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Bachelor’s Degree Final Project

Code: 104276 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2503710 Geography, Environmental Management and Spatial Planning OB 4


Ana Pilar Vera Martin

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


1) The student can enroll in the TFG once they have passed a minimum of 160 credits of the first three years of the Degree, which correspond to 2/3 of the total credits of the curriculum (240) established by the academic regulations.

2) It is recommended that the student enroll in the TFG once he has begun to think and reflect on topics or geographical issues that he would like to work on and that he also considers feasible to study during the months of elaboration of the TFG. (The Methodology section explains how to assign topics and tutors)

3) The student is suggested to enroll in the TFG when he / she has enough time to be able to read and write in a reflective, autonomous and synthetic way on issues of his / her geographical interest. It is convenient to know this languages: catalan, spanish and english.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The aim of the Final Degree Project (TFG) is for students to carry out individual work -theoretical or applied- that demonstrates the ability to integrate knowledge acquired throughout their academic training.

It is also an objective of this subject to ensure that students use different sources of information, correctly cite the bibliography using the APA system, know how to use a bibliography manager, know the regulations on plagiarism and copyright and correctly communicate thehis work

Learning Outcomes

  1. CM38 (Competence) Generate innovative and competitive proposals applicable in the academic and/or professional field.
  2. CM39 (Competence) Incorporate the gender perspective in the proposal and development of the final degree project.
  3. CM40 (Competence) Organise the presentation of geographical fieldwork in narrative format in accordance with the critical canons of the discipline and taking into account the target audience.
  4. CM41 (Competence) Develop in a planned and autonomous way a work to achieve predefined objectives in the initiation to research or professional practice in geography.
  5. KM53 (Knowledge) Incorporate transversal thematic elements of the degree in the final project.
  6. KM54 (Knowledge) Cite the basic legal regulations on regional planning related to the project.
  7. SM51 (Skill) Make a cross-cutting interpretation of the results of research that forms part of the object of study using the appropriate tools and methodologies.
  8. SM52 (Skill) Integrate in the work any ideas, relevant characteristics and additional information that facilitate the argumentation of possible solutions to a complex problem.
  9. SM53 (Skill) Combine different techniques and methods of representation and spatial analysis in the creation of materials for the transmission of results.
  10. SM54 (Skill) Identify in the conclusions of the work useful elements for intervention in the problems analysed.


There is a first document: Initial Proposal  that the student must deliver to the tutor at the end of February. This document will have the following characteristics:
- Content: provisional title / objectives / research questions / methodology / basic reference bibliography / provisional index of its sections.
- Length: 2,000 words, 5 pages.
The final TFG must be a document that must have an academic format with the following characteristics:
- Content:
Title: one original title and subtitle (maximum 20 words in total).
Summary: catalan, spanish and english, 250 words maximum, explaining the description of the research o and main results.
Introduction with working hypotheses and approach of the objectives and research questions of the TFG.
Development of the study topic, with the theoretical and epistemological approach and / or state of the art, the methods and techniques used, and a critical discussion of the results obtained.
Conclusions: with personal reflections and possible future ways of working in the studied field.
Detailed references *: It is necessary to include the list of all the material used for the elaboration of the TFG - detailed references to materials, documents, bibliography, newspaper archives, statistical sources, cartographic resources, images,etc. - The formatof the appointments is they must comply with the guidelines given by the Department's magazine: Geographic Analysis Documents Annexes: it is possible to include cartographic, statistical, photographic, audiovisual annexes, etc.
- Length: from 8,000 to 10,000 words (maximum 30 pages). (excluding cover, abstracts, index, bibliography / webography and appendices)
* It is essential to cite the sources of data and information in all sections of the TFG
ALL TFGs must include at least 1 map, a table and a graph made by students.
The oral presentation The public oral presentation will consist of the defense of the TFG before a court formed by 2 people, without the tutor of the work.
- Duration: The presentation will last a maximum of 20 minutes.
It is recommended that a number of slides not exceed 15 and conform to the relevant sections of the TFG: Objectives / hypotheses / Theoretical and conceptual framework / Methods and techniques / Main results / Conclusions or final Reflections

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Introduction to the TFG, guide to topics and tutors 2.5 0.1 CM39, KM53
Type: Supervised      
Meetings 7.5 0.3 CM38, CM40, CM41, KM53, KM54, SM51, SM52, SM53, SM54
Type: Autonomous      
Course Servei de Biblioteques de la UAB 3 0.12 CM38, CM39, CM40, KM54, SM52, SM53, SM54
Data collect, Research, analysis and write the TFG 136 5.44 CM38, CM39, CM40, CM41, KM53, KM54, SM51, SM52, SM53, SM54

The TFG has its own teaching characteristics due to the type of training activities that characterize it:


Directed activities: in charge of the coordinator of the subject. It includes the presentation of the planning of the TFG throughout the course and the stage of selection of the subject of the work by the students. 


Supervised activities: monitoring by the tutor of the preparation of the TFG, in accordance with the initial approach of the work and scheduled tasks.


Autonomous activities: personal work of the students aimed at following the work plan agreed with the tutor within the framework of the teaching guide for the subject and current regulations. Search for data, documents, materials, information, etc. Analysis of data, documents, materials, information, etc. Drafting of drafts as well as the final version of the TFG. And the preparation for the public presentation. In addition, the students must follow the training course given ad hoc for Geography, Environment and Territorial Planning students from the UAB Library Serviceand must hand in the following course. The module of the training itinerary will aim at how to communicate the work and the use of Zotero.This module includes a review of using sources of information, APA citations, and plagiarism and copyright.


The calendar and stages for the 2024-25 academic year are as follows:


Application, July / September 2024






Publication fo topics and tutors  

Octubre de 2024

Preferences of students

Octubre de 2024

Assigments of topics and tutors

Novembre de 2024

Review period

Novembre de 2024

First meeting between student and tutor 

 Novembre - Desembre 2024


a) Choice of TFG topic:

Once the list of subjects and teachers is published, each student can apply for a maximum of three subjects, in order of preference.

Exceptionally, the student can propose a topic. You should present it to the coordinator, with a title and a letter of justification (maximum 250 words). The coordinator will assess the proposal with consultations with the teaching staff of the department.

b) Assignment of tutors and first meeting:

The general criteria for assigning students to subjects and tutors are:

1) Respect the preferences of the students expressed in their request

2) Average grade 

3) Balance the distribution between the number of tutored persons and tutors

c) Commitment document:

The final assignment between students and teaching staff will be when the commitment document is digitally signed between the two people involved.





STUDENT: First application (Version 1 on TFG) 

 February 2025

TUTOR: Advice firs application (Version 1 del TFG)

March 2025

STUDENT: Secong application (Version 2 on TFG) 

April 2025

TUTOR: Monitoring report

April 2025 

STUDENT: Third application (Version 3 of the TFG) 

June 2025 

STUDENT: Last version of TFG

June 2025 

STUDENT: Presentation of TFG (ppt)

June 2025 


a) Supervision and development

Supervision and monitoring is mandatory. Each student must agree with his/her tutor the exact schedule of the joint work sessions in view of the tutor's academic obligations and their own. The entire monitoring process will be done using the tool https://tfe.uab.cat 

Any problem present at this stage will be communicated to the TFG Coordinator, who will make the appropriate arrangements for its solution.

Feedback will be through rubrics.

b) Deliveriesr

The person who for some reason does not see it possible to present the TFG must notify the Coordinator of their decision before May 15.




Oral presentation

 July 2025

Publication of final marks  

July 2025

Review notes

July 2025

Closuer of acts   

 July 2025


Stages and calendar of the extraordinary call for the month of January (only for repeat students).

People enrolled for the second time or more in the TFG will have the option to present themselves for an assessment in January 2025. In this case, they will have preference to keep the tutor from the previous year (2023-2024) . In case of change, they must communicate their decision to the TFG Coordinator no later than October 15, 2024.

Deadline for delivery of the January call is January 15, 2025. Closing of acts February 18, 2025. People enrolled in the TFG for the second time who do not present it in the January call would conform to the calendar and procedures indicated for all students. In the event that the oral presentation of the work cannot be done in person, its format will be adapted (maintaining its weighting) to the possibilities offered by the UAB's virtual tools. Tutorials will take place through Teams, etc. The tutor will ensure that the student can access it or will offer alternative means, which are within their reach.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Manupscript of the TFG 60 0 0 CM38, CM39, CM40, CM41, KM53, KM54, SM51, SM52, SM53, SM54
Oral Dissertation of TFG 30 1 0.04 CM38, CM39, CM40, CM41, KM53, KM54, SM51, SM52, SM53, SM54
Preliminar version of the TFG 10 0 0 CM38, CM39, CM40, CM41, KM53, KM54, SM51, SM52, SM53, SM54

It is essential to pass the TFG to hand in the aforementioned documents (TFG Versions and Final Written Work) and make the oral presentation within the established deadlines, as the opposite case implies a "non-evaluable". The enrolled student who does not present the TFG in June, may present it in a call in January of the following year. In this case, you will have to re-register for the subject.

The presentation and public exhibition is mandatory and will consist of the TFG's oral defense in front of a court, of which the person tutoring the work will be a part of it and will have to give their approval beforehand. TFG cannot be done in groups as the academic regulations of the UAB establish in its article 119.4. that "the evaluation of the work will always be individual, even if the activity has been developed collectively". Therefore, the presentation and defense of the work will always be individual.

The TFG has no re-evaluation, in accordance with current regulations. There is only one call.

The TFG is excluded from the compensation evaluation mechanism as specified in article 122 of the UAB Academic Regulations. The evaluation throught credit compensation is a mechanism that allows the compensation of grades between subjects of a degree and which is regulated in the Academic Regulations of the UAB.

In the case of the TFG, enrolled students who have not provided the teaching staff with any kind of evidence of learning throughout the course are considered "non-evaluable". Therefore, if, for example, a student enrolls and gives the teaching staff linked to this subject any evidence of learning related to the TFG (e.g. in February the written version of the first version of the TFG) but does not hand in the overall text of the TFG, yes it will be considered assessable and willreceive a grade.

To pass the subject, you must present the course certificate from the library. In the evaluation of the TFG, the application of the knowledge of this course by the students will be taken into account.


The evaluation will be based on rubrics that will be made public in the tfe tool at the beginning of the course.

The evaluation board will be made up of two people, and the tutor will not be part of it.

The weighting of the note will be as follows:

- TFG follow-up and completion of the documentary tools course - 10%

- Written work: 60% (60% grade from the tutor and 40% grade from the court)

- Oral presentation: 30% of the court's grade.



The grades used in the TFG will be those of the 0-10 scale, with a single decimal point.

Given the peculiarity of the TFG, for the granting of the "Honors Matriculation" the degree will designate a committee (which may coincide with the teaching staff of the Teaching Committee) that takes into account 75% of the TFG mark and 25% the grade of the student's file. The MH are only granted in the June call,

The student can request an ordinary review of the grade with the coordinator. The coordinator's review must be personal and individualized and before the closing date of the TFG's proceedings. The student can ask the coordinator for a copy of the evaluations on the work will be from the tutor and the other two members of the panel (These copies of the reports are the documentary evidence required to request membership of the panel (These copies of the reports are the documentary evidence required to request the extraordinary review).Once the review is done and the student's allegations are heard, the coordinator, in agreement with the tutor, can maintain or modify the grade.


Thecopying or plagiarism of material, documents, publications, etc. inthe TFG it will mean a qualification with a zero.

Remember that a work that reproduces all or a large part of another colleague's work is considered a "copy". "Plagiarism" is the act of presenting all or part of an author's text as one's own, without citing the sources, whether on paper or in digital format. See UAB documentation on "plagiarism" at: http://wuster.uab.es/web_argumenta_obert/unit_20/sot_2_01.html


There is no single evaluation.



- Mastery of theoretical knowledge in the approach and development of the TFG.

- Ability to integrate theoretical and applied knowledge.

- Ability to search for independent information.

- Mastery of management tools and treatment of geographic information.

- Ability to analyze and synthesize the information used.

- Ability to argue and reason in the presentation of ideas and the development of the TFG.

- Quality of communication and written expression.

- Quality of the presentation: formal aspects.

- Quality of the exhibition: communication and oral expression.

- Quality of the exhibition: form and contents.



The TFG protocol of the Faculty of Letters recommends the publication in the UAB Digital Document Repository of all TFG with a final grade equal to or higher than 9. In order to be able to publish it, the student must sign and give the TFG coordinator the consent document drawn up by the Humanities Library.

In the event that the student commits any irregularity that could lead to a significant variation in the grade of an assessment act, this assessment act will be graded with 0, regardless of the disciplinary process that may beinstituted. In the event that several irregularities occur in the evaluation acts of the same subject, the final grade for this subject will be 0.


Each TFG will have a specific bibliography related to the subject and objectives of the work. As a general guideline, the following readings are recommended:

- BLUNT, Alison & SOUCH, Catherine (2008) Publishing in Geography. A Guide for New Researchers, Londres: RGS & IBG, 1ª edició (available www.rgs.org).

- BLUNT, Alison; NASH, Fiona; HATFIELD, Madelaine & SOUCH, Catherine (2015) Publishing and Getting Read. A Guide for Researchers in Geography, Londres: RGS & IBG, 3ª edició (available www.rgs.org).

- GONZÁLEZ, Juana Mª; LEÓN, Ana; PEÑALBA, Mercedes (2014) Cómo escribir un Trabajo de Fin de Grado. Algunas experiencias y consejos prácticos, Madrid: Editorial Síntesis.

- MENDIZABAL, Enric (2018). "Escriure Geografia a la Universitat". Guía de leguaje científico - https://ddd.uab.cat/record/199721

Practical tips for writing the Final Degree Project: Servicio de Bibliotecas de la UAB: How to do a Bachelor's Degree Final Project or Master's Degree Final Project?


There is no specific software.

Language list

Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.