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Gender and Transculturality

Code: 106973 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2503878 Sociocultural Gender Studies OB 2


Gabriela Paula Poblet Denti

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


It is recommended to have taken basic principles of Anthropology (first-year subject).

Objectives and Contextualisation

- To understand gender as an analytical category, construct and social organizer from a cross-cultural perspective.
- To identify the cross-cultural variability of sex/gender systems in different societies around the world, at a historical and contemporary level.
- To identify and analyze the cultural change in gender relations in different societies around the world.
- To denaturalize and avoid essentialisms in explanations of gender difference and inequality.
- To know the main explanatory theories made by anthropology on female subordination/male domination. Contributions and criticism
- To understand and analyze current debates on human rights, patriarchy and intercultural relations.
- To apply the intersectional and transcultural perspective to current problems and challenges within the framework of globalization.
- To understand the main contributions and epistemological debates presented by feminist ethnography and the dialogues with anthropology and science in general.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CM04 (Competence) Identify the effects of sex and gender variables in empirical analyses.
  2. KM09 (Knowledge) Provide an analytical description of everyday situations in which ethnic concepts about gender have an impact on specific processes of intercultural relations in different societies around the world.
  3. KM11 (Knowledge) Use documentary materials and basic readings (ethnographic texts and audiovisual sources), to identify the impact androcentrism has on different cultures in the shaping and converging of the different aspects of social inequality: class, ethnic group, sexuality, gender expression and disability.
  4. KM12 (Knowledge) Apply knowledge of cultural variability and its genesis in argumentative texts that avoid ethnocentric projections of social phenomena different from those found in one's own culture, or which may only manifest a similar form.
  5. SM05 (Skill) Critically analyse a current event or phenomenon from a gender-based, ethnographic perspective.
  6. SM06 (Skill) Analyse discursive phenomena related to the construction and expression of gender identities by adopting a transcultural perspective.


Topic 1: Introduction to the Anthropology of Gender: basic concepts and main questions. Variability and change.

Topic 2: The discussion on female subordination (perspectives, evolutionary, culturalist, materialist and symbolic) and its criticism from post-colonial feminisms. Ethnographic examples in different parts of the world.

Topic 3: Intersectionality. Complicating the use of the gender category. Uses and abuses, ethnographic approaches.

Topic 4: Globalization, patriarchy and intercultural relations: current debates.

Topic 5: Feminist ethnography: from silenced groups to collaborative ethnography.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Class discussions 10 0.4 CM04, KM09, KM11, SM05, SM06
Critical analysis of audiovisual material 15 0.6 KM09, KM11, SM05
theoretical and practical classes 25 1 CM04, KM09, KM11, KM12, SM05, SM06
Type: Supervised      
Individual tutoring 5 0.2 CM04, KM11, KM12, SM05, SM06
Written works 25 1 KM09, KM11, KM12, SM05
Type: Autonomous      
Lectures 32 1.28 KM09, KM12, SM05, SM06
Personal study 30 1.2 CM04, KM09, KM11, SM05, SM06

The teaching methodology will be theoretical and practical, with a combination of master classes, viewing and analysis of documentaries and audiovisual material, lectures, debates and discussions, and written work done in class.

Training activities: theoretical and practical classes, lectures, written assignments and tutorials that include feedback from teaching staff.

The proposed teaching methodology and assessment may undergo some modification depending on the restrictions on attendance imposed by the health authorities.

Note: 15 minutes of class time will be set aside within the timetable established by the centre for students to complete the teaching assessment questionnaire for the course.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Participation in class and deliverables 20% 2 0.08 KM11, KM12, SM05, SM06
Written test second block 40% 3 0.12 CM04, KM09, KM11, KM12, SM05, SM06
written test first block 40% 3 0.12 CM04, KM09, KM11, KM12, SM05, SM06

Continuous assessment:

The subject will be divided into two blocks (1 and 2)
40% Written test of the subject taught in class (block 1)
40% Written test of the subject taught in class (block 2)
20% Participation in class and delivery of exercises in the classroom.

A minimum grade of 5 will be necessary in the written tests to be averaged with the rest of the grades. If the minimum of 5 is not reached, you will have to go to recovery. Each written test (per block) will be recovered independently.

It will be possible to recover the written tests (in the recovery period). But they will NOT be recoverable nor the participation or activities that will be done in the classroom during classes.

At the time of carrying out each evaluation activity, the teacher will inform the students (Moodle) about the procedure and date for reviewing the qualifications.

In the event that any type of irregularity is detected that could lead to a significant variation in the grade of a certain evaluation act, it will be graded 0, regardless of the disciplinary process that may arise from it. In the event that several
irregularities in the evaluation acts of the same subject, the final grade for this subject will be 0.

The student will receive the grade of "Not evaluable" as long as he/she has not delivered more than 30% of the evaluation activities.

Unique evaluation

This evaluation modality includes two evaluation activities on a date set at the end of the subject with the right to recovery.

1. Written test (70%). Knowledge of the two blocks of the subject will be evaluated jointly.

2. Written test (30%) on the application of a specific reading that the student will be able to choose from three proposals. (through communication with the teacher).

As with continuous evaluation, in the event that any irregularity is detected that could lead to a significant variation in the rating of an evaluation act, this evaluation act will be graded 0, regardless of the disciplinary process that may be instituted.

The same recovery system will be applied as for the continuous evaluation.


Aixelà, Y. (2005). Género y antropología social. Sevilla: Editorial Doble J.

Abu-Lughod, L. (2019). ¿Puede haber una etnografía feminista? En  Alhena Caicedo (Ed.), Antropología y feminismo (pp.15-48). Popayán-Colombia: Asociación Colombiana de Antropología. 

Ardener, Sh. (1985). The Social Anthropology of Women and Feminist Anthropology, Anthropology Today, Vol. 1, No. 5 (Oct., 1985), pp. 24-26.

Behar, R., & Gordon, D. A. (Eds.). (1995). Women writing culture. Univ of California Press.

Chapman, A. (2008 [1989]. El fin de un mundo: los Selknam de Tierra del fuego. Museo Marítimo de Ushuaia: Urruty Publications.

Cortés Maisonave, A., & Manjarrez, J. (2021). Género y movilidades: lecturas feministas de la migración. Bruxelles, Berlin, Bern, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang. 418 p.

Gregorio Gil, C. (1998). Migración Femenina. Impacto en las relaciones de género. Madrid: Narcea.

-(2006). Contribuciones feministas a problemas epistemológicos de la disciplina antropológica: representaciones y relaciones de poder. AIBR Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana, 1 (1): pp.22-39.

Méndez, L. (2019). Retos de la antropología feminista: Entre teorías y practicas etnográficas.


Hansen, K. T. (1986). Domestic service in Zambia. Journal of Southern African Studies, 13(1), 57-81.

Harris, O. y Young, K. (1979). Antropología y feminismo. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama.

Héritier, F. (1991). La sangre de los guerreros y la sangre de las mujeres. Alteridades, (2), 92-102.

Lewin, E. (2006). Feminist Anthropology. A Reader. Oxford: Blackwell.

Linton, Sally 1979. “La mujer recolectora: sesgos machistas en antropología” En Harris, Olivia y Young, Kate eds. 1979. Antropología y Feminismo. Barcelona, Anagrama: 35-46.

Martín Casares, A. (2006). Antropología del Género. Culturas, mitos y estereotipos sexuales. Madrid: Cátedra. 

McDowell, L. (2000). Género, identidad y lugar: un estudio de las geografías feministas (Vol. 60). Universitat de València.

Mead, M. (1972 [1968]) “La educación del niño samoano”, en Adolescencia, sexo y cultura en Samoa, (pp.54-69). Barcelona: Ed. Laia.

Mead, M. (1949). Male and female: A study of the sexes in a changing world.

Méndez, L. (1988). Cousas de mulleres: campesinas, poder y vida cotidiana (Lugo, 1940-1980) (Vol. 14). Anthropos Editorial.

Méndez, L. (2007). Antropología feminista. Madrid: Síntesis. 

Moncó, B. (2011). Antropología del género. Madrid: Síntesis. 

Moore, H. [1988] (1991). Antropología y feminismo. Madrid: Cátedra.

Ortner, S. B. (1979). ¿Es la mujer con respecto al hombre lo que la naturaleza con respecto a la cultura? Antropología y feminismo (pp. 109). Barcelona: Anagrama.

Parreñas, R. (2014). Servants of Globalization. Women, Migration, and Domestic Work. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.

Poblet, G (2024) Criadas de la globalización. Editorial ICARIA.

Rollins, J. (1985) Between Women. Domestics and Theirs Employers. Philadelfia, Temple University Press.

Scheper-Hugues, N. (1997 [1992]).  La muerte sin llanto. Violencia y vida cotidiana en Brasil. Barcelona, Ariel.

Stolcke, V. (2002). Dialéctica de género en el trabajo en las plantaciones de café. Sao Paulo. En: América Latina. Historia y Sociedad. Una visión interdisciplinaria. (Piqué, R. & Ventura, M. eds.). Barcelona: ICCI

Stolcke, V. (2003). La mujer es puro cuento: la cultura del géneroQuaderns de l'Institut Català d'Antropologia, (19), 69-95.

Strathern, M., & MacCormick, C. (1980). Nature, culture and gender. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Suarez, L. (coord.) (2008). Feminismos en la antropología. Nuevas propuestas críticas. San Sebastián: Ankulegi.

Téllez Infantes, A. (2002) Las mantecaeras de Estepa. Un trabajo de campo antropológico sobre una industria local. Sevilla: Ed. Ayuntamiento de Estepa y Diputación Provincial de Sevilla.


Do not require

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PAUL) Classroom practices 1 Catalan/Spanish second semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 1 Catalan/Spanish second semester morning-mixed