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Urbanisation Process: Urban Systems and Morphology

Code: 106942 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2503743 Management of Smart and Sustainable Cities OB 2


Aina Pedret Santos

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


Minimum requirement:
											Understanding of the Catalan language and expression and writing in the Catalan or Spanish language. The subject has a strong participation evaluation component and oral presentation, so it is a requirement to have a good level of expression and writing in Catalan or Spanish.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The subject represents another step in the training of students in geography and urban dynamics. It was born with the desire to deepen some of the contents introduced in the 1st Year subjects 'Introduction to the contemporary city' and 'Demography, society and economy', as well as to deal with new ones.

The subject will provide students with elements for understanding and analyzing the dynamics of the urbanization process. The topic will be approached from two points of view, corresponding to several levels of scale: the urban system and the urban morphology, interrelated through the concept of network.

These are the major axes on which the subject is structured:

- Definition and delimitation of the city through the various methods available: institutional, morphological, functional, economic structure, hierarchy of services, ways of life, etc.

- Urban morphology: urban plots and their constituent elements.

- Urban land income, as an essential element for the configuration of urban spaces and as a condition of the economy and urban society, including the distribution of social groups over the territory.

- Urban resilience. Challenges of the urbanization process and innovative approaches.

- Urban systems. Integration, interrelation and interdependence at the various levels of scale: metropolitan, regional, continental and planetary.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CM08 (Competence) Distinguish factors of urban injustice and inequality in the study of urban dynamics and establish actions to correct them.
  2. KM11 (Knowledge) Analyse behaviours, flows, networks and forms of urban life at various geographical scales.
  3. SM10 (Skill) Use relevant sources of information for the study of urban movements and citizen practices.


During the course, work will be based on this general program:

1. Definition and delimitation of the city.

2. Urban morphology: urban plots and their constituent elements.

3. Land rent, segregation and gentrification.

4. Urban resilience. Urban challenges and innovative approaches.

5. Urban systems and governance: integration, interrelationship and interdependence in a multiscalar system.

At the beginning of the course, the detailed program by session will be provided.


Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Directed practical classes 9 0.36
Guided theoretical classes 23 0.92 CM08, KM11, SM10
Work field 9 0.36 CM08, KM11, SM10
Type: Supervised      
Individual or small group tutoring 5 0.2 CM08, KM11, SM10
Realization of the research poster 27 1.08 CM08, KM11, SM10
Type: Autonomous      
Readings and preparation of written tests 30 1.2 CM08, KM11, SM10
Realization of the memory of field work 9 0.36 CM08, KM11, SM10

The course will last for about 13 weeks, at the rate of 3 hours per week (plus 2-3 field trips to be made)

The different types of teaching activity are summarized below:

- Theoretical sessions: They obey the classic articulation that the teacher presents the theoretical content through a power point and audiovisual content. Readings and audiovisual content will be proposed for each session and class participation will be encouraged. The theoretical sessions will include 15 minutes at the beginning of class to answer an assessment test from the previous session.

- Practical sessions: 1) Practical sessions related to the theoretical content and based on readings and a structured debate, which will need to be prepared together and will be assessable. and 2) practical sessions dedicated to the preparation of the research poster that students must prepare throughout the course intended to work directly on the poster and will reinforce the work that students must do on their own (resolve doubts and learn techniques for preparing scientific posters).

- Field trips. 2-3 course trips will be made inside the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona with the aim of observing and analyzing on the ground the theoretical concepts discussed in the subject.

The Moodle of the Virtual Campus will be used as a means of communication between the teaching staff and the students. The Moodle of the Virtual Campus will include the subject materials: syllabus, theoretical sessions (ppt), instructions for the practical sessions, guides for the preparation of the research poster and other useful materials.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Active participation in practical sessions 10% 9 0.36 CM08, KM11, SM10
Field work and memory 10% 12 0.48 CM08, KM11, SM10
Preparation and presentation of a research poster 20% 7 0.28 CM08, KM11, SM10
Theoretical exam 40% 6 0.24 CM08, KM11, SM10
Weekly test 20% 4 0.16 CM08, KM11, SM10

Continuous evaluation system. This subject/module does not provide for the single assessment system

The assessment consists of 4 main items:

- Theoretical content:

  •  There will be a test at each 15-minute theoretical session (20%)
  •   and two partial exams (40%)

- Research poster: 20%

- Field work report: 10%

- Practical sessions: 10%


- Examination of the individual theoretical content: A test-type test at the start of each theoretical session. The purpose of the test is to verify whether the students have acquired the theoretical knowledge that has been taught in the previous classes. It is cumulative (20%). Two development tests of theoretical and practical questions throughout the course (40%). If the average obtained from all the tests is a 5 or higher, it will allow you to pass the subject and not have to sit for the final exam (pre-set date by the degree coordination). The theoretical content must be passed (5 or more) to make an average with the rest of the items. In no case will the use of translation devices be allowed during the written tests, nor any other electronic device.

- Realization of a group research poster. The students, grouped in groups of 4-5 people, will have to analyze in depth some of the proposed topics, which they will choose themselves. The most significant information will have to be chosen to embody it in the poster, which they will have to present and defend publicly. The result of the research poster will represent 20% of the course grade. Completion of the research poster is mandatory, although no more than a 5 is required to average.

- Report of individual field work. It is necessary to present a report of the field trips, they represent 10% of the grade. Memory submission is mandatory, although no more than a 5 is required to average.

- Individual participation in practical sessions will be valued at 10% of the final grade.



Failure: It will be the grade of those people who do not get a 5in the tests of theoretical content (weekly test + two partial theoretical exams)

Non-evaluable: In the event that no delivery is made, or no exam is taken, the corresponding grade will be "non-evaluable". In any other case, the corresponding note will appear.

Recovery: Students who fail one or two of the partial exams will have to take the final exam and the corresponding part (on a date pre-set by the degree coordinator). As for the poster and the internship report, they can be re-evaluated only once in case of failure. The poster presentation is not re-evaluable

Copying or plagiarism: If someone commits any irregularity in the assessment activities - copying, plagiarism or others - they will receive a grade of 0 for the said activity, without prejudice to other actions that may be taken in this regard.

In the case of people taking the subject for the second year (repetitors), the notes of the practical activities (research poster or practical report) can be kept as long as they have passed the 5.

Honors Matriculation: Honors matriculations will be granted to people who obtain a final grade higher than 9, up to 5% of the enrolled students according to descending order of final grade.

The review of the evaluations will be done in the period indicated by the teacher and at the request of the interested person through the review of the materials and their discussion.


Abella, Martí (2004): Ciutat Vella. El centre històric reviscolat. Barcelona: Aula Barcelona.

Albet, A., i Benach, N. (2017). Gentrification as a Global Strategy: Neil Smith and Beyond. London i New York: Routledge.

Busquets, J. & Correa, F. (2007). Ciudades X formas: una nueva mirada hacia el proyecto urbanístico. Itàlia: Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Nicolodi Editori

Benach, N. & Albet, A. (2018 ). "La gentrificación como una estrategia global". Papers: Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona: Territori, estratègies, planejament 60, pp. 17-23

Borja, Jordi (2010): Luces y sombras del Urbanismo de Barcelona. Barcelona: Editorial UOC.

Capel, H. (2002). La morfología de las ciudades. Tomo I: Sociedad, cultura y paisaje urbano (Vol. 37). Barcelona: Ediciones del Serbal.

Font, Joan; Blanco, Ismael (2003): Polis, la ciutat participativa. Participar en els municipis: qui, com i per què? Barcelona: Diputació de Barcelona.

Institut Metròlpi. (2018) . Revista papers. N.60 – Gentrificació i dret a la ciutat. https://www.institutmetropoli.cat/ca/revistapapers/n-60-gentrificacio-i-dret-a-la-ciutat/

Institut Metròlpi. (2018) . Revista papers. N.61 – Governança metropolitana. https://www.institutmetropoli.cat/ca/revistapapers/n-60-gentrificacio-i-dret-a-la-ciutat/ https://www.institutmetropoli.cat/ca/revistapapers/n-61-governanca-metropolitana/

Institut Metròlpi. (2018) . Revista papers. N. 58– Megaregions i desenvolupament urbà sostenible. factors estratègics per a l’Àrea metropolitana de Barcelona en el context europeu. https://www.institutmetropoli.cat/ca/revistapapers/n-58-megaregions-i-desenvolupament-urba-sostenible-factors-estrategics-per-a-larea-metropolitana-de-barcelona-en-el-context-europeu/

López-Gay, A. (2017). Hacia un patrón territorial complejo de la movilidad residencial. El caso de la Región Metropolitana de Barcelona. Papers. Revista de Sociologia, 112(4), 793-823.

Nel·lo, O. (1998). "Los confines de la ciudad sin confines. Forma urbana y límites administrativos en la ciudad difusa". En Monclús, F.J. La ciudad dispersa. Barcelona: CCCB.

Nel·lo, O. & Mele, R. (2016).  Cities in the 21st century. London-New York: Routledge.

Mitchell, B., & Franco, J. (2018). HOLC ‘Redlining’maps: The persistent structure of segregation and economic inequality. Whasington: National Community Reinvestment Coalition


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Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PAUL) Classroom practices 611 Catalan second semester afternoon
(PCAM) Field practices 611 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(PCAM) Field practices 612 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(PCAM) Field practices 613 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 61 Catalan second semester afternoon