Degree | Type | Year |
2503878 Sociocultural Gender Studies | FB | 1 |
You can view this information at the end of this document.
This subject has no prerequisites, but students are advised to make use of the complementary bibliography found in the bibliography section.
The student must have the necessary linguistic knowledge to be able to express themself correctly both in writing and orally.
The subject proposes to trace the basic conceptual frameworks from which feminism has been understood in the Western tradition, as well as the paradigm changes that justify the different conceptualizations of gender, and its fundamental relationship with the body and identity . The conceptual and contextual connections are raised, as well as the mechanisms and critical instruments, which allow establishing genealogical accounts in the chronology of feminisms, from which specific analytical frameworks are inferred.
BLOCK I. Feminist genealogies: actions, positions and points of view.
BLOCK II: Re-shaping of feminist knowledge in history.
BLOCK III: Intersectional genealogical narratives (Fanzine)
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Presentation of the course. Theoretical expositions of the main concepts. Text comments. Group activities in the classroom and presentations in class by the students. | 45 | 1.8 | |
Type: Supervised | |||
Tutorials and monitoring of activities | 20 | 0.8 | |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Individual work on the proposed activities: readings, preparation of exhibitions and materials. Group work: documentary research, interview, creation of the fanzine. | 35 | 1.4 |
In this subject, theoretical and practical sessions will be based on feminist art based methodologies, to create a collective, intersectional and transdisciplinary mapping of feminist genealogies.
This will be done by:
Note: 15 minutes of a class will be set aside, within the calendar established by the center/degree, for students to fill in the teacher performance and subject evaluation surveys.
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Group activity | 45 % | 20 | 0.8 | KM30, KM31, SM29, SM30, SM31, SM32 |
Self-assessment classroom activity: sharing life and cultural references: who and what has awakened in us a feminist outlook on the world | 20% | 10 | 0.4 | KM29, KM30, KM31, KM33, SM27, SM30, SM31 |
Test | 35 % | 20 | 0.8 | KM29, KM30, KM31, KM33, SM27, SM31 |
Continuous assessment
Individual activities (55%)
Individual evaluation activities (2 assignments), in which students will reflect on problems related to the concepts developed in class (blocks I and II).
Group activity (45%)
Elaboration of a fanzine (Block III): In groups of between 2 and 5 people will have to choose a topic related to feminisms in order to complete the genealogy worked in class to create a fanzine in group.
The evaluation of the course is continuous and presupposes the attendance and participation in class and the constant monitoring of the course. In order to take the resit activity, the student must have completed two thirds of the activities of the evaluation. If the student obtains a grade between 3.5 and 5, he/she will have the right to resit. The teacher will inform the students of the procedure and the date of revision of the grades. The group activity is not recoverable given the methodology used. The late delivery of an assignment will result in a penalty of 2 points. Students will receive a grade of "Not Evaluated" when they do not submit any of the individual and group evaluation activities or when they do not take the written test.
Single assessment
This course does not include a single evaluation system.
Ahmed, S. (1998). Differences that Matter: Feminist Theory and Postmodernism. Cambridge University Press.
Amorós, C. y de Miguel, A. (eds.) (2014). Teoría feminista: de la ilustración a la globalización. De la ilustración al segundo sexo. Minerva ediciones.
Bal, M. (1999). Quoting Caravaggio, contemporary art, preposternous history. University of Chicago Press.
Braidotti, R. (2004). Feminismo, diferencia sexual y sexualidad nómada. Gedisa.
Butler, J. (2002). Cuerpos que importan: sobre los límites materiales y discursivos. Paidós.
Butler, J. (2006). Deshacer el género. Trad. de Patricia Soley-Beltran. Paidós.
Butler, J. (2007). El género en disputa: el feminismo y la subversión de la identidad. Paidós.
Ciriza, A. (2020). Tramar/Urdir/Anudar genealogías feministas situadas. Los desafíos del espacio y el tiempo. La Aljaba, Vol. XXIV: pp. 145-157.
Curiel, O. & Falconí, D. (2021). Feminismos decoloniales y transformación social. Icaria.
Davis, A. (1981/ 2022). Mujeres, raza y clase. Akal.
Federici, S. (2013). Revolución en punto cero. Trabajo doméstico, reproducción y luchas feministas. Traficantes de Sueños.
Foucault, M. (1979). La arqueología del saber. Ed. Siglo XXI.
Foucault, M. (2022). Nietzsche, la genealogía, la historia. Pre-textos Editores.
Gotby, Alva (2023). Ellos lo llaman amor. Verso Libros.
Haraway, D. (1995). Conocimientos situados: La cuestión científica en el feminismo y el privilegio de la perspectiva parcial. En: Ciencia, cyborgs y mujeres. La invención de la naturaleza. Cátedra.
Haraway, D. (2019). Seguir con el problema, Generar parentesco en el Chthuluceno. Edición Consonni.
Haraway, D. (2023). Mujeres, simios y cíborgs. Alianza Ensayo.
Harding, S. (1988). “Is There a Feminist Method?”. Feminism and Methodology. Ed. Sandra Harding. Indiana University Press.
hooks, b. (2020). ¿Acaso no soy una mujer?: mujeres negras y feminismo. Consonni.
hooks, b., et al. (2004). Otras Inapropiables: feminismos desde las fronteras. Traficantes de sueños.
Irigaray, L. (1995). La diferencia sexual como fundamento de la democracia. Duoda, Revista d’Estudis Feministes, núm. 8.
Irigaray, L. (2002). Between East and West: from singularity to community. Columbia University Press.
Lorde, A. (2022). Hermana otra. Editorial Horas y horas.
Mohanty, C.T. (2008). “Bajo los ojos de occidente. Academia Feminista y discurso colonial”. En Liliana Suárez Navaz y Aida Hernández (eds.). Descolonizando el Feminismo: Teorías y Prácticas desde los Márgenes. Cátedra.
Preciado, P. (2008). Testo Yonqui. Sexo, drogas y biopolítica. Anagrama.
Vergès, Françoise (2022). Feminismo descolonial. Traficantes de sueños.
Wittig, M. (2006). El pensamiento heterosexual. Egales.
Wittig, M. (2021 1973). El cuerpo lesbiano. Pre-Textos.
No software is used in this subject.
Name | Group | Language | Semester | Turn |
(PAUL) Classroom practices | 1 | Catalan | second semester | morning-mixed |
(TE) Theory | 1 | Catalan | second semester | morning-mixed |