This version of the course guide is provisional until the period for editing the new course guides ends.

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Clinical Placement in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Code: 106713 ECTS Credits: 4
Degree Type Year
2502442 Medicine OB 6


Antonio Gil Moreno

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


It is advisable that students do not have any subjects from previous courses pending approval. It is advisable to have achieved sufficient knowledge in:

- Biostatistics

- Bioethics and communication

- Epidemiology

- Physiopathology and clinical semiology

- Surgical pathology

- Medical pathology

- Clinical pharmacology

- Gynecology-Obstetrics

- Knowledge of a third language, preferably English

It is recommended that students have passed the following subjects: Medical Physiology I and II.

Human Anatomy: Splacnology. Medical Psychology. Human Anatomy: Neuroanatomy. Structural and Molecular Pathology. General Pharmacology. Physiopathology and Clinical Semiology. Epidemiology. Basics of Clinical Surgery. Obstetrics and Gynecology.

The students will acquire the commitment to preserve the confidentiality and professional secrecy of the data they may have access to because of the learning in the care services. Also in maintaining an attitude of professional ethics in all their actions.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The subject corresponds to the last year of the Degree in Medicine (6th year), once the students already know the scientific foundations of Gynecology/Obstetrics.

The general objective is for students to consolidate previous knowledge and achieve clinical, communication and research and handling skills for scientific information related to Gynecology-Obstetrics:

We classify the objectives in general and specific:


  • Make a diagnosis by knowing how to take a history and establish a differential diagnosis, under the supervision of the teaching staff.
  • Make a diagnosis and establish the treatment of a specific pathology, under the supervision of the teaching staff.
  • Establish good interpersonal communication that enables you to address patients, relatives, companions, medical team and other healthcare professionals with efficiency and empathy.


  • Know the clinical characteristics and controls and protocols in the control of normal pregnancy. Studying the appropriate controls in pathological pregnancy: high-risk monographic consultations.
  • Understand the ultrasound study in normal and pathological pregnancy: be able to interpret an ultrasound in the 3 trimesters of pregnancy.
  • Know normality as well as the most frequent pathologies in Fetal Medicine.
  • Know the delivery assistance mechanism: be able to attend a eutectic delivery in an emergency situation.
  • Study the process of the normal puerperium and the detection of the pathology of the puerperium as well as the recommendations on breastfeeding.
  • Study the basic concepts of female and male infertility: be able to interpret the basic infertility study.
  • Know the process of assisted reproduction: be able to understand the processes of artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization.
  • Knowthe appropriatecontrols to perform preventive medicine in gynecology: be able to perform a cervico-vaginal cytologicalsample, a gynecological examination as well as know the recommendations on breast cancer screening.
  • Know the basic ultrasound in Gynecology: be able to interpret a gynecological ultrasound.
  • Study and learn cervical pathology: be able to interpret a colposcopy, know the basic protocols of cervical pathology as well as the most frequent surgical treatments
  • Know the mechanisms of action of the vaccine against the papillomavirus (HPV) as well as the recommendations accepted at national and international level regarding its indications according to age groups.
  • Study the basic control of the menopause as well as the recommended controls and the basic treatment guidelines: be able to interpret the controls that are asked of the menopausal woman.
  • Know the most common methods of contraception, their indications and contraindications. Be able to recommend the appropriate treatment for a given patient.
  • Study the most common benign gynecological pathologies in gynecology: diagnostic and therapeutic protocols.
  • Know the lapatology of the pelvic floor and urinary incontinence: the diagnosis, the indications for rehabilitation as well as the most frequent surgical techniques including mesh placement techniques.
  • Know the most common sexually transmitted diseases: epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment and the prevention of each of them.
  • Know the most frequent gynecological neoplasms, including breast pathology: diagnostic and therapeutic protocols as well as follow-up.
  • Study the clinical characteristics, the imaging and clinical diagnosis and the surgical treatment guidelines including the study of the sentinel node.
  • Know and understand surgical techniques: hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, pelvic floor surgery, benign gynecological surgery, gynecological and breast oncological surgery.

- Competences (listed according to degree report)

  • Communicate clearly, both orally and in writing, with other professionals and the media.
  • Communicate effectively and clearly, both orally and in writing, with patients, relatives and companions, to facilitate their decision-making, informed consent and compliance with prescriptions.
  • Demonstrate adequate clinical experience in hospital, health center, or other health care institutions, under supervision, as well as basic knowledge of patient-centered clinical management and appropriate use of tests, medications, and other health system resources.
  • Develop professional practice with respect for patient autonomy, their beliefs and culture, with respect for other health professionals, demonstrating teamwork skills.
  • Listen carefully, obtain and synthesize relevant information about the problems that afflict the patient and understand the content of this information.
  • Establish good interpersonal communication that enables you to address patients, relatives, companions, doctors and other healthcare professionals with efficiency and empathy.
  • Maintain and update your professional competence, giving special importance to independent learning of new knowledge and techniques and to motivation for quality.
  • Maintain and use records with patient information for subsequent analysis, preserving data confidentiality.
  • Have the ability to work in an international context.
  • Use information and communication technologies in professional activity.
  • Critically evaluate and use clinical and biomedical information sources to obtain, organize, interpret and communicate scientific and health information.

- Learning outcomes (listed according to degree report)

  1. Real access to the care protocols of the different entities that make up the set of pathologies.
  2. Analyze medical records systematically.
  3. Analyze the limitations thatexist in the interpretation of behavior through non-verbal communication.
  4. Apply the theoretical knowledge of pathology that has been acquired during the degree to clinical practice.
  5. Apply the essential elements of bioethics (patient rights, doctor's obligations).
  6. Collaborate in simple clinical and surgical maneuvers that have been practiced with simulators, always under supervision.
  7. Communicate appropriately with the patient and their relatives.
  8. Communicate clearly, both orally and in writing, with other professionals and the media.
  9. Adequately consult and keep patient information records in order.
  10. Know the basic elements of communicating the results of clinical research.
  11. Be able to correctly describe the criteria for hospitalization.
  12. Describe the communication process and its effect on the professional-patient relationship.
  13. Distinguishing basic emotions in primary care patients through the interaction between the various non-verbal components.
  14. Have the opportunity to take a history and complete physical examination by devices and systems, under supervision.
  15. Identify the basic elements of the doctor-patient interview in an environment of high accessibility and presence, with longitudinal attention.
  16. Identify the forms of presentation of the different pathological processes.
  17. Identify the basic rules of pharmacotherapy.
  18. Maintain and update your professional competence, giving special importance to independent learning of new knowledge and techniques and to motivation for quality.
  19. Observe the therapeutic attitude, the evolutionary course and its prevention in cases where possible.
  20. Being able to actively participate in care tasks, taking clinical histories, requesting complementary studies (laboratory, imaging techniques) when necessary and under supervision, and which help guide the clinical history.
  21. Participate in discussions to solve theclinical problems raised.
  22. They can write medical orders undersupervision, as well as consultation and assistance reports.
  23. Write a complete clinical history in a systematized way.
  24. Respect patient participation in decisions about the health and illness process.
  25. Have the ability to work in an international context.
  26. Use information and communication technologies in professional activity.


  • Be able to work in an international context.
  • Communicate clearly and effectively, orally and in writing, with patients, family-members and accompanying persons, to facilitate decision-making, informed consent and compliance with instructions.
  • Communicate clearly, orally and in writing, with other professionals and the media.
  • Critically assess and use clinical and biomedical information sources to obtain, organise, interpret and present information on science and health.
  • Demonstrate sufficient supervised clinical experience in hospitals or other healthcare centres, and familiarity with patient-centred care management and the correct use of tests, medicines and other resources of the healthcare system.
  • Empathise and establish efficient interpersonal communication with patients, family-members, accompanying persons, doctors and other healthcare professionals.
  • Engage in professional practice with respect for patients' autonomy, beliefs and culture, and for other healthcare professionals, showing an aptitude for teamwork.
  • Listen carefully, obtain and synthesise relevant information on patients' problems, and understand this information.
  • Maintain and sharpen one's professional competence, in particular by independently learning new material and techniques and by focusing on quality.
  • Maintain and use patient records for further study, ensuring the confidentiality of the data.
  • Use information and communication technologies in professional practice.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Access the healthcare protocols for the different components of the pathology.
  2. Analyse patient records systematically.
  3. Analyse the limitations to the interpretation of behaviour from non-verbal comunication.
  4. Apply the basic elements of bioethics (patients' rights, doctors' obligations).
  5. Apply the theoretical knowledge of the pathology acquired during the bachelor's degree to clinical practice.
  6. Be able to work in an international context.
  7. Collaborate on simple clinical and surgical manoeuvres after supervised practice on simulators.
  8. Communicate appropriately with patients and their family-members.
  9. Communicate clearly, orally and in writing, with other professionals and the media.
  10. Consult patient records appropriately and keep them in order.
  11. Correctly describe the criteria for hospitalisation.
  12. Describe the communication process and its effect on the professional caregiver–patient relationship.
  13. Draft medical instructions, reports on consultations and treatment, official reports and certificates.
  14. Identify basic emotions in primary healthcare patients through the interaction between the different non-verbal components.
  15. Identify the basic elements of the face-to-face doctor–patient interview in a context of high accessibility and longitudinal care.
  16. Identify the basic rules of pharmacotherapy in adults and children.
  17. Identify the presentation forms of the different pathological processes.
  18. Involve patients in decisions on the health-illness process.
  19. Know the basic elements of the communication of clinical research results.
  20. Maintain and sharpen one's professional competence, in particular by independently learning new material and techniques and by focusing on quality.
  21. Observe the therapeutic approach, the clinical course and its prevention in cases where this is possible.
  22. Participate in discussions to solve the clinical problems being faced.
  23. Perform an anamnesis and a complete physical examination by systems on adults and children.
  24. Prepare a complete patient record systematically.
  25. Take an active part in care tasks: preparing patient records, requesting complementary studies (laboratory, imaging techniques) when needed and helping to focus the patient record.
  26. Use information and communication technologies in professional practice.



A. Rotation through the different care devices of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Services of the Teaching Units and skills practice rotation

B. Guards

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
ASSISTENCIAL CLINICAL PRACTICES (PCA) 54 2.16 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 19, 11, 12, 14, 23, 15, 17, 16, 20, 21, 25, 22, 13, 24, 18, 6, 26
Type: Autonomous      
PAPERS ELABORATION / PERSONAL STUDY / READING OF ARTICLES / INTEREST REPORTS 39 1.56 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 17, 16, 20, 21, 25, 24, 26

Department(s) responsible: Department of Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology and Medicine and Preventive and Public Health

This guide describes the framework, contents, methodology and general rules of the subject, in accordance with the current study plan. The final organization of the subject in terms of the number and size of groups, distribution in the calendar and dates, specific evaluation criteria, will be specified in each of the Hospital Teaching Units (UDH), which will explain this through from their web pages and on the first day of class for each subject, through the professors responsible for the subject at the UDHs.

At the time of writing this Guide, the professors designated by the Departments as responsible for the subject at Faculty and UDH level are:

Head of Faculty: Antonio Gil-Moreno:; (tel: 934896000, ext 3217, 3066)

UD-Vall Hebron: Antonio Gil Moreno.

UD-Sant Pau: María del Carmen Medina Mallen.

UD-Brothers Trias and Pujol: Miguel Angel Luna Tomás.

UD-Parc Taulí: Ramón Cos.

Subject credits: 4 ECTS = 100 hours (4 credits x 25 hours)

DIRECTIONS (54 hours)

- Care clinical practices (PCAh) with rotations, rotation of skills: 45h (3h x 5d x 3 weeks)

- Guard: 9am

AUTONOMOUS (41 hours)

- Personal study, bibliography consultation, Preparation for mini-CEX (according to U. teacher) 25h

- Completion of work or clinical case presentation depending on the teaching unit: 16h

ASSESSMENT (5 hours)

Exceptionally and according to the criteria of the responsible teaching staff, the available resources and the health situation of eachmoment in the different Teaching Units, part of the content corresponding to theoretical lessons, practicals and seminars may be taught face-to-face or virtually.

Note: 15 minutes of a class will be set aside, within the calendar established by the center/degree, for students to fill in the teacher performance and subject evaluation surveys /module.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Practical assessment: structural objective clinical assesssment (ACOEs) 40% of the final mark 2 0.08 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 19, 11, 12, 14, 23, 15, 17, 16, 20, 21, 25, 22, 13, 24, 18, 6, 26
Practical evaluation 60% of the final mark 5 0.2 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 19, 11, 12, 14, 23, 15, 17, 16, 20, 21, 25, 22, 13, 24, 18, 6, 26

Rotation 60%:

- Continuous evaluation of rotation and guard 40%

- Clinical case presentation 20%


Notes *

Assistance and punctuality












Participation and integration




















- Students will be considered Apt if they achieve a total score equalto or greater than 11/16


- Attendance and punctuality: it will be assessed that the student has regularly attended all the days of the rotation and that in case of absence he has given notice.

- Attitude: it will be valued that students are willing to learn, that they know and review the clinical cases, that they ask questions and show a positive attitude towards learning.

- Participation and integration: The responsibility of the student in the tasks that the tutor asks of him, the ability to work in a team and the opinions he contributes in a session or in other assistance activities will be assessed.

- Initiative: It will be assessed if the students are curious to learn, read the protocols of the service, the diagnostic and treatment guides.

- Communication: It will be assessed if the student is able to synthesize and communicate a clinical case to team mates in a clinical session of the service

CLINICAL CASE PRESENTATION: Clinical case presentation followed during the rotation will be assessed, both the written report/summary and the oral presentation.

ACOEs 40%:

- Practical part 20%

- Theoretical Part 20%

The assessment represents 5% of the 4 ECTS (100 hours), i.e. 5 hours. It is a practical assessment.

This subject does not provide for the single assessment system 

Students who do not take the assessment tests detailed above both at the Hospital and at the ACOES will be considered as Not Assessed, exhausting their rights to register for the subject. Special situations will be assessed individually by a committee that includes those responsible for this subject.


  Centers for Disease Control and Prevent, 

·           Observatorio Nacional de la Incontinencia, 

·           Sociedad Española de Fertilidad, 

·           AEPCC, Asociación Española de Patología Cervical y Colposcopia, 

·           FIGO, Word Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 

·           SEGO, Sociedad Española de Ginecología y Obstetricia, 

·           ESGO, European Society of Gynaecological Oncology, 

·           NIH, National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, 

·           AHRQ, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 

·           Ovarian Epithelial, Fallopian Tube, and Primary Peritoneal Cancer Treatment, 

·            NCCN National Comprehensive Cancer Network Guidelines, 


·           Padilla Iserte, Pablo; Santaballa Beltrán, Ana; Domingo del Pozo, Santiago. Ginecología oncológica: Manual práctico. Editorial Médica Panamericana. 2019. Versión en digital y en papel. 

·           SEGO Sociedad Española de Ginecología y Obstetricia; Cabero Roura, Luis; Cabrillo Rodríguez, Eduardo. Tratado de ginecología y obstetricia. Editorial Médica Panamericana. 2a edición. 2013. 2 tomos. Versión en digital y en papel. 

Book available online (2015): 

Book available in paper: 

·           Alcázar Zambrano, Juan Luis. Ecografía en la paciente con cáncer ginecológico. Editorial Médica Panamericana. 2022. Versión en digital y en papel. 

·           Hoffman, Barbara. Williams Ginecología. Ed. McGraw-Hill. 2018. 

Online, 4a ed. 2020: 

·           Ayhan, Ali; Reed, Nicholas; Gultekin, Murat; Dursun, Polat. ESGO eAcademy. Textbook of Gynaecological Oncology. ESGO European Society of Gynaecological Oncology. 4a ed. 2017. 

Available in ESGO, European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (per accedir cal ser soci):


No specific software required.

Language list

Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.