Degree | Type | Year |
1500086 Social and Cultural Anthropology | FB | 1 |
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There are no prerequisites.
Ethnographic approach to cultural diversity. Maghreb
Professor. Josep Lluís Mateo Dieste
This is a first year course that develops the basic training to study Social and Cultural Anthropology and that corresponds to the basic subject 'basic concepts and fields of Anthropology'. Introduction to the classic fields of Anthropology (economics, politics, kinship, religion) through specific ethnographic cases and a monograph, in order to provide a holistic approach to cultural diversity and to contrast with our sociocultural context and with other ethnographic examples.
Students will have to recognize and identify the complex and changing reality of the Maghreb populations, from the recent past to the current social situation, marked by processes of modernization, globalization and diaspora, and will receive the tools to deconstruct stereotypes on the otherness and its political uses. Students should be able to detect and analyze the central socio-cultural dimensions as well as the main changes and continuities of Maghreb societies in their main fields: economic and ecological, political and social organization, kinship relations, and symbolic, religious and ritual varieties. From here, ethnographic case studies will be presented, especially in the northern area of Morocco, and tools will be offered to analyze this area from a dynamic point of view, considering the conflict over power, the construction of gender and community inequalities and the impact of modernization processes (colonization, urbanization, emigration), in order to be able to interpret contemporary phenomena.
1. Introduction
- Ethnocentrism and otherness.
- Diversities: ethnicity, religion, class.
- Doing Ethnography in the Maghreb.
2. Economic relations and social organization
- Agricultural and livestock systems in transition.
- Exchange forms
- The informal economy of the border
3. Power, kinship and social organization
- The power of genealogy: state and tribe
- Patrons and clients
- Powers and counterpowers
4. Kinship and gender relations
- Dimensions of kinship
- Marriage and alliance
- Notions of person and gender
5. Islam, text and popular religion
- Religion, magic and symbolic systems
- Popular Islam
- Revitalization movements
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Discussions on audiovisuals and texts | 10 | 0.4 | CM07, CM10 |
Master classes | 40 | 1.6 | KM08, KM09, SM12 |
Type: Supervised | |||
Individual and collective tutorials | 15 | 0.6 | CM07, CM10 |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Preparation and presentation of essays | 35 | 1.4 | CM07, CM10, KM08, KM09, SM12 |
Study and personal work | 50 | 2 | CM07, CM10, KM08, SM12 |
Teaching methodology:
Training Activities:
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Delivery of essays | 40 | 0 | 0 | CM07, CM10, KM08, KM09, SM12 |
Presentations and participation | 20 | 0 | 0 | CM10, SM12 |
Theoretical exam | 40 | 0 | 0 | CM10, KM08, KM09, SM12 |
EVALUATION (continuous or unique)
At the beginning of the course, a schedule will be provided with the calendar of assessment activities and the instructions for the exercises. Consult Moodle regularly to extend / update the information in this guide and for the general functioning of the course.
- Students will obtain a "Not assessed/Not submitted" course grade unless they have submitted more than 30% of the assessment items.
- In order to pass the course, it is necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 5.
- In order to participate in re-assessment, the teacher requires the student to have obtained a minimum final grade of 3,5.
- Activities excluded from re-assessment: non-presence during a visit, practice or presentation cannot be recovered.
- PLAGIARISM: In the event of a student committing any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade awarded to an assessment activity, the Student will be given a zero for this activity, regardless of any disciplinary process that may take place. In the event of several irregularities in assessment activities of the same subject, the student will be given a zero as the final grade for this subject.
A. Continuous evaluation
40% Delivery of essays
20% Presentations and participation
40% Theoretical exams
B. Unique assessment
40% Individual work
20% Essays-commentaries
40% Theoretical exam
-The student must deliver all the tests on the same day, on the date indicated in the calendar.
- The same recuperation system will be applied as for the continuous evaluation.
- Review of the qualification follows the same procedure as for the continuous evaluation.
Bonte, Pierre, Izard, M. 1996 [1991]. Diccionario de Etnología y Antropología, Madrid, Akal.
Cavalli-Sforza, L.uigi; Cavalli-Sforza, Francesco. 1994. ¿Qui som? Història de la diversitat humana, Barcelona, Institut Català d’Estudis Mediterranis.
Evans-Pritchard, E.E. 1976 [1937]. Brujería, magia y oráculos entre los Azande, Barcelona, Anagrama.
Friedman, Jonathan. 2001. Identidad cultural y proceso global, Buenos Aires, Amorrortu.
Gledhill, John. 2000 [1999]. El poder y sus disfraces. Perspectivas antropológicas de la política, Barcelona, Edicions Bellaterra.
González, Aurora, San Román, Teresa, Grau, Jorge. 2003. Las relaciones de parentesco, Bellaterra, Publicacions d’Antropologia Cultural-UAB.
Harris, Marvin. 1998 [1978]. Introducción a la antropología general, Madrid, Alianza Editorial.
Harris, Marvin. 2003. El desarrollo de la teoría antropológica. Una historia de las teorías de la cultura, Madrid, Siglo XXI.
Kottak, Conrad Phillip. 2003 [2002]. Introducción a la antropología cultural. Espejo para la humanidad, Madrid, McGraw-Hill.
Lewellen, Ted. C. 1994. Antropología política, Barcelona, Edicions Bellaterra.
Molina, José Luis, Valenzuela, Hugo. 2007. Invitación a la antropología económica, Barcelona, Edicions Bellaterra.
Morris, Brian. 1995. Introducción al estudio antropológico de la religión, Barcelona, Paidós.
San Román, Teresa. 2023. Los muros de la separación. Ensayo sobre alterofobia y filantropía. Bellaterra, Departament d’Antropologia Social i Cultural, Servei de Publicacions dela Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
(*Recommended general reference work)
Aixelá, Yolanda. 2000. Mujeres en Marruecos. Un análisis desde el parentesco y el género. Barcelona, Edicions Bellaterra.
Bennani-Chraïbi, Mounia; Fillieuele, Olivier (eds.). 2004. Resistencia y protesta en las sociedades musulmanas. Barcelona, Edicions Bellaterra.
Berque, Jacques. 1953. “Qu’est-ce qu’une “tribu” nord-africaine?”, Éventail d’histoire vivante: Hommage à Lucien Febvre offert par l’amitié d’historiens, Paris, Armand Colin, vol. I., pp. 261-271.
––1978. Structures sociales du Haut-Atlas, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France (1955).
Bonte, Pierre; Conte, Édouard; Hamès, Constant; Ould Cheikh, Abdel Wedoud. 1991. Al-Ansâb. La quête des origines. Anthropologie historique de la société tribale arabe, Paris, Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme.
Bonte, Pierre (ed.). 1994. Épouser au plus proche. Inceste, prohibition et stratégies matrimoniales autour de la Méditerranée, Paris, Ed. de l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales.
Bourdieu, Pierre. 1991. El sentido práctico. Madrid, Taurus [1980].
––2006. Sociología de Argelia y Tres estudios de etnología cabilia. Madrid, CIS.
Brett, Michael; Fentress, Elizabeth. 1996. The Berbers. Oxford, Cambridge, Blackwell.
Caro Baroja, Julio. 1990. Estudios saharianos, Madrid, Júcar Universidad [1955].
Crawford, David; Newcomb, Rachel (eds.). 2013. Encountering Morocco: fieldwork and cultural understanding. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Chaker, Salem (dir.). 1987. “Berbères. Une identité en construction”, monogràfic Revue de l'Occident Musulman et de la Méditerranée, 44.
Davis, John. 1977. Antropología de las sociedades mediterráneas. Barcelona, Editorial Anagrama.
*Eickelman, Dale F. 2003. Antropología del mundo islámico. Barcelona, Edicions Bellaterra [2002].
Feliu, Laura; Mateo Dieste, Josep Lluís; Izquierdo Brichs, Ferran (eds.). 2018. Un siglo de movilización social en Marruecos, Barcelona, Edicions Bellaterra.
Gellner, Ernest. 1986. La sociedad musulmana. México, Fondo de Cultura Económica [1981].
Gellner, E.; Micaud C. (eds.). 1972. Arabs and Berbers From Tribe to Nation in North Africa. Duckworth.
Geertz, Clifford; Geertz, Hildred; Rosen, Lawrence. 1979. Meaning and Order in Moroccan Society: Three Essays in Cultural Analysis, New York, Cambridge University Press.
González Turmo, Isabel. 2001. La antropología social de los pueblos del Mediterráneo. Granada, Editorial Comares.
Hammoudi, Abdellah. 2007. Maestro y discípulo. Fundamentos culturales del autoritarismo en las sociedades árabes. Barcelona, Anthropos.
Lacoste, Camille; Yves Lacoste. 2004. Maghreb, peuples et civilisations. Paris, La Découverte [1995].
Lacoste-Dujardin, Camille. 1993. Las madres contra las mujeres. Patriarcado y maternidad en el mundo árabe, Madrid, Cátedra.
López García, Bernabé; Berriane, Mohamed (dir.). 2004. Atlas de la emigración marroquí en España, Madrid, Taller de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos - Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales - UAM Ediciones.
Mateo Dieste, Josep Lluís. 2010. Salud y ritual en Marruecos. Concepciones del cuerpo y prácticas de curación, Barcelona, Edicions Bellaterra.
––2017. Moros vienen. Historia y política de un estereotipo, Melilla, Instituto de las Culturas.
––2021. Recordando a las tatas. Mujeres domésticas y esclavitud en Tetuán (siglos XIX-XX). Granada, Comares.
Moreras Palenzuela, J. (coord.), Alonso Cabré, M.; Ghali Bada, K.; López Bargados, A.; Solé Arraràs, A. 2017. Diàspores i rituals. El cicle festiu dels musulmans de Catalunya, Temes d’Etnologia de Catalunya, núm. 28, Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Cultura.
Moreras, Jordi. 2024. Morts sense terra, cossos sense repòs. Història de la gestió funerària entre els marroquins a Catalunya. Manresa, Bellaterra Edicions.
Ramírez, Ángeles; López García, Bernabé (eds.). 2002. Antropología y antropólogos en Marruecos. Homenaje a David M. Hart. Barcelona, Edicions Bellaterra.
Roque, Maria-Àngels (ed.). 1996. Las culturas del Magreb. Antropología, historia y sociedad. Barcelona, Institut Català de la Mediterrània.
Rosander, Eva Evers. 2004. Mujeres en la frontera. Tradición e identidad musulmanas en Ceuta. Barcelona, Edicions Bellaterra.
Valensi, Lucette. 1986. “La tour de babel: Groupes et relations ethniques au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord”, Annales ESC, nº4, pp. 817-838.
Word processor (Word type).
Name | Group | Language | Semester | Turn |
(PAUL) Classroom practices | 1 | Catalan | first semester | morning-mixed |
(TE) Theory | 1 | Catalan | first semester | morning-mixed |