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Corporal and Psychomotor Education in Early Childhood Centres I

Code: 105048 ECTS Credits: 4
Degree Type Year
2500797 Early Childhood Education OB 3


Maria del Mar Pérez Martín


Maria del Mar Pérez Martín
(External) Maria del Carmen González André

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


There are no prerequisites for this course .

Objectives and Contextualisation

This third subject is complemented with the subjects: "Corporal and Psychomotor Education in Childhood Education Centers II" (4th year) and with that of "Game and movement" (4th year)


- To know the main theoretical basis of physical education at the kindergarten stage.

- To gradually become aware of their own actions and decisions through the experience of experimentation, emotions and body language.

- To reflect and attitudes to build a system to house the needs of children within body education.

- To study and analyze the basic conditions for the education of the body from 0 to 6 years.

- To evaluate the body and the child's learning as a means of expression, communication and personal growth.

- To reflect on the role of body education in the general framework of the school.


  • Consider classroom practical work to innovate and improve teaching.
  • Promote and facilitate early infant learning, from a global and integrative perspective of different cognitive, emotional, psychomotor and developmental dimensions.
  • Promote the autonomy and uniqueness of each pupil as factors of education in emotions, feelings and values in early childhood.
  • Take account of social, economic and environmental impacts when operating within one's own area of knowledge.
  • Understand how to use play as a didactic resource and design learning activities based on the principles of play.
  • Work in teams and with teams (in the same field or interdisciplinary).

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse the indicators of sustainability of academic and professional activities in the areas of knowledge, integrating social, economic and environmental dimensions.
  2. Be able to promote the autonomy and uniqueness of each child, in terms of visual and plastic education, as factors that educate emotions, feelings and values in early childhood.
  3. Propose ways to evaluate projects and actions for improving sustainability.
  4. Recognising the identity of the stage and its cognitive, psychomotor, communicative, social and emotional characteristics.
  5. Reflecting on classroom practices based on observation in order to innovate and improve the teaching task.
  6. Use play as a teaching resource, as well as designing learning activities based on principles of play.
  7. Working as a team using body work sessions.



1. Theoretical body education:

- Why corporal Education in Early Childhood Education.

- What body concept are we talking about?

- The body as a tool for learning and communication.

- The site of the body at school.

2. Essential elements in the development of children 0 to 6 years:

- Neurobiological and cultural dimension.

- Evolution 0-6.

- Sensations and perceptions.

- To dialogue and muscular tonic.

- Communication, expression and emotions.

- Game.

3. Basic conditions for body education  from 0 to 6 years:

- What are we talking about? children and adult.

- Teacher attitudes.

-Teacher body training.

- Curriculum in Early Childhood Education.

4. Didactic of body education in Early Childhood Education:

- Characteristics of body work in Early Childhood Education.

- Methodology.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Practice sessions and seminars; Laboratory small group (third part of the pack) 18 0.72 2, 7, 4, 5, 6
Magistral large group 12 0.48 4, 5
Type: Supervised      
Mentoring and support 20 0.8 2, 7, 4
Type: Autonomous      
Autonomus work 50 2 2, 7, 4, 5, 6

Protagonist in teaching-learning process is student and under this premise the methodology of the subject has been planned..

Mostly, dynamic  will be used that, starting with conceptual exposition and theoretical bases with the whole class group. Afterward, students are going to analyze and discuss about their application in Early Childhood Education in seminars and practical sessions with small groups (1/3 of the large group).

Training activities that take place in this subject can be directed, supervised and autonomous:

Directed activities are led mainly by professor and are carried out in different areas of the faculty. They can be either classes with whole group, or seminars and body practice sessions in small groups. Classes with whole group are based onpresentations by teacher of contents and basic questions of the subject. Seminars and practical sessions are workspaces for deepening, analyzing, contrasting, debating, living, reflecting and assessing contents of the subject. Seminars are done through activities such as: case studies, videos, material analysis, group dynamics, problem solving, personal experience, discussion-debates, etc. In practical sessions it is carried out  through  one's body experience, training and reflection that this entails. Seminars and practical sessions are compulsory and students will be assigned to one of three scheduled groups .  

Supervised activities  by professor are outside the classroom include the set of individual andgroup tutorials, physical and online, which must serve to accompany students in their learning process guiding tasks, solving difficulties  and supervising their learning evidences.

Autonomous work is carried out independently by student to develop his skills and achieve the goals of this subject.

 NOTE: 15 minutes of a class will be reserved, according to the calendar established by the center/degree, for the complementation by the student of the assessment surveys of the professor's performance and the assessment of the subject /module



Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Block 1: Activities to support the theoretical framework and practical group: evolució 0-6 10% 0 0 2, 7, 4, 5, 6
Block 1: Activities to support the theoretical framework and practical group: muscular tone 35 % 0 0 2, 4, 5, 6
Block 1: Activities to support the theoretical framework and practical individual: sensations and perceptions 35 % 0 0 2, 4, 5, 6
Block 2: Communication in a group activity or learning sequence (group work) 20% 0 0 1, 2, 3, 7, 4, 6

The continuous and unique evaluation requires minimum attendance at 80% of the sessions seminar and practical-laboratory, regardless of the causes that may cause the lack of attendance (the supporting documents that are presented in case of absence will only serve to explain the absence, in no case will they be an exemption from attendance).

 A student who has not delivered or participated in any evaluation activity will be considered NP (Not Presented).

In order to pass the subject, each of the 3 blocks of assessment activities that make up the subject must be approved. In addition, in order to pass this subject, it is essential that the student shows an attitude compatible with the teaching profession: respect, participation, cooperation, responsibility, empathy, active listening, punctuality and use of the appropriate mobile phone and laptop. It is also essential that the student demonstrates that he is responsible and rigorous in independent work, actively participating in classes, showing critical thinking and behaviors that favor a friendly and positive environment, democratic and where gender differences are respected, culture, etc.

Also to demonstrate that he/she is responsible and rigorous in independent work, actively participating in classes, showing critical thinking and behaviors that favor a friendly and positive environment, democratic and where they respect each other. At the same time, the student must show good general communication skills, both orally and in writing, a good command of the vehicular language or languages listed in the teaching guide. In all activities (individual and group), linguistic correction, writing and formal aspects of presentation will be taken into account. Students must be able to express themselves fluently and correctly and must show a high degree of understanding of academic texts. An activity can be returned (not evaluated) or suspended if the teacher considers that it does not meet these requirements, differences in gender, culture, etc.

This subject includes the single assessment option. It will be an indispensable condition to approve the minimum attendance at 80% of the seminar and practice-gym sessions, regardless of the causes that may cause the lack of attendance (the supporting documents that are presented in case of absence will only serve to explain the absence, in no case will they be an exemption from attendance).


  • -Date and evaluable activities continuous evaluation:

-Block 1:

-Evolution 0-6 (individual work):

Group 61:11/10/24 

Group 62:16/10/24

 -Sensations and perceptions (individual work):

Group 61:08/11/24

Group 62:06/11/24

 -Muscle tone (individual work):

Group 61: 29/11/24

Group 62: 27/11/24

  • Block 2:

- Group exhibitions learning sequence (group work):

Group 61: 20/12/24 and 10/01/25

Group 62: 18/12/23 and 08/01/25

This subject includes the single assessment option.  It will be an indispensable condition to approve the minimum attendance at 80% of the seminar and practice-gym sessions, regardless of the causes that may cause the lack of attendance (the supportingdocuments that are presented in case of absence will only serve to explain the absence, in no case will they be an exemption from attendance).

  • Single evaluation date and evaluable activities:

The single assessment activities that the student must submit are:

- "Evolution 0-6" (30%).

-Theoretical-practical face-to-face test on "Sensations and perceptions and muscle tone" (40%)

- Reflexive theoretical oral face-to-face exhibitions learning sequence   (30%):

Group 61: 10/01/25

Group 62: 08/01/25

The grades of each of the evaluation evidences will be communicated in a period not exceeding 20 working days following their delivery following their delivery. The student who wants to review the grade must do so within 15 days of its communication in the tutoring schedule that the teaching staff has established for this subject and which is recorded in the same program.

A student who has not studied or participated in any evaluable activity will be considered "Not Presented" (NP).

The weekly lectures will evaluate each of the evaluation evidences
 -Practical gym sessions: you must come to the gym dressed in sports clothes that allow you to carry out all the proposed activities and show a willingness and active participation. All gym and classroom equipment must be treated with care and respect, leaving it in perfect condition and tidy after use. If any waste is generated, each group is responsible for taking it directly to the bins outside right at the end of the class. If some of these attitudinal requirements are not met, the grade for the subject will be a 3.

 -REFUNDS: Studentswho during the course have attended and adequately monitored the subject and still have some aspect not achieved, exceptionally, they can be given the opportunity to overcome the subject, by completing a project additional freelancer or redoing any of the activities delivered or carried out. Each case will have to be studied depending on the situation of each student.

Recovery dates: Group 62: 05/02/25  Group 61: 31/01/25 for both the continuous and the one-off assessment.In order to be eligible for retakes, students must complete 2/3 of the subject's assessment activities. 

In the case of a single appraisal, the mateix recovery system will be applied forthe continuous appraisal.

Although there are activities to be carried out in groups, the grades will be individual, so that not necessarily all members of the group must beevaluated with the same grade.

Copying and plagiarism are intellectual theft and therefore constitute a crime that will be penalized with a zero in the entire subject. In the case of copying between two students, if it is not possible to know who copied from whom, the penalty will be applied to both. We would like to remind you that a work that reproduces all or a largepart of the work of another colleague is considered a "copy". "Plagiarism" is the act of presenting all or part of an author's text as one's own, that is, without citing its sources, whether it is published in paper form orin digital form on the Internet. See UAB documentation on plagiarism at:


Before handing in evidence of learning, it is necessary to check that the sources, notes, textual citations and bibliographical references have been written correctly following the UAB regulations:



It is recommended to consult the document: "General evaluation criteria and guidelines for the Faculty of Education Sciences" approved by the COA on May 28, 2015.




 The bibliography used in this subject takes into account the gender perspective.

  • Bibliography:

Bonàs. M. , Vives, I. (2003). El cuerpo tiene sus razones. Propuestas de la escuela para atender a estas razones. Aula, 122, 85‐96.

Bonastre, M. , Fuste, S., (2007). Psicomotricidad y vida cotidiana (0‐3 años). Barcelona: Graó.

Conde, J.L., Viciana, V. (1997). Fundamentos para el desarrollo de la motricidad en edades tempranas. Málaga: Aljibe.

Franch, N.  (2002). Tono y emoción en la intervención psicomotriz. Entre Líneas, 12, 15‐21.

Franch, N. (2018). Poética corporal. Psicomotricidad. Cuerpo en movimiento, cuerpo en relación. Barcelona: Octaedro. 

Garaigordobil, M. (2010). Juego y Desarrollo Infantil: Revisión Teòrica y Propuestas de Intervención. Resum conferencia a les V Jornades de Reflexió: Psicomotricitat i escola. Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Gassier J. (2005). Manual del desarrollo psicomotor del niño. Barcelona: Masson.

Martínez-Mínguez, L.,  Forcadell, X., Moya, L., Heras, G., Bru, E. / Llecha, Manel / Sánchez, C., Pérez, M. & Antón, M.  (2017). Ocho ideas claves de la educación  por el movimiento. Aula de Infantil, 91, 31-35

 Mas, M. (2016). L’escola que volem a partir del projecte psicomotor que desenvolupem. Guix d’infantil, 84, 33-35.

Palou, S. (2004). Sentir y crecer. El crecimiento emocional en la infancia. Barcelona: Graó.

Santos Guerra, M.A. (1991). Prólogo. A F.J. Corpas, F. Toro, J.A Zarco. Educación Física. Manual para el profesor (pp.7‐13). Málaga: Aljibe.

Sugrañes, E. , Angel, M.A. (2007). La educación psicomotriz (3‐8 años). Barcelona: Graó.

Tardos, A. (1991). La mà de l'educadora. Infància, 58(1), 16‐21.

Thió, C. (1999). Importància del joc en la vida dels infants. A Diferents Autors: El Joc a 0‐6 anys. IV jornades d'Innovació a l'etapa d'Educació Infantil (pp. 139-145). Bellaterra: ICE-UAB

Vaca, M., Varela, M. S. (2006). ¡Estoy dentro de mi cuerpo! Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 353, 26‐28.

Vila, B., Cardo, C. (2005). Material sensorial (0‐3). Manipulación y experimentación. Barcelona: Graó.

Wild, R. (2002). Educar para ser. Vivencias de una escuela activa. Barcelona: Herder.


  • Extension bibliography:

Bonastre, M. i Fuste, S. (2007). Psicomotricidad y vida cotidiana (0-3 años). Barcelona: Graó.

Martínez, L., Rota, J. i Anton. (2017). Psicomotricitat, Escola i currículum. Barcelona: Octaedro.

Ruiz de Velasco, M. i Abad, J. (2011). El juego simbólico. Barcelona: Graó.

Bru, E. & Sarri, E. (2019). El cos i el moviment, presents a l’escola, Guix d’Infantil, 98, 17-19.

Font, C. (2000):  El trabajo corporal en el ciclo de 3 a 6 años.  AAnton, M.  i  Moll, B. (Coord): Educación Infantil. Orientaciones y recursos (0-6 años).  Barcelona: Ciss Praxis.

Martínez-Mínguez, L. (2019). Bellugar-se per transformar i aprendre, Guix d’Infantil, 98, 9-12.

Mas, M. & López, G. (2018). La importància del traç a l’escolabressol. Un espai d’expressió des de la mirada de l’educaciócreadora, In-fàn-ci-a, 221, 12-16.

Pérez, M. & Morales, L. (2019). Psicomotricitat i vida quotidiana, Guix d’Infantil,98, 13-16.

Piaget, J. (1978). El desarrollo de la noción de tiempo en el niño. México: Fondo Cultura Económica.

Pla, G. (2019). Com afavorir el joc lliure i espontani, Guix d’Infantil, 98, 26.

abak, G. (2018). Explorar el cuerpo en el Jardín Maternal. Los sentidos de la Expresión Corporal. Orientaciones para hacer y pensar. Barcelona: Noveduc-Graó.

Vila, B. & Cardo, C. (2005). Material sensorial (0-3). Barcelona: Graó.                                                           

Wild, R. (2000).  Calidad de vida y educacion. Barcelona: Herder.

Xarxa Territorial d’Educació Infantil de Catalunya (2009). Documentar. Una mirada nova. Barcelona: Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat.

Bonastre, M. i Fuste, S. (2007). Psicomotricidad y vida cotidiana (0-3 años). Barcelona: Graó.

Martínez, L., Rota, J. i Anton. (2017). Psicomotricitat, Escola i currículum. Barcelona: Octaedro.

Ruiz de Velasco, M. i Abad, J. (2011). El juego simbólico. Barcelona: Graó.

Bru, E. & Sarri, E. (2019). El cos i el moviment, presents a l’escola, Guix d’Infantil, 98, 17-19.

Font, C. (2000):  El trabajo corporal en el ciclo de 3 a 6 años.  AAnton, M.  i  Moll, B. (Coord): Educación Infantil. Orientaciones y recursos (0-6 años).  Barcelona: Ciss Praxis.

Martínez-Mínguez, L. (2019). Bellugar-se per transformar i aprendre, Guix d’Infantil, 98, 9-12.

Mas, M. & López, G. (2018). La importància del traç a l’escola bressol. Un espai d’expressió des de la mirada de l’educació creadora, In-fàn-ci-a, 221, 12-16.

Pérez, M. & Morales, L. (2019). Psicomotricitat i vida quotidiana, Guix d’Infantil,98, 13-16.

Piaget, J. (1978). El desarrollo de la noción de tiempo en el niño. México: Fondo Cultura Económica.

Pla, G. (2019). Com afavorir el joc lliure i espontani, Guix d’Infantil, 98, 26.

abak, G. (2018). Explorar el cuerpo en el Jardín Maternal. Los sentidos de la Expresión Corporal. Orientaciones para hacer y pensar. Barcelona: Noveduc-Graó.

Vila, B. & Cardo, C. (2005). Material sensorial (0-3). Barcelona: Graó.                                                           

Wild, R. (2000).  Calidad de vida y educacion. Barcelona: Herder.

Xarxa Territorial d’Educació Infantil de Catalunya (2009). Documentar. Una mirada nova. Barcelona: Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat.

Schuhl, C. (2022). Violències subtils. Eines i estrategies a la primera infància. Ed Rosa Sensat

Dubovik, A., Cippitelli, A.(2022). Territorios de juego y exploración. Ed. Octaedro.

Associació Mestres Rosa Sensat (2007). “El valor educatiu de les coses de cada dia”.


  • Web links and social networks

Fòrum Europeu de Psicomotricitat:


FAPee (Federaciód’Associacions de Psicomotricistes de l’Estat Espanyol):


Revista Psicomotricitat.com


Grup de Recerca en Educació Psicomotriu (2014-SGR-1662):

Twitter: @GREP_UAB

Facebook: Grup de Recerca Educació Psicomotiru UAB

Web: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/grepuab/ca

Canal de Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFZoyYPOZBTaIaLxxH5OqsA






this subject does not need any specific software

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(SEM) Seminars 611 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(SEM) Seminars 612 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(SEM) Seminars 613 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(SEM) Seminars 621 Catalan first semester afternoon
(SEM) Seminars 622 Catalan first semester afternoon
(SEM) Seminars 623 Catalan first semester afternoon
(TE) Theory 61 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 62 Catalan first semester afternoon