synchrotron radiation.

Introduction to the production and characteristics of synchrotron light. X-ray and infrared microscopy: introduction to the technique and applications in biomedicine.

Lesson 3. X-ray crystallography and applications

Basic theoretical foundations of determining the three-dimensional structure of macromolecules by crystallography and X-ray diffraction; properties of crystals; diffraction data processing and 3D model reconstruction. New methodologies with 4th generation synchrotron light sources (free electron lasers, serial crystallography, time resolution experiments and molecular films). Tools for the analysis of functional regions in macromolecules.

Lesson 4. Bioinformatics tools applied to the structural analysis of macromolecules.

Introduction to structural bioinformatics. Methods of prediction and comparison of structures. Identification of functional domains. Applications of artificial intelligence in the prediction of the structure of biomolecules. Docking strategies and applications in drug design. Molecular dynamics and prediction of structural conformations. Study of interaction networks in molecular complexes.


The resolution of practical problems will be proposed to facilitate the consolidation of the theoretical concepts taught. Most of the problem sessions will be taken in the computer room, where structural prediction software will be applied.


There will be 3 sessions of Practices

1stsession: Practices of computer applications to the resolution of structures by Electron Microscopy in the laboratory of the Biophysics Unit.

2nd session: Practices of resolution of three-dimensional structures by X-ray crystallography in the computer room SID.

3rd session: Practices of analysis of functional regions in macromolecules in the SID computer room.


It is planned to include a specialized seminar

Field trip:

Guided tour of the ALBA synchrotron light laboratory. Seminar by Dr. Fernando Gil and explanation of the operation of the stations: BL-09, X-ray microscopy; BL-11, Non-crystalline diffraction and BL-13, Crystallography of macromolecules.


Tutorial sessions may be held during the semester. The objective of these sessions is to resolve doubts and review concepts.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Theoretical lectures 30 1.2 KM25, SM24, SM25
Type: Supervised      
Practicum 9 0.36 CM25, SM25
Problems 10 0.4 KM25, SM25
Type: Autonomous      
Autonomous work 52.5 2.1 CM25, SM24, SM25
solving of practical cases 41 1.64 CM25, KM25, SM25

Theoretical master classes

The teacher will explain the contents of the program with the support of audiovisual material that will be available for students at the Moodle/Virtual Campus section. This support material will be written in English, Catalan or Spanish.

Optionally, seminars by specialists in the field will be held.

Problem cases

Throughout the course you will attend 8 hours of problems’ teaching. Classes will include sessions at the computer room.



There will be guided tours to large installations with specialized equipment. The Protocol of practices will be available at the Virtual Campus before the practice session. Practices will also include sessions at the computer room.

Students must attend the practice session with the Protocol (available at the Virtual Campus) printed and read beforehand and bring a notebook to write down observations and data.

Practices, as well as its evaluation, will be carried out individually or in groups of two people. Attendance at practical sessions is mandatory, except in cases where there is a justified reason to prove the student absence.


Several tutorial sessions can be held during the semester. The aim of these sessions is to answer questions and review concepts with a high level of difficulty.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Evaluation 1st+ 2nd part Theory Exam 70% 5.25 0.21 KM25, SM24, SM25
Practicum evaluation 15% 1 0.04 KM25, SM24, SM25
Problems Evaluation 15% 1.25 0.05 CM25, KM25, SM25


The qualification will be based on the following elements:


1 - Final test of theoretical content: a maximum of 7 points

2 – Problems’ reports: maximum 1.5 points

3 - Participation in practices: maximum 1.5 points


The content of the course will be evaluated in two partial exams.

The proportional weight in the final mark for each of the issues will be proportional to the number of hours taught by each teacher.

The course will be overcome when the final mark is equal to or greater than 50 for a maximum of 100.


Other considerations


Students who cannot attend an individual evaluation test due to a justified cause must provide an official documentation to the Coordinator of the course and shall be entitled to perform the corresponding test in a different date.


To be eligible for the retake process, the student should have been previously evaluated in a set of activities equaling at least two thirds of the final score of the course or module. Thus, the student will be graded as "No Avaluable" if the weighthin of all conducted evaluation activities is less than 67% of the final score


Rules for improving your mark:


It is possible to improve the note of the midterms exam on the occasion of the Recovery Examination. The second note obtained will be considered asfinal ifthis one is higher than the one obtained in the first test.

When the obtained note at the second chance is less than 1 point or more than the first note obtained, the final note considered will be the average of the two notes.

The student will have 10 minutes at the start of the test to decide whether or not to perform the test.

For the maximum awardof honours qualification priority will be given to qualifications obtained in midterms’ exam.


Calculation of the final mark:


Final mark = 0.70 * Theory + 0.15 * Problems + 0.15 * Practices



To pass the course the final mark must be5


Single evaluation:


Students who take advantage of the single evaluation must carry out  all the  sessions of laboratory practices, practices in the computer room and field trip (visit to the synchrotron).

The single assessment consists of a single synthesis test (with questions of variable format on the contents of the sessions of all types). All assignments commissioned during the course must be delivered either during the corresponding session or on the day of the final exam.

The single assessment test shall be carried out coinciding with the date fixed in the calendar of the final examination for the continuous assessment and the same recovery system shall be applied as for the continuous assessment. 

The calculation of the final grade for students who request the single evaluation will be as follows:


Final grade = 0.80 *Theory + 0.10 *Problems + 0.10 *Practices




Web links

  • Training Protein Data Bank Portal



  • Protein Crystallography course. Structural Medicine. MRC-LMB Cambridge University:


  • University of Cambridge. Crystallography. Teaching and Learning packages.



  • Department of structural biology. CSIC, Madrid



Llibres electrònics de lliure accés a la biblioteca de la UAB:

Integrative Structural Biology with Hybrid Methods Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. Vol. 1105. Haruki Nakamura; Gerard Kleywegt; Stephen K. Burley and John L. Markley. Springer. Cohen et al. editors. 2018



Molecular Biology of Assemblies and Machines.A. C. Steven et al. (2016) Garland Science.

Proteins. Structures and Molecular Properties. T.E. Creighton, (1993) 2ed Freeman W.H.and co

Introduction to Biophysical Methods for Protein and Nucleic Acid ResearchGläsel and Deutscher (1995) Academic Press

Crystal Structure Analysis for Chemists and Biologists.J.P. Glusker, M. Lewis and M. Rossi (1994) VCH Publishers, Inc.




UCSF Chimera; CCP4i2; Coot, Phenix; Modeller, Autodockv4, AlphaFold.

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PAUL) Classroom practices 341 Catalan/Spanish second semester morning-mixed
(PLAB) Practical laboratories 341 Catalan/Spanish second semester morning-mixed
(SEM) Seminars 341 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 34 Catalan/Spanish second semester morning-mixed