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Education and Gender

Code: 106974 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2503878 Sociocultural Gender Studies FB 1


Mireia Foradada Villar


Mireia Foradada Villar

Teaching groups languages

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No requirements.

Objectives and Contextualisation

This course aims to reconstruct the main theories of education to understand the meanings attributed to them and to explore how educational perspectives are influenced by gender and other intertwined systemic and subjective elements.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CM06 (Competence) Analyse the theoretical framework in question and the presence or absence of the gender perspective in existing research, projects or experiences of psychosocial, educational and community intervention.
  2. CM07 (Competence) Design educational activities that take socio-cultural and gender diversity into consideration.
  3. CM08 (Competence) Help design educational activities that are free from any kind of sexist, homophobic, bi-phobic or transphobic stereotypes.
  4. CM09 (Competence) Promote co-education as an inclusive process that will help eradicate discriminatory behaviour towards the LGTBIQ+ community and discrimination based on sexual or affective orientation.
  5. CM10 (Competence) Put teamwork skills into practice: a commitment to the team, regular collaboration, encourage problem solving, apply the ethics of care and provision.
  6. KM13 (Knowledge) Incorporate post-colonial, feminist and intersectional perspectives into the analysis of different socio-educational settings.
  7. SM08 (Skill) Identify different socio-educational models from throughout history and look at how they have contributed to generating, reproducing or overcoming inequalities, before drawing up corrective measures for violence triggered by discrimination against sex, gender and sexual orientation.
  8. SM09 (Skill) Propose co-education practices inspired by gender diversity.


1. Theories of education from a gender perspective.

Thinking about education through authors. Creating a dialogue and sharing interpretations in large groups.

2. Construction of gender and expression of identities in education. 

Reflections and debates on identities and knowledge in education on the basis of biographies, stories and educational experiences from a gender reading.

3. Postcolonial, decolonisation, feminism and intersectional perspectives in education.

Analysis of educational situations and positions through case studies.

 4. From segregation to co-education, and a queer pedagogy.

Analysing stereotypes, prejudices and sexism in socio-educational contexts in order to build transformative pedagogical relations and knowledges.

5. Inclusives education, gender and the socio-educational change.

Using methodologies from inclusive and feminist pedagogies oriented towards socio-educational change.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Group activities and oral presentations by the students 20 0.8
Thematic lessons with all the group 30 1.2
Type: Supervised      
Tutorials and supporting the activities 35 1.4
Type: Autonomous      
Individual work about the proposed activities: readings, preparation of oral presentations and materials 65 2.6

The sessions of this subject will be mainly theoretical and will therefore require independent work on the basis of the proposed readings in order to place us in historical contexts and theories of education from a gender perspective. The selection of texts and readings will be accompanied by various classroom activities. These will be designed to encourage shared reflection and dialogue. 

Teacher-led sessions to introduce the basic content

 - Group activities:

Students oral presentations.

Project of a socio-educational action linked to the final work.

Reading and reflecting on the assigned texts.

Individual work:

Final work on the contents of the subject. 

Teaching and supervising activities related to the final project.

Final work on the content of the subject

Follow-up activities related to completing the final project on methodological proposals (at least two).

Note: 15 minutes of a class will be reserved, within the schedule set by the center/title, for student supplementation of teacher performance evaluation and assignment/module evaluation surveys.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
1. Autobiographical vignette: experiential account 10 0 0 CM06, CM09, KM13, SM08
2. Individual project: writing the autobiographical story 35 0 0 CM06, CM09, KM13, SM08, SM09
3. Exhibitions that create a dialogue between thinkers on the theories of education with feminisms 30 0 0 CM06, CM09, CM10, KM13, SM08, SM09
5. Group project: Design of transformative and emancipatory methodologies based on the individual projects 25 0 0 CM07, CM08, CM09, CM10, KM13, SM09


The evaluation activities specified above will be evaluated during the whole of the academic semester. Activities are specified in 

- PERFORMANCE DIMENSION. In a group, the students will organise exhibitions in which different thinkers and theories of education will be put into dialogue with feminism.

- PRODUCTIVE DIMENSION. Students will individually contribute with reflections on their own socio-educational trajectories to build feminist political analysis and theories on education.

- SYSTEMIC DIMENSION. Students will contribute in groups to processive and emancipatory methodological reflections and proposals. 


Assessment procedure

Teachers will inform students (via Campus) about the procedure and the date of the qualification review at the time of each final activity. 


Students will be given the opportunity to recover the subject by doing additional independent work or by revising some of the activities carried out, if they have followed the subject properly during the course and still have some unachievable aspects (min. 3.5). Each case will have to be studied according to the situation of each student and, if it is necessary, a day will be set for the recovery after the end of the lessons (until the publication of the calendar and the timetables on the website of the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy).


Consideration of Non-Assessable Students

To achieve a total grade for the subject, students must complete and submit all three evaluation activities, obtaining a minimum score of 5 in each. Therefore, a grade of "not assessed" will be given if a student does not participate in and pass all three evaluation activities: the individual project, the exhibitions "Dialogues between Educational Thinkers," and the group project "Transformative and Emancipatory Methodologies."


Evaluation activities that are excluded from recovery

The final project (individual and group) will not be recoverable because it will be followed by a seminar/tutorial where students will be accompanied throughout the process of producing it. The evaluation will thereforebe formative and summative at the end, and it is understood that students will have to incorporate improvements and progress from this accompaniment. 

Additional information

 If the student commits any irregularities that may lead to a significant change in the grade of an assessment act, this assessment act will be given a grade of 0, regardless of the disciplinary procedure that may be ordered. In the case of a series of irregularities in the evaluation acts of the same subject, the final qualification of this subject will be 0. 

The unique assessment is not applied to this subject.


Compulsory list of literature (chapters will be selected):

Cabaleiro, Júlia (2005). Educació, dones i història. Una aproximació didàctica. Barcelona: Icària. 

Chakravorty Spivak, G. (2017). Una educación estética en la era de la globalización. Ciudad de México, México: Siglo XXI editores.

Chakravorty Spivak, Gayatri. ¿Puede hablar el subalterno?. Revista colombiana de antropología, 2003, vol. 39, p. 297-364.

Dewey, J. (1916). Democracia y educación. Madrid: Morata [1998].

Foucault, Michel. (1975). Vigilar y castigar: nacimiento de la prisión. Buenos aires: Siglo XXI. 

Freire, Paulo. (1975). Pedagogía del oprimido. Buenos aires: Siglo XXI. 

Garcés, M. (coord.) (2019). Humanitats en acció. Barcelona: Raig verd.

Garcés, M. (2020). El contratiempo de la emancipación [https://www.medialab-matadero.es/documentos/el-contratiempo-de-la-emancipacion-marina-garces].

Gilligan, Carol (2013). La ética del cuidado. Barcelona: Fundació Víctor Grífols i Lucas. 

hooks, bell (1994). Enseñar a transgredir. La educación como práctica de libertad. Madrid: Capitán Swing [2021].

hooks, bell. (2022). Ensenyar pensament crític. Barcelona: Raig verd.

Rousseau, Jaques (1762). Emili o De l’educació. Edicions diverses. 

Wollstonecraft, Mary. (1792). Vindicación de los derechos de lamujer (No. 225). Madrid: Akal. 


Recomended bibliography:

Acker, Sandra (1994). Género y educación. Reflexiones sociológicas sobre mujeres, feminismo y enseñanza. Madrid: Narcea.

Ahmad, Fauzia (2010). Modern traditions? British muslim womenand academic achievement. Gender and Education, 13 (2),137-152.

Azorin Abellán, Cecilia María (2014). Actitudes del profesorado hacia la coeducación, Claves para una educación inclusiva. Ensayos: Revista de Educación de Albacete, 29 (2): 159-174 [<ahref="https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=4911722">https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=4911722].

Bedia, Rosa Cobo. (Ed.). (2008). Educar en la ciudadanía: perspectivas feministas. Madrid: Los libros de la Catarata.

Belausteguigoitia, Marisa i Mingo, Araceli (Eds.) (1999). Géneros prófugos. Feminismo y educación. México: UNAM-Paidós.

Blanco, Nieves (coord.). (2001). Educar en femenino y en masculino. Madrid: Akal.

CIDE/Instituto de la Mujer (2006). Incorporación y trayectoria de niñas gitanas en la ESO. Madrid: Fundación Secretariado Gitano, Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos sociales.

Cobo, Rosa (Ed.) (2007). Interculturalidad, feminismo y educación. Madrid: La Catarata i Junta de Andalucía, Plan de Igualdad.

Ellsworth, Elizabeth (1999). ¿Por qué esto no parece empoderante? Dins de Marisa Belausteguigoita i Araceli Mingo (eds.), Géneros Prófugos: Feminismo y educación (pp. 55-89). Paidós: México. 

García-Pérez, Rafael; Buzón Garcia, Olga; Piedra de la Cuadra, Joaquín i Quiñones Delgado, Carlos (2010). La ceguera de género en el profesorado. Ponencia presentada en el Congreso Universitario Nacional de Investigación y Género. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla [http:// http://hdl.handle.net/11441/40179].

García-Pérez, Rafael; Rebollo Mª Ángeles; Vega, Luisa; Barragán‐Sánchez, Raquel; Buzón, Olga & Piedra, Joaquín (2011). El patriarcado no es transparente: Competencias del profesorado para reconocer la desigualdad. Cultura y Educación, 23(3): 385‐397.

Gilligan, Carol. (1993). In a different voice. United States of America: Harvard University Press.

Grañeras, Montserrat i Mañeru Méndez, Ana (Coords.). Revisión bibliogràfica sobre mujeres y educación (1983-2007). Madrid: CIDE/Instituto de la Mujer. 

Herraiz, Fernando (2008). Una reflexión sobre la masculinidad en la escuela. Una experiencia de aprendizaje de género y sexo. Aula. De innovación educativa, 177. Barcelona: Graó.

hooks, bell; Flores, Valeria; Britzman, Deborah (2016). Pedagogías transgresoras. Córdoba: Bocavulvaria ediciones.

Luke, Carme (1999). Feminismos y pedagogías en la vida cotidiana. Madrid: Morata

Observatori per a la Igualtat (2017). Perspectiva de gènere en les competències dels estudis de Ciències de l’Educació. Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Pié Balaguer, Asun (2009). Educació social i teoria queer. De l’alteritat o les dissidències pedagògiques. Barcelona: UOC.

Pié, Asun (2009b). De la teoria queer i les altres maneres depensar l’educació. Temps d’Educació37, 253–270. Universitat de Barcelona.

Piedra, Joaquín (2014). Género, masculinidades y diversidad. Educación física, deporte e identidades masculinas. Barcelona: Octaedro.

Planella, Jordi, i Pié, Asun (2012). Pedagoqueer: resistencias y subversiones educativas. Educación XXI, 15.1, Facultat d’Educació, UNED, p. 265–283. Disponible a: http://e-spacio.uned.es/fez/eserv.php?pid=bibliuned:EducacionXXI-2012-15-1-5130&dsID=Documento.pdf

Rebollo, Ángeles (Coord.) (2006). Género e interculturalidad: educar para la igualdad. Madrid: Aula abierta/Muralla.

Rodríguez Martínez, Carmen (Comp.) (2007). Género y currículo. Aportaciones del género al estudio y pràctica del currículo. Madrid: Akal.

Rodríguez, Encarna.(2001) Neoliberalismo, educación y género: análisis crítico de la reforma educativa española. No. 34. Las Ediciones de La Piqueta.

Selcuk, R. Sirin i Michelle (2008). Fine Muslim AmericanYouth. Understanding hyphenated identities through multiple methods. NYU Press.

Sensoy, Özlem and Darius Christopher, (2011). Muslim voices in school: narratives of identity and pluralism. Sense Publishers. Leiden.

Sibai, Sirin. Adlbi. (2018). La cárcel del feminismo: hacia un pensamiento islámico decolonial (Vol. 13). España: Ediciones AKAL.

Skelton, Christine; Francis, Becky i Smulyan, Lisa (Eds.) (2006). The SAGE handbook of Gender and Education. London: Sage.

Subirats Martori, Marina/ Tomé González, Amparo/ Solsona Pairó, Núria (2019).Coeducar: posar la vida al centre de l’educació. Dossier Graó. ISSN2462-5914

Subirats, Marina (2017). Coeducación, apuesta por la libertad. Madrid: Octaedro.

Sundaram, Vanita (2014). Preventing youth violence: Rethinking the role of gender and schools. UK: Springer.

Talburt, Susan i Steinberg, Shirley (eds) (2005). Pensando queer: sexualidad, cultura y educación. Barcelona: Grao.

Tomé, Amparo i Rambla, Xavier (2001). La coeducació de les identitats masculinesa l’educació secundària. Bellaterra: Institut de Ciències de l’Educació, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 

UNESCO (2015). A Guide for Gender Equality in Teacher Education Policy and Practices. http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0023/002316/231646e.pdf

Walkerdine, Valerie (1998). La cultura popular yla erotización de las niñas. A: Curran-Morley-Walkerdine. Estudios culturales y comunicación. Barcelona: Paidós.

Yip, Andrew Kam-Tuck & Sanjakdar,Fida (Ed.) (2018). Critical Pedagogy, Sexuality Education and Young People: Issues about Democracy and Active Citizenry (Adolescent Cultures, School, and Society)New York:Peter Lang.


Online references/internet sites

Coeducació i formació del professorat

Generalitat de Catalunya. Pla d’igualtat del sistema educatiu, http://ensenyament.gencat.cat/ca/arees-actuacio/centres-serveis-educatius/projectes-educatius/comunitat-educativa-entorn/pla-igualtat-genere/

Subirats, Marina (2010). La coeducación hoy: Los objetivos pendientes. Gobierno Vasco. Emakunde, Programa coeducativo para la igualdad, el respeto y la no-violenciahttp://www.emakunde.euskadi.eus/contenidos/informacion/proyecto_nahiko_formacion/es_def/adjuntos/2010.09.21.marina.subirats.pdf.

Instituto de la Mujer (2008). Guia de Coeducación. Síntesis sobre la Educación para la Igualdad de Oportunidades entre Mujeres y Hombres. Madrid: Ministerio de Igualdad. http://www.inmujer.gob.es/observatorios/observIgualdad/estudiosInformes/docs/009-guia.pdf


Propostes per treballar la igualtat de gènere a l’aula

CIRD, Ajuntament de Barcelona. Recursos pedagògics online per a la igualtat: http://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/recursospedagogics/ca

Gender and Education (resources: pedagogies): http://www.genderandeducation.com/resources-2/pedagogies/

Igualtat en ruta. Recursos coeducatiushttp://isonomia.uji.es/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/PDF-igualtat_en_ruta-recursos_coeducatius.pdf

Institut Català de les Dones. Recursos per a la sensibilització, coeducació i violència masclista (àmbits d’actuació): <ahref="http://dones.gencat.cat/ca/inici/">http://dones.gencat.cat/ca/inici/

Instituto Asturiano de la Mujer (2001). Coeducación. Guia de recursos. Asturias: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Consegería de la Presidencia. http://www.educarenigualdad.org/media/pdf/uploaded/old/Mat_177_guia_de_los_recursos.pdf.

IREX. Creating Supportive Learning Environments for Girls and Boys: A Guide for Educators. https://www.irex.org/resource/creating-supportive-learning-environments-girls-and-boys-guide-educators

Roset, Montserrat; Pagès, Eugència; Lojo, Mirta i Cortada, Esther (2008). Guia de coeducació per als centreseducatius: pautesde reflexió i recursos per a l’elaboració d’un projecte de centre.Barcelona: Institut Català de les Dones, Departament d’Educació, Generalitat de Catalunya http://dones.gencat.cat/web/.content/03_ambits/docs/publicacions_eines10.pdf.


- Projectes i altres recursos

Coeducacció. Cooperativa que treballa per la transformació educativa des d’una perspectiva de gènere


Judith Butler. Género y sexualidad para adolescentes. Diálogo con Miquel Missé y 300 estudiantes


OASIS ofrece espacios de encuentro y socialización para adolescentes con expresiones y identidades de género y sexualidades diversas. http://oasislgtb.org/es/


Text and image editor.

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PAUL) Classroom practices 1 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 1 Catalan first semester morning-mixed