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Geographical Visions of the World

Code: 107230 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
1500086 Social and Cultural Anthropology FB 1


Marc Pares Franzi


Deisiane Delfino Dos Santos

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


Respect the classroom space where teaching will take place as a safe and comfortable space for learning and debate and keep it free of sexist violence.

Objectives and Contextualisation

This subject is taught in the first year of the degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology. The course provides an introduction to the main themes of human geography, with particular attention to significant aspects of contemporary reality such as the socioecological crisis and debates surrounding its resolution.

The main objective of the course is to provide a systemic and critical understanding of the complexity of the world and the interconnections between different processes at global and local scales. Additionally, it aims to familiarize students with the factors that have contributed to the global socioecological crisis through an exploration of the relationships between political, economic, social, and environmental dynamics, using theoretical, methodological, and empirical tools from the social sciences, especially geography.

The learning objectives include:

  • Understanding the key elements that shape the territorial organization of human societies at a global scale and the processes that transform them. 
  • Mastering the most important concepts used in human geography and current debates about global transformation and the socioecological crisis. 
  • Establishing meaningful connections between different thematic aspects of the program and other subjects. 
  • Acquiring knowledge of geographical tools for analyzing space, territories, and their transformation. 
  • Becoming aware of the formal aspects of academic language: research sources, text analysis, qualitative research tools, and the development of theoretical-empirical academic work. 

Finally, it is emphasized that the classroom space where teaching takes place is safe, conducive to learning and discussion, and free from male violence.



Learning Outcomes

  1. CM02 (Competence) Apply theoretical knowledge of related disciplines to the study of local and global problems, incorporating the gender perspective.
  2. KM01 (Knowledge) Identify the theoretical foundations of the disciplines related to Anthropology and establish their relationships.
  3. KM03 (Knowledge) Interpret current world events incorporating the diversity of geographical, historical, philosophical and sociological perspectives.
  4. KM04 (Knowledge) Identify the interactions between local and global processes studied by related disciplines.
  5. SM01 (Skill) Describe social phenomena in a theoretically relevant way from related sciences, taking into account the complexity of the factors involved, their causes and effects.
  6. SM03 (Skill) Relate the elements and factors involved in the interpretation of local and global contexts studied by related disciplines.
  7. SM04 (Skill) Adequately use the basic language of related sciences in both oral and written expression.



  • Political Geography: A Complex and Changing World
  • A Geographical View of the Global Economy
  • The Process of Urbanization Worldwide
  • World Population and Social Inequalities


  • Social and Cultural Geography
  • Globalization and Cultural Homogenization
  • The Anthropocene and the Global Socioecological Crisis
  • Culture in Technological and Consumer Society


  • Environmental Geography
  • Sustainability, Ethics, and Global Justice
  • Dimensions and Tools to Address the Socioecological Crisis at Global and Local Scales

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Practical exercices (PAUL) 17 0.68 CM02, SM03, SM04
Theory (TE) 30 1.2 CM02, KM01, KM03, KM04, SM01, SM03, SM04
Type: Supervised      
Practical exercices 20 0.8 CM02, SM03, SM04
Tutorials 5 0.2 CM02, KM01, KM03, KM04, SM01, SM03, SM04
Type: Autonomous      
Information search 20 0.8 CM02, KM03, KM04, SM03
Personal study 35 1.4 CM02, KM01, KM03, KM04
Readings 20 0.8 KM01, KM03, KM04, SM01, SM04

The methodology is designed by combining theory with practice and fostering the development of critical and analytical competencies in students. The course is divided into three main thematic blocks, with an interdisciplinary and participatory approach to encourage co-production of knowledge through guided, supervised, and autonomous activities.

1) Guided Activities include:

  • Theoretical sessions led by faculty, encouraging debate and student participation using various teaching resources (presentations, discussions, seminars, videos, directed readings, case studies, etc.). Periodic learning activities are conducted to reinforce content understanding.
  • Classroom practices involving active student participation. A total of 10 in-class practice sessions will be held. The faculty responsible for in-class practices will provide information about the specific practical activity for each session. As a result of these activities, students will submit various practical exercises.

2) Supervised Activities consist of follow-up tutorials and resolving tasks assigned by faculty or addressing any doubts students may have.

3) Autonomous Activities are tasks carried out by students independently, outside the classroom.

  • Autonomous activities can be individual or group-based, depending on the assigned tasks.
  • All assigned tasks will have a specified deadline for submission.
  • Some of these activities may require oral presentations by students.

On the first day of class, faculty will discuss the course program. The program will include detailed content, evaluation activities, submission dates, and mandatory readings for each topic.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Course work 30% 0 0 CM02, KM04, SM03, SM04
Exams 30% 3 0.12 CM02, KM01, KM03, KM04, SM01, SM03, SM04
Practical exercices (PAUL) 25% 0 0 CM02, SM01, SM03, SM04
Theoretical sessions deliveries 15% 0 0 CM02, KM01, KM03, KM04

The continuous assessment system will be used to measure students’ progress and understanding of the content throughout the course. This assessment includes various individual and group activities such as written assignments, presentations, participation in debates and seminars, practical activities, and exams. Not only theoretical knowledge but also critical analysis skills, teamwork, and practical application of studied concepts will be evaluated.

The course assessment is based on the completion of the following activities:

  1. Two partial exams (30%).
  2. Theory-based learning activities: These include submissions and activities to reinforce content understanding during theory sessions. These activities are only available in the classroom and are not recoverable (15%).
  3. Practical exercises resulting from in-class practices (25%).
  4. Coursework (TC): Students, either individually or in groups, must demonstrate their ability to research, organize, synthesize, and analyze information based on regular and supervised work. Work guidelines will be provided on the first day of class. This component is not recoverable (30%).


  • The final grade will be the weighted average of these four activities. To pass the course, students must submit the assessment activities, pass both partial exams (scoring at least 5 out of 10), complete the practical exercises, and submit the coursework.
  • Adherence to assignment submission deadlines set by the course faculty is essential.
  • Proper formal presentation, including correct citation of all information sources and data, is crucial.
  • During each assessment activity, faculty will inform students (via Moodle) about the review process and grading dates.
  • Unsubmitted activities will receive a score of zero (0).


  • Partial exams and in-class practice exercises can be recovered. However, coursework and theory-based learning activities are not recoverable.


  • If a student fails to submit activities that account for more than one-third of the total grade, they will be considered “Not Evaluable.”


  • This course offers a unique assessment system, which will be carried out through the following activities on a date to be determined collaboratively:
    • One (1) written exam replacing the partial exams (45% of the total grade).
    • Submission of proposed practical exercises throughout the course (30% of the total grade).
    • Coursework: Even if a student opts for unique assessment, they are still required to follow the tutorials indicated by the teaching team. In this case, the coursework will be individual (25% of the total grade).




  • Alisa, Giacomo d’ et al. (2015) Decrecimiento. Vocabulario para una nueva era. Barcelona: Icaria.
  • Albet, Abel i Benach, Núria (2012) Doreen Massey. Un sentido global del lugar. Barcelona: Icaria - espacios críticos.
  • Braidoti, Rosi (2015) Lo Posthumano. Barcelona: Gedisa.
  • Breton, David Le (2015). Umbral del camino A  Breton, David Le  Elogio del caminar. Madrid Siruela, p.15 - 24. (orginal  Éloge de la marche, 2000)
  • Bonneuil, C; Fressoz, J.B. (2017). The shock of the Antropocene. UK: Verso. 
  • Herrero, Yayo (2023) Toma de tierra. Bilbao: Caniche.
  • Lorey, Isabell (2016) Estado de inseguridad. Gobernar la precariedad. Madrid: Traficantes de sueños.
  • Méndez, Ricardo; Molinero, Fernando (1998). Espacios y sociedades. Introducción a la geografía regional del mundo. Barcelona: Ariel.
  • Méndez, Ricardo (2011). El nuevo mapa Geopolitico del Mundo. València: Tirant lo Blanch.
  • Moore, Jason W. ¿Antropoceno o Capitaloceno? In book: Anthropocene or Capitalocene? Nature, History and the Crisis of Capitalism (2022).
  • Ortiz, Anna (Coord.) (2011) Visions Geogràfiques del Món. Bellaterra: Servei de Publicacions de la UAB, p. 15 - 24.
  • Romero, Joan (ed). (2007) Geografía Humana. Procesos, riesgos e incertidumbres. Barcelona: Ariel.
  • Santos, Milton. Los espacios de la globalización. Anales de geografía de la Universidad Complutense, ISSN 0211-9803, Nº 13, 1993  págs. 69-77
  • Shiva, Vandana (2017) ¿Quién alimenta realmente al mundo? El fracaso de la agricultura industrial y la promesa de la agroecología. Madrid: Capitán Swing.
  • Shiva, Vandana (2001) Biopiratería: el saqueo de la naturaleza y el conocimiento. Barcelona: Icaria.
  • Solana, Miguel [coord.] (2016) Espacios globales y lugares próximos. Setenta conceptos para entender la organización territorial del capitalismo global. Barcelona: Icaria.
  • Steel, Caroly (2020) Ciudades hambrientas. Madrid: Capitán Swing.
  • Steffen, W; Broadgate, W. Deutsch; Gaffney, O. (2015). The trajectory of the Anthropocene: The Great Acceleration. In The Antropocene Rewiew. Vol. 2 (1) 81-98.
  • Sterling, S. (2010). Transformative Learning and Sustainability: sketching the conceptual ground. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, Issue 5, 2010-11.
  • Turiel, Antonio (2022) Sense energia. Breu Guia per al gran descens. Barcelona: Alfabeto.
  • Urry, John (2017).Offshore. La deslocalización de la riqueza. Madrid: Capitán Swing. (edició original Offshoring de 2014).
  • Vega Cantor, Renan. El Capitaloceno: Crisis civilizatoria, imperialismo ecológico y límites naturales. Bogotá: Editorial Teoría & Praxis , 2019.
  • VIEIRA, P.F. (2007) Ecodesenvolvimento: do conceito à ação. De Estocolmo a Joanesburgo. In: Sachs, I., Rumo à ecossocioeconomia. Teoria e prática do desenvolvimento. São Paulo: Cortez, p. 9-31 (Coletânea
  • organizada por Paulo Freire Vieira).
  • VIEIRA, P.F. (2016) Ecodesenvolvimento: desvelando novas formas de resistência no Antropoceno. In: C.M.M. SOUZA et al. Novos Talentos: processos de educação para o ecodesenvolvimento. Blumenau: Nova
  • Letra, p. 23-63.
  • Vivas Esther (2014) El negocio de la comida. ¿Quién controla nuestra alimentación? Barcelona: Icaria.

*During the course, this bibliography will be complemented with references on specific topics.




Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PAUL) Classroom practices 1 Catalan/Spanish second semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 1 Catalan/Spanish second semester morning-mixed