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Work Placement

Code: 107513 ECTS Credits: 12
Degree Type Year
2503740 Computational Mathematics and Data Analytics OT 4


Isabel Serra Mochales


Dolors Herbera Espinal
Ferran Torres Benitez
Marti Almor Danti

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


The student must have passed the first two courses of the degree and must have passed a minimum of 150 ECTS credits.

The student must have an academic tutor, who will be one of the teachers of the subject.

Note: Enrollment is formalized once the agreement is signed between the UAB and the entity that hosts the student (and this can be at any time during the course), so the first steps to take the subject are taken before being enrolled For non-enrolled students, there will be updated information in the Virtual Campus Coordination Space.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The main objective of the subject is to bring the student closer to the working reality and facilitate their professional insertion.
Taking this subject the student will be able to contrast the theoretical-practical knowledge acquired in the Bachelor's studies with the needs of professional life and will have the opportunity to work in interdisciplinary teams.
Given the duration of these practices, the student may have the possibility of being able to experience the initiation, prospecting, assessment, organization, execution, completion and subsequent realization of the report of a real project.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CM49 (Competence) Perform professional tasks related to computational mathematics and data analytics with ethical responsibility that test critical and reflective capacity, encouraging decision-making.
  2. CM50 (Competence) Compare the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired.
  3. CM50 (Competence) Compare the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired.
  4. CM50 (Competence) Compare the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired.
  5. CM50 (Competence) Compare the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired.
  6. CM51 (Competence) Work in interdisciplinary teams with ethical responsibility and paying attention to sex/gender equality.
  7. CM51 (Competence) Work in interdisciplinary teams with ethical responsibility and paying attention to sex/gender equality.
  8. CM51 (Competence) Work in interdisciplinary teams with ethical responsibility and paying attention to sex/gender equality.
  9. CM52 (Competence) Apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in professional life.
  10. CM52 (Competence) Apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in professional life.
  11. CM52 (Competence) Apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in professional life.
  12. CM52 (Competence) Apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in professional life.
  13. CM53 (Competence) Apply the practical skills acquired in professional life.
  14. CM53 (Competence) Apply the practical skills acquired in professional life.
  15. CM53 (Competence) Apply the practical skills acquired in professional life.
  16. CM53 (Competence) Apply the practical skills acquired in professional life.
  17. KM40 (Knowledge) Identify the skills facilitating the student's incorporation into the labour market.


Stages and activities to be carried out by the student throughout the internship period:

  • Interview with the tutor/academic. Preparation of the CV (2 hours)
  • Planning: search, interviews, organization (10 hours)
  • Work at the company (250 hours)
  • Memory preparation (30 hours)
  • Preparation of the public exhibition of the work carried out (6 hours)
  • Public presentation and assistance in the preparation of colleagues (2 hours)

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Interview and planning 12 0.48
Type: Supervised      
Work in the company 250 10
Type: Autonomous      
Report and public exhibition 38 1.52

Details of the stages and activities to be carried out by the student throughout the internship period:

Stage 1. You must fill in the application form and prepare your CV. Send both to the academic tutor. Hold an interview with the academic tutor and redo, if necessary, the CV. It is necessary to see what type of jobs suit the needs and conditions of the student.

Stage 2. Search for work and go to job interviews. Once the job has been chosen, it is necessary to fill in, together with the company, the UAB-Company agreement proposal. It is necessary to specify the work to be done, how to do it, at what time and on what dates. It is also necessary for the Company to designate a tutor who will ensure, within the Company, the formation of the student; this tutor, once the work is finished, must draw up an evaluation report in which the accreditation of the hours spent and the work done, how it was done and the relationship/adaptation of the student in the work team.

Stage 3. Carry out the tasks assigned by the company under the supervision of the company tutor.

Stage 4. Compilation of the memory of the practices carried out. The student will have a guide to the VIrtual Campus.

Stage 5. Preparation of the public exhibition of the report (must have a maximum duration of 10'). It is recommended to use ICT.

Stage 6. Public exhibition of the report and assistance to the other colleagues who have done the internships in the same period.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Practice report 20% 0 0 CM50, CM52, KM40
Public exhibition 20% 0 0 CM50, CM53, KM40
Work in the company 60% 0 0 CM49, CM50, CM51, CM52, CM53, KM40

The criteria used for the evaluation of the subject "Internships in Companies" are the following:

  • Evaluation report of the tutor appointed by the Company (60%)
  • Content of the Internship Report (20%)
  • Public presentation of the Report in front of a court and colleagues who have done the internship in the same period (20%)

To be evaluated positively, two conditions are essential:

(a) That the tutor's report is positive.
(b) Achieve a positive evaluation in the exhibition.

The student will be considered as "Not Presented" in case the tutor of the Company does not certify that he/she has effectively carried out the work, or in case he/she does not make the public exhibition.

In summary, you need:

  • Accreditation of working hours by the Company's tutor.
  • Report/evaluation of the Company's tutor (it must include the work done, the hours worked and an assessment of how the work was done and the adaptation to the work team).
  • Oral presentation of the work carried out in front of a teacher responsible for the subject and the other colleagues who have also completed the internship in the same period.

This subject, due to its characteristics, does not have the single assessment option.


The bibliography will be variable depending on the type of practice, often provided by the same company. It can be useful to have at hand the bibliography used in the subjects of the career.


The software will be variable depending on the type of practice, often provided by the same company. It can be useful to have on hand the software used in the subjects of the career.

Language list

Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.