This version of the course guide is provisional until the period for editing the new course guides ends.

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Regional and Environmental Laboratory: Report

Code: 104247 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2503710 Geography, Environmental Management and Spatial Planning OB 2


Antoni Durą Guimerą


Nuria Valdovinos Perdices
Mario Padial Iglesias

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


To enrol in this subject (asignatura), it is very important to register also for second year subject "Qualitative Methods and Fieldwork" (Code 104248), because it is linked to “Territorial and Environmental Laboratory: Report”.

Moreover, it is convenient to pass 70% of the credits of the first year (7 out of 10 subjects) and 60% of the second year’s first semester (3 out of 5).



Objectives and Contextualisation

The subject, as its name indicates, has an applied character and is guided by the methodology of learning by challenges: it is to face real and complex problems identified by the different actors of the territory in order to realize an adequate definition and point out possible solutions. Challenging learning is today a widely recognized methodology that allows not only to deal with real case studies, but also to insert the student in environments in which in the future he can develop his professional career. It is also a good opportunity to experiment with the knowledge and methods acquired in other subjects of the Degree. In this Second Year Laboratory (LTA-M) it is important to make a good diagnosis of the topic, ending with some proposals for solving specific aspects of the problem.

At the beginning of each course there is a presentation of the specific challenge and case study. Based on the identification of specific problems expressed by local actors, we will develop collaborative work in order to make a precise diagnosis and identify possible solutions. The assignment will combine individual and small group work. Students will show results through a Report of diagnosis and oral exposition, with possible assistance of the actors involved.

It is also an objective of this subject to apply the knowledge of Geographic Information Systems acquired in previous courses, especially with regard to the generation of cartographic information.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CM31 (Competence) Design and carry out a spatial and environmental diagnosis project providing innovative proposals for methods, processes, and the management of environmental problems.
  2. CM33 (Competence) Produce a diagnostic report by means of challenge-based learning, demonstrating initiative, proactivity and the ability to adapt to new environments.
  3. KM49 (Knowledge) Define the main territorial problems of a case study.
  4. KM50 (Knowledge) Introduce the regulatory and planning framework in the content of the planning instrument report.
  5. SM44 (Skill) Determine the planning criteria and define the objectives of the report.
  6. SM45 (Skill) Propose actions on geographical, environmental and territorial challenges posed by local actors in a real case study.
  7. SM46 (Skill) Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the object of study through the collection of qualitative data.


The contents have a double character: on the one hand methodological (learning by challenges, how to elaborate a diagnosis, an a local monograph, methods for the challenge analysis) and on the other practical (knowledge of the reality of the city studied,and the characterization of the selected challenge).

1. Introduction to the challenge-oriented learning methodology.

2. Diagnosis Report: procedures.

3. The municipality under study: elaboration of a local monograph.

4. The challenge under analysis.

5. The regulatory and planning framework.

6 Tools for the diagnosis of the chosen challenge

7.  GIS tools to support the case study analysis.

8. Outline of possible solutions in relation to the defined challenge.

10. Resources for the presentation of the results

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
a) Expositive classes on methodology and the case study (TE) 14.5 0.58
b) Joint field work (PCAM) 8 0.32
c) Practical activities (PAUL) 16.5 0.66
d) GIS exercices (PLAB) 9 0.36
Type: Supervised      
a) Diagnosis guindance sessions 15 0.6
b) Guidance for the presentation of results 10 0.4
Type: Autonomous      
a) Theoretical and methodological readings 15 0.6
b) Information search: documentation, statistics and field work 20 0.8
c) Analysis and preparation of the diagnosis 25 1
d) Presentation of results 15 0.6

Following the methodology of learning by challenges, the subject is based on a coordinated set of practical works that lead to the elaboration and presentation of a Report of Territorial and environmental Diagnosis on very concrete aspects of the problem posed by the local actors, finally providing some solution proposals to solve them.

The task will be carried out partly individually and partly in small groups of 3 students, who can be grouped flexibly depending on the dynamics of work. The practical activity will be accompanied by a set of theoretical and methodological support sessions, as well as the tutoring of the whole learning process. In addition, this process will be carried out in coordination with the aforementioned subject of Qualitative Methods and Fieldwork (MQTC).

The stages of the challenge learning methodology are:

1. Discovery
The first phase involves a double recognition:
a) on the one hand, of the territory and the study problem for each of the working groups, coming into contact with the first actors of the territory, in this case the stakeholders involved in the selected challenge;
b) on the other, of the tools necessary to carry out the subsequent research properly: the elaboration of the diagnosis, and the procedure for the challenge's resolution.
In this phase, each group will make a Delivery on the locality monograph.

2. Research
Research should follow the process required by the selected challenge. This stage also has a double aspect:
a) On the one hand, general documents are analyzed (demographic analysis and projections, data referred to the challenge, regulatory frameworks ...).
b) On the other hand, contact is made with the assigned equipment, conducting interviews with their managers and visiting facilities, observing users and the environment. In this part, cooperation with the MQTC subject is essential.

3. Identification of needs and proposals for improvement
The third phase is characterized by obtaining results, accurately identifying the shortcomings in each of the sectors, and coming to point out proposals for improvement at an initial level for the equipment analyzed by each group.

These activities will have the reinforcement of conferences by local stakeholders or other experts realted to the challenge.

4. Presentation of Results
Communicating the results is an essential step in the process. It will be done in two formats:
• Diagnosis Report
• Oral presentations
As previously stated, the key results are expected to be presented to municipal officials and / or key actors in Terrassa’s civil society.

Learning activities

Lectures on methodology and the case study
Joint fieldwork for the first territorial analysis

Practical activity

GIS exercises for the generation of cartographic information

Orientation and follow-up sessions on the preparation of the Report
Orientation sessions and follow-up of the presentation of the results (oral presentation)

Methodological readings and on the problem posed (the territory and the equipment)
Information search and analysis: documentation and statistics
Field work: visits to the facilities and interviews with managers
Elaboration of the results: Report, oral presentation, posters.

At the beginning of the course, the teacher will explain the protocol of measures and good practices for field trips.

Note: 15 minutes of a class will be reserved, within the calendar established by the center / degree, for the complementation by the students of the surveys of evaluation of the performance of the profesorado and of evaluation of the asignatura / module.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
GIS exercices (individual) 20% 0 0 CM31, KM49
Individual Report and follow-up exercices 20% 0 0 CM31, CM33, KM49, SM44
Participation and Report's oral presentation 15% 0 0 KM49, SM45, SM46
Team Report of the territorial and environmental diagnosis 25% 0 0 CM31, CM33, KM49, KM50, SM44, SM45, SM46
Written assessment 20% 2 0.08 KM49, KM50, SM44, SM45, SM46

This subject does NOT incorporate single assessment.


The evaluation will take into account:

a) The final results of the process of elaboration of the Report of the territorial and environmental Diagnosis (written Report, oral presentation and poster), where the procedure and the achievement in the resolution of the posed challenge will be evaluated.

b) The gradual learning process, based on a number of group and individual exercices.

c) Completion of a written test (maybe divided in two different days) to assess the achievement of the methodology and the related contents.

In addition, some aspects of the Report (contents, methodology) will be evaluated in the subject "Qualitative methods and fieldwork".

The subject follows a continuous learning and assessment schedule that must be followed on time. The delivery dates of the works must be respected. Delay in deliveries will result in a penalty of 10% of the grade per day. At the time of each assessment activity, the teacher will inform students of the procedure and the date of review of grades.

The grade of the subject will be the average of the grades obtained in the different items evaluated. Failure to complete any of the items implies that the subject is "Not assessable". To be able to average, you must have obtained at least a 4 in each of the evaluable items.

Recovery: Recovery requires that all items requested in the assessment have been submitted.

Recoverable items are the written assessment and the follow-up exercises. Due to its nature, the Written Report and the oral presentations will not be reassessed.

Attendance at joint fieldwork outings and oral presentations is mandatory. If you are unable to attend, you will need a receipt. Non-justified attendance at these activities will result in the item not being assessable.

In the event that the student commits any irregularity that could lead to a significant variation inthe grade of an assessment act, this assessment act will be graded with 0, regardless of the disciplinary process that may be instructed. In theevent of several irregularities in the evaluation acts of the same subject, the final grade for this subject will be 0.


We provide some basic references. The detailed bibliography will be provided at the beginning of the course.

About the Diagnosis methodology

Generalitat de Catalunya (2004?). Planejament territorial. Criteris. Barcelona, Departament de Política Territorial i Obres Publiques.

Generalitat de Catalunya (2009). Memòria ambiental (Document orientatiu per a la redacció de la memòria ambiental en el marc de l’avaluació ambiental de Plans d’Ordenació Urbanística municipal). Barcelona, Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge.

Ruiz, Robert (dir) (2012). La diagnosi del territori com a suport a les decisions estratègiques. Guies metodològiques per a la planificació estratègica, 3, Barcelona, Diputació de Barcelona.

Nel·lo, Oriol (2012). Ordenar el territorio. La experiencia de Barcelona y Cataluña. Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch.

Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat. (2012). Text Refós de la Llei d’urbanisme de Catalunya, Col·lecció “Quaderns de legislació”, 94 (2a edició), Generalitat de Catalunya.

Castañer, M. (ed) (2012). El planejament territorial a Catalunya a inici del segle XXI: una nova interpretació i projecció del país, Societat Catalana d’Ordenació del Territori.



Softward related to Geographical Information Systems

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PAUL) Classroom practices 1 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(PCAM) Field practices 11 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(PCAM) Field practices 12 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(PLAB) Practical laboratories 11 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(PLAB) Practical laboratories 12 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 1 Catalan second semester morning-mixed